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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6378544 No.6378544[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You lied to me, /sci/.
I just found out that one of my best friends is a Christian, but he's the most scientifically inclined person that I know. The man basically taught me quantum physics in his spare time.

I didn't find out until he made mention of how he really disliked other Christians supporting anti-gay laws. I thought believing in Sky Santa made you incapable of intellectual thought.

>> No.6378556

>just found out one of my best friends is a Christian
>just found out
>best friend

just because you're a stupid fuck doesn't make him smart

>> No.6378557

If you believe in both science and religion, you are not doing either properly.

>> No.6378562

That's what you get for believing sweeping generalizations about a very large population filled with hundreds of subgroups.

>> No.6378564

I made the opposite experience. One of my christfag friends insisted that 0.999... and 1 are the same number. Not even kidding. He believed they were not just an approximation but the exact same value. What a dumbass.

>> No.6378577
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>> No.6378582

What a shocker. An internet website filled with adolescents and young adult NEETs who don't know their head from their ass is wrong.

Why do these threads pop up every now and again in every 4chan sub topic board? It's like you people are genuinely surprised when sweeping generalizations made by morons on this website aren't true. Think about this for a second in your life. No completely sane and/or rational individual ties down identity to one specific facet of a person, be it religion, race, class or nationality. Human beings are much more complex than that. This isn't even pop-psychology, this is just real life.

Get out more.

>> No.6378587

>falling for bait

Is it summer again?

>> No.6378588
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>> No.6378599

This isn't bait. People on /sci/ genuinely do believe this and if you don't think so, maybe you're the new one here.

We have infantile-anime-/sci/-guy who keeps telling people, 'GO WATCH INFANTILE CARTOONS, THIS IS /SCI/ FOR REAL SCIENTISTS,' and other religious vs science threads. We have(or had) a Bill Nye vs Religion thread the other fucking day filled with about 100-200 replies.

It isn't bait. There are people who really, really do believe in mutual exclusivity. They cannot fathom that someone can be Christian and a Scientist.

Heaven forbid someone is a Muslim Scientist.

>> No.6378608

Jesus was gay. Think about it, he was supposedly very popular so he could surround himself with hundreds of women but chose to be around 12 men (apostles). The part about 'a man may not lay with another man' is actually about cheating on Jesus. See Jesus was a jealous type so Jesus is the only man you can lay with if you're going to be true to him.

>> No.6378638

if you really think he is serious then your a moron.
Even Richard Dawkins and youtube-tier atheist will admit that you can do science as a Christian. And they generally will be happy knowing that they accept science. Some might push it a little further and say why bother with religious beliefs but I have not met a single atheist who ever thought that Christians were automatically stupid

>> No.6378668

I'm a physicist. I have two christian colleagues. Both of them are excellent scientists.

One is OK, even though he's really hardcore catholic. Keeps bible on his desk, volunteers for all sorts of charities organized by his church, that kind of stuff. But I've never heard him mention anything religious when discussing physics.

The other is a creationist and during talks for highschool kids as part of popularization he often uses phrases like "studying God's creation". He even wanted to put god in acknowledgments of a paper, but the head of the department was a co-author and it didn't go through. We don't let him talk to children anymore.

>> No.6378670

He is serious and there are people who believe that. I can definitely tell you're new here if you don't think people like OP genuinely don't exist on /sci/ or in the world.

If anything, I genuinely feel bad for you. You live a sheltered life. Also, maybe I'm being trolled but
>your a moron

>> No.6378673

0.999999999 is the same as one in the way that if it weren't one, it would be 0 and that would make it nonexistent. Elementary.

>> No.6378680

>Christfag makes up story and insists its true
>/sci/ falls for it as usual

>> No.6378693

n8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8


>> No.6378706

Now what if I'm not a religious man but i'm anti-gay

>> No.6378766

Then you also don't exist.

>> No.6379605

What did he teach you about quantum physics?

>> No.6380354

He told me about quantum consciousness.

>> No.6380511

And people are surprised that OP thinks that Christians can't science or logic.

>> No.6380829

>I thought believing in Sky Santa made you incapable of intellectual thought.
being well educated is not the same as being smart brah

>> No.6382165

Actually in quantum mechanics it is.

>> No.6382166

Science and religion aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.6382179

Because just like math, qm is about learning everything by rote and then claiming you're so smart for substituting <learned expressing 1> inside <learned expression 2>. It's neither science nor real math.

>> No.6382182

Except that by definition, they are.

>> No.6382198

The joke flew right by you, buddy

>> No.6382201

>You lied to me, /sci/.

You didn't say you were a n-i-g-g-e-r.

>> No.6382410


That's actually how I use the term Smart. I thought the accepted definitions were:

Intelligence-> Capacity for learning/problem solving
Smart-> How well educated someone is (in general or on a subject)
Wise-> The application of intellect and smarts.

>> No.6382418

People can combine any belief they want with any life style they want to altering one or both to suit there needs.

See girls against premarital sex having anal or people killing in the name of religion (looked down on by all religious texts I'm familiar with).

>> No.6382452

Nobody is dumb because of their particular "choice" in belief.

They are dumb because they think their "belief" is something that's actually meaningful.

If a person only takes their "belief" to just be nothing more than a 'preference', 'hunch', or what they 'hope turns out to be true' while being fully aware that everything they believe really can be completely wrong
then that's alright.

But if they think reality somehow _must_ end up confirming their belief then that is them being incredibly stupid. No exceptions.

>> No.6384267

>Nobody is dumb because of their particular "choice" in belief.

I disagree. If their belief contradicts factual evidence, they have to give up the belief. Refusal to do so is an evolutionary disadvantage.

>> No.6384286

contradicts WHAT evidence?

>> No.6384288

Aks him what he thinks of Leviticus

>> No.6385473


>> No.6387143

>People can combine any belief they want with any life style they want to altering one or both to suit there needs.

Then they don't really believe whatever they claim to believe.

>> No.6388645

Is it weird that I still cling to religion despite understanding and accepting all of this? I turned away from it once, but I came back to it out of necessity even if I doubt it. I rationalize is that God is toying with everyone, but I will go ahead and accept him because I am weak and do not want my consciousness to fade into nothing.

I'm sure other well-educated people have religion as an defense mechanism against the fear of death.

>> No.6388649

>I didn't find out until he made mention of how he really disliked other Christians supporting anti-gay laws
Yeah, no. He's not Christian...

>> No.6388658

he's a neo-Christian

Scum that's as bad as the gays which are an abomination regardless of religion. A mental illness that supports purely lustful love and not out of procreation. They exist to ruin society with their overly vocal concerns. Go ahead and be gay, but don't be so loud and bother us all, fuck.

>> No.6388674

The first one is fine. Everyone can believe what he wants outside of science's domain. The second one is the reason why religious people have such a bad fame.

>> No.6388678

My religion professor who happens to be a minister labeled himself a Christian agnostic.

>> No.6388680

Pretty much. Also, homosex should be listed as a mental instability like schizophrenia

>> No.6388695

>The man basically taught me quantum physics in his spare time

>> No.6388751

>Disproves of anti-gay laws
>implying Christian

I lol'd

>> No.6388779

I receive Holiday cards from Walter Kohn (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1998 for Density Functional Theory), because he is jewish

>> No.6388804

My confidence in the scientific method comes from a paranormal experience.

>> No.6388807


to be fair, you can teach a biochemist the fundamentals of quantum mechanics in 3 months when the person has barely passed vector calculus and does not even really understand the concept of lebesgue integration or an L2 norm.

>> No.6388820

I hope you've learned a lesson about pre-judging others and basing your thinking on stereotypes. Isaac Newton was a Christian, as well.

>> No.6388829


full blown religious OR full blown atheist

legitimate scientists who actually develop theoretical models or make fundamental physical/biological discoveries?

agnostic or "apatheistic" (Eg they don't really care).
investment of even 1% of your thought process towards spiritual or religious concepts is the fundamental failing.
you need to not care. one way or another. the only time you that you would even be *tricked* into thinking about this idea is if someone who actually cared (a failure) asked you.

your response is then:

a) "ehh..... I don't really know, but I guess that there might be a god or whatever."

b) "I have literally never even thought about it and I wont. gtfo"

>> No.6388839

If a number can not be inserted between two numbers the two number are identical.1/9 = 0.1111111 (1/9)*9 = 0.9999999 = 1

>> No.6388843
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>> No.6388844

The ability to believe in a higher power is genetic. A gene has been correlated with this trait.

>> No.6388848

So if there is a god, the afterlife and your life is predetermined to an extent.

>> No.6388866

The whole universe is predetermined.

>> No.6388879

I don't believe that. What would be the point of life if we were just a video in play?

>> No.6388909

Why does there have to be a purpose to life?

>> No.6388915

Because our consciousness demands it.

>> No.6388928
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i thought you were better than this, /sci/

>> No.6389949

But what if consciousness is only an illusion?