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6366559 No.6366559 [Reply] [Original]

so what has science said that can kill acne?

>> No.6366574

>so what has science said that can kill acne?

benzoyl peroxide kills acne. go buy some.

>> No.6366579
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don't eat junk food
don't smoke
don't drink
wash your fucking face

>> No.6366583

>don't eat junk food
>don't smoke
>don't drink

i dont

>wash your fucking face
i do but washing your face excessively is bad anyway

>> No.6366593

>i don't
then you have to wait until your puberty blows over
also this is 18+ site

>> No.6366597

salicylic acid is your friend.

>> No.6366598

i am 22

>> No.6366603

tried it

>> No.6366608

Then maybe you're just a fat faggot.

>> No.6366611

i am 130, 5'10"

>> No.6366616

why are you jealous of me?

>> No.6366615

Sure you are.

>> No.6366618

Sure, that's it.
I'm jealous.

>> No.6366620

this is /sci/, please post scientific studies backing up your shitposting

>> No.6366624

Sure, just as soon as you post a photo of you.

>> No.6366629
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Because you have acne at age 22.

But seriously dude, if it's not eny of these >>6366579
then you just have rampant hormones
got see a dermatologist

>> No.6366631

no, pedo


>> No.6366634

i've been on medication for 2+ years now

>> No.6366637

>4chan is 18+

>> No.6366641

then why do you want my picture, sicko?

gonna jack off on it perv huh?

>> No.6366644

You're a fat fuck, and it would be real easy to back up your claim of being a skelington.

>> No.6366648

nah i'm not you gross pimple chaser

>> No.6366658

accutane only true acne killer

>> No.6366663

Benzoyl Peroxide and washing your face every single time you go to the bathroom or otherwise wash your hands.

>> No.6368613

only teenagers have acne. grow up

>> No.6368678


>> No.6368702


>> No.6368719

Don't use acne OP, that shit fucks up telomere lengths and cuts your lifespan down severely, not to mention the whole host of other problems associated with it.

It was originally patented as a chemotherapy drug until they figured they could make more money of acne. It should be noted that Roche pharmaceuticals was sued out of business for a good reason. That reason is isotretinoin.

Acne is an inflammatory disease, like arthritis and alzheimers. You treat inflammatory diseases by reducing inflammation. That means you need to completely revamp your diet I reccomend paleo/anti inflammatory diet.

Secondly what you do topically to your skin also matters because a bacteria is responsible for inciting an immune response in your skin. Those who take antibiotics tend to have bacteria which are resistent to those antibiotics so I don't think that's a good way to go.

What has been proven to work is 20% azelaic acid, salycylic acid peels, and zinc methionine(amino acid vehicle)

Id start with those.

>> No.6368728


Also should be noted zinc isn't to be used topically but rather orally. Stop eating sugar/dairy/grains and you basically fixed inflammation. You can also look into intermittent fasting which is useful to manage insulin spikes, insulin spikes = higher inflammatory response = more acne

>> No.6368902

grapes all have acne and we dont know why

so far as we know its the only plant to get it or any bacteria like it.

and yes the acne came from humans about 7000 years ago but lives exclusively in the plants cells and has evolved to be completely dependent on it as it has lost dna repair proteins and uses those proteins from the plant instead of its own

it infects every tested grape population

mfw in 400k years it will be the neurons in self aware plants and will be as integral as mitochondria are today

>> No.6368996

>cuts your lifespan down severely


>> No.6369042


Op I am a lazy fucker who won't shower for a week or two at a time, and I never have acne. I only eat veggies, and meat on weekends sometimes. I exercise.

Your body produces natural oils that you wash off when you use soap and shit too much. I only do a thorough wash if I get really dirty, and I make sure to clean my smegma factory daily in the sink.

Just live healthy and it should go away. Stop using product in your hair and on your body. That shit is not natural.

>> No.6369074

You'll never get one because accutane hate and the whole idea of acne being related to the woo-woo fuzzy idea of 'inflammation' is fucking bullshit. Inflammatory pathways and mediators (e.g. TNF alpha, IL-1, IL-2, IL-12/23) are complicated and can't be all that affected by eating more or less plants and nuts. Besides, acne lesions are caused by local inflammation induced by increased sebum (usually hormonally driven), abnormal keratinization, proliferation of propionibacterium acnes. Accutane treats all four of these underlying causes and other treatments affect at least one of these pathways. If acne really was driven mostly by systemic inflammation instead of hormones, why would our most potent systemic antiinflammatories (e.g. Prednisone, methotrexate) seem to cause more acne than it helps. Some underlying causes of acne are puberty (hormones), polycystic ovaries (hormones), congenital adrenal hyperplasia (hormones), etc. People need to shut the fuck up with their 'i am special' naturalnews.com 'if you have a horrible disease its your fault for not eating organic yogurt' bullshit.
Source: fuck you, read a dermatology textbook or go see a dermatologist