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File: 771 KB, 2494x1401, WP_20140214_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6355647 No.6355647 [Reply] [Original]

Was fucking around with my orgo set.

Have I solved the energy crisis? This molecule clearly stores tremendous amounts of energy.

>> No.6355649

If it stores tremendous amounts of energy, and doesn't occur naturally, then it'll take just as much energy to make it as you'll get out of it.

More energy, actually, since breaking down molecules for power is not a 100% efficient process, and neither is synthesizing.

>> No.6355655

That looks like a set of anal beads I once owned.

I think you're pulling the solution to the energy crisis out of your ass

>> No.6355658

Why dont we make bacteria to use sunlight and shit it out

>> No.6355667

You know how we don't have cost-effective bacteria to make oil yet, despite working on them for decades?

Shit's hard, man.

Anyway, photosynthesis is way less efficient than solar panels.

>> No.6355674

That would never work. There should be a <span class="math">\sigma[/spoiler] bond for each carbon atom along the axis between them and the sulfur.

>> No.6355673

But can solar panels shit out valuable medicines? Bacteria are the future of making materials.

>> No.6355675

what the hell would this chemical even be called? assuming the middle atom is supposed to be sulfur, it would be based off of methylsulfanylmethane, obviously...

can sulfur even form two triple bonds? can anything even do a double triple bond...?

>> No.6355682

>can sulfur even form two triple bonds?

The organic chemistry modeling kit cannot lie, anon.

>> No.6355683

<span class="math">SPOILER %>not knowing how to spoiler on /sci/[/spoiler]

>> No.6355687


>> No.6355691

Materials and drugs, yes. Not fuels.

>> No.6355690

organic chemistry modelling kit for president of Earth

>> No.6355692

>can sulfur even form two triple bonds?
It can, it has enough orbitals in the valence shell. It just needs one extra electron.

>> No.6355697

But fuels are materials.

>> No.6355707

<span class="math">SPOILER %fucking newfags[/spoiler]

>> No.6355703

Actually, OP made this molecule easily with his hands. If we could get a bunch of aisians making these molecules for dirt cheap it would be absolutely brilliant and cheap energy.

>> No.6355713

There's more to forming molecules than just valence electrons. Where the fuck are you going to fit 4 pi bonds around a single molecule?

>> No.6355723

wizardry? magic? satanic rituals? fairy powers?

>> No.6355726

It is people like you that stop us from having free energy.

>> No.6356348

wish i had my molecular modeling software but my shitty computer decided to die and now i lost the product keys

>> No.6356357
File: 24 KB, 632x467, 1331010066687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good god you've solved the energy crisis

>> No.6356392

I lol'd at this much harder than I should have.

>> No.6356391

Where do you plug it in?

>> No.6356476



>> No.6356768

>Mr modeling kit, what will you do to solve the Palestinian issue?

>I think we should remember to never make more than 4 bonds to carbon.

>> No.6357346
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, 1359490954855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow my poor sides

>> No.6357381

From where can you buy these things?

>> No.6357389

What is that? C2XH2, but what is that yellow thing (X)?

>> No.6357394

Not all shit even can be named

>> No.6357400

methanesulfur? methylsulfur?

>> No.6357440


>> No.6357512
File: 97 KB, 1888x596, Mine&#039;s better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After some statistical analysis, I have come to the conclusion that I've solved the energy crisis even more.

>> No.6357518

By statistical analysis, I mean dicking around in Avogadro and looking at the probably incorrect numbers.

Avogadro's algorithms tried to make it so your molecule was a straight line with both carbons sitting in exactly the same place with less than 1kJ/mol of bond energy. You broke chemistry.

>> No.6357529

>the energy crisis

what energy crisis?

>> No.6357532

Exactly. I fixed it. It doesn't exist any more.

>> No.6357551


Yeah, I ran this through GAUSSIAN and got a non linear optimised geometry. And also a horrendous bond enthalpy. It then wouldn't do any more calculations cos the wavefunctions aren't valid.

>> No.6357563


That was the funniest thing I have read this entire week.

>> No.6357595

I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to see the IUPAC name of this and some theoretical bond energies.

>> No.6357672
File: 82 KB, 1366x729, molecule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you people..

>> No.6359399

A sulfur-diooxygen-diocarbon?