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6351208 No.6351208 [Reply] [Original]

Recently read studies on the benefits of nicotine. It seems like smoking is bad for you but nicotine patches seem to be beneficial.

So I tried a patch of 21mg/24h. I don't smoke. I puked twice took the patch off and felt fine. Going to cut the patch into smaller ones next time.

Anyone else tried this, planning on trying?

>> No.6351216

This seems like a poor idea. In no doctor, buy if recommend not continuing this experiment.

>> No.6351220

duly noted

>> No.6351253

>21 mg

Have you ever smoked prior to applying the patch op?

>> No.6351264

I suggest vaping instead of a nicotine patch.

>> No.6351272
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>Going to cut the patch
READ THE PACKAGING. I had to all caps that because if the patch is a reservoir-type delayed release, cutting the patch will result in dose dumping which can have serious side effect (lots of people die every year because of this). If the package says not to cut the patch, don't cut the patch.

>> No.6352559

No, should've thought about that one

>> No.6352561

dose dumping

i doubt it, but you're right better be on the safe side

>> No.6352634

Patches I've seen come in different levels, with 21mg being the highest and meant for someone who smokes more than a pack per day. I'm not surprised you got sick like that.

>> No.6352636

Why'd you pick patches instead of gum, OP?

>> No.6352653

The benefits are slight and probably not worth it for you.

>> No.6352665

You can isolate nicotine pretty easily. And then you can just smear however much you want on your arm and it will absorb. Patches are for lazy people

Also, I kinda want to try recreational drugs, but the lack of data I trust is keeping me from doing so

>> No.6352668

Maybe if you use two you get double the benefits!

>> No.6352696

>Also, I kinda want to try recreational drugs, but the lack of data I trust is keeping me from doing so

>> No.6352712

OP here

Been thinking about this. Dose dumping would be a problem only if the dose age were to vary over the patch. I highly doubt that this is the case.
The bipack has nothing to say about cutting the patch into smaller sizes. Maybe they think nobody can be that stupid.

Also did some calculations on the dosage turns out a cigarette delivers about 1 mg. So 21 mg/24h is roughly 1 cigarette each hour of the day...