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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6329845 No.6329845 [Reply] [Original]


Seems like everyone and everything is drinking the Computer Science kool-aid, like it's the most important field of science. When the fuck will it end?

>> No.6329846 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6329865

Daily reminder you can't calculate those shiny math thingies without computers doing the job for you.
Next time you have to use your calculator turn towards Silicon Valley and say a silent prayer thanking all those people who made it possible for dumbfucks like you to study math.

>> No.6329875

>apps were coined by comp sci'

>> No.6329876

>Next time you have to use your calculator
I'll thank mathematicians and electrical engineers

>> No.6329879

Computers are the most important tool in science. And it will never end, they will reinvent to the end of time. Just like how hollywood remakes movies.

>> No.6329919
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You're extensive knowledge of ricing Ubuntu, emac/vi keybinds, plagiarizing code, and cheating in exams is useless in the real world.

>> No.6329931

Calculators and Computers are designed by EEs and CompE

>> No.6329964

Actually, it's not.
>ricing Ubuntu
Knowledge in open source software is a huge help even for smaller companies.
>emac/vi keybinds
Being able to do stuff efficiently is never a bad thing, Small tricks like these are also proofs of experience.
>plagiarizing code
There is hardly such thing.
>cheating in exams
If you can cheat in exams done on computers then by all means, you deserve your grade, since you need to find clever workarounds to do that. It's called creativity, something very important even for code monkeys.

>> No.6330711

CS is the hardest of all fields. None of you non-CS plebs will ever understand what a set or a function is. We are doing cutting edge math.

>> No.6330734

> There is hardly such thing.

>> No.6330747

ITT : mathematicians jealous of money earned by CS ppl.

>> No.6330839

I remember when the meme was to hate on biology majors. Are economics majors next?

>> No.6330900

>Daily reminder you can't calculate those shiny math thingies without computers doing the job for you.
Of course you can, electronic calculators became common in 70's.

>> No.6330965

I sure do use calculators to prove theorems in analysis. dumbshit.

>> No.6330991


lol, I temporarily stopped looking at Quora for a while becasue they were unironically talking about teaching homeless people to code or some shit like that.

Although to be fair, coding and apps does seem to be some wild west where you can do well without having a foolproof idea. And I guess if you're indian or born in to some craphole, it's good to have desirable skills that can help get you out.

Although I don't like the word startup.

Also they're probably very smart guys as well. They have to compete with tonnes of people for their jobs (other STEM majors who got in to programming) In my own major (chemical engineering) there seems to be just a smug knowingness that we'll get some cushy oil and gas jobs.

>> No.6331023

why do so many people go through school thinking about the jobs they'll land rather than wanting to start something up for themselves?

where are all the entrepreneurs /sci/

>> No.6331034

Computer science is applied mathematics. It's applying all the useless shit mathematicians do into something really productive.

Oh, and who would have thought there's more money to be made in making it have real world applications?

>> No.6331066

>implying computer science isn't the ultimate master race of our era

Stay mad, plebs. We are the ones who keep the world turning around now. We cash in mad buck just to do that. We cash in even crazier cash to make the world spin faster. It's our ball game. Next time you enter and process data of any kind, wether jotting down notes in your electronic lab book or making further calculations after that computer-driven and calibrated spectrophotometre did its fancy laser thingy, do remember to thank us true creators in your prayers.

*tips fedora and leaves the stage for lesser beings

>> No.6331082


Mathematician here. I made 800k out of college. I have 173 IQ.

>> No.6331103


>measurable IQ

what a tard

>> No.6331124

Mathematician here I make 800 k iq right out of college.

>> No.6331144

The public face of Computer Science is the marketing department, and you have those assholes to blame for all the buzzwords and all the hype. Everytime someone does something (anything) a smidgen bit differently, there's 100 people with degrees in business and marketing flocking like sharks to blood, coming up with books, conventions, marketing campaigns, dev apologists, etc., all ready to hail your brain fart as the second coming of jesus christ.

And why do they do this? Because there's a lot of people with a lot of money who don't understand a lot about computers but are willing to believe they'll magically solve problems - read, rich old people - and no matter how many bubbles, how many failed languages and products and solutions and paradigms, it just keeps on giving.

It's like there's always someone ready to believe that infinitely recursive lossless compression is possible. So, yeah, don't blame those of us with an actual passion for the thing - I had no fucking clue what I wanted to do with my life until I had my first Pascal programming class in college, and overnight my world was turned upside down - blame the bloodsucking scum coming out of business school.

>> No.6331195

mathematician here. I make 188 iq in college 9092k starting

triple integral of quadratic function cutting edge research.

>> No.6335957

CS is harder than pure math. We need to know very formal logic like implication symbols and quantifiers.

>> No.6335979
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Since pure math totally uses claculators all the time.

>> No.6335987
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>Implying math majors don't earn 300k starting

>> No.6336021

Dear CS,

Mathematicians eventually learn how to program for work, and can delve into multi-disciplinary fields alongside that knowledge.

CS can program, but so many are inept at doing much else, let alone program. The ones who are as clever as mathematicians always do well for themselves.

Coding is way, way easier than maths.

>source: computational finance this summer, BS mathematical finance

>> No.6336060

Give it five years. computers are going to be integrated into pretty much everything, then we'll be ready for the new world.

>> No.6336080


>cheaters deserve an A for creativity in classes that award grades based on scientific merit

go take art classes you little shit

>> No.6337956

>being able to crack security systems
>not a proof of scientific merit

>> No.6337972

>Mathematicians who do not study programming at all will magically learn to program.

>Programmers who went to school and do it 12 hours a day are inept at it because they are not mathematicians.

Source: A minor programming class I took one time.

>> No.6337976

Why not just pick one and study the other on the side? That's win-win.

>> No.6337978

/sci/ - Science & Math


>> No.6337996

I started making 850k right out of undergrad (my IQ is 189 by the way)

>> No.6338518

I'm ok with that. I knew I was never as smart as the people round me said I was anyway.

>> No.6338613

If the software's good enough, all you need for any industry are some monkeys who can follow directions to move things around with their hands.

If it gets much better, you can replace the monkeys with robots.

So yeah, computer programming is the ultimate art.

>> No.6338625

>IQ increase not directly proportional to Income increase

>> No.6338632
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>Seems like everyone and everything is drinking the Computer Science kool-aid, like it's the most important field of science. When the fuck will it end?


>That's right: According to BLS, 62% of the growth in jobs in science-related fields will be in CS. That's more than 750,000 new jobs, and a total of more than 1,350,000 job openings. How does that compare with the number of degrees likely to be granted by U.S. institutions? In 2009, those institutions granted something like 95,000 CS degrees, including about 32,000 associate's degrees and fewer than 1600 PhDs. Over 10 years, that adds up to more than the number of new jobs that BLS expects will be added, but significantly fewer than the number of job openings.

>It's when you compare these numbers to other fields that you realize how much better prospects are likely to be in CS. Consider that in the physical sciences, for example, BLS predicts that fewer than 36,000 new jobs will be created—a 3% increase. BLS predicts 121,900 openings in all fields of physical science, at all degree levels, before 2020. According to the National Science Foundation, about 27,000 people were granted degrees in the physical sciences in 2009, at all degree levels, including associate's degrees. Multiply that by 10 and compare. You'll quickly see that supply is predicted to surpass demand.

>Finding: All indicators—all historical data, and all projections—argue that CS is the dominant factor in America's science and technology employment, and that the gap between the demand for CS talent and the supply of that talent is and will remain large.

>While there will be inevitable variations in demand for every field, the long-term prospects for employment in CS occupations in the US are exceedingly strong. All other S&T fields pale by comparison.


>> No.6338639
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That's a typo. It's actually $30k for math majors.

>> No.6338646 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 1029x1269, physics-bsc-is-fucking-useless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at these retarded trolls. This shithead keeps on reposting the same troll and people always fall for it.

And you know what happens once these shitheads graduate? They come on /sci/ and cry about how they can't get a job and think they can teach themselves programming in a week and get a job that way.


Oh yeah, pic related.

Your tears taste delicious.

>> No.6338665
File: 1012 KB, 300x168, ramos_penalty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are a CS major and your curriculum does not include all of
>algorithms and data structures
>automata theory
>graph theory
>computational complexity theory
>real analysis (for analysis of algorithms)
>algorithms theory
>discrete mathematics
>graph theory
>quantum computing
>number theory (for cryptography)
>abstract algebra (for cryptography)
>commutative algebra (for modern cryptography)
then gif related to your education.

>> No.6338670

I forgot cryptography.

>> No.6338674

It's not typo, it's the temperature of the room you'll be working in.

>> No.6338677

you also forgot computer graphics, AI etc. both are 10x more useful than half the shit you listed.

>> No.6338681
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I wouldn't even open a book on computer graphics before having a good grasp of Lie algebra.

>> No.6338684

Got my associates of science in math, now I'm making a cool 4mil a year as a math performer for the white house.

>> No.6338686
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math major please. your list is lacking when it comes to CS. you even left out the most important CS math course: discrete math. discrete math is the foundation of CS and every CS graduate has to take it.

while knowing how to prove things is important, it's not as important to CS people as knowing when to use certain algos and how to optimize them.

>> No.6338688

He actually listed discrete mathematics, tho. I think you're talking to the wrong guy.

>> No.6338690

>>algorithms and data structures
Pathetically trivial
>>automata theory
>>graph theory
Learning definitions and DFS/Bellman-Ford/A* is not learning graph
>>computational complexity theory
Pathetically trivial
>>real analysis (for analysis of algorithms)
Basic series and sums is NOT REAL ANALYSIS
>>algorithms theory
Pathetically trivial
>>discrete mathematics
Not math and highly trivial
>>graph theory
Grasping for straws or looking for filler?
Utter bare basics
>>quantum computing
"Look mom, I'm using big words!"
>>number theory (for cryptography)
>>abstract algebra (for cryptography)
>>commutative algebra (for modern cryptography)
Modular arithmetic and babies first group theory is pathetic as utter fuck.

>> No.6338696

I know, right? I learned all of that when I was 12, my IQ was only 200, and my income was only 450k a year. These faggot CS guys.

>> No.6338699
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I didn't want to go hard on them. This is bare minimum. Personally I am doing K-theory and think of moving on to L an M-theories before summer.

>> No.6338702

I'm already on Z theory.

>> No.6338703
File: 423 KB, 490x684, Hardest class in CS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except you could actually teach of the stuff listed to average 7th grade Jr. High schoolers and they would bitch about how denigrating it is to their intelligence.

>> No.6338705
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>Z theory
There is no such thing, silly anon :D

>> No.6338718

This guy gets it.

Any programmer that wants to advance into the realms of serious Computer Science should consider taking up advanced mathematics as his hobby.

>> No.6338725

>>computational complexity theory
>Pathetically trivial

> implying P vs. NP isn't the hardest of the millenium prize problems

As an example, you can try designing a Turing machine which multiplies integers. Good luck with that.

>> No.6338729
File: 15 KB, 251x201, gt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly you are frustrated that you still have to go through N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, and Y theories before you catch up with me.

After Z theory, I'm going to start on GT theory.

>> No.6338736

> Any programmer that wants to advance into the realms of serious Computer Science should consider taking up advanced mathematics as his hobby.

you clearly have no idea what you are talking about

first of all a programmer != computer scientist
and for writing programms you don't need that much complicated math at all (at least not for the majority of software)

>> No.6338739

Come at me I will be doing theoretical and computational quantum computing topology finance.

>> No.6338740
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In my language there are even a couple additional letters towards the end. I'll never get to your level.

>> No.6338742

Are you fucking illiterate?

>> No.6338769

>implying your finial is "Prove P=NP"
>implying Sipser/Kozen isn't laughably easy


>you can try designing a Turing machine which multiplies integers. Good luck with that

What does that have to do with complexity? Just have an infinite multitape machine run thru the naive method.

>Input tape A integer 1 in little endian
>Input tape B integer 2 in little endian
>Work tape 0 counter<-0
While (read head A=/=end marker)
if(read head A=='1')
copy #counter 0 onto next blank work tape then copy B and reset B head to start
While (counter>1)
apply standard ripple carry addition algorithm (C=A&B S=A^B^C) to tapes #counter and #counter-1 and save on tape #counter-1
copy work tape 1 to output tape
return accept.

>> No.6338777

*counter++ and mover A head right