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File: 22 KB, 532x370, EXIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6326916 No.6326916 [Reply] [Original]

Where does the universe exist? How does the space exist where universe is?

How does something like this exist?

>> No.6326919
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>> No.6326920

My little mind is overheating from thinking where we exist or how can something.. exist out of nothing like universe :(

>> No.6326924

W-w-where do those turtles exist

>> No.6326922
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>> No.6326929
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>> No.6326930
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>Where does the universe exist?

All around the tollbooth.

>> No.6326933

h-how is there something in the first place.. how is possible?

>> No.6326936

Are we even sure there IS something?

>> No.6326942
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Y-you are confusing me even more and making me more sad.

>> No.6326945

What is there to be sad about?

>> No.6326955

when there is nothing (no space, time,energie,law) there is everything( because when there is no law shit happen) of course this is a theory

>> No.6326958
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Yep, yep. That doesn't make my fragile small mind any less fragile.

>> No.6326995


>> No.6327006

Clearly the answer is 42.

>> No.6327146

I want to know how something like universe can exist and how does the space where it exist, exist?

I am losing my mind :(

>> No.6327190

>Where does the universe exist?
Inside reality.

> How does the space exist where universe is?
It is necessary for space to exist in order for matter to exist. Time is another requirement. You cannot have one without the other two.
Time space, and matter must exist simultaneously or not at all.
The first verse of the first book of the bible says.
"In the beginning (time) God created the heaven (space) and the earth (matter)."

>How does something like this exist?
God did it. (nb4 God of the gaps)
In John 1:1 it says
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

So according to the bible God created the universe with his word.
uni- means one
verse- in the verb means to speak

tl/dr The universe is Gods word.

>> No.6327199

>Religious person.
Go tip your fedora to /lit/

>> No.6327203

Op has asked questions.
I have an opinion to the answer to those questions.
I have the right to voice my opinion, just as you yours.

If you do not like my post feel free to hide it.
If you feel like it is in violation of the rules, you can report it.
If you think it is inaccurate feel free to refute it.

If the mods do not want me to post I advise that they ban me, because I will voice my opinion.

>> No.6327207

Wasn't "heaven" written in the plural form?

>> No.6327205

Isn't posting religious texts equal to shitposting in science based board.

like how you don't post MLP outside MLP

>> No.6327232

I was attempting to answer a question. The answer to which involved my religious beliefs.
I cannot answer the questions that op has proposed without turning to God for the answer.

Its kinda like if someone had a question about statistics, someone uses math to answer the question, and someone else being upset that they used math. Well why did you use math to explain it? I don't like math.
Numbers are abstract and that means they are not real. Therefore you cannot use them to explain reality.
(It is a silly notion to try to explain statistics without numbers.)
(Likewise it is a silly notion to explain the universe without mention of its creator.)
You shall never have an answer to the question, when you limit the answers you allow. Especially when you disallow the truth.

It depends on which version you read.
King James Version says
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"

>> No.6327235
File: 213 KB, 710x886, 1367086534737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our universe, is just one, in an endless void empty space. Our universe is like dropping a tiny ball of dirt into an endless sea of water with no surface and no bed. Except this dirt is simply the residue from an immense build up of so much energy that it condensed to matter (basically the big bang). Long story short, these big bangs happen all the time in this infinite see of nothingness. Big bangs occur due to the chaos theory. the infinite void of nothing must contain order and chaos (chaos being matter). Consciousness fits into this, we are all one experiencing subjectively order and chaos in the purest form, life. This is why there is always Good (order) and Bad (chaos) people, war mongers and peace makers, for some to be good others must be evil. Its two raw states of reality echoing itself for eternity.

Now in this

>> No.6327237

How does something exist in the first place
how does that space exist - for things to exist and expand in it?

>> No.6327244

What are you even?

>> No.6327247

This is where it gets hard, the human mind simply cannot comprehend the idea of infinite space, we just have to accept it - like how numbers are infinite.

>> No.6327250

No brother I'm odd.

>> No.6327253

but that space has to exist somewhere
how does that space where the space exist, exist

how is there something

>> No.6327262


Big bangs occur once all matter in a universe has been consumed by black holes, and ultimately these black hole consume each other and once a tipping point of so much matter in one single point in space and time - it explodes - why? because a black hole is Infinite Density and Zero Volume.

Gravity is mistaken for Dark matter, dark matter is what is undetectable yet fills most of 'empty space' Gravity is infact the repulsion and sheer pressure of the sea of dark matter acting on matter. Why are most celestial objects round? Like bubbles in a glass of water, pressure acting all around on all sides.

>> No.6327265

>Big bangs occur once all matter in a universe has been consumed by black holes
Didn't Hawkings just say black holes don't exist.

So if what you say is true

something must exit because NOT-existing is unstable/unnatural state of things?

How is that so? oh god my brains

i cant take this

ill kill myself

>> No.6327278

>Big bangs occur once all matter in a universe has been consumed by black holes, and ultimately these black hole consume each other and once a tipping point of so much matter in one single point in space and time - it explodes - why? because a black hole is Infinite Density and Zero Volume.

Gravity does not allow for black holes to explode.

Furthermore black holes do not explode.
If you think that they do please cite your sources, I have never heard of a black hole exploding.

>Didn't Hawkings just say black holes don't exist

The key here is Hawkings said.
Hawkings can be wrong. More importantly he is wrong.

Hawkings says that because of the laws of physics the universe came to be.
This has to be the most absurd teaching someone could ever believe. Gravity does not make matter. Just as math does not make money. You can do sums all day, and it will never put a dollar in your pocket. Laws are predictive and descriptive, but they cannot create.
How can anyone ever believe such nonsense?

>> No.6327312

See now as a concious being thats existence is based on birth and death, beginning and end, the idea of - this just exist- is hard to grasp. Consciousness and life is the ultimate joke, since our sole purpose is to reproduce and gain knowledge, the joke being said knowledge is unobtainable and incomprehensible.

>> No.6327320

what a horrible thing

>> No.6327324

>the joke being said knowledge is unobtainable and incomprehensible.

>> No.6327326

>heard of a black hole exploding

*see - the big bang

Please cite your sources claiming black holes do not explode or implode then explode.

>implying background radiation from big bang is not the same as radiation emitted from black holes

>> No.6327336

The knowledge of how space, space time, consciousness and reality came to be in a darkness without form or void.

Our ultimate drive is knowledge and the conquest of reality, yet we will never reach the final answer. We will be searching for the answer throughout the entire human existence until we are extinct. And the universe will forget us.

>> No.6327339

isn't matter energy manifesting as vibrations that we can see through light?

>> No.6327345

In the hebrew the word for heaven is plural. The singular root of the word is unused. The implication of "the heaven(s) and the earth" which could just as easily be translated "the skies and the earth" is that in the beginning God created man's physical dimension and his spiritual dimension. It's not a statement about the cosmos. It is a statement about the human condition.

>> No.6327348

precisely, we are energy, observing subjectively this phenomenon of matter i.e condensed energy.

>> No.6327351

It is also a silly notion to mention a creator without mention of the creator's creator.

>> No.6327355

Nobody knows for certain. Everyone giving an answer is giving their opinion.

>> No.6327356

in God

>> No.6327358

If gravity existed before the big bang, then how did it explode. Furthermore most scientist say that before the bang there was nothing. not there was a black hole.

Site me one source that says the big bang is the result of an exploding black hole.

As far as me siting sources. I am not the one making the claim that black holes explode. You are.
It's your claim you verify it.

Genesis talks about the creation.
Verse 1 is talking about the universe.
If you would just read a bit farther you will see it also speaks about the creation of man.

God has no creator, he is eternal.
God has created time, and thus exists outside of time, and is therefore unaffected by causality.
You can learn more about this here ↓

Yes, but it is my opinion that I know for certain that God exists.

>> No.6327359

What's the most educated opinion

>> No.6327360

>dat feeling when you realise our existence is that one roll of the dice. This dice has an infinite number of sides.

And this brings about the matter of perspective.

>> No.6327368

>scientist say that before the bang there was nothing

But there was something, the space outside the 'bubble of the universe', the big bang occured in this sea of infinite energy existing in such high vibrations, and the highest vibration we can measure is gamma radiation, the rest is beyond our spectrum. Remember all our observations are based on the 'known' universe. One must accept the idea that there is no end to the universe and that space IS infinite and that matter only occurs and occupies space when there is a big bang.

>> No.6327376

The universe is not infinite.

Try again.

>> No.6327377

even if God exists he is not like the god of the bible

>> No.6327388

Why not?

It would seem to me that a being capable of creating an entire universe, and whom also created an entire race of beings, would also have the ability to make himself known.

If you are willing to believe that God could exist, then you must believe that he could make himself known. Therefore you must have a reason to believe that this creator God does not wish to make himself known.
What is that reason?

>> No.6327400

You can claim the same thing about the cause of the big bang. All someone would have to do is make a cheap a priori claim that it was caused by an eternal phenomenon outside of time. Instead, reasonable people simply say the question is at the edge of knowledge and no one knows for certain.

Also, citing an unverifiable god to explain the world is unscientific and a classic example of the god of the gods argument.

>> No.6327405


That's why the prophets never saw any angels or heard the word of god. They had to take it on blind, deaf, unreasoning, faith.

>> No.6327420

i think he is talking outside of the universe(the thing that containe the universe)

>> No.6327422

>Where does the universe exist?
Your question is completely invalid. Reason: The points of reference necessary only exist where the laws of our physical Universe are valid, and outside it they do not. What you are asking is like asking "which way is up, down, right, and left" when you are in interstellar space.

>> No.6327429

but how

it must have space to exist

how does that space exist where it exists

why is existing the norm

>> No.6327433

well we dont know

>> No.6327450

If anyone can find a way to answer that question in a scientifically provable way, they'd revolutionize physics.

Anything "outside" our physical Universe does not utilize the laws of physics that apply to within our Universe, and as such we lack the instrumentality to sense what's going on outside it, otherwise your question would have been answered decades ago.

>it must have space to exist
Nope.jpg, not 'space' in the same sense as 'space' within the boundaries of our Universe.
Ever watch any of the various iterations of Star Trek? Think 'subspace' instead. Anyone's best guess is that it's not anything like space-time as it exists in the Universe, it's *something else*, and we can't exist there.

>> No.6327460

I agree that I cannot fully explain God.
I do not need an explanation of the explanation in order for it to be the best explanation.

You said "no one knows for certain"

How could you possibly know that no one knows?
It is possible that no one knows, but it is impossible to know that no one knows.

The difference is I claim that it can be known for certain, furthermore I know for certain that God has created the universe.

Did gravity exist before it was known to science?
I suppose people fell down even before Newton was born.
Some people probably had a good idea about things falling before anyone wrote it down.
Likewise God can and does exist regardless of whether science claims him.
People can still know God regardless if he has yet to be proven.
As a mater of fact I think science does help to prove God.
The website I linked to attempts to prove God using science.

I think the notion of a multiverse is silly. Also it does nothing to explain how any of the infinite universes came into being. So even if you buy into it, you are still stuck with the problem of How did this happen.

>> No.6327466
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>> No.6327468

Instead of posting a stupid picture, which only proves that you're another vapid teenager, why don't you post something actually intelligent that adds to the conversation, proving that you're *not* just another vapid teenager?

>> No.6327474


>> No.6327484

Could you at least *try* to post something coherent?

>> No.6327487

just ignore the question(try to meditate they say it can calm you mind)

>> No.6327491

..so you're saying whoever that is, is actually terrified at the idea that outside our Universe we couldn't exist? If so, how fucking irrational is that? Doesn't change anything inside our little bubble..

>> No.6327497

welcome in science after having answers you get another question

>> No.6327495

Okay, that's good advice. Thanks.

>> No.6327505

I am terrified at the idea that someting exist in nothingness in the first place

>> No.6327528

there's been all this business about how we came from nothing
nothing doesn't seem to have a good definition and means many different things depending on the context
and since we're talking shit i was wondering, can there actually be such a thing as nothing?

>> No.6327526

Nothingness, is a human concept. You need to think more 9 dimensionally.

>> No.6327534

You can make up any opinion you want. The problem is that the opinion you posted requires more explanation than what it tries to explain. It's useless.

>> No.6327563

Religion might help you with your worries.
I worry not, because I know that God is in control.
The world we live in is in terrible shape.
A quick visit to >>>/pol/ will show you "happenings" are happening all over. I worry not, for my bible tells me that the world is corrupt, and its just going to get worse. But I fear not because God already knew these things, and he has shared the truth with us in the bible.
The bible also says these things will not go on forever. God will intervene. One day he will come back for his people, and save them from evil.
Religion lets you rest easy in God's hands. It is freedom from doubt, worry, and fear. It is knowing that God the creator of the universe Loves you, and will take care of you no mater what.

God loves you so much that he sent his son to die, so that you might be saved.
God forsake himself for you. Jesus lived the life none of us could live, and died the death we all deserve. So that we could be free. You are not required to live a perfect life, Jesus lived it for you. You do not have to die in sin, Jesus died for you. All that is required of you is believe the truth.

>> No.6327572

Since you are having trouble understanding why I do not need an explanation of my explanation have some copypasta.

First, in order to recognize an explanation as the best, one needn't have an explanation of the explanation. This is an elementary point concerning inference to the best explanation as practiced in the philosophy of science. If archaeologists digging in the earth were to discover things looking like arrowheads and hatchet heads and pottery shards, they would be justified in inferring that these artifacts are not the chance result of sedimentation and metamorphosis, but products of some unknown group of people, even though they had no explanation of who these people were or where they came from. Similarly, if astronauts were to come upon a pile of machinery on the back side of the moon, they would be justified in inferring that it was the product of intelligent, extra-terrestrial agents, even if they had no idea whatsoever who these extra-terrestrial agents were or how they got there. In order to recognize an explanation as the best, one needn't be able to explain the explanation. In fact, so requiring would lead to an infinite regress of explanations, so that nothing could ever be explained and science would be destroyed. So in the case at hand, in order to recognize that intelligent design is the best explanation of the appearance of design in the universe, one needn't be able to explain the designer.