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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 56 KB, 850x400, quote-mathematics-rightly-viewed-posses-not-only-truth-but-supreme-beauty-a-beauty-cold-and-austere-bertrand-russell-350462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6295213 No.6295213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm a math major, what are my options for careers if I don't want to do further schooling?


>> No.6295221

Stock market analyst

>> No.6295225

mcdonalds, if you dont actually go from 'math major' to 'major in math'

>> No.6295259

actuary they make knots, too. But you have to get their tests in and what not

>> No.6295264

What, you just want a career with a Bachelor's in math? Without going to graduate school?

>> No.6295282


>> No.6295293
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>> No.6295299
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>> No.6295317


Why did he get banned?

>> No.6295318

OP's question belongs in >>>/adv/

>> No.6295322

Wait, what?
He get banned for posting this here instead of /adv/ or something?

>> No.6295336

MODS ARE GODS! First time I ever seen a post on /sci/ get someone b&, even in the bans list.

>> No.6295342

People actually check that?

>> No.6295348

Finally. Thank you based mods.

>> No.6295349

>Gets banned for posting something vaguely related to science, despite it being on the wrong board

>Thousands of IQ threads and other similar shit don't even get acknowledged

Epic, simply epic :)

>> No.6295353

IQ is cognitive science. Your hurt feelings over having scored low do not invalidate all the research that has been done to confirm the importance of IQ.

>> No.6295359

132 of your meaningless IQ points here, so no, it's not due to scoring low. It's due to IQ being factually shit.

>> No.6295361

When I'm bored. It's funny to see the shit people post.

>> No.6295362

>all the research that has been done
[yeah you're gonna need a citation there m8]

>> No.6295369

132 is pretty mediocre in the academic context. Mine is higher than 150 and I can confirm from my experience that my high intelligence made my academic career a lot easier. I outperform almost everyone at my elite university without even needing to study for the courses. Now go ahead and insult me as a troll because you emotionally refuse to accept what I said. I don't care. I shared my experience and I know I cannot force someone like you to believe me.

>> No.6295377

IQ of 256 here, y being a master and excelling at subjects i've not even tried, I can say that only idiots believe Iq tests produce scientific results.

>> No.6295382

>Blah blah blah appeal to authority blah blah blah strawman blah blah blah ad hominem

Look, all I'm saying is that IQ is a shitty measurement of intelligence. It's great at measuring IQ though (which is only a portion of what 'intelligence' is).
But feel free to keep stroking your own dick over your IQ.

>> No.6295386

>Look, all I'm saying is that IQ is a shitty measurement of intelligence.
And that's where you went full retard. In cognitive science and clinical psychiatry intelligence is defined by exactly those skills measured on an IQ test. If you suck at those skills, then you are diagnosed with mental retardation. That's how it works. Lrn2science and stop bringing up your irrelevant "muh feelings" shit on /sci/. Take that anti-scientific attitude to /pol/ where it belongs.

>But feel free to keep stroking your own dick over your IQ.
I don't have a dick.

>> No.6295391

>cognitive science and clinical psychiatry

>> No.6295393

If you want to define intelligence as being solely related to the "skills" IQ tests (poorly) measure, then I guess IQ really is a good measurement of intelligence. Just clear this up for me: Creativity, for example, has nothing to do with being intelligent, correct?

And please stop insulting me and using those insults as reasons to invalidate my opinion, thanks.

>> No.6295397
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wait we have mods

>> No.6295401

>>doesn't study for courses
>>thinks he's intelligent


oh boy you're in for a rude awakening

>> No.6295409

Creativity is implicitly tested in IQ tests. Constructing the correct pattern requires creative thought. It doesn't surprise me though that you such subtleties remained undetected by your shallow intellect.

I don't need to study for courses. I always understand everyhing instantly and more indepth than everyone else. In my free time I'm studying more advanced things.

>> No.6295412

>Constructing the correct pattern requires creative thought.
And at this point, I stop arguing. You are obviously trolling now.

>> No.6295417 [DELETED] 

Why do you post such an immature reply? I seriously don't understand. What I said was correct.

>> No.6295420

>Why do you post such an immature reply? I seriously don't understand. What I said was correct.
How am I too illustrate the stupidity and arrogance of one such as yourself who cannot even comprehend the most basic of tautology

>> No.6295426
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>It doesn't surprise me though that you such subtleties remained undetected by your shallow intellect.
i'm sure you've got loads of friends too

>> No.6295429

>infantile insults

This is true. I'm very popular.

>> No.6295433

>you have a high IQ
>therefore your academic success and high performance is due to your high IQ
excellent reasoning

>> No.6295434
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Oh boy! Another thread to shitpost about IQ in!!!

>> No.6295446 [DELETED] 
File: 869 KB, 3000x2569, 1389916693191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hai guaiz poast you're IQ xD
>iz 110 IQ enuff for psychic mayor? :(
>daily remind you aresnt intelligent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>you will never have an IQ as high as Ashton Kutcher
Cognitive science!

>> No.6295447

>>infantile insults
I'd hoped you'd be more mature than that, I declare myself the victor of this encounter, respond to me no more cretin.

>> No.6295448 [DELETED] 

Please delete that picture, it is offensive. Ponies are not allowed outside of their containment board.

>infantile insult

>> No.6295451 [DELETED] 


I apologize if your brain cannot begin to fathom the complexity at which mine operates, must be infuriating to have the mind of a layman

>> No.6295452

>daily remind you aresnt intelligent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>you will never have an IQ as high as Ashton Kutcher

Both of those lasted for more than 30 days after they had been reported. If you have an issue with the moderation's decisions, go complain per email. Don't do it here.

>> No.6295454

So 99% of threads on /sci/ are about IQ, 0.999... = 1 and engineers sucking dicks, but OP posts a legit question and gets banned? Stay classy, /sci/. Mods sure know what they're doing.

>> No.6295457

I am one of the smartest persons alive. Not even joking.

>> No.6295458

>Both of those lasted for more than 30 days
because our resident mentally ill person with no life bumped them.and the mods enjoy said person suffering

>> No.6295462

Are you me?

>> No.6295466

No, I'm not retarded.

>> No.6295467

We don't have full time mods, we're a slow board so whoever just comes in and cleans things out.

With that being said this is OT, though less retarded than the usual troll threads the mods let go on forever and ever.

>> No.6295469

Are you talking about yourself?

>> No.6295471

How can you make such a decisive statement about the universe off of one one inconsequential axiom?

>> No.6295478

Holy fuck this.

Thanks for confirming that religion, sun of ice vs sun of lava, and IQshit is /sci/ related mods.

Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.6295476

Anonymous is some shitposter.

>> No.6295480

>implying you don't participate in philosophy threads
>implying you are not part of the problem

Frustra legis auxilium quaerit qui in legem committit.

>> No.6295481

philosophy is a science

>> No.6295482

No, it fucking isn't. Uncreative shit trolls like you are ruining the board.

>> No.6295485

stay butthurt you uneducated pleb
philosophy uses the scientific method

>> No.6295486

Just fucking delete the thread, you worthless faggots.

>> No.6295487

OP can't delete his own thread anymore, mods are making sure we know what is and isn't allowed on the science board.

>> No.6295488

Philosophy is a collective term for all pseudo-intellectual bullshit that doesn't qualify as science.

>> No.6295492

philosophy encompasses all fields of rational inquiry

>> No.6295497

This is a joke, right? OP figured out how to red text, right? Because surely /sci/ doesn't have mods, right??

>> No.6295503

That college and career advice isn't allowed is on the fucking sticky already. The retards who post these shit threads are going to do it regardless. This accomplishes nothing besides creating a thread for shitposting.

>> No.6295504

>This is a joke, right? OP figured out how to red text, right? Because surely /sci/ doesn't have mods, right??
Ban threads are made by mods, you can test this by observing the filename, it is always descriptive and states the text

>> No.6295509

>This accomplishes nothing besides creating a thread for shitposting.

Is this a good or a bad thing? Is the duality of good vs bad even real, philosophically speaking? I'm confused, pls help /sci/.

>> No.6295512 [DELETED] 


>> No.6295515

if op had worded it "what do math majors go on to do after they receive their degree," he wouldn't have been banned right?

>> No.6295519 [DELETED] 

How does it feel? Does it feel the same as when I touch my vagina? How can we - neuroscientifically (!!) - compare our subjective experience?

>> No.6295521

If OP posted a repetitive 0.999... or philosophy bait thread instead, he wouldn't of been banned.

>> No.6295544

The next 0.999... thread should be stickied.

>> No.6295551

>How can we - neuroscientifically (!!) - compare our subjective experience?
I believe we should test together in close proximity and use the volume of the lexis as an indicator to scientifically verify , this of course should be done multiple times to ensure accurate results.

>> No.6295554

sticked, closed, and every poster banned.

>> No.6295566

>wouldn't of

>> No.6295649

Is the mod a bio major or something?

>> No.6295701

>OP posted tangently related subject
>Gets banned while other shit posts live
>thread over flooded with Iq bullshit

>> No.6295758

I don't think /sci/ is large enough to get a dedicated mod. It's likely just got a janitor or two.

>> No.6295785
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>/sci/ has mods

>> No.6295829
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>> No.6295866
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>> No.6295890

Considering the fact that you fail to understand how flawed IQ tests are, you probably aren't all that intelligent. You probably just got a 154 on some shitty online IQ test and took it to heart.

>> No.6295909

Honestly, fuck this board of all the scum and irrelivancies existent here and I get banned for asking others in my position how they are going to use their knowledge in order to secure gainful living. This place is a circle jerk of do nothing nerds -2.71828/10 jimmies rustled fucking dropped.

>> No.6295910

Are you fucking kidding me? You ban this and not the 10 iq threads, 5 posts about 1=.9999, and the thousands of psuedoscience bullshit!?!?!?!

Fuck this shit, going to physicsforums. com

>> No.6295920

>this thread
>give me advice on gambling
>howd you guys find these classes?
>holographic universe, what does /sci/ think
>what were your sat scores
>smug vegetarian thread
>a couple questions regarding moon and earth, probably homework
>embarrassing lab moments
>populations in statistics homework help thread
>difference between virus and bacterial infections, something easily googleable
>what would you do if you were wealthy enough not to work
>tfw learning a course ahead of time and know all the materials beforehand
>writing a book, asking a couple questions regarding life on other planets
>how to fatten a parabola

Thanks for cleaning up the board mods

>> No.6295945

>All that trashing

>> No.6295952
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>> No.6295958

I'm sure you have a relevant topic to discuss. Let's talk about that. Heck let's take over this thread.

The thing about /sci/ is that there's a lot of smart people here pretty consistently, but it's the first stop for every troll, every lazy high schooler, and every hippie who knows everything. We hang out here, but we're afraid of being judged by our peers

>> No.6295962

I'm not afraid of being judged. I'm pretty active with my peers in person. I come to /sci because I like science, being an asshole, and cussing. I'd like to talk about chemistry here, but nobody ever responds. It seems like most of the active people here are math and physics people.

>> No.6295966

I think you were an asshole with me in the psylocibin thread.
My friends drug chemist father-in-law lent him a textbook on organic chemistry. He's too into /x/ shit for me to convince him that learning chemistry would be great for him, so I convinced him to let me borrow it. I've just started paging through it.

My degree is in anthropology which is why I'm so angry all the time

>> No.6296013
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>> No.6296019

mod is just another word for janitor. there's janitors and admins, that's it IIRC.

>> No.6296038

There's admins, mods, devs and janitors
Janitors can only delete threads/posts and request bans.

>> No.6296318
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Ebin, simply ebin ;)

>> No.6296714

Why do you accuse that poster of trolling? The post was factually correct.

>> No.6296717

How is it flawed? You being upset over your low score is not a flaw of the test. It works fine and is widely accepted.

>> No.6297630

>OP gets b&
>Thread hijacked by IQ bs
Thank you based mods for cleaning this board up

>> No.6297662

But you are not as smart as the smartest person in the world.


>> No.6297686

haven't posted in this thread as of yet but I might as well jump into this talk. First of all, you're coming off incredibly pretentious and ignorant. A solid sign of troll pretending to be trying to troll /sci/.Second. IQ tests do not measure intelligence. Intelligence has a lot more to do with creative thought processes then being able to learn sequences in my opinion. Look at physics. Just looking at QM and shit like negative temperature makes me wonder what does guys are smoking. Case in point, you need creativity to do math, science, and just about anything that requires thought. Not an IQ of 150.


>> No.6297693 [DELETED] 

Another thing. What about artists who do art for a living instead of the sciences? Andy Warhol had an IQ of 70 and although I might dislike his art, I won't argue that he isn't a genius or creative.a

>> No.6297777

My IQ is 9001 i'm 'bout to show you my crazy rap skillz get ready to rumble, row row fight the powah

>> No.6297790

This is literally the most benign thread you could have had a hissyfit over. There are half a dozen threads flagrantly ignoring the rules on the front page at this very second and you chose to ban the actual science/math major asking about actual science/math issues.

You're a fucking joke. Cunt.

>> No.6298085

>First of all, you're coming off incredibly pretentious and ignorant.
An insult is not an argument. Your dislike for my person doesn't change the factual truth of my statements.

>IQ tests do not measure intelligence
They are the definition of intelligence. In cognitive science and clinical psychiatry intelligence is defined exactly by the cognitive skills assessed in IQ tests.

>Intelligence has a lot more to do with creative thought processes
Creativity is implicitly tested in IQ tests. Combining patterns is a creative process.

>in my opinion
This is a science board, not an opinion board. Science is about facts. If you want to spam your uneducated opinion, then please do it on /pol/ and not here.

>> No.6298089

>you need creativity to do math, science

The kind of creativity required in science and math is closely linked to IQ. You need to manipulate symbolical patterns, think spatially, see connections between shapes etc. This is not your "hurr durr I can draw a webcomic" kind of creativity. If you can't even complete the sequence "1,1,1,1,..." or if you fail to understand simple logical inferences, you will not succeed in academia. IQ is the best measure of intelligence.

>> No.6298462

>not removing unused parameters from the URL for better readability

absolutely disgusting

>> No.6298835

thats like rule #1

>> No.6298861

>posts in /sci/
>doesn't want to continue schooling


>> No.6298868

>your face when the mod of /sci/ is a biology major

>> No.6298870

academia is a racket, and some companies would foot the bill for you

>> No.6299023
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You know you need a degree in actuarial science to be hired anywhere as an actuarial analyst... you dumb fucker.

>> No.6299073

yeah a Bachelors. Then it's just the exams

>> No.6299089
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>> No.6299097

Again you, faggot. Just to remind you, Feynman had na IQ of 125.

>> No.6299101

That's why he was retarded outside of physics. He has a special autistic talent for his branch of physics research, but in any other field he failed.

>> No.6299107

What's your IQ? Have you accomplished more than Feynman?

>> No.6299108

Yeah, yeah, enjoy your "300k$/year". You never even posted yours area of science.

>> No.6299185


>claims to have an IQ that's 1 in 1125
>claims to be a grill
>shitposting on /sci/

ladies and gentlemen, the inferior sex

>> No.6299199

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW, who have an IQ below 140

>> No.6299203

Hey guy what's you're IQ?

>> No.6299222

I scored pretty high in school, I'll leave it at that.

>> No.6299237

Fucking this. I think that it is totally unfair to ban someone asking for advice from profesionals who have already made the choice, and who probably dont browse /adv/ yet not ban the countless trolling and iq threads.

>> No.6299240

Good thing they banned this guy and not the 300k any job or .9999 = 1 people

>> No.6299261

The community of /sci/ decided that we don't want advice blogging threads. That's why we have the mod post in the sticky. Those threads are repetitive, low quality, uninformative for anyone other than the OP and tertiary content at best. /sci/ is for discussing science and math, not for helping people with decisions they should be able to make on their own. There are way better sources for this kind of question and they can be easily googled.

>> No.6299262

OP Here, I'm unbanned. So can one of yall actually help me out. What career options does a BA Math net me? I'm willing to learn programming

>> No.6299275

enjoy your second ban

>> No.6299283

But apparently IQ, .999..., and the like are desired? Fuck off.

>> No.6299291


>> No.6299293

Why would he get a second ban?

>> No.6299297

Why do the mods ban for a legitimate school advice thread but not for any of the million 0.999=1/Jacob Barnett/what's your IQ troll threads plaguing this board?

>> No.6299300

it belongs in /adv/ but this is clearly a more appropriate market

>> No.6299316

If I asked about math grad programs where would I put it? The mods would say /adv/, but no one there could help me. The best place would to put it here. I understand that homework threads, threads about majors, and other topics do not belong on /sci/. However there should be a distinction made for some types of threads.

>> No.6299324

>rob a bank
>get thrown in jail
>get out of jail 2 years later
>rob another bank
>you already went to jail for that, so i guess we won't throw you in jail again! have fun with the money!!
never go full retard

>> No.6299331

welp, I'm going to reddit

>> No.6299374
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