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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6293855 No.6293855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which field of engineering is lowest on the engineering totem pole? i.e. which field of engineering is seen as a joke major?

>> No.6293856

Environmental engineering

>> No.6293863
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>which field of engineering is seen as a joke
Fungineering, of course

>> No.6293865

Industrial and Civil. Civil encompasses environmental imo.

>> No.6293868


But they (use to) build cool stuff like animatronics.

>> No.6293881

As a general rule, it's all the fields of engineering that you're not in. Environmental engineering and Civil Engineering come close, though.

>> No.6293885

I've worked with industrial engineers and the whole field is definitely a joke, but why so much hate for civil?

>> No.6293886

Because people just take buildings for granted, and buildings and bridges don't do exciting things like serve you coffee or fly.

>> No.6293888

It's probably that statics is incredibly easy.
But there's so much more that CE's do.

I have respect for my bros in EE and CPE

>> No.6293890
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oh right, fungineering was the futurama spoof of imagineering. Whatever, that just makes my point more valid. Fungineering is a joke, literally.

>> No.6293899

I really wanted to work for Disney...but you made me realize it's just glorified industrial engineering.

Disney Research is doing some interesting things with machine vision and capacitive sensing, but it's no different than the stuff being done in engineering clubs at school..

>> No.6293925

Because that and Industrial is where everyone goes when they fail Chem E or Mech E.

>> No.6293939

The lowest field of engineering are the shits that haven't passed calculus yet brag that their engineering major is the best.

>> No.6293940

Civil, Environmental (within the Civil department at my university), and Industrial

Practically business majors.

>> No.6293951

You must think the China's a nice place to live.

>> No.6293952

Philosophy of Engineering.

>> No.6293956

Which one is highest? Other than CS, of course, if you count that as engineering.

>> No.6293962

Why network engineering, of course! BA-DUM-TISH

>> No.6294031

>Software engineering
>not even real engineering

>> No.6294037

The engineering totem pole is more like a circle drawn on the ground.

>> No.6294043

>Mad as fuck freshman civi

>> No.6294048

>mad as fuck engineering major who doesn't know what an equivalence relation is

>> No.6294051

If you can hear the egines, then you have a pretty well off engine ear.

Dont use your engine earing degree to listen to jet engines, you will quickly lose your engine earing title.

>> No.6294052

Why hasn't anyone mentioned Biomedical Engineering yet???

>> No.6294054

Because we all feel bad that they will never get jobs. At least Civil and Industrial, as shitty as they are, have a chance.

>> No.6294080

Civil engineering

Master race sales engineer here

>> No.6294095

Like all of /sci, it's "whatever I'm not majoring in."

>> No.6294101

>not majoring in Space Engineering
>not Engineering Space

motherfucker I am going to the moon

>> No.6294105

Biomedical is just electromechanical with a heafty side of biology

>> No.6294128

Why is industrial engineering even an engineering major?

95% of the classes they take are business classes, but because they know matrix math it's engineering?

Why not take pride in their field of study and call it Quantitative Business? Why do they want to call it Industrial Engineering?

Quantitative Business sounds like a mathematically savvy businessman. Industrial Engineering sounds like a wannabe engineer.

>> No.6294131

This what came up when I typed in "Is biomedical engineering a good major" on google.

>At No. 1, biomedical engineering is the major that is most worth your tuition, time and effort. Biomedical engineers earn a median starting salary of $53,800, which grows an average of 82% to $97,800 by mid-career. Moreover, the BLS projects a whopping 61.7% growth of job opportunities in the field—the most of any other major on the list.

>> No.6294142

Which one has the most females in it? Answer that and you'll have answered the original question as well.

>> No.6294145

I'm a senior in electrical engineering. In my EE classes, there are usually 2 or 3 girls in a class of 50, and they are almost always Indian.

In my senior project class, which is composed of all many different types of engineering majors, 1/3 of the class is female. Nearly all of them are biomedical engineering students. There is only 1 male biomedical engineering student in the class.

>> No.6294152

Biomedical Engineering, Packaging Engineering, Applied Science/Applied Physics/Engineering Physics, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Janitorial Engineering

>> No.6294153
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>> No.6294164


>> No.6294169

Except it's false and propaganda. Find an actual biomedical with job prospects (with just a B.S.).

I'm a senior in chem E with a job lined up making $81k + overtime.

If there's biomedical growth, I don't see it. I live in Houston where there's a huge medical district and none of the biomedicals I know seem optimistic about their job prospects.

>> No.6294183

I did my work experience in high school at the council with a whole bunch of "traffic engineers". If traffic engineering is a real thing definitely traffic engineering is the worst form of engineering

>> No.6294208

what the fuck is a "sales engineer" anyway? i keep seeing it on linkedin

>> No.6294235

>Americans thinking they're an engineer with just a B.S. degree
> Enjoying superior European education where you enrol for a MSc. after your bachelor.
> Already in position for a prestigious PhD position at a pharmaceutical company, researching the much needed transition from batch to continuous operation.

>> No.6294236

>Packaging engineering

This can't be a real thing ...right?

>> No.6294238

>Packaging engineering

>> No.6294247


>> No.6294252

>>Software engineering
>>not even real engineering

Software engineering is not about writing some code. You have these huge interconnected systems that all need to have zero downtime and run perfectly synchronized and secure, and get updated regularly. Plus everything needs to run smoothly and efficiently. This can be fucking difficult.

I'm not a Software engineering, I'm just telling you not to be shallow minded. Of course it's not engineering in the physics-related sense.

>> No.6294257

>Low Tier: Aerospace Eng
>Shit Tier: MechEng
>Waste of Life: CS

Those people need to get an actual degree before compiling those lists.

>> No.6294279
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/sci/ hates Biomedical Engineering? I assumed they'd be making bank. They seem like the most competitive, and there's load 'o money in the medical field. But I don't know much about them because I'm a ChemE.

>> No.6294282

>I'm a senior in chem E with a job lined up making $81k + overtime.
GPA? Company?

>> No.6294315

Most engineers have zero respect for industrial engineers. They don't study engineering. They're business students pretending to be engineers. There are also a lot of fields like software engineering or audio engineering where 99% of the people who say that's what they are don't even have engineering degrees.

I personally have very little respect for engineering physics. People look at the name and think it's engineering combined with physics. As if every field of engineering isn't applied physics. The name a misnomer.What it's about is giving students a little bit of Electrical,Computer,Mechanical ,Civil,Chemical, etc to make them really well rounded. Problem is they come out of it as complete novices at everything, like someone who changed their major every year and never got anywhere.

>> No.6294316

Yuropoors' version of a "Masters degree" is called a Bachelors degree in the US. Yuropoors' "Bachelors degree" is called an Associates degree in the US.

A bachelors degree + masters degree takes 4 years maximum in Yurop. An American bachelors degree ALONE in engineering takes 4-6 years, and unlike a eurotrash degree, it can get you an 80k+ starting salary.

>> No.6294322

Are you retarded? You sure write like a retard. A bachelors degree takes 3 years in Northern Europe and a masters degree is 2 years. Europeans must be smarter when we can get the same degree as americans but twice as fast

>> No.6294330

A 3 year degree European isn't "twice as fast" as an American degree, it's just a shittier degree, with shittier job prospects.

I can get an online PhD in 2 weeks but it doesn't make me smarter than someone who spent 4 years getting a PhD from MIT.

>> No.6294334

[citation needed]

>> No.6294338

>it's just a shittier degree
Tell me what the differences are between them

>> No.6294344


it's a form of civil engineering

>> No.6294345

European engineering courses don't include English and Philosophy.

>> No.6294348


People want to not be aspies and make money for their CEO overlords using "soft skills", they still want to call themselves engineering because everyone is fucking doing it.

>> No.6294352

Amercunts engineering courses do include that shit!?
OH MY GOD. That's what highschool is meant for.

>> No.6294353

My engineering degree required finnish, swedish and english courses

>> No.6294356

Did you have to take classes about art, philosophy and gender studies?

>> No.6294357

Of course not, i dont live in Sweden

>> No.6294363

>Formerly at the University of Oxford, the degree of B.Sc. was a postgraduate degree; this former degree, still actively granted, has since been renamed M.Sc.


You can't just rename your degrees and claim they are superior.

>> No.6294365

This is why I hate posting late at night/early in the morning. Yuropoors always try to claim their way of life is superior even though USA is #1 in nearly every area.

>> No.6294367

>#1 in anything
top lel

>> No.6294371

You are completely delusional. But then again, you're an americunt. Nothing else was expected.

>> No.6294375

Engineering is a weird field. because almost anything technical can be considered engineering. If you studied IT and help retards fix their network, are you an IT worker or a network "engineer". If you fixed your mom's computer, are you a computer "engineer"?

Also note that not all engineers are created equal, for example in france, you must study 2 years of very rigorous math (probably much harder than American undergrad) before you can even get accepted into engineering schools there. This is much different than the retard american civil engineer who could barely pass his calculus classes with a C-.

Anyways, I'm in CHEM E and literally only doing it for money. It's a shame companies don't hire physicists or mathematicians anymore, otherwise I would do those.

>> No.6294377

And what do you think that proves? It proves Oxford changed their nomenclature sometime in the last 900 years. An M.Sc is a postgrad degree in most places.

The only person claiming superiority is you, which you've failed to show.

>> No.6294378


I have a BSc. and an M.Eng from the EU and I'm moving to America in September..

The U.S. is a really cool place, and I pity anyone from the E.U. who doesn't get the chance to work there for a while at least.

>> No.6294381

>It's a shame companies don't hire physicists or mathematicians anymore, otherwise I would do those.

Have you looked at the math curriculum? Upper division courses are mainly bullshit, where the focus is on notation and terminology. Past calculus and diff eqs, most classes in math are just pure academic bullshit. I ended up changing my major to Electrical Engineering.

>> No.6294386

Americunt detected

>> No.6294391

>Yuropoors' version of a "Masters degree" is called a Bachelors degree in the US. Yuropoors' "Bachelors degree" is called an Associates degree in the US.
Quite the opposite, actually. My European bachelor contains more material than a typical American bachelor + master.

>> No.6294405

I was considering electrical engineering. I thought it would be similar to a science degree but with a few engineering classes. After looking into it, I saw that it was only engineering classes. Yuck. You don't get to take any (real ) chemistry classes at all. Or biology for that matter. And you don't get any electives.

Do chemistry majors really not get jobs at the BSc level? I did read some stats that said electrical engineers, physics (bsc), and chemistry (bsc) all have the same unemployment rate of 5%.

>> No.6294410

>Do chemistry majors really not get jobs at the BSc level?
There are loads of jobs for chem majors here in Finland, the paper industry always need engineers

>> No.6294418


Take a look at this? USA top engineering country? Think again, calculate the papers/capita and the citations/paper/capita and you'll see that Europe's number 1.

>> No.6294421


>The U.S. is a really cool place, and I pity anyone from the E.U. who doesn't get the chance to work there for a while at least.

Damn straight. We welcome you with open arms.

>> No.6294425

>Damn straight. We welcome you with open arms.
>implying white europeans are allowed to work in USA

>> No.6294428

Electrical = Chemical

some universities have a "Systems" degree - sometimes it's an electromechanical degree, which is obviously good, other times it's simply a renamed Industrial degree.

>> No.6294431

>aerospace and mechanical below computer

>> No.6294437

>Low tier
What kind of fucking nerd wrote this list?

>> No.6294444

Why the hate for mechanical? Mechanical engineers are more versatile.

>> No.6294462

Electrical Engineering master race reporting in.

ChemE are just whores only in it for the money.



>packaging engineering

that is not a thing

>> No.6294467


Sadly any eng program in the US requires a couple semesters of history & social science, and english.
"Writting a reading is a huge part of engineering. You need to be able to write" Says my intro to eng professor.

>> No.6294471

In Canada Engineering is Engineering only, you don't get to take any options.

>> No.6294487

Every language teacher says this because they desperately feel the need to justify their existence

>> No.6294489

I'd believe them if they taught how to do technical writing and not just writing book reports

>> No.6294488

the best kind of engineering is whatever kind you need to give everyone potable water

>> No.6294501

I can't believe I'm replying to one of these threads...but in case anyone cares:

I am a 4.0/4.0 ME senior minoring in EE in the US. I have 6 months experience in a controls engineering paid internship. Anyone who's worked hard for an engineering degree and that isn't a basement dwelling autistic will tell you that there is mutual respect among engineering disciplines. The only engineers that don't have respect for other disciplines are retard students an morons who've never actually tried to engineer anything. Real projects often require a blend of engineering skills not fully encapsulated by any of the engineering degrees. That said you can try to compare the difficulty and value of the engineering degrees by starting pay/expected income/future prospects if you like. Right not CompS, CompE, and PetroleumE are some of the bigger paying jobs I've seen in my area but this will change year to year and by region.

The reality though is that if you work hard to gain practical skills and a multi-disciplinary understanding of engineering, you will be a great person to hire and you will get a job. If you carry around a superiority complex because "muh professor said our major is the best" or an inferiority complex because "muh /sci/ said I was shit tier" you will limit your potential and career and you will suck to work with.

Tldr; learn your field and a little of all the others and you will be respected and make $.

>> No.6294502

You thought electrical engineering was science? You must be jocking. If you want biology, chemistry and engineering in 1 degree, that degree probably has terrible job prospects. Universities are made to specialize, if you dont specialize you are doing something wrong.

>> No.6294509
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God, this thread is just a bunch of faggots trying to compare dick sizes.

>> No.6294513

Damn hippie

>> No.6294532

you won't be saying that when you can't afford to drink

>> No.6294543

Computer engineering, not computer science. CS is low tier.

>> No.6294583

its called destilation and filtering. If you live anywhere near a water source you can most certainly get clean enough water to drink.

>> No.6294587
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>sales engineer


>> No.6294599


this is what americans actually believe

>> No.6294604

sure, but > 1.2 bn people lack access to clean drinking water
and things are not improving
which means the price will go up

that and energy are the only engineering-related topics anyone should really give a fuck about

everything else is gravy

>> No.6294613

>not a joke
Top kek, you should had become a real scientist like me
>tfw masters degree in theoretical physics

>> No.6294617

no its not. clean water is easy to get in most parts in the world and in some parts of the world people should just not live. And the energy problem cannot be solved without engineering.
plus you last statement is just retarded.

>> No.6294627

i read and re-read your response in the vain hope of finding something resembling a coherent statement
but i have to admit you have me well and truly stumped

if i may reiterate - one way to solve the water problem (and there is a growing water problem, whether you want people to live or not) is to solve the energy problem

but there may be other solutions which only require engineering - in which case you would still have to solve the energy problem

if you can find me another - greater - problem to solve, then make a suggestion, i'd love to hear it

>> No.6294645

The whole world doesnt revolve around the energy problem kiddo, live with it. Improving third world living situations is important, but not all attention should be focused on that. You reason as if human civilisation is a concious being, it isnt.
The world revolves around money and power, primarily due to capitalism. I dont think it is gonna change soon so you might as well run with it.

>> No.6294655

i think you misunderstand
the water price issue will affect the west in time, especially as we lose our foothold globally

the energy price issue affects us all already

it's so fundamental i can't believe i'm even being debated

and all because you think i care about some africans eh

>> No.6294657

With the melting ice caps, in the west we wont have a shortage of water any time soon. I dont know were you got that info, but i sure hope it aint /pol/

>> No.6294660

btw this has nothing to do with engineering. Different problems have different people to solve them.

>> No.6294662

have you got any idea how much energy it takes to make seawater drinkable?

>> No.6294667

Energy doesnt magicly dissapear. And we have the sun.

>> No.6294672

well yeah we do

pretty sure that solar thermal and CSP didn't invent themselves

>> No.6294679

what kind of theoretical physics?

>> No.6295121

3.72 / 4.00 - This is relative to your class though. This is probably 5th or so highest in my class of ~60 chemical engineers due to graduate.

Not gonna tell you the company, but it's not one of the major oil and gas ones (those guys make 90k+ starting easily). This is an E&C firm.

>> No.6295136

EE>Engineering physics>NukeE>MaterialsE>AeroE>BioE>MechE>CivE>CompE>SoftE>IndustrialE

>> No.6295181
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>and you will get a job
>get a job
>not creating a job for yourself
>not creating jobs for others
>not having employees
it's like you want to stay poor forever and not use that degree for all it's worth

>> No.6295210
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You were saying something?

>> No.6295215

shh shhh, they haven't realized that their empires are dead yet.

>> No.6295237

>Everyone who is not an environmentalist will inevitably destroy the environment.

>> No.6295238

i dont get it why people here hate mechanical engineer
>mechanical engineering put a man on the moon
>mechanical engineering shaped the surface and the heart of modern civilization
>mechanical engineering gave us better tools to understand all of other engineering disciplines
>mechanical engineering helped us extend lives
>like mr.perfectscore said, you need multiple disciplines for something big to work


>> No.6295243

I'm a MechE and I can better C and MATLAB than any of you fuckers.

>> No.6295254

I'm a MechE and I can better C and MATLAB than any of you fuckers

>> No.6295269

>A 3 year degree European isn't "twice as fast" as an American degree, it's just a shittier degree, with shittier job prospects.

No, it's that secondary schools are better so they skip freshman calc/physics/chem/etc

>> No.6295284

Wokring environmental engi here (although my degree says civil). Always get a kick out of these threads posting from my office and collecting a nice paycheck to run models in the background while you queers squabble over which fruity undergrad classes you're taking.

Engineering is engineering and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll be able to function in the real world.

>> No.6295289

opinion disregarded instantly. you're shit m8.

>> No.6295292

>mechanical engineering put a man on the moon

Along with aerospace, chemical, electrical, civil...

>> No.6295294

weak b8 m8, i'd r8 it an 8 but i'm l8 for my d8 that's funded by my good-paying and generally stress-free career path.

>> No.6295298

CE is EE but with easier 4th year courses

>> No.6295302


>> No.6295304

No, CE is considerably easier their whole career.

I would rank ME > CE at my university.

>> No.6295310

>that is not a thing

It is and it's as sad as you imagine it. At its peak, you're designing how to make packages to be parachuted into war zones from low attitude. At its worst, you're writing a patent application for your glitter dispenser and lipstick combo container "invention".

>> No.6295312


>> No.6295331
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>have an autist son obsessed with boxes
>"So son have you thought about what you want to do in life?"
>"yes, engineering"
>"REALLY!? Thats great! What kind?"
>thinking atleast hes a math autist who can make bank in EE
>"Packaging engineering dad, i really like figuring out how to package things effectively
>yfw your stuck paying for it