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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6292603 No.6292603 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/

I have come across an issue. I am and always will be an autodidact - I read all day everyday on matters of all sorts. I've heard so much about math second hand that I feel like I understand it at it's most profound level; feel like I get all of it.I see patterns in crowds and like to imagine data embodied in symbols which represent a visual shape or - whatever it is that's in everyone's head which allows them to visualize a cube, for example. I can do it, although I could be wrong - on scales that to me are incredibly satisfying and stimulating. The problem is I use my own notations. Calculus for example, I have not a clue of the official way to do things but it's basically just the logical implications of measuring average speed in smaller and smaller time scales on a graph until you get infinitesimal. I am perplexed by the notion of students having to take a class that spans months in order to digest a set of rules and information that could be explained over lunch. Now, can you point me to a document you think will suit me - perhaps a hierarchy of notation?

Me: I dropped out from the sheer boredom, not being able to stomach the fascist tendencies and mechanization of spirit in the Canadian educational institution. For example, they make you stop whatever it is you're doing, stand up or freeze in attention to the canadian national anthem in order for one to reflect on the glory of the motherland. It was pointless to bring to their attention that we are not Communist China and the war was over. Anyway, ignoring this, as I often did, combined with refusing to submit to the various trivial rules about such arbitrariness like 'being on time' or how/in what way work was to be done/submitted - I dropped out. So instead got my GED which was like filling out a coloring book. Now at 26, I remain in my room, day in and day out; work on my book that nobody will read and learn about the universe. I'll write and learn until they bury me or turn me to ash.

>> No.6292605

is there a question?

if your question is "is there a repository of applied mathematical symbols?" the answer is yes.


2,000 pages of math.

what'd you go to school for? it clearly wasn't mathematics, so what'd you study instead? I've found that having a passable knowledge of calculus in social sciences can make you feel like a brilliant genius [it's even worse when you're out of the academic realm], but i promise you, the stuff that you're seeing is pleb tier stuff.

>> No.6292608
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I would love to read your book someday. Do you have it titled?

>> No.6292623

How do you support yourself financially?

>> No.6292626

> the notion of students having to take a class that spans months in order to digest a set of rules and information that could be explained over lunch

Understanding the broad principle is easy, the goal is to have you apply those to a wide range of problems. It's the difference between writing a 300 word blog post on a topic and a book on it.

>> No.6292629

Leeching off the fascist state

>> No.6292630

I am seeing gods own truth an am certain of, at least, it's beauty. Pleb, I assume is part of the colloquial term used by the colorful native culture of /sci/ to describe the common fool who is ignorant of important things. Since you don't know me or what goes on in my head, your attempt to put me in my place is purely a mean spirited bluff. I don't feel like a genius or even brilliant, I just like finding thing out - you mistakenly took it as vanity.

>> No.6292646


lol, nope - I have savings which I attained from various things. I don't work in the traditional sense since my time is more valuable that minimum wage and my mind to sensitive for menial tasks. Besides, why work? What is "work"? Everything's already built, the automation in a 1st world country today has machines that do the work of countless men. If one lives frugally, one can live comfortably while living the artistic or philosophical life. I get social interaction through the rich and beautiful world of the internet.

I never said its a fascist state, I said it was like the education system had fascist tenancies.

>> No.6292649

It's just an accurate statement. You can't be expected to understand vector fields or manifolds or topology unless you actively study it. You can't verify the truth of symbolic statements unless you have the symbols wound up tight in your mind. I gave you a mathematics students compiled notes with every symbol you'll need for creating a legible mathematical statement. Get cracking, autodidact.

I didn't mean to come off as condescending, I'm just excited for you

>> No.6292650

>/lit/ wants us to tell him how brilliant be is
>>omg you have pattern recognition? U r a brilliant sientist
>spends a his time writing
>can't even form a proper question

Don't quit your day job

>> No.6292654

aw, thank you. I do not - I have played with titles and have gone through phases of being certain of a title to not knowing at all. It's something you keep in mind until the perfect, most aesthetically perfect set of words bubbles up.

>> No.6292655

>at it's most profound level
>>math is just manipulating symbols you guys!

Holy shit, a brilliant genius!

Tell us more

>> No.6292658

>mathematician friend explains to him basic mathematical concepts over lunch as polite conversation
>>omg I get it it's because I'm a genius

>> No.6292660

op can you post a junk email do i can get in contact with you?

i feel the same way about a lot of things, particularly work, society, formal education

>inb4 he wants the d

>> No.6292668
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Well, there are a million niches you are ignorant of with details you are ignorant of yet you have some intuitive grasp of higher things having read/experienced them some other way/s. Thank you. for the notes. I'm looking through it now.

>> No.6292669

>Now at 26, I remain in my room, day in and day out; work on my book that nobody will read and learn about the universe. I'll write and learn until they bury me or turn me to ash.

Tell us about this book

>> No.6292670

Or, even better, post some pictures/extracts from it

>> No.6292671
File: 121 KB, 554x777, 1389803963982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit. if this isn't a troll post specifically crafted for /sci/, then congratulations. your life manages to incorporate every single thing we like to make fun of.

>> No.6292673
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I can't promise I will respond quickly.

anyway, as a gift for everyone here - another example of beauty

>> No.6292676

you better delete that image

>> No.6292681

>implying /sci/ has mods

>> No.6292690

Well, all I'll say is that it takes place in the time just before and right after true AI (AGI) is created; the cosmic and interpersonal significance of the event. We follow 3 points of view - 1. a hacker activist 2. a woman AI company CEO and 3. A main character of about my age. The emotional subtext will be the main event with some interesting themes; also the augmentations I've created will bring a whole new world to the possibilities of prose fiction.

>I think it’s a pretty good rule not to tell what a thing is about until it’s finished. If you do you always seem to lose some of it. It never quite belongs to you so much again. - F. Scott Fitzgerald

>> No.6292692

If anyone is interested, I also wrote this (in OP) but they don't seem to care over at /gif/

NSFW: boards.4chan.org/gif/res/6062224#p6062256

>> No.6292693

I've been banned for posting things which were trivial many times.

>> No.6292695
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you have to click on it to see that there is a nipple.

Alright I'll pick another picture

>> No.6292698

>work of fiction

Why not contribute to the sum of human knowledge?

>> No.6292700
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It's not letting me delete it. oh well

>> No.6292701

You shouldn't post trivial things on /sci/. We prefer higher level of discourse.

>> No.6292703

Shit, I've been banned for posting on-topic shit just cuz. All that needs to happen is for enough people to hit the report button even if it's on topic.

>> No.6292705

What did you post?

>> No.6292706

Ah, I am. I tend to educate them without them knowing, also - it will add to the emotional human knowledge which can be just as sublime.

>> No.6292711
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the beautiful mind's only weakness - the delete button.

>> No.6292712

Links to scipy and python x, y, an R tutorial and some explanation of it's use in scientific computing.

>> No.6292725


Written any books before? Short storys? Essay's?
Had anything published? Read by a large audience? Even criticized or analyzed by someone other than yourself?

It's unlikely your first work is going to be a big deal, or even good. That's not to say it won't be good though, it's just practiced makes perfect etc

>> No.6292732


The fuck kind of university did you go to

Also you sound like an incredibly enormous douche that isn't actually very knowledgeable about anything.

>> No.6292742

I've dwelt on that fact for the first year but moved past it, I've learned a lot over time on top of that, accepted that anything can happen.

That thought isn't useful in the slightest. In fact it is that thought which allows most people to remain mediocre.

>> No.6292760

OP, you're delusional. YOU are mediocre, happy to live in your own bubble where you're *really* a misunderstood genius who's struggling in a system that is stopping you from achieve your fully potential.

>refusing to submit to the various trivial rules about such arbitrariness like 'being on time' or how/in what way work was to be done/submitted.

Guess what OP, no one likes following the rules or conforming, its the rare person that does.

It's sounds like you just don't like doing hard work. Evident from the fact that you're a 26 year old shut-in, working on your "masterpiece", with no notably achievements to speak other than dropping out of college with a GED.

You're a classic example of someone with great "potential" but no work ethic or discipline.

There have been great genius who sound like you, ie they can't conform etc, but the difference is they achieved something, went off on their own and discovered great new ideas, you haven't.

>> No.6292761

>>has never lived life
>>writing a story about something which is not Alive

Good idea actually

>> No.6292764


>>isolates self from criticism
>>thinks he's a fast learner
>>writing book of sci fi

>> No.6292773

>>doesn't know any real people
>>thinks he can write good people

They will come across as tired cliches.

ps science fiction stories are only as good as the human stories they tell. It's not the science that's important it's the fiction.

>> No.6292774

You don't know enough about me to say I live in a bubble, am a shut in or that I have no discipline. You're statement is in the same category as the other mean spirited bluff in this thread. I'm working right now, everyday. I'm sorry I threatened your self value by just being myself, don't take it personally - it's very unattractive and will get you nowhere.

I have lived, I am young but You don't know me so you can't possibly say anything.

Again and again people try to bring me down to their level - luckily I have a thick skin and these insecure small minded are to be pitied, if anything.

>> No.6292775

Maybe you aren't thin skinned, you're just thick headed.

>> No.6292780
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I've read so much theory and have no many influences, if one views you from my point of view, you seem like an insecure small person who is just taking stabs in the dark, angered and personally wounded at someone else daring greatly.

>> No.6292786

doe ho ho, what a quip - I say - I must admit - you are a much greater man than I can ever hope to be. Consider me shamed, I can't compete with that kind of cunning.

>> No.6292789

> can't write realistic monologues on 4chan
If your characters speak like that in fiction you'd better have a damn good explanation for their strange language. Nobody talks like this

>> No.6292792

Prove me wrong then. Post a sample of your writing.

>> No.6292793

arnt you hitting puberty a bit late? how are you 26 years old but only going through the im such a special 14 your old stage now?

>> No.6292794

You don't spend months studying the rules, you spend months studying their repercussions.

>> No.6292795
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>> No.6292797
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How does it feel to suddenly realize that you've been wasting your body, soul and mind?

>> No.6292798

Stabs in the dark. I think it's just interesting a certain percentage of the population acts like wounded souls.

>> No.6292799

I think its interesting that you are so intelligent but believe in souls.

>> No.6292801 [DELETED] 

I threatened YOU ARE self worth?

Oh boy. I told you it was interesting, /sci/.

>> No.6292803

No it was a poetic choice. How old are you? I'm sorry you're this way.

>> No.6292807

>Thinks he can write
>"poetic choice"

please explain what you think "poetic choice" is.

>> No.6292808

A typo - oh no, my self worth. Another stab

>> No.6292809

And this /sci/ is why you don't isolate yourself from criticism

Thank you for the parable anonymous poster

>> No.6292810

How old are you?

>> No.6292812

>strong empowered autodidact don't need no peer review

>> No.6292814
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>>every criticism is a personal attack against me
I wonder why you failed high school and college

>> No.6292817

Why? He's responded beautifully to the boring drudgery of you retards - people seem interested. He's better than you, get over it.

>> No.6292823

They were not criticism. I do not feel attacked, I'm just talking. You guys realize that fiction is mostly not peer reviewed before it's complete? What do you have against me? Anyway, it doesn't matter - all in good humor.

>> No.6292835
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>> No.6292841

right, it's not like you spend months writing df(x)/dx == f(x + delta_x) - f(x) / delta_x over and over...

>> No.6292844

>>Stabs in the dark. I think it's just interesting a certain percentage of the population acts like wounded souls

You really don't understand literature if you think a quote like this doesn't show the internal state of the man who said it

>> No.6292858

Seriously, how old are you?

>> No.6292859

> You guys realize that fiction is mostly not peer reviewed before it's complete?

Except for editors and people sending out advanced copies to receive criticism, sure.

>> No.6292861

ugh..theory and influences include repercussions

>> No.6292864

why are you asking everyone how old they are?

>> No.6292862

I don't need to do that yet...

>> No.6292878

I'm twenty four and I've lived twice the life you have

>> No.6292941
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> I've heard so much about math second hand that I feel like I understand it at it's most profound level
>heard so much about it second hand
>understand it

>> No.6292948

OP is either high or a major faggot.

>> No.6292987

either way, its still fun to read

>> No.6293011

i don't find it fun. there's a shitload of retards like this in reddit.

>> No.6293343
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>this whole thread
Troll or not I fucking laughed

>> No.6293755

Protip: Don't go to Reddit.

>> No.6293760

OP, if you are so smart, then how does a round sound?

>> No.6293770

Hey OP what's your view on the works of Saul Kripke?

>> No.6293776

OP smoked another blunt and fell asleep.

>> No.6293777

you're on the wrong subs

>> No.6293778

Dude if your a genius keep posting here. Genius will show through

>> No.6293789

>I do not feel attacked
>What do you have against me?

>> No.6293791


Also OP what's your view on the inverse Galois problem?

>> No.6293841

>Dude if your a schizophrenic keep posting here. Schizophrenia will show through


>> No.6293864

>I have come across an issue. I am and always will be an autodidact
Can you tell us you're issue? Being an autodidact isn't an issue.

>> No.6293972
File: 39 KB, 500x403, 1389847199526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is the greatest piece of fiction you will ever produce. Pardon me, metafiction. You have with blatant obviousness created an OP pretending to be a troll pretending to be a 14 year old girl pretending to be OP. It's brilliant. SIDES = BLOWN

>> No.6294897


you need to start writing on windows.