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6273714 No.6273714 [Reply] [Original]

>people who exclusively drink bottled water over tap water

All the evidence shows that tap water is several thousand times purer/cleaner and safer than bottled water.

Bottled water is also marked up as much as 280,000% of its cost to produce. Bottled water contains poisions, toxins, fecal matter, waste products, and thousands of unknown chemicals

What is the cause of this human consumption behavior?

Similarly the same person will happily drink carbonated soft drinks at a 300-600% markup which are 97% TAP WATER.

Alcohol: made with tap water.
Sold at 1000%+ markup

Tea and coffee: made with tap water
Sold at a 3000%+ markup

>> No.6273726

Actually let me post some news on why I use water filtration systems (a RO unit and a mechanical filtration in stages).


The discovery of widespread lead contamination in Washington, D.C. drinking water resulted in a Congressional investigation that damaged the scientific reputation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), left thousands of children with lifelong health risks, and led to a re-evaluation of the use of chloramine in public drinking-water systems. Marc Edwards, an expert in plumbing corrosion, discovered lead levels at least 83 times higher than the accepted safe limit while performing research into premature pipe corrosion for the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (WASA).

Tl;dr You do not know what you are talking about. I do analysis of water for a living and I always use filters and RO units because of shit like this.

>> No.6273725

....does anyone do that?

>> No.6273729

>The world bottled water market is expected to reach $70bn in value by 2017

>> No.6273730

Also, if you live in a third world country/WAY out in the boonies like I do, you have water issues/alerts (my system alarms for radon now and again, but it mainly alarms for bacterial contamination)

>> No.6273733

My tap water is incredibly delicious and fresh spring water. I only drink something else when I am invited to a restaurant.

People drink bottled water and other beverages because we humans behave irrational.

>> No.6273734


That doesn't answer the question. Obviously people buy bottled water for various reasons, but OP said "exclusively drink bottled water." Does anyone do that?

>> No.6273742

My friend does. He buys the bottled water in bulk, and drinks just that (well that and booze)

>> No.6273739

I love tap water, and where I live we have exceptionally pure water for our area because of a state-of-the-art water filtration system, but I will still drink through the filter on my refrigerator because I like the peace of mind knowing it's extra filtered.

I usually don't drink bottled water unless I'm in like South America or something since it's not really safe to drink there for someone like myself without getting extremely ill. Knowing this I can understand why someone who might be a traveler or something would only drink bottled water, but for some place in America, unless your water is really shitty there's no excuse.

>> No.6273743

>sodium fluoride
>good for your teeth

>> No.6273760

I only drink bottles water because i like the taste of the specific bottled water i drink. i use tap water for coffee or tea or enemas.

>> No.6273776 [DELETED] 
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>drinking the fluoridated Jew
Nice sell though, Rosenblatt

>> No.6273785

Hey there.

In America your "Bottled Water" is disgusting man made crap full of chemicals.

In Glorious Europe our bottled water is taken straight out of a spring without even any cleaning and then sold.

I am sorry.

>> No.6273814

Fluoride found in tap water is from industrial waste and can cause severe arthritis since it accumulates over time. There are other contaminants that can interact with the fluoride making it much worse. Distilled or reverse-osmosis or moving is the only way to go if you don't want the toxic affects. Some states and countries don't medicate their public through the water supply.

Keep in mind, public water goes through miles of pipe and has to be pretreated. In the event of a government program to calm down the citizenry or implement population control the easiest method will be the water supply. Don't trust government with your health.

>> No.6273816


>> No.6273820
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>> No.6273824
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>> No.6273826
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>> No.6273836

OP, the answer is, there is a hard core of the population- the entire population-

somewhere around 25-45% of people- in "advanced" 1st-world nations-

Who do not understand logic, who don't have any grasp of reason- who are susceptible, as a result to believing nearly anything and being at the same time unable to evaluate claims using those tools. For these people, emotions intertwine with reasoning, and their experience of everyday life is like swimming is a nebulous soup of impressions.

These people get convinced that tap water is dirty, and they don't have the perspective to evalutate the claim, likewise, they are informed of water's "crystal energy patterns" and are unable to critically evaluate the claims and end up paying money for, essentially, peace of mind, from the demons that inhabit their worldviews.

Ostensibly, primary schooling is supposed to create critical thinking but the proportion of the population (religious, irrational, etc) have been very successful at scaring the scientifically literate away from education. Even if a child could be brought up to come to understand how to use logic and reason to figure out things for themselves- Logic is no longer taught in the classrooms- having been replaced by abstract mathematics that the religious and sensitive cult-members of society can believe that logic and critical thinking is being learned because mathematics doesn't carry the value emphasis of propositional logic. Therefore these kids are conned- they are led to believe that they are taught to "think critically" and yet are totally incapable of it- that is, that proportion of the 25-45% who are predisposed to not being able to perform "reality calculus" unless rigorous training is taught early on in their education.

Modern education has been backsliding for decades, and the intellectual capability of the nation trending similarly.

>> No.6273845

>Logic is no longer taught in the classrooms- having been replaced by abstract mathematics

>> No.6273847
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This is a good example to use for my argument here.

This 25-45% (a guess) of the population, presented with the above 3 scenarios, wouldn't be able to do anything but guess between which of the three were the correct description of reality, and even then, with much honest uncertainty.

Its hard to wrap your head around, but this 25-45% of people include "high-functioning" adults... who you might not recognize as being so intellectually addled as to even recognize the choice between those three scenarios, is a complete joke.

This phenomena is disturbing. I work in a bio lab doing research and my female boss, (BS, MS) is being influenced by a fellow worker (stereotypically illogical) into avoiding the microwave for heating foods. Her reasoning? That it might cause food molecules to become cancerous. I ask what the evidence is, and she says "can you prove there is no effect?" This my friends, is proof that human societies are not going to advance. This woman is taking her illogic back and inculcating her children, who are going to school and being taught that when someone else believes in bullshit, its better to act tolerantly and respect their bullshit. And they are not being taught any philosophy or logic in the interest of making sure the 25-45% of the population who are emotional and irrational can maintain their little incoherent logic-free existences.

After a few (or a lot) of decades of this system promulgating its effects, you have a very dysfunctional culture and society no longer able to control its destiny as a culture, society, country, or community should.

Thats why, if you are scientifically literate and logical, the world seems hell-bent on getting crappier and crappier every day. Its a carnival of predator and prey and wishful thinking, superstition, and gross stupidity we are sinking into on a global scale.

>> No.6273852

>These people get convinced that tap water is dirty, and they don't have the perspective to evalutate the claim,

How can you justify medicating the public through its water supply? 1.) There is no way to control dosage 2.) fluoride is a proven poison which causes severe arthritis (accumulates in the bones) and originates from industrial waste.

>> No.6273857


Let's not mention pollution from fracking or nano-particulates which are difficult to filter out.

>> No.6273863

I used to use an RO filter, until I learned that the water it produces is actually pretty unhealthy. Filtering out microbes and things like lead is a good idea, but filtering out the beneficial minerals found naturally in water is not so good. It can lead to mineral deficiencies if consumed long term.

>> No.6273871

And RO filters fuck up the pH of the water, too.

>> No.6273872



>> No.6273877


Seriously. What help is mathematics for someone processing a propostion?

These two areas, quantitative (or "verbal) and qualitative evaluation and mutually exclusive to a large degree.

Train a kid simultaneously in math and religion and what do you get? A credulous individual that nevertheless believes that he is a critical and logical thinker because he can solve number problems.

the "problems" of verbal or propositional logic are claims about reality which can be described mathematically- but also they can be inferred as a kind of "common sense"- and this kind of reasoning is useful when, for instance, you are presented with the above scenario for where water comes form, or what qualities are relevant when discussing water- and are complementary to a mathematical-ish understanding of things like probability, or statistics.

My point is simply that math is being taught as an end in itself and equivalent to the development of logic as a discipline and skill. As an oldfag, I remember about 25 years ago when colleges began "merging" formal logic from philosophy to mathematics departments, and eventually making formal logic courses math-equivalent credits when the types of claims each discipline are relevant for were different.

And ultimately, the result was that, by implication, the colleges were saying formal logic isn't important- and this coincided with the rise of the postmodernist truth-value cults in the tradition of Foucault, that led to such universally loathed intellectual preoccupations of university campuses...

Namely, that there is no universal "Truth", that all claims are subjective and equally valid, and so on, and so forth. All this shit rode on a wave of oppressive post-feminist propaganda bearing a banner of "Smash patriarchy" and "muticultural" consensus-dominated political environments.

We've been degenerating for a long time.

>> No.6273882

Because tap water tastes awful. It's filled with chemicals.

>> No.6273881

If your coffee is costing more than your alcohol, you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.6273887

It is cheap and it works. Dentistry is expensive and it helps the teeth of those who need it.
I take enough pills as is, and it is bad enough I have to work with heavy metals and radioactive substances. (Also when you live in the countryside, you need to not worry about boiling water. I live right at the edge of the suburbs, right where it becomes farms/forest)

>> No.6273888

>All the evidence shows that tap water is several thousand times purer/cleaner and safer than bottled water.
Uh... no. It's only true that tap water from city water supplies in first world countries is less likely to be seriously contaminated in an acutely dangerous way than bottled water from commercial suppliers in the same places, for the simple reason that a very small amount of dangerous contaminant can make a bottle of water (or vat from which bottles are filled) unsafe to drink, but it would be real work to get enough poison into the reservoirs from which tapwater is drawn.

Bottled water is normally considerably cleaner and purer than tap water, which almost universally has to be tainted with chlorine (and the inevitable toxic reaction products of chlorine with other impurities) to keep the amount of microbes down to a level considered safe for human consumption.

In the world as a whole, tap water certainly isn't safer than bottled water to drink. Tap water is commonly unfit to drink in poor countries and occasionally in rural municipalities of rich countries.

Bottled water can be bought cheaply in bulk. Where it is sold at high prices, it is normally sold alongside other beverages also at high prices, often where tap water is not available.

>> No.6273890


Ever heard of an MSDS? Fluoride is classified as a poison. Even if it was pharmaceutically pure instead of industrial waste.

>> No.6273889

Because I don't want my bodily fluids to be contaminated.

Go away commie, you won't get me.

>> No.6273892

...or a very good time.

I wish we lived in a sane society where you could buy pure grain alcohol for a price approaching its production cost, as you can with sugar or flour.

>> No.6273899

>It is cheap and it works.

Brushing your teeth with it and ingesting it are two different things. Read the label on your toothpaste,.. "do not swallow" or "not for ingestion". There is a reason for that warning.

>> No.6273904

Not all bottled water is lower quality in comparison to tap water

See: Nestle Pure Life

>> No.6273906
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you guys are all losers.

That's what we have in my garden.
Best and purest water ever. (I mean, we make it tested, it was better than distilled one)

>> No.6273907

sorry for the unrelated quote...

>> No.6273924


Daily Reminder that the shooter in OP's picture is a South Vietnamese field officer, and the victim is a North Vietnamese sapper caught red handed and summarily executed in the field, pursuant to all known laws of land warfare.

>> No.6273949

I have one of those, (though I use a pump). I have barrels to collect rainwater, since I am all but a farmer. (I do have electricity clearly though)

>> No.6273982


This is a science forum. Everything is a "poison" in sufficient dose. And the origin of a chemical doesn't matter at all - you're just spouting homeopathy bullshit.

>> No.6274036


that is all

>> No.6274040


bodily fluids, etc

>> No.6274050


So, in essence, you're blaming conservatism on liberalism.

>> No.6274054

had a friend in a very rich town I used to live in drink exclusively bottled water. I'd go to get water from the tap and he'd laugh at me. i found this to be in common with most rich people.

i don't live there anymore

>> No.6274315

stop complaining and science yourself some moonshine.

>> No.6274376

I think I heard on a doc that the victim was a sniper who killed the officer's family. I also don't know how anyone who surrendered, and is in handcuffs can be executed in the field.
I appreciate, however, that you're trying to, it is one of the most influentially disgusting footages I've ever seen as kid, and knowing that he victim is not civilian helps somehow.

>> No.6274477

shits fun too, and not just cause of the final product

>> No.6274495

Well hold on there cowboy.

Nobody here is claiming fluoride in high concentrations is not harmful. Of course, toothpaste is a dental treatment and flouride helps improve enamal strength, so it is going to have a good amount of fluoride in it.

For that reason, we don't swallow it, tap water however has much less fluoride in it. You see, we put as much fluoride in the water as we can without it becoming harmful, but even that little bit of fluoride still helps dental health.

The negative effects of fluoride are rare and mild, including the weakening of bones and tooth flourosis. The positive effects however are a great public benefit, saving citizens millions a year on expensive dental services, especially those who don't take proper care of their teeth (usually impoverished people).

Dental care is a very serious issue, and can lead to death through infection and horrible pain, so I for one am glad fluoride is a thing.

>> No.6274528

>I also don't know how anyone who surrendered, and is in handcuffs can be executed in the field.
Combatant out of uniform. Fair game.

One of the principles of the law of war is that if your break the rules, you're not protected by the rules. If you sneak around out of uniform and spy, sabotage, or assassinate, you're not a soldier and nobody can call foul if you're executed for it.

>> No.6274534

I live in Germany and drink exclusively tap water. It's hard to find places where the water quality is really bad. Still, I know many who drink bottled water only, mostly that carbonated shit. Never understood what people like about that.

>> No.6274630
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the question is:

How can we exploit this?

I'm thinking make a new religion

And profit hard.

>mfw someone told me they believe in god

>> No.6274646

mfw you guys have no facts or sources and are all latching onto this high horse train pulling numbers out of your asses. Typical.

You realize 25-45% of the population sees through your ego masturbation and the rest just either doesn't give a fuck or doesn't understand what you are saying. then there is the 1% here on sci eager to join in and get jerked off.

>> No.6274687

Lead piping.
I'd rather take my chances with bottled water than heavy metals.

>> No.6274945

but the microwave thing is true...
numerous studies have been conducted to show the detrimental effects by microwaves and not just on our food but merely standing in proximity



1. Davis D R. (February 1, 2009). Declining fruit and vegetable nutrient composition: What is the evidence? American Society of Horticultural Science.

2. George D F, Bilek M M, and McKenzie D R. Non-thermal effects in the microwave induced unfolding of proteins observed by chaperone binding. Bioelectromagnetics 2008 May;29(4). 324-330.

3. Kidmose U and Kaack K. Acta. Agriculturae Scandinavica B1999:49(2).110-117.

4. Quan R (et al). Effects of microwave radiation on anti- infective factors in human milk. Pediatrics 89(4 part I). 667-669.

5. Song K and Milner J A. The influence of heating on the anticancer properties of garlic. Journal of Nutrition 2001;131(3S).1054S-1057S.

6. Vallejo F, Tomas-Barberan F A, and Garcia-Viguera C. Phenolic compound contents in edible parts of broccoli inflorescences after domestic cooking. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (15 Oct

so, do you have proof that there is no effect that is completely independent of microwave company funding or the FDA?

>> No.6274964

>All the evidence shows that tap water is several thousand times purer/cleaner and safer than bottled water.
Whatever you say bro


>> No.6275074

If you have any good resources on critical thinking or reasoning, it'd be nice to have them listed on the /sci/ guide linked in the sticky.

>> No.6275082

I live in a state with 'hard water'
You don't get the same taste with hard water

bottle water is 'soft water'

>> No.6275084

No one knew until recent, but they operated as if it was a law for thermodyamics (the third)

>> No.6275210

None of these studies talk about how microwaves are harmful. At all. They talk about how microwaves change the chemical composition of food and how this can reduce the nutrition it provides. That is it.

I hope you are trolling.