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6261822 No.6261822 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, what is love?

>> No.6261824


>> No.6261835


>> No.6261840

To find someone so great, that you want to combine your two gene sets to produce offspring for the better of the world. It's pretty opinion based as to what genes are good and bad.

>> No.6261868

Love is not a science, it is an art.

>> No.6261899
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>tfw my dad actually told me he believes that love is God

>> No.6261905


a art*

>> No.6261923

Deeply held fondness, adoration, affection, etc etc. Very very strongly caring about someone in that manner.

>> No.6261931

you are evolutionary programed to spread genes,in advanced cultures you cannot just rape every women you can find,so only way to make kids is to date...mary...love...fuck...dunno realy...doing those thing make you awarded,limbic sistem awords you by secreting all kinds of chemicals like seratonin,dopamin,oksitocin and others,brain centers that awords are part of septal area,corpus amyloigdeum,ncc acumbes,parts of hypocampus,lateral hipothalamic area and dorso-frontal cortex...

>> No.6261939

I think you're thinking of sex drive. Lust. Love doesnt -itself- have to do with reproduction or passing genes or such.

>> No.6261947

Not directly but we can all agree that individuals that feel love will reproduce more than those that don't. That's all that really matters.

>> No.6261950

Same that pain, hate, envy or hunger, an emotion your brain (not your heart) feels because of a chemical reaction. This particular one evolved, between couples, so women could have the guarantee that the man they were having sex with would later help the child survive. Between family, it's simply because you share genes, and helping those that are closely related to is a sucessful reproductive strategy.

Some people believe that because we understand love, chemically and evolutionarily, it's worthless or even doesn't exist somehow. Curiously enough, they don't ever say this of any negative emotion like hate. Don't listen to these people.

>> No.6261964

Yes, it does.

>> No.6261966


It most certainly does. Love tells you which women to reproduce with, rather than just fucking any vagina that comes your way.

>> No.6261979

No, it doesnt. It doesnt even have shit to do with gender, you just wont have any inclination to do reproductive things with someone like a beloved friend of the same sex.

>> No.6261980
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>in advanced cultures you cannot just rape every women you can find
If culture was the only thing that stopped us from raping females to spread our genes, no animal would need to form a relationship in order to reproduce.

>> No.6261983


Are you saying love between friends is of the same level as love between lovers?
You must have never been in love then...

>> No.6262000

As you see the word love is overloaded and can mean different things a different context.
Also love feels like a placeholder for a variety of feelings we can't describe well, so it's just "love".

>> No.6264553

Love doesn't exist.

>> No.6264562
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>> No.6264720

Romantic love is the same shit felt and carried out in a somewhat different manner though. Intense and pointed affection and fondness, as mentioned earlier. If it was itself about reproduction in any sort of way like that, that requires it to be the other sex, it would depend upon the same things as lust. Indicators of genetics(fertility, for example), health, etc. But it doesnt, unless your the sort of human garbage who labels fuck-lust "love."
I think you limit your perception of friendship. I most certainly know love, anon, both romantically for someone who indeed was the oppisite sex, and for my closest dearest friends.

>> No.6264750

pain doesn't exist either, it's just something telling you the pain is there.

>> No.6264758

Stimuli and emotions are illusions.

Being an insufferable douche and still virgin at 28 is an illusion too.

>> No.6264777

This doesn't deserve a second response but:

Being told pain is there IS pain. It's the reaction itself that is the pain we feel.

>> No.6264851
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>pain doesnt exist either
Would you be willing to allow tests to be done on this assertion, anon?

>> No.6264857
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>> No.6264861

Jesus, this is awful

>> No.6264864

Even illusions are experienced.

The reaction we feel is how pain is communicated to us, it is the language that is being used.

I am not going to advocate anyone being hurt, but if you really want to do tests go right ahead; I am not going to stop you.

>> No.6264874

My little dualism cant be this cancerous

>> No.6264882

great ad hominem

>> No.6264885

There is no seperate 'you' from your brain and the things that happen in it. Nihilistic reductionist perceptions of its mechanisms are full retard.(IE, statements like "Just chemical reactions!")

>> No.6264901

Of course there's no separate 'you,' that doesn't mean that you are that. Your body is not your hand, your hand is a part of your body.

>> No.6265424

So pain is an indicator of pain? Wouldn't that mean that pain is an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator of an indicator?

>> No.6265509

Baby don't hurt me

>> No.6267281

don't hurt me

>> No.6267306

no more

>> No.6267334


Only a feeling

>> No.6267370

Ohh boy, here it goes...

Here's a quick run down on my thesis on love. I've actually spent a lot of time thinking about this, but it's still a work in progress and I'm sure there are gaps. However, it satisfies the criteria of encompassing my personal experiences with everyone I have loved, while not including people (or things) I do not love

Love is a process. To say "I love someone" is to say "I am engaged in a specific process with someone." There is a recursive element involved as well, wherein part of the process is the desire for the process to continue (this becomes relevent later). What the peticulars of the process are is dependant entirely on the two (or more) individuals involved.

However, typically the process involves actions that create a bridge between the emotions of each party, and in connecting the emotions via this "bridge", the emotions of both parties are enhanced. I don't quite mean empathy here, but rather the want to be empathetic. Note that the emotions don't have to be identical, one can be frustration while the other is anger, but the bridge is the desire to not be angry or frustrated, and to continue the process (which is ever evolving) because you know that the share emotional state of bliss, happiness, etc... are worth it. The acts involved in the process can be sex with a significant other, it can be a phone call once a month to a family member, it can be playing with your dog...

There's really a whole lot more to it than that, but that's a start I think. I can get more into it if anyone cares.

>> No.6267405
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>> No.6267422

Do these chemicals actually have anything to do with love or is it just some random chemistry image?

>> No.6267434

Pretty much. Oxytocin is still nice though.

>> No.6267443


>> No.6267509

Excess of oxytocin.

>> No.6267513

Oxytocin is produced by the brain to facilitate sex so yes.

>> No.6267515

My dad is a theist from Alabama. You've been one-upped.

>> No.6267533

Why is your Panda image named "Koala.jpg?"