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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 450x198, 1388211465052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6252756 No.6252756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I did the IQ test on http://www.iqtest.dk/ and I find it a bit flawed, simply because some people are not "good" at picking up differences. Like the ones in this test.

But I think this goes to show, that people are more "gifted" in certain areas, vs others.

The test scored me at 98, but I know for sure I am a lot higher than that, I have a higher aptitude than what this gives me credit for.

Based off my own aptitude and comparing it with others who were or are similar, my IQ range is between 160-180.

Most people I know, even those that hold Ph.D's have commented on much I can understand subjects that took them years and I was able to understand it, without their education.

If I am as dumb as this thing tells me, than everyone around me must be "retarded".

>> No.6252761
File: 43 KB, 625x656, I+want+another+bait+thread+pls+_75e8f1d11359567435704a628446da14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6252759

>taking an IQ test online

>> No.6252765

>getting a 98 on an online IQ test

>> No.6252772

more like
>getting less than 150 from online IQ test

>> No.6252782

>mfw i answered randomly and got a 102

looks like you're retarded OP

it's funny because you might have misinterpreted everything said to you in your whole life and now you think you're a genius of some sort

>> No.6252858


Einstein had an estimated IQ of 160+, and he changed the world of Physics.

If you had an IQ of 160-180, you wouldn't be taking an IQ test online and taking it seriously or asking others why you have a sub par IQ.

>> No.6252893

So what? Marilyn Monroe had a IQ of 164 and still could work out the warming label on a bottle of sleeping pills

>> No.6252903

>Take an Online IQ test
>Score low
>Have extremely inflated ego
>Act like because you can be taught, you're intelligent

What have you contributed to society? When's the last time you solved a very hard problem that no one else or very few others have been able to figure out?

>> No.6252920

>Scores low on test.
>"Yeah, guys, something's wrong with the test."

>> No.6252929
File: 186 KB, 1186x973, 1388219796115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just graduated as a medical doctor 6 weeks ago.
To be honest, I thought I would do a lot worse on the iq test than I did. The last one was a guess as the timer almost ran out.

>> No.6252930

>what is the dunning kruger effect
>smart people underestimate their abilities
>stupid and uninformed people grossly overestimate
i wonder where you fall in

>> No.6252937


I guessed on the last 3 and still got a 118.

The grid one, I literally had no fucking clue. Did you figure it out?

>> No.6252953

How do you score 98 on iqtest.dk
My retarded sister scored 101 on that

>> No.6252960

wordfilter IQ into MMR or Arena rating and change mensa into gladiator

>> No.6252961
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>tfw only ever reached 1900 in 2v2

>> No.6252967

my retarded dog took the test while I was taking a shit and it scored 118 OP are you retarded?

>> No.6252971

You mean the 3x3 grid with triangles and O's and X's? Yeah, that's the one I had a complete stab in the dark.
There were about 3-4 that I was unsure on but made educated guesses. The rest I was pretty sure that I had the correct answer. As the graph shows I got 133.

>> No.6252976


>If I am as dumb as this thing tells me, than everyone around me must be "retarded".

>than everyone around me must be "retarded".

>than everyone


If you struggle with homophones you do not have an IQ ranging from "160-180".

>> No.6252979

Let's stop talking about IQ tests for one fucking day /sci/

>> No.6252980

who u callin a homo m8

>> No.6252986
File: 84 KB, 500x500, 1388224365656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


every single fucking day we have this thread, and every time we have it nothing new or exciting happens other than a good thread being bumped off the frontpage

>> No.6253009

But how else you could measure autism levels?

>> No.6253048

confirmed for having an iq under 160

>> No.6253056

>IQ of 164
[citation needed]

>> No.6253059
File: 13 KB, 320x240, 1388231850741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6253092

I'm a believer in IQ, and I fucking agree. Mods, can I make a suggestion? Make a sticky IQ thread, where all the relevant info and citations, arguments and counter arguments can be placed, then start deleting IQ threads and directing them to the sticky. For the love of GOD please! IQ is truly interesting, the idea that some scribbles on a paper test can predict your future income and success is mind blowing, but this ad nauseum IQ brow beating gives me the shits.

>> No.6253093

IQ can be improved by more doing more IQ tests so whats the point.

>> No.6253101

well considering that this was my first iq test i would say 115 was pretty good with 6-7 random answers

>> No.6253103

>le fish maymay

>> No.6253105
File: 290 KB, 1316x623, 1388237101076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the smartest girl on /sci/.

>> No.6253137

>btw im a grill
kill yourself

>> No.6253157

>look at me im a grill


>> No.6253159

>I did one test, and based on my anecdote I conclude something which I have no evidence for.

Fail. Face validity is worthless for evaluating tests.

>IQ can be improved by more doing more IQ tests so whats the point.

But g (general mental ability) cannot.

>> No.6253164

>muh secret neckbear club
>no girls allowed

back to >>>/r9k/

>> No.6253168

Which is pretty funny, since you're pretty much still a retard.

>> No.6253174

So if you take ten minutes to answer 30, then guess on the rest because you realize that giving a fuck about an internet IQ test, do you transcend the idiocy?

>> No.6253177

I love how much /sci/tard butthurt this post is causing. I'd ask you to have my babbies but I don't know your score in the looks department.

>> No.6253178

>that giving a fuck about an internet IQ test
that giving a fuck about an internet IQ test is a waste of time and mental power

>> No.6253180

>taking more than 30 seconds to answer any of the questions

It must be nice to be normal, in a strange sort of way. Much like it must be nice to be a cow and not have to do anything but chew cud until the day you get led out behind the shed..

>> No.6253182

okay, i'll stop trying science and go get some women pregnant and spread my genes

>> No.6253190

You dont need scholastic education to understand something unless you need it simplified by a medium (teacher). As well, the ability to understand and comment on subjects in no way offers any kind of comparison from which conclusions can be drawn given the vastness of knowledge and understanding within any given field.

>> No.6253198
File: 27 KB, 400x267, 1388242164871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this OP

my sides

>> No.6253204

Exact same score. I had 20 minutes left when I got to the last one. Did frequency analysis, algorithmic progressions, nothing seemed to fit.

>> No.6253209

Explain the logic of the last question.

>> No.6253215

In each row the following matrix transformation




accompanied by cyclic permutation of symbols (x --> circle --> triangle)

>> No.6253218

The answer to the last one is B

>> No.6253227

Huh. The rest were significantly easier than that one.

>> No.6253233


correct. how long did it take you to figure it out?

>> No.6253246

Score over 140 on iq tests because i am very adept at manipulating given data.

Fail school because my memory is so poor i cant even remeber my phone number or address.

Some people say im retarded. Some say genius. cant really function in society though so glad i am rich otherwise id probably be homeless in a mental asylum or something.

>> No.6253251

I wonder where YOU fall in, to.

>> No.6253262


try computer science. I failed in psychology because I could not memorize much of it and switched to CS where I only had to think and not memorize much. about to finish my MSc with distinction now.

some colleagues (university tutors, who have worse marks than I) still think I am a retard, because I tend to forget concepts and details that I should know (according to them) and I am also not good at communicating my knowledge. I just do my work and I do it well.

>> No.6253277

>if I tell them I'm a girl they'll give me attention
Or you could just post anonymously like every other user.

>> No.6253290

Maybe one or two minutes. It becomes pretty obvious once you write the matrix as a cyclic array and the operation becomes a simple shift.

>> No.6253295

Or YOU could just stop paying so much attention to my gender.

>> No.6253297

It's hard not too when you purposefully shove it in our faces. Why would you clearly make your gender known unless you wanted something from it. Just don't be a faggot and post like everyone else.

>> No.6253301


if you want us to ignore your gender, why do you mention it?

>> No.6253305

Calm down, nerds. You're reacting as if you've never seen a woman before.

>> No.6253308

You realise you're on /sci/, right. That insult means nothing

>> No.6253311

>Score 130
Im perfectly ok with this.jpg

>> No.6253314

Insult? It was meant jokingly. Like when gay people call each other "faggot" or black people call each other "nigger". I know we're all nerds on /sci/. Bazinga!

>> No.6253349

>score 112

Should I just kill myself?

>> No.6253361


>all these people scoring <130 in online IQ tests

pick one

>> No.6253401

Very nice. Try this one for extra fun: http://www.etienne.se/cfnse/

>> No.6253416


>It becomes pretty obvious when you assume the correct answer, and then work it out

>> No.6253456
File: 219 KB, 1226x874, 1388257823446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing

>> No.6253464

I got 140, lel

OP is an retard.

>> No.6253475


taking notes during an IQ test is cheating. you have to solve it in your head.

>> No.6253483

Around 130, Im fucked lol

>> No.6253488

I did solve it in my head. The advice to write it down was solely meant to help the other poster understand what's happening

>> No.6253500


Glad someone posted it so quickly.

>> No.6253507

IQ thread??

WELL! I'm glad I can contribute with my original and amazing IQ of 300.

>> No.6253527
File: 78 KB, 1353x598, 1388260236229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I left out 3 questions where I didn't see the answers immediately.

>> No.6253578


>> No.6253589

>the average person answers randomly
>to get less than 100 you must be wilfully incompetent

Suddenly everything makes sense.

>> No.6253606

>take IQ test when young
>score high because it is easy
>maybe i developed a little quicker than others
>never take it again

yep, i'm gifted

>> No.6253617

/x/ ?

>> No.6254475

I wish I was as intelligent as OP.

>> No.6255525

>so guess rather than omit a question!
Stopped reading there.

>> No.6256863

lol no it is an accurate test, in fact.

you should try it again, several times, and it is very, very likely you will score around the 25-75 percentile range every time, with a bit drift due to the accumulated practice.

now you are right in that g doesn't measure general aptitude at all. it is a narrow and perhaps a bit overrated set of skills: working memory, for the most part. so don't feel bad or anything: you can obviously achieve with less RAM; you just have to be smarter and more diligent that way.

>> No.6256890


>> No.6257530

Wow you are fucking pathetic OP. Tests aside, judging from your post alone there is no way you are as smart as you think.

>> No.6258822


>> No.6258923

I got a 122 is this good? I had like 24 minutes to spare

>> No.6259009
File: 147 KB, 1358x619, 1388371008941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check it out

>> No.6259030

how do you even answer these fucking questions?

>> No.6259131

What do you see in the pattern of the background of that image. Because what I see I don't think I can say here.

>> No.6259144

Yeah it looks like a pussy/vagina/snatch/beaver/muff, but it's suppose to represent a neuron. If you check the background long enough in the beginning, it'll show the cells twitching.

>> No.6259157

Click "scoring table" under "take the test".

>> No.6259332

thanks, figured it out by reading the instructions
Got 0 in the test, can't say leaving blanks was a good idea, but I had no idea what the answer was.

>> No.6259597

i scored a 130 on OP's test, running out of time to give much effort to the last two. tho it doesn't look like it would have made much of a difference with more time.

>> No.6259634
File: 234 KB, 918x1170, 1388399603968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The test scored me at 98
>my IQ range is between 160-180.

this must be bait, no one can be this retarded. everyone knows these tests overestimate your IQ, not under. how do you even manage to get 98?

>> No.6259654

>you're IQ is 140
>only .5 have an IQ higher
>intelligence is off the charts
>right here on this graph

>> No.6259663

lol, never realized that before

>> No.6259672


> IQ range between 160-180
> doing online IQ tests
> believing IQ means anything
> top LEL

>> No.6259705

Good news for everyone taking the test, Stephen Hawking says you're a loser.

If you want people to call you smart, prove Goldbach's conjecture, or develop BCI / DNI, or give us commercial nuclear fusion. Then we'll praise you till the end of time.

>> No.6259706

>tfw 133 and still and complete retard wasting my life while failing law school

Being in the middle is the worst if you're good enough to go by yourself

Anyone can provide answer as to how the last question worked ? I rushed it to have time to finish but I only realized afterwards that it was a 39 questions test and not 40.

>> No.6259726

Well mine came out to be 143, and I am a hobo.

>> No.6259762

Thef Feynmann had an IQ of 124 and again changed the world of Physics. Then some other doode had an IQ over 180 and fapped it all into the abyss.

>> No.6259790

Which is the scarier reality.

There is a little bit of truth in these IQ tests and you do actually have a reasonably above average IQ, 120+ meaning you have the intellectual means to be competent in any field. Yet you're not doing anything of value with this slight gift you have been given; you are solely accountable for all your academic failures, you have been given to golden ticket to relative success, yet won't cash it.

On the other hand if these IQ hold no real value, yet they seem to become a rock on which people anchor to in order to define themselves.

>> No.6259813
File: 40 KB, 350x350, 1388417152166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heres my story

>take your bullshit test
>Score in the 95% percentile
>Thoughts dog my every move
>I am on the bus, thinking about it
>There are 20 people on the bus, I am 5%
>I am likely the smartest person here
>In movie theater watching Wolf of Wall St (Good film!)
>There are about 60 people
>I am calculating that there are likely at least 2 other people who are as smart or smarter
>I am walking down the street
>There are hundreds of people going about their day
>I am Mr. 1 in 20
>I look around, there are at least 5 or 6 people on the street as smart or smarter
>Thinking about it more
>I am running across people every day who are likely smarter than me
>We exchange zero words
>Am starting to get a bit depressed
>Am starting to think I am a replaceable non-unique semi-snowflake
>Remembering mom's words

>"You're one in a million"

>T-thanks m-mom.

>But I'm merely 1 in 20

>> No.6259838

Three Words: I Hate People

>> No.6259857

lol, im one in 1000 according to my high-school IQ test. im the smartest one basically any room.
>go to university, 700 engineers enroll in my year
>im the smartest one
>end of the 4 years
>i end up with 3rd highest average
Fuck you statistics, you lied to me.

>> No.6259893

>mfw an aspie grill posts in /sci/
top lel

>> No.6260678

>smartest dumb cubt on a site for retards
Yeah, you should be proud.

>> No.6260683

Looks like I'm the retard here ;_;

>> No.6262296

IQ scores are based off age. This doesn't even ask for age. Anyone thinking this is a good, or accurate number, you're retarded. Also, OP, if you're older than 20, you're probably retarded.

>> No.6262313

I can just tell by the way you type that you are seriously retarded.

Well to be fair 98 does seem fitting.

Sorry chum, get gefukt.

>> No.6262317
File: 486 KB, 200x118, 1388521278911.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marilyn Monroe had a IQ of 164

>> No.6262328

>everyone knows these tests overestimate your IQ, not under

Not always. Depends on the test, how they score it, how they (re)normalize it, etc.

>> No.6264565

Do you know how they score it?

>> No.6264608

>g cannot be improved
Assuming g theory is correct and assuming g cannot be improved: What of it?

>> No.6266315

How does IQ change with age?

>> No.6266324

cortical atrophy

>> No.6268670

I meant phenomenologically.

>> No.6268676

>this failure to recognize illusory superiority
never post again

>> No.6268674

Knowledge is a big component of IQ. Knowledge increases with age.

>> No.6268776

you people are retarded. In every sample they gave, no 3 of the same shape touched by condition that touching excluded diagonal touching.

gave me a 115 though

>> No.6268794

>why would you need to show your gender
>calm down nerds
didn't answer because they were right

>> No.6268803

Okay, I'll try in this one too:

>> No.6268837


Anyone know what the fuck was up with that one question with the grey, black, white and other blocks with different patterns developing. I couldn't figure that one out.

>> No.6268883

>The test scored me at 98
You're at /sci/ and making threads about IQ tests. I'm pretty sure it scored you too high.

>> No.6270992

Which one?

>> No.6271468

Scored 110 in the end but the last 5 answers i answered randomly because of the agony.. and the tv is on, was not able to concentrate and too add the fact that it's 3 am and I'm very stupid cunt.... On that the only thing i was able to observe is that for exemple the first cube on the second row is exactly the same with the last on the first wow, but reversed to the left. This also applies to the first on the third row and the last on the second. But was not able to see the answer i wanted to chose so fuck this shit i'm just avarage I really dont do anything with my life, bad grades, procrastinating. The only hope i have is to find more stupid people that donate on my servers.

>> No.6272644

I meant with training. All such attempts have failed. One might be able to improve it with drugs, at least temporarily.

Stop making shit up.

>> No.6272669

>All such attempts have failed.

>> No.6272670

Why so ad hominem?

>> No.6273425

Took an IQ test at one site. Score = 105 lol ok
Took an IQ at the second site. Score = 184 lol oki
Took an IQ test at the third site. Score = 157 oh you lols.
>durr IQ testz are accuratessss yea!!!

>> No.6273432


He's calling OP a retard for starting yet another IQ thread. There's no debate.