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File: 183 KB, 754x960, 1387823193932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6244315 No.6244315 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently National Geography predicts that (pic related) is what human beings will look like in 2050 (obv. it'll be different for males, but you get the idea).

I don't really give a shit about race mixing but I have one question in terms of species survival.

With diversity actually disappearing with race mixing, could the human race go extinct if there was say, another ice age because there aren't people who are adapted to the cold and have the physical adaptations to survive the cold? Or vice versa with heat?

>> No.6244318


>> No.6244323

BUG freaks!

>> No.6244325

why not?

>> No.6244329

I have no problem with this as long as all the men look like nordic gods

>> No.6244331
File: 21 KB, 300x392, 1387823822936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll probably look like Ancient Egyptians.

>> No.6244337

>implying Gattaca won't happen by then

>> No.6244340

Its so easy
1.convince everyone to mate everyone with most distant genetics.
2.tens of thousands of years to achieve uniform distributions of traits.
3.somehow prevent emergence of distinct geographically segregated groups.
4.remove groups of genetic mutants(in sense of valid mutations, e.g. red hair) from global populations.
5. enforce constant migration to achieve uniform genetic distribution.

>> No.6244341

First of all All human races are able to survive in a diverse variety of climates ( the genetic and physical differences in humans is not large enough to sway this much of an effect on a populations survival if this happened ) Also that's Implying that Humans will race mix enough in 40 years to the point where the MAJORITY of the human race is mixed to that point which is highly debatable

Seriously dude though the outer physical appearance of a human being has probably little or no effect on the persons ability to survive in a certain environment. Caucasians originally evolved to be able to adapt and survive in colder and more rigid climates ( light skin hair and eyes depending on area, a longer nose and different kind of genes that process certain chemicals differently ( but this is a very small variation is a very small pool of potential effects ) and now we see Caucasians living in all parts of the world in some parts that are supposedly warm that is if you believe in the evolutionary theory ( adaption by need therefore implying the nature of humans is that everything is an Need in a certain perspective whether objective or subjective ) ex humans came from monkeys because we needed to develop higher senses and functioning to change in an ever changing world ( IF you believe in evolution and adaptation through change once again as based off a needs of need ) or on a smaller scale and in a more subjective manner humans adapt their behaviors and thoughts according to there changing environments and surroundings which are ever changing according to the perception of humans ( Humans adapt the environments to themselves unlike animals or beings without a higher conscious and reasoning which allows us to have higher judgement and understanding of how things happen and gives us the ability to have drive and want to change what is around us for the better good )

>> No.6244344

Technology has vastly overtaken adaptation as a means for survival in recent years. Not being able to synthesize Vitamin D as easily doesn't mean much when you can just eat a tuna sandwich.

>> No.6244346

I'm confused, what do "human beings" look like now? Assuming that's some kind of average composite, would it be about the same?

>> No.6244350

>Apparently National Geography predicts that (pic related) is what human beings will look like in 2050


That's the average American, not every American or every human. Almost nobody would actually look like that, just like almost nobody does now. Do you seriously think they are predicting uniform blending of traits within the next 36 years?

>> No.6244360

implying her eyes would be that color

>> No.6244374


Any genetic drift that has or will occured will be extremely minor compared to our technology (basic shit like manufactured clothes, farming etc)

>> No.6244375

If both parents have some white ancestry, light eyes is easily a given.

>> No.6244378

We're talking survival situation.

>massive EMP sends us back to a stone age
>new ice age has begun

>> No.6244380


It's not a picture of a real person, retards. There is no "her." See >>6244350

>> No.6244382

Many Americans would look like that if it is the average.

Not all, but many, and you'd have the whites and blacks as the ends of the spectrum.

>> No.6244386

>Many Americans would look like that if it is the average.

False. That's not what average means.

>> No.6244388

That is an actual person from Texas you moron.


>> No.6244396

>With diversity actually disappearing with race mixing, could the human race go extinct if there was say, another ice age because there aren't people who are adapted to the cold and have the physical adaptations to survive the cold? Or vice versa with heat?
The answer to your incredibly retarded question is NO, RETARD. Human phenotypes DON'T MATTER as much as animal phenotypes because we are FUCKING HUMANS AND OUR SURVIVAL TRAIT IS OUR ENORMOUS BRAINS THAT ALLOW US TO MAKE SOMETHING THAT HELPS US SURVIVE.

And unless we somehow devolve back to being fucking pea-brained animals OUR PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS ARE NOT RELEVANT TO OUR SURVIVAL.

Read a fucking anthropology book, Jesus.

>> No.6244403

>That is an actual person from Texas you moron.

So OP was just completely lying? Ok, I guess I should have known that.

>> No.6244406

Not really, that edition of National Geographic was about their predictions of what people in the U.S. will look like and it used those pictures as evidence towards their prediction.

>> No.6244414

>average American
>is just a picture of *some* girl

Good job Nat Geo

>> No.6244422

A while ago, somebody posted a morph of this pic showing her obese. That's the reality! Anybody save it?

>> No.6244438

>With diversity actually disappearing with race mixing

But that's not it. That makes diversity. Humans are still pretty segregated. The world is getting smaller. This makes a wider variety of mates accessible to people. Where as 200 years ago, you had to bone whoever was closest to you, within a small geographical area.

It's going to take a really long time before fucking anyone in the world is considered inbreeding and therefore detrimental. A lot longer than 2050.

>> No.6244457
File: 273 KB, 1258x795, 1387830137847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>predicting how humans will look
seems legit, its not pure guesswork combined with personal bias at all.

just look at the other predictions people have made

>longer fingers to use iphones with
>larger eyes to watch computer screens with
>Social skills, such as communicating and interacting with others, could be lost, along with emotions such as love, sympathy, trust and respect.
>larger penises and breasts due to sexual selection
>larger lips to suck better dicks with

>> No.6244467

You seem to have posted this thread in the wrong forum. This belongs on /pol/.

>> No.6244472

yes, a discussions about the effects of genetic diversity is pol.

>> No.6244480
File: 437 KB, 1000x1273, 1387830666790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


muh genetics

>> No.6244488

>Apparently National Geography predicts that (pic related) is what human beings will look like in 2050 (obv. it'll be different for males, but you get the idea).

… and will have the IQ of 82.

>> No.6244487

I would shot my wife, if I had this ginger nigger child.

>> No.6244491


we /pol/ now

>> No.6244492
File: 71 KB, 330x319, 1387830932157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id shoot all 3 of you.

>> No.6244490

>yes, a discussions about the effects of genetic diversity is pol.

It's biology. Biology is science.

>> No.6244496
File: 285 KB, 1936x1089, 1387830994371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must say that the girl OP posted is quite attractive

>> No.6244499


you must have low standards.

>> No.6244503

Why are you so angry? Do you have an easy time participating in academic discussions with that temper of yours?

>> No.6244501
File: 447 KB, 720x528, 1387831218877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh please

>> No.6244506
File: 151 KB, 600x900, 1387831387721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr the national geographic says so
You know some intern in the nat geo office took about 10 minutes in photoshop to make that. It's not based on any science.

Frist of all, 2050 is only 37 years away. The average American in 2050 is being born around now. Do you think the racial make up of the country is going to change that much in one generation?

>> No.6244507

We've developed technology to survive the cold. We don't need to be adapted. Also, the guy that did these pictures wasn't basing them on anything scientific. Human diversity isn't "disappearing"

>> No.6244508
File: 426 KB, 1000x1273, 1387831440535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking disgusting

>> No.6244510
File: 19 KB, 573x580, 1387831606789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to know who and what are the "Essassani?"
Hybrids, new.
>They are new hybrids? And what are they a hybridization of?
Humans and grays.

They are feeding us the rules of their game.

>> No.6244529
File: 112 KB, 1024x563, elysium-the-squalors-of-earth-1024x563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting…. anyone seen the sic-fi blockbuster Elysium? That face goes with the vision of Los Angeles depicted in that flick.


>> No.6244530


Because every race can survive every climate.

Even sub saharan africans can figure out how to surive in cold climates.
It's not terribly difficult witth our brains.

Kill animal > make fur coat > gather wood > start fire > live in cave

We don't need to depend upon any genetic adaptation other than our intelligence.
If we did, the human diaspora wouldn't exist today.

>> No.6244534

Human beings in general are not adapted to the cold. So Ice Age doesn't really make sense, but if there isn't enough genetic variety then we would become open to being wiped out by disease.

Just look at what happened to bananas. All nearly identical and now the bananas from the 50s are all gone and we're left with our shitty less sweet bananas that we engineered.

Humanity NEEDS diversity

>> No.6244539

This is just natgeo's way of coming up with g8 b8 to scare conseratives

>> No.6244542

Not humans this is what the average American will look like, and that may just mean if you picked out someone at random they would have that skin tone considering white is going to be a minority if projected population growth continues like it is.

Hurr durr.

>> No.6244553

I was about to point out the same thing.
1/6 of the world is east asian and 1/6 is south asian.
The 'average' human would not be that homogenized within just a couple of generations; and probably wouldn't have so much south american/african influence.

If China were to encourage large families again, they'd practically be the world in a few generations.

>> No.6244570

So in the future women will have a red bumpy mustache?

>> No.6245046

OP's theory seems to ignore how over 3 billion humans which is over half the planet's population are asian(mostly chinese). pic related is mostly used by insecure white faggots scared of having their prescious "race" stained by black guys fucking "their" women. /pol/ /int/

>> No.6245071

It's herpes, it would be widespread - rampant, literally everyone will have herpes.

>> No.6245073

Bar one, who will be ridiculed for a normal, bumpless lip, his skin pale from years of living underground, the hair thick on his neck. He will spew talk of IQ.

>> No.6245087

Honestly I'd be more worried by the increase in autism since that reduces sociability and generalism.

Both which played key parts in surviving and adapting to the various environments before "modern" technology happened.

>> No.6245107

environment doesn't matter anymore OP

>> No.6245109 [DELETED] 

important question
If we interbreed extensively, will it be like anime where random combinations of traits keep emerging, e.g two niggerish looking people give birth to a blond japanese person, or will everyone just be a nasty shade of shit brown with brown eyes?

>> No.6245113 [DELETED] 


>> No.6245114


>> No.6245116 [DELETED] 

anyone else smelling global jewish conspiracy?

>> No.6245149

are you implying if hypothetically the jews didn't exist, white, brown, yellow, black, and red individuals could not be attracted to one another and would not migrate to other parts of the world?

>> No.6245156

that's not a conspiracy anymore.

>> No.6245155

>in 36 years black people will go from a slim minority of Americans to the average

muh ridiculous editorial bias

>> No.6245167
File: 135 KB, 733x478, 1387860096649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another ice age because there aren't people who are adapted to the cold and have the physical adaptations to survive the cold
No, but certain novel pathogens may do the trick. If there is a loss of certain allelic combinations at viable frequencies, due to lets say non-proportional interbreeding populations as we have now, we could lose the groups that have immunity and the species could go extinct. One such example that comes to mind is the clinically relevant duffy antigen which is negative for ~90% in Africans while almost entirely positive everywhere else, couple this with many other alleles that may need to interact for immunity and we could lose the key group that survives such a pandemic.

It's funny how much we focus on the conservation efforts of nonhuman species but have no thoughtful consideration to our own. What's worse is not only does this society not consider such a thing it thinks of it as the worst thing possible even if people voluntarily would like to do so without harming others.

>> No.6245178

Some relatively isolated populations (eg japanese, andamanese) would likely see some overall increase in resistance with homogenization, overall.

>> No.6245181

They would, but without the tryhard assumption that anyone who doesnt find the other race attractive has to be a racist.

>> No.6245186


>My kids are going to be middle-aged in 2050
>My kids are white

I replied

>> No.6245193


that should be negligible.

blacks and whites just don't state their view pertaining to the other race if they don't have anything nice to say in that case.

but nobody gets married and has kids on the basis of that.

>> No.6245198

I'm not against racemixing btw. I personally think bi-racials look better than both blacks and whites. What I'm against is the common assumption they push that if you aren't attracted to a spesific race, is that you must think they're inferior or something.

>> No.6245201

This image implies everyone is attracted to Negroes.

Which is bullshit. These days most white men and Asian women are attracted to each other.

Black women are the least desired while black males rank quite low.

>> No.6245205


whatever, not judging you but if someone from one race wasn't attracted to someone from another race I don't see how the attraction would change just because it's taboo to say so.

i certainly don't think it would be common.

>> No.6245212


Africans are the gene-seed of human diaspora.

Thus, they've the greatest range of genetic diversity of any given race population.

As a result, dominant phenotypes are expressed at comparatively higher frequency in Africans across most traits; whereas diaspora populations, which tend to represent a more 'inbred' sample of their ancestral African population, have a comparatively higher incidence of expressing recessive allele for any given trait.

While offspring of a mixed couple might be 50/50 split in terms of alleles from each parent, the offspring will still appear more like the parent with higher frequency of dominant alleles.

>> No.6245213

meant to reference

>> No.6245602

You mean 100 dumbass..
>lrn2 IQ

>> No.6245615
File: 1.20 MB, 250x231, 1387889178192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks race is only skin deep

>> No.6245618

Wow I'll never make babies with someone that isn't as nordic as I am