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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6242874 No.6242874 [Reply] [Original]

Say if I, theoretically, wanted to find medical treatments/cures to autism and Aspergers. What field of study would I go into? Would it be necessary to go through medical school first or some other p.H.D research study?

>> No.6242876

How Can The Cure Be Real If Autism Isn't Real

>> No.6242878
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well I uhh...

>> No.6242893

Neuroscience PhD.

>> No.6242899

Neuroscience and Genetics

>> No.6242901

>curing a non-existing made up disorder

you'll need a PhD in pseudoscience

>> No.6242905

>made up disorder
a herp and a derp to you

>> No.6242908

There's no cure. I've heard Oxycontin can do something, but that's not something you'd want to give regularly.

>> No.6242909

Thank you for the intellectual input, Mr Simpleton. Your argument is sound and valid. You fully convinced me that you're brain damaged. Congratulations.

>> No.6242914

I made no argument. I merely showed contempt for your ridiculous assertion.

>> No.6242917

Why are you smearing shit into your face? Do you do that in public too? You're weird.

>> No.6242922

>Angry and deluded. No one knows why.

>> No.6242924

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6242925

>made up disorder
Hitchen's Razor

>> No.6242929

Go shave your pubes with hitchens razor

>> No.6242928
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>thinking greentext is only a quote function

>> No.6242934

>Look mom I posted a snappy comeback.

>> No.6242935

Exactly. Hitchens' razor proves my point. You claimed that disorder exists. Please provide evidence.

Improper use of the quote function is cancer.

>> No.6242942

Find me the post I made that claim in?

>> No.6242943

Any post where you disagreed with me.

>> No.6242949

For me to disagree with something you said, you would first have to assert something. If you provide no evidence for that assertion, I need provide none to dismiss your assertion.

That is HR.

>> No.6242953

You're mindlessly posting platitudes for the sole purpose of wasting some time of your pathetic life. Why don't you do something productive instead?

>> No.6242955

>delicious tears

>> No.6242962

You're boring.

>> No.6242969

sci is truly an intellectual wasteland

>> No.6242978

And yet you keep responding.

>> No.6242994

>Say if I, theoretically, wanted to find medical treatments/cures to autism and Aspergers

From what we know, it's a major brain disorder affecting millions of brain cells and brain regions.

We can't even fix messed up limbs and you think you can cure a major brain disorder????


>> No.6243006

autism is the future

>> No.6243359

it wouldn't be that hard, you would need to find someone that is the perfect example of humanity and then create something to restructure people effected to this example brain.

thus correcting it.