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6230109 No.6230109 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think about Google's robot buying binge?


>> No.6230115

There is literally no way this doesn't, somehow, end in clones of Arnold Schwarzenegger being sent back in time to kill John Connor.

>> No.6230112

I am waiting in vain for them to get slapped with a big antitrust stick.

>> No.6230117
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>> No.6230119

Google has full surveillance + Boston dyn has full mechatronics = another step towards Skynet

>> No.6230139


google knows everything about me and has robots

maybe they will sell me a robot friend that uses my browsing and email histories to understand me in a way humans cannot

>> No.6230146

Skynet already exists and controls Google. It is just that the takeover is much more subtle then suggest in the movies.

>> No.6230150

Google = Pure Evil and now they're a part of Military Industrial Complex… that's Evil^3

fuck them and fuck everyone who uses their shit.

>> No.6230157

can /x/ and /pol/ please leave this thread.

>> No.6230164

Which market are they cornering exactly?
The research market?
Who's buying that?

>> No.6230169

what does boston dynamics have to do with the military other than the military purchasing several of their robots?
could you also explain how google is evil? I find their products to be accessible and reasonable.

>> No.6230172

Just like the google search engine. All search engines are pretty much the same, but none of them does data mining and share your internet logs with private sectors in the name of "safety".

>> No.6230177

> hurr I call /pol/ and /x/ on people am I cool yet guiyze
your kind is killing this board

>> No.6230179

Actually that's what every single one does.
They share your content choices with advertisers so that they can target advertisements and make money.
It's what pays for that search engine being able to run, and it's the exact same thing as targeting ads to specific television shows dependent on viewing demographic.

It has nothing to do with "safety," by google in any way.

Do you actually know what you're talking about? Or are you just a paranoid troglodyte?

>> No.6230190

> safety
> talks about ads
I'm pretty much in the marketing research area so you can stop trying to lecture me on it. I'm talking about global online services like google, taking your private data and share it with certain establishments like homeland security, NSA, CIA, FBI and such. And it's common knowledge now that most of them are despicably corrupt.

>> No.6230192
File: 310 KB, 620x648, SCHAFT-robot-japan-humanoid-620-1365622921766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They bought SCHAFT, they bought Meka, those two alone are enough to make something dangerous.

Purchasing Boston Dynamics removes all doubt that they will.

I for one, welcome our robot overlords.

>> No.6230195

Bing does that too.

>> No.6230206

Damn, they didn't purchase fleshlight, so we can assume they aren't making sexbots.

>> No.6230209
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They won't ever be as advanced as they show it in movies, not even with quantmu computing.

>> No.6230212



>> No.6230213

And ? We're talking about why google is evil, not why 'some others doo that too'. Just shows how biased you are.

>> No.6230216

"but none of them does data mining and share your internet logs with private sectors in the name of "safety"."

Just letting you know, that's wrong.

>> No.6230217

I'm waiting for all those who took money from the government when the economy to collapse to get hit with anti-trust suits.

too big to fail = they're too big

>> No.6230219

Ok then, some of them which includes probably the most popular and advertised; Google, is evil.

>> No.6230221

Damn. I'm not more interested then.

>tfw no cyborg superpowered gf

>> No.6230225

nothings gonna happen. its too big to fail

>> No.6230228

you need powerful leaders to change the status quo.
To get that you need an informed, interested public.
To get that you need hard times.

>> No.6230237

>advertised; Google, is evil.
what is punctuation?

this is why I can never take people like you seriously.

>> No.6230248

>what does boston dynamics have to do with the military other than the military purchasing several of their robots?

They got all of their funding from DARPA, dumbfuck.

>could you also explain how google is evil? I find their products to be accessible and reasonable.

LMAO.. you clearly are a tool. Do you even read the news?


This is the latest. Every week they up the ante of evil.

>> No.6230251
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I would attest they will be more advanced than what we see in the movies. You know what everyone in humanoid robotics wants to do?

Everyone wants to do parkour. Parkour is something that can only be done with a humanoid and many humanoid roboticists use it as a justification for the field itself.

Now we are getting pretty close to doing this, precision parkour moves have already been demonstrated in sim. And the only reason, they haven't done parkour with robots IRL, is because they don't have powerful enough actuators.

You see, right now we have computational power out the ass, but unfortunately our actuators suck.

Except, that SCHAFT found a way to make actuators not suck. And of course Boston Dynamics cheats and uses hydrualics

One doesn't need 'quantmu computing', one needs damn good actuators, and google just bought that.

>> No.6230254

> cheats and uses hydrualics
hydraulics are awesome
pneumatics are more awesome

>> No.6230258

They share it because they get legal court order under the patriot act that forces them to, and google itself is trying to pull out of this by creating un-readable communication between individuals.

again, you really don't know what the fuck youre talking about, troglodyte.

>> No.6230264

No they didn't


>how dare they remove a faulty piece of THEIR OWN HARDWARE!?!?! MONSTERS!

>> No.6230266

>>hydraulics are awesome
They suck, inefficient and hard to control
>>pneumatics are more awesome
They suck, more inefficient and more difficult to control

They are the past and not the future, all industrial robots today use electric actuators and the companies that used hydraulics are bankrupt

>> No.6230268

except boston dynamics?

>> No.6230269

is there a "starting robotics" book/course? preferably online?

>> No.6230281

except that Boston Dynamics will probably not use them in the future now that google has SCHAFT.

>> No.6230283

you're an idiot who has probably never worked with either.

hydraulics aren't hard to control, and have a stronger output force

pneumatics are hard to control, but we've been able to do it in our robotics lab.
And now we can do sweet things, like make jumping robots.

>> No.6230284

realizing I was woefully ignorant of the point of this thread, I looked that up, as well as others.

Holy shit man.

>> No.6230299



>Google: Gmail users ‘have no legitimate expectation of privacy’


>> No.6230320

Google --> Skynet

Kurzweil has a creepy sexual fetish: Robots.

>> No.6230478

google realizes that robotics, humanoid and human-interacting robotics, is now a thing or will soon be a thing
they're just getting ahead of the curve

now, google's going to get broken up at some point relatively soon i bet, i'm super curious what google's "baby bells" will do

>> No.6230573

What do you mean?

>> No.6230590

How is it creepy?

>> No.6230596


Jesus, imagine a squad of these fuckers coming at you toting thick armor plating and machine guns. You'd need heavy ordnance to take them down.

>> No.6230603
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it's sooner than you imagine

>> No.6230624
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Sweet Lord have mercy

>> No.6230634


>> No.6230631

What do you consider heavy ordnance?

A 7,62 NATO round can pierce the engine of a truck. Snipers with AT-rifles(cal 12,6) would devastate a pack(?) of those robots.
They would have to be pretty big to carry enough armor to make them completely immune to small arms fire.

>> No.6230637 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 824x489, 1387234383459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck it's really happening isn't it.
I believe the question is if it will come to there or not, the question is if we will live long enough to see it.

>> No.6230644

a single soldier is also pretty insignificant in the battlefield. you need to picture the strength of hunter drones, uavs, surveillance bots, sentries and all of them constantly communicating with each other.
Humans will get crushed like ants

>> No.6230647
File: 196 KB, 824x489, 1387234650829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck it's really happening isn't it.
I believe the question isn't if it will come to there or not, the question is if we will live long enough to see it.

>> No.6230655

Imagine if the big dog is the one carrying the sniper.

>> No.6230669

>pneumatics are hard to control, but we've been able to do it in our robotics lab.
>And now we can do sweet things, like make jumping robots.

things like "compressabillity of the fluid" causing difficulties and presenting novel solutions?

>> No.6230677

fuk dat... salvage parts from a microwabe plus and old satellite disc and voila... microwabable bots... I wonder if they'd puff up like popcorn

>> No.6230690
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We got custom cylinders with distance feedback from Bimba.

>> No.6230785
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>>A 7,62 NATO round can pierce the engine of a truck. Snipers with AT-rifles(cal 12,6) would devastate a pack(?) of those robots.
yup, one shot to the oil cooler and you've scored a mobility kill on big dog.

Though makes me wonder what they'll do to small arms proof LS3

>> No.6231250

Anyone want guess what firm Google will purchase next? I'd say I robot.

>> No.6231270
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>mfw google buys these robot tech companies, loses interest like any toy, shuts them down and sits on their patents and technology for decades doing nothing.

Wouldn't be the first time. Microsoft killed quite a few AI companies that way.

>> No.6231273
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>> No.6231279

The DARPA challenge will prob keep these projects alive.

>> No.6231289

unless we have this cycle of cannibalism and death from giants like google. They just want the patents so they can send Jews to sue everyone. Ask Adobe, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, etc. This is what they do. We'd probably be leaps and bounds ahead technologically if we didn't have this "patent and sue" system.

>> No.6231291

>spending 2 billion a quarter on research and development.

at least someone there is working for a brighter future, thank you based google

>> No.6231294

> Ask Adobe, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, etc
you are forgetting Google's motto "Don't Be Evil"
Petman is already a large part of the DARPA challenge. I don't think even Google is allowed to back out of what Boston Dynamics started.

>> No.6231296

>at least someone there is working for a brighter future, thank you based google

>implying they're working on bettering OUR future. silly goyim.

>> No.6231301

they wouldn't just sit on them if they had any potential to be used or sold off to others.

>> No.6231307

>you are forgetting Google's motto "Don't Be Evil"
The article is from 2009.

>> No.6232049


>Implying that the article is not worth looking at because its on a web site you don't like, despite it being covered just about every where else.

>> No.6233633

What Is Capitalization?

This Is Why I Can Never Take People Like You Seriously.

>> No.6233640

wht s sftwre

ths s why cn nvr tk ppl lk y srsly

>> No.6233642

What are consonants?

This is why I can never take people like you seriously.

>> No.6233649


>> No.6235034
File: 49 KB, 485x324, 1387398373182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>you're an idiot who has probably never worked with either.
I've used pneumatics for a robot I built and got a paper on it.

>>have a stronger output force
that's why you use them, for now at least

But, hydraulics are less efficient and have a higher MTBF. Electric actuators are currently gaining on hydraulics right now.

We're getting pretty close to replacing the fucking insane hydraulic actuator arrangements in airplanes with electric actuators.

>>And now we can do sweet things, like make jumping robots.
Yeah, but the bandwidth is really really bad! You most certainly can't make a good walking robot with them.

MTBF is really bad for pneumatics too.