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6230537 No.6230537 [Reply] [Original]

I have a friend who 100% believes that the earth is only about 20,000 years old and that scientists have found whale bones at the top of mount everest and that the nephilim built the pyramids.

How do I deal with people like this? He always talks about how important empirical evidence is yet he believes everything said in the bible

>> No.6230544


Well first ask yourself why you need to deal with it at all.

>> No.6230550

I've been friends with him for 15 years. I can't just cut ties like that

I mean come the fuck on; whale bones at the top of mount everest?

>> No.6230551
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Sabotage car breaks
Gas leak with rigged matchbox inside house
Tragic bathroom accident
Intense food poisoning
Spontaneous combustion

>> No.6230557

So you are going to stop being friends with someone just because they have different beliefs? You sound like a douche.

>> No.6230558

>how do I deal with people like this
Does it ever under any circumstance matter to your relationship?

I had a friend (female friend whom I was quite fond of) who told me that she believes in ghosts and nymphs etc (Icelandic folklore), she was rather smart. The kind of girl who was very good at math (keeper). I didn't let that get in our way, it doesn't really matter does it?

>tfw her fat friend confessed (she was not nearly as pleasant)
>get awkward after I rejected her
>go to different highschools (grade 9-12)
>no contact
>only meet on the street occasionally
>wildly different private interests and no chance of good contact
>move to study at uni, absolutely no chance now that it would be long distance.
I really wish I wasn't such a pussy.

Don't cut your ties with your friend. There's no reason to even think differently of him for this.

>> No.6230559

>20,000 years old
huh, creationfags usually say 6,000. not sure where he got 20 from.
does the bible actually even state when it was or are creaiontards just pulling random numbers out of their asses??

anyway, he's a fucking idiot, but so what, most people are anyway. you could just ignore his batshit insane beliefs and just not talk to him about it.

>> No.6230564

I'm fine with him having different beliefs, but this is just retarded.

Every time we're with each other he brings up this kind of shit when he knows I don't care or believe otherwise. It isn't even intelligent debatable shit. I tried to talk to him about Norse Mythology and he instantly dismisses it has shitty fiction while believing in angel-human hybrids building the pyramids.

Aliens are a more plausible explanation for fucks sake

>> No.6230567

The bible tends to be very vauge. Catholocism has added all kinds of shit though. Like aristotelian physics (really hurt everyone a lot) and probably this age thing too.

I mean the original bible doesn't even strictly define the genesis as days. Just a non-descript division of time in 7 segments.

>> No.6230568
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Rice -n- beans?

>> No.6230571
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pathetic junkie

>> No.6230574
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awwwwww that is sum trippy shit, son!

>> No.6230575

I understand it's extremely frustrating to just ignore his bullshit, but that's quite simply the best option.

With that type of person, there is literally nothing you can say which can convince them. It's quite likely they're part of a group or community which encourages that viewpoint, and offers "evidence" against any arguments you might make.

As long as it doesn't directly harm him or people under his care, it's for the best if you just agree to disagree. Otherwise, you're going to argue constantly, and quite possibly ruin your friendship to boot.

>> No.6230588

I really hate this confusion between fact and opinion. No, it's not your "opinion" that vaccines cause autism, that's a statement about objective reality not subjective experience. Someone doesn't have the right to believe something stupid, sorry.

>> No.6230595
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>> No.6230645
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>> No.6230668

you better leave your friend behind, OP
he is just abusing you

>> No.6230678

>he is just abusing you
>...by being wrong about a small part of life that doesnt actually make any difference in the real world
fuck you, moron. it'd be like if his friend believes in santa. sure, it's a bit fucking dumb, but so what? it doesnt matter