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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6226407 No.6226407 [Reply] [Original]

how hard is to become a polymath?
is my dream since a child.
actually I'm not trying to learn drawing (2006), digital painting (2012), animating (2013), writing (2008), programming (2010), poethry (2012), music (late 2013), languages (know english and spanish, interest in japanese), economic news (2009), cooking (late 2013).
TL:DR Right now I'm learning all skills related to game development because I think videogames are interesting as an art form.

I would like now to start reading about Math and physics because I need them to be a real programmer.

BTW I'm not bragging, I think I'm average at best and mediocre at worst, but I love to learn, (even if in February I felt tickles in my brain and was caused by my brain tiring from overload)

I want to be ultimate game developer because since the start people told me I should specialize and It was a foolish dream.

I know is possible, I just want to see if /sci/ also wants to be polymaths.

>> No.6226416

Thank you for the good laugh. My sides became a harmonic oscillator.

>> No.6226424

lawl. hai guis I knoo how 2 use da g000gle how I becum betr?/

>> No.6226427

Why all of you think being a polymath is impossible?
seriously curious.

>> No.6226429

OP, I play piano and does graphite drawings, I also play minecraft and solitare, do i polymath yet?

>> No.6226451

It's not impossible, but what OP posted is far away from being a polymath. All the skills in his list are trivial shit any normally functioning human being learns in his life. I'm almost surprised he forgot to list "breathing" and "wiping my own ass" among his polymath activities.

>> No.6226457

Read economic news is a skill now? Wow, it sure takes a polymath to read a newspaper.

>> No.6226462

What's your IQ?

>> No.6226459

Oh shit dude if you know that redstone shit then your a fucking genius only IQ 150+ can master that shit.

>> No.6226465

what then is required to be a polymath?
I'm more of an artist though.


>> No.6226473

I can count by twos and tie my shoes.
Am I a polymath yet?

>> No.6226482

Let's dissect this pile of shit:

>drawing (2006), digital painting (2012), animating (2013)
Any middle or high school kid can doodle and playfully waste time with graphics software.

>writing (2008)
Once you learned the alphabet, you can write. Big fucking deal.

>programming (2010)
It takes one weekend to learn a programming language. I know 12 of them and I wouldn't mention it in my CV because it's too trivial.

>poethry (2012)
Any child can produce rhymes.

>music (late 2013)
Listening to music? Producing music? Both require the same amount of intellect, i.e. none at all. Almost everyone learned to play an instrument during their childhood.

>languages (know english and spanish, interest in japanese)
Only two languages? Did you drop out of school or something? In any civilized country you are forced to learn at least two languages which aren't your native language during high school. I learned 7 languages and I'm not even investing much time into it.

>economic news (2009)
Why do you even mention this? Any normal person regularly reads the news.

>cooking (late 2013).
It would be more worrisome if you didn't know how to cook, because that would indicate a cognitive defect.

>> No.6226487

You're almost worse than OP

>> No.6226490

have you been at agdg?
99% of those dudes aren't willing to learn more than 1-2 skills.
in fact, being a one man developer is still something special.

>> No.6226494

but we're talking about art at professional levels, not at the level of childs, asshole.

>> No.6226495
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>OP thinks he's smart for doing trivial everyday life activities everyone else does in addition to their regular job

>> No.6226498

>professional level

No such thing. Keep dreaming, dropout.

>> No.6226503

>an art form
Choose exactly one.

The anti-intellectualism of that post is truly disgusting. By mislabeling cheap infantile escapism as "art" you are grossly insulting the entirety of western cultural history. Do you have no respect for actual artists at all?

>> No.6226500

I don't find too many people who wants to master ALL those.
I'm not claiming those are hard.

>No such thing
Why not?
maybe not today, but I will be improving, maybe I will be a master in all of those in 20 years.

you're clearly missunderstanding each art if you think is easy.

>> No.6226508

>video games

I hope you know 4chan is an 18+ forum. You shouldn't parade around telling everyone that you're underaged.

>> No.6226523
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Let's not enter into that shitty debate.
There's been a movement in the videogame industry from indie developers who make art games.

There's no real reason why games can't be art.
While do I agree that games are interactive art that can only be compared with interactive theather or performance art and not static forms of art (books, movies).

There's no reason why Zelda or Final fantasy are less of works of art than post modern works of painting with shit or putting espaguetti inside your vagina in some art class.

BTW I don't share the thinking your average gamer does.
I'm not interested in current videogames neither playing them.
I'm not interested into making games from the mechanics and rather from the aesthetics of play.

Art has diferent meanings depending on your context.
calling videogames as non art is fucking retarded, because the court has said that games are art and had the same benefits as other art forms.
So, acording to law, games are art.

BUT, I do agree the industry suffers from many disseases and is an awfull place where the money matters, not the potential of the medium.

I'm 24, but I'm not interested into current videogames.
I'll rather polish my skills and make masterpieces acording to traditional and classical arts.

Sorry bro, but I've studied all those arts (I'm not a master though, but I know quite enough).
I think games are an interesting artistic medium worthy of exploration.
There's no other art form that shares drawing, painting, animation, drama, music, graphic design, and mix it with computer science, AI and 3D technology.
Sorry, but game development is extremelly interesting to me.

>> No.6226527
File: 2.56 MB, 2560x1600, 1387076685756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see a non-professional draw and come up with something original like this

You really are the worst scum of the Earth

>> No.6226534

Art died in the 19th century together with philosophy.

>> No.6226535

Not science, not math. We don't care about your anti-intellectual hobbies. Get a blog or something and stop bothering /sci/ with off-topic nonsense.

>> No.6226539

ok, can we talk about polymaths?

>> No.6226537

>an art form
>choose exactly 0.999...

>> No.6226540

I could, but you obviously can't.

>> No.6226543

he wasn't a professional. he wasn't even paid.
he himself was visionary. That is what allowed him to paint something so beautiful.
> dat episode of Doctor Who....i think i'm gonna go cry again

>> No.6226549

I was just defending my views on anons mocking games.
games as art form is a serious topic to me.

Let's change the topic.
What is needed to be a polymath?

I used to hate math and science until I started reading about programming.
Now I'm really interested into learning about science.

I was just curious if there is some anon here who wants to be a polymath.

>> No.6226555

>posts false statements and a bunch of insults because of muh feelings against video games, probably tried video game design and lacked the creativity to vomit out anything better than the average 5 yr old could do
>gets refuted and switches the subject
You really know how to argue m8

>> No.6226559

Stop abusing the word "polymath". You have no idea what it means. Go look it up in a dictionary.

>> No.6226561

had to google that image. what is wrong with keith boadwee?

>> No.6226563

Go back to >>>/v/ with your infantile escapism. Video games are puerile and have nothing to do with science or math. If you want to behave like a child, that's your own problem, but please don't spam /sci/.

>> No.6226571
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ok, let's see:
>expertise in diferent topics
I do (diferent art skills).
>embodied a thinking that everything is possible for humans
I do, people kept telling me that mastering all the skills to do game development is impossible.

I don't know that artist, but such art is devoid of any inherent notion of beauty.
art creates beauty, beauty gives meaning to life.
art that is made to shock or to be ugly negates beauty, therefore negating the meaning to life.
Actually that art is extremelly anti-humanistic.

he's not me.
I'm OP.
I'm not insulting anyone.
Sorry if there are other anons who insult and you're tricked.
>infantile escapism
Ok, won't argue more about videogames.
Remember, I want to talk about polymaths and what is needed to become one.

>> No.6226572

videogames are a topic of research in computer science.

>> No.6226575

>people kept telling me that mastering all the skills to do game development is impossible.

What skills? Being immature is not a skill.

>> No.6226576
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>behave live a child

>> No.6226578

I mean I googled him and that's probably one of the less shocking works of art he's done. It looks like in most of his pieces it's him shitting out paint while pissing in his mouth and jacking off.

>> No.6226581

these are my posts:

The rest are other anons.
I'm being full civil here.

It was just a photo I saved from /ic/
Nothing special.

>> No.6226589

I think you are doing fantastic work, OP. I'd love to be a polymath.

But I think, and I also think that most of the thread agrees with me, that to be a polymath, you need to be a master at each of your subjects. I'm pretty certain that you did not become a master of digital painting in one year. and reading a newspaper or write some code does not make you a master of economics. Regardless, I hope you continue on learning. Specialization is for insects.

>> No.6226595

I had found the path I choose for my life quite liberating.
I feel somehow "euphoric" (even if is just a meme) because to be creative is simply much better than simply just consume art.
Even if I will end up with no degrees and certifications as proof of my learning, I like to learn at my own pace, even if I would like to have teachers and tests.
But I can't study and master all those topics, there's simply no academic degree who host all.
Also, even If I just had spent 8 years of my life at this point, is a bargain compared to 5 degrees*5 years or even more.

>> No.6226597
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>> No.6226605

>But I can't study and master all those topics
You dont need to study at a uni to become a master, but it does take a lot of effort and skill. That's what makes being a polymath so difficult. They say it takes ten years of work to master something, but ten years of work does not make you a master.

>> No.6226690


>Any middle of high school kid can doodle and playfully waste time with graphics software.

Anyone can pick up some graphics software and create a shitty model or drawing, yes, but the well-made graphics you see just about anywhere are made from people who have devoted years refining their skill and learning structure and properties to give desired effects.

>Once you learned the alphabet, you can write. Big fucking deal.

It's like you seriously can't make a distinction between things. The world is so black and white to you that you seriously can't see why not anyone can write?

>It takes one weekend to learn a programming language.

Making the "Hello world!" pop up doesn't count as knowing a programming language.

>Listening to music? Producing music? Both require the same amount of intellect, i.e. none at all.

You must listen to shitty music.

>> No.6226736

>Hello world
>takes one weekend

You have no hope.

>> No.6226838

Go to bed quentin.

>> No.6226851

>not transferring your consciousness to a biological quantum supercomputer that gives you the ability to push the boundaries of all human knowledge and achieve cross-field synthesis of information impossible for any naturally evolved ape

>> No.6226862

>learning and understand how to use hundreds of libraries
>one weekend

It's like you don't even know Java

>> No.6226885

>I don't know that artist, but such art is devoid of any inherent notion of beauty.
>art creates beauty, beauty gives meaning to life.
>art that is made to shock or to be ugly negates beauty, therefore negating the meaning to life.
>Actually that art is extremelly anti-humanistic.
Im no art person, but to me this sounds like something created by someone who never grew out of the bitter angsty teenager phase, but treating it like it has value and is worthwhile just because it means or implies -something-

>> No.6227413

humans have a cultural and biological need for art, in this sense art serves a cultural function as to showcase and unified the tastes, values and moral foundation of a society.
Also, art serves a indoctrination function on teaching kids how the world works (fairy tales).
Also, art is a source of pleasure derived from the stimulus of the senses (in other words, "beauty").
In this sense, I consider art to be like psycological and emotional food of mandkind.
Art that dignifies the best mandkind has to offer in a beautifull way can improve the life of people and is a the best moral teaching tool.

Art served all those functions, that's why art matters.

But modern art negates traditional values in favor of cultural relativism, shocking material, lack of responsability/insight on par of the artist, commercial pressures to merchandise works of art, seeing art as a way to counterfeit money, academic masturbation on justifying verbose explanations of lack of beauty, etc.

>> No.6227430

>a indoctrination function on teaching kids how the world works (fairy tales).

Are you talking about religion?

>> No.6227433

Art is not a religion but has been used through history by religion as a way to educate people.
Look at middle ages art, barroque art, christian art, etc.
Also, in more primitive cultures, art serves a social function to teach kids about their social structures, way of living, rules, rituals, etc.

>> No.6227435

>educate people

Ahahaha, my sides. Choose one.

>> No.6227438
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>has been used through history by religion as a way to educate people.
Religion and education are opposites.

>> No.6227439

are u aware that hundreds of years ago religion controled education?

>> No.6227442
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Yes, I am aware and it is very sad. Just imagine how advanced humanity could be today if we never suffered from religion.

>> No.6227454

are u aware the origins of the dead of the western roman empire?
are u aware that the roman empire collapse not because of christianity but because of economic weight and hyperinflation just like America will collapse in this century?
The germans barbarians didn't had to fought romans, they gladly accept to be freed of the roman state which was very similar at how america is today with all its political issues on state surveillance.
Also, germans didn't want to destroy Rome, they wanted to steal the goods (literature, architecture, food, baths, concrete, entertaiment) for themselves and their kids.
Also, you have to consider the destruction of the bizantine and north africa parts of the empire by muslims.

Also, you have to consider that thanks to the church, many works of ancient literature wered copied and protected.
you need to remember that.
BTW I'm aware about the inquisition, but that's a roman catholic church problem, not done by protestants.

BTW you need to be aware that the first cities we're done as religious congregations and the beggining of civilization was thanks to religion.

>> No.6227457
File: 177 KB, 600x400, 1387122851342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> just like America will collapse in this century
dream on kid

>> No.6227467

Heheheh, is this a troll from r/badhistory? I haven't seen that picture used unironically in a long time :)

>> No.6227473

what a bullshit image. only a moron would believe that shit.

>> No.6227477

Do you really think that any country can survive the demographic shift that's happening right now in the US? There hasn’t been a single country that has accomplished that through peaceful means in 2000 years of recorded history.

US won't last past 2025.

>> No.6227484

>are u aware the origins of the dead of the western roman empire?
Yes, unlike you I know basic facts of history.
>are u aware that the roman empire collapse not because of christianity
Christianity mainly lead to the degeneracy in the last two centuries of the Roman empire. Since the rise of christianity the Roman empire experienced a surge of incompetence in their highest ranks, mainly due to the change in mentality christfags brought to Rome.
>but because of economic weight and hyperinflation
Economically not much changed from the time Roman expansion stopped until the empire's decline. Regional conflicts, military fragmentation, the influx of foreign tribes and the slowness and inflexibility of administrative bureaucracy were much more significant factors. Economic crises of temporal and spatial small extent only acutely disturbed the balance of power.
>America will collapse in this century
America is not gonna "collapse" at all. They are only slowly losing their economical privileges to the globalized economy, mainly to China and Russia.
>consider the destruction of the bizantine and north africa parts of the empire by muslims.
The North African parts of the empire were taken over by the Vandals a few centuries before Islam became popular. The muslims conquering North Africa didn't destroy but mainly preserved existing structures. The Byzantine empire coexisted with the Arab Caliphates for centuries (even though they lost territory to them). The official fall of Constantinople happened much later. I don't even see why you mentioned it. The Eastern Roman empire successfully survived the fragmentation of the Western empire and is thus completely unrelated to your point.
>thanks to the church, many works of ancient literature were copied and protected.
And many were burned.
>the first cities done as religious congregations
>the beggining of civilization was thanks to religion.
Bullshit. The first cities evolved on the basis of economical necessity.

>> No.6227486

>2000 years of recorded history.

you seem smart

>> No.6227490

Was this supposed to be funny? Your conception of humor is 2autistic4me.

>> No.6227493

nice rhyme

>> No.6227494
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>> No.6227765

>implying roman empire didn't collapse thanks to mudslimes.
check your privilege, white boy.

BTW don't offtopic, let's talk about polymaths.

>> No.6227769

>implying the roman empire didn't collapse because of ancient aliens
Nice disinfo, shill.

>> No.6227773

I bet you use C++ you fucking pheasant

>> No.6227778
File: 80 KB, 566x480, 1387134891009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blaming cristianity instead of mudslimes.
I wonder who's behind that post.

>> No.6227791

When the Western Roman Empire collapsed, Islam wasn't even invented yet. How hard did you fail your history class?

>> No.6227807

the roman empire didn't collapse, even today there is the vatican and Napoleon wanted to be emperor again.
the roman empire did divided into western and eastern empires, which were destroyed by islam.
Red a book nigger.

>> No.6227814

You dumb fucking retard. The western empire was sacked by Germanics.

How does it feel to suffer from downs syndrome you retarded piece of shit?

>> No.6227815


>> No.6227826 [DELETED] 

No, you dumb retard. The western empire was sacked by Germanics in 476. Why are you arguing this unless you're suffer from downs syndrome?

Why are they letting you use a computer if you have downs syndrome? Isn't that against the law? Shouldn't you be playing with legos or something?

I'm becoming genuinely curious.

>> No.6227831

No, you dumb retard. The western empire was sacked by Germanics in 476. Why are you arguing this unless you suffer from downs syndrome?

Why are they letting you use a computer if you have downs syndrome? Isn't that against the law? Shouldn't you be playing with legos or something?

I'm becoming genuinely curious. Please answer my questions, unless you suffer from autism too.

>> No.6227843

sacked != destroyed
people voluntarely surrended to germans.

>> No.6227855

Alright downiefriend, whatever you believe is true.

Now please answer my other questions ty.

>> No.6227895


being a polymath can mean pretty much whatever to anyone

if you wanna be considered a polymath by me, you gotta be adept in:

-state of the art expert in at least one niche

-- state of the art expert in at least one niche

-general ecology
-state of the art expert in at least one niche

-history of
- state of the art expert in at least one niche

-at least two substantial civilizations in depth
- state of the art expert in at least one niche

--at least three instruments
-something 3d
- commercial grade aptitude in at least one field

-all the basics
- state of the art expert in at least one niche

- state of the art expert in at least one niche

-- state of the art expert in at least one niche

-all the basics
-at least 5 greats
-- state of the art expert in at least one niche

a state of the art expert is one among a dozen people or less who created or is intimately familiar at extending the field, and is maintaining his or her status at this peak of the vanguard of discovery.

>> No.6227902


top lel

>> No.6227923


are you some kind of infantile joke of a man with a serious inferiority complex?

>> No.6227926

I am not a man at all and the only joke I see here is "philosophy".

>> No.6227940

>I am not a man at all

I have isolated the problem

go to bed ek, no one likes you

>> No.6227965

architect detected.
Do you even know what the other two do?

>> No.6228015


feel free to expand on the list
perhaps should have put structural instead of architecture