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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6220984 No.6220984 [Reply] [Original]

Can you guys help me? I'm one question away from getting a 100 on my math final. I don't recall ever learning this.

How much money will there be in an account at the end of 5 years if $17000 is deposited at 4% interest compounded quarterly?

>> No.6220986

i guess you're not going to get a 100 then

>> No.6220991

$18532 to the nearest dollar

>> No.6220993

$17000 * 1.04^20



>> No.6221014

I don't know what level 'Finals' are, but this is what I got.

>> No.6221020

thats not how it works, its $17000 * (1.04/4)^20

>> No.6221022
File: 47 KB, 419x333, 1386872262159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck are you on 4chan when you're supposed to be doing your math final!??
also, you do realize that your grade is completely fucking meaningless if you cheat and get some /sci/fag to spoonfeed you the answer, rite?

homework threads aint even supposed to be here anyway, cunt.

>> No.6221026

thats why im asking how to get the answer. learn how to sage.

>> No.6221034

where the FUCK are you retards getting the number '20' from?? he said FIVE years.

well it's already pretty much been posted, so fuck off.

>> No.6221046

someones pissy today. you talk a lot of shit for someone who can't even prove he can do basic algebra.

>> No.6221047

>4% interest compounded quarterly
>every 3 months

>> No.6221049

5*4 = 20 you retard

>> No.6221055

shut the fuck up, and i CAN do basic algebra, it's easy as piss. i aced algebra, so shut your fucking face, cunt.

why the fuck would anyone compound it quarterly?? it's just a stupid fucking question.

>> No.6221058

i don't believe you nor do i have any reason to.

>> No.6221067

i dont give a fuck

>> No.6221070

>I think the question's stupid because I can't fucking read

That is what you are saying. This is an exceedingly simple question. Like I said before, I don't know what level finals are, but in England this is like a C or B grade GCSE question.

>> No.6221069

this is why woman should not do math.

>> No.6221074

can you list even one fucking bank that compounds interest quarterly? no? good, then fuck off!

>> No.6221078

That is completely irrelevant. You read the fucking question.

>> No.6221081

well your answer is incomplete anyway. OP wanted the method, and you cant just skip steps or you get a shit mark, so you should have said
$17000 * 1.04^(5X4)
so dont fucking blame me for your stupid assed errors, you only get partial marks for just the answer.

>> No.6221092

19224, /thread

>> No.6221103

Seriously, I don't understand why you would need help with this kind of thing. This kind of thing wasn't even taught in my normal math class in high school. This is what we did in "Personal Finance", the class that everyone took by law and even the retards could pass with an A.

>> No.6221111

Bro these guys are fucking trolling you. theyr'e a bunch of whiny nerds who are mad because they can't get laid and they give people the wrong answers when they get here to make themselves feel better.

I just had my teacher explain the SAME FUCKING PROBLEM a couple days ago since it was on our homework.
It's 17000*(1.04/4)^[20*(5/4)] divided by 4 in both those places because of fucking stupid ass quarterly.

>> No.6221122


>> No.6221127
File: 47 KB, 290x395, 1386874796827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i aint OP and i aint retarded. i've known know compound interest works for more than a decade, so nice fucking failtroll attempt, cunt.

>> No.6221129
File: 26 KB, 694x579, 1386874832212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama says it's gonna be about 20k, but none of the equations given here arrive at that answer. So someone's doing something wrong.

>> No.6221131

Oh, I figured it out! You want to do:

17000*(1 + .04/4) ^20

>> No.6221134

That takes into effect the inflation?

>> No.6221138

no, because then you're dividing the interest by 4, which makes it only 1% interest. presumably it's the full 4% that is done 20 times over the course of the full 5 years, like anon already said.

>> No.6221141

Stop trying to troll this guy just because he doesn't know how to do your stupid fucking bank questions that are unrealistic anyway.

You know damn well that you're just trying to fuck with op because he doesn't jerk off to stupid made up math.

>> No.6221143

>presumably it's the full 4% that is done 20 times
thats not how it works.

>> No.6221148
File: 387 KB, 397x416, 1386875140930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck not??

>> No.6221180

Ok let's see we have 17 K compounded quarterly over 5 years ( total of 20 compounds ) of an Interest rate of .04 of 17k

which is 13.6k so according to this Logic it should be... 29,600
That's how I see it

>> No.6221239




why did you not do this?

it looks like a simple compounding interest problem...

>> No.6221467
File: 10 KB, 402x176, 1386883439199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're doing homework questions, can someone verify that this is right?

The (Vi/a) is just something I slapped on to account for initial velocity. I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.6221476
File: 9 KB, 271x288, 1386883740910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can someone verify that this is right?
>I have no idea what I'm doing.
looks like you answered your own question then, huh?

>Since we're doing homework questions
except we're obviously not, because READ THE FUCKING RULES!

>> No.6221481


>> No.6221488
File: 25 KB, 460x393, 1386884102091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protip, doing shit like this:
>The (Vi/a) is just something I slapped on to account for initial velocity
is usually a sure sign that you're FUCKING THINGS UP!
seriously, be thorough and do things step by step. i cant even work out what the fuck your equation is meant to be. if it's actually supposed to be anything useful, it should be somewhat related to one of these

>> No.6221503

You have no idea what you're talking about, EK. His formula is much more general and accounts for quantum mechanical friction. Stop reposting your elementary school cheat sheet. Nobody needs it.

>> No.6221505

I'm sorry I mentioned homework. It's actually for a game I'm making. I'm making spaceships move from point A to point B with constant acceleration and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to decide acceleration on each axis without referencing previous frames.

I tried to solve for time so that I could get the number of frames I can keep accelerating until I can decelerate. I.e. it'll take 30 seconds to decelerate, but you have 50 seconds until you arrive, so you can use those 20 seconds to accelerate and decelerate, shrinking the 20 seconds down by something which I can't quite figure out.

>> No.6221516
File: 36 KB, 180x200, 1386884688963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w/e, it looked like mechanicsy stuff to me.
d, a, t, thats distance acceleration and time, rite?
and presumably Vi is initial velocity.
hey, i thought it'd help.
if not, he doesnt have to use it. the option is there. no harm done.

>> No.6221515


>> No.6221518

Cutie. He's trolling.

>> No.6221525

Usually when they say 4% they mean a 4% annual rate. So it's a little weird but that's the standard. That's why they often quote an "annual yield" as well. So if you get a 4% rate (i.e. annual rate) compounded quarterly, your annual yield is (((1+.04/4)^4-1)*100) %

>> No.6221526

meh. maybe. i've got some flak for me 'cheat sheet' before

>> No.6221528

it just says 'at 4% interest compounded quarterly'
it never says "oh yeah, by the way that whole '4%' figure is actually for the annual rate. but we're gonna make you work it out the quarterly, because we're all a total bunch of dicks. k?"

>> No.6221532

Yes, but it's standard and so usually assumed. Sure, it's possible that whoever wrote the test didn't know about the standard, but odds are someone who is teaching this stuff knows.