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6220578 No.6220578 [Reply] [Original]

Medfags, I threw myself into a frozen pipe swivel to get it to move. It didn't. I now have massive pain if I raise my arm to the side (like flapping a wing motion) in what feels like the bicep. I can raise my arm by rotating it forward with very little but notable pain. There is a swollen lump almost between the triceps and bicep, but more on the bicep side. I also have discoloration from bruising at my shoulder. all pain is local, not radiating, and only present during use.

Add my insurance is shit, is this just a bruise I can safely suck up, or is the chance it is more serious high enough that I should go broke getting it looked at?

>> No.6220579

sounds to me like that you are eventually going to die of lack of brain cells. the only cure? stop shitposting on /sci/

>> No.6220580

Yeah, God forbid I don't post about how .999...+.999...+.999... can't equal one or about science's fundamental flaw of not recognizing qualia.

>> No.6220584

Oh and all of that said, I don't dispute the fact the act was stupid.

>> No.6220601

>your stupid fucking personal "medical" question has anything whatsoever to do with the purpose of this board

i hope you get a clot

>> No.6220603

It's better for the board than the five obvious homework threads on the front page, the thread purely about philosophy, and the ethics post that is little more than a stormfront wankfest.

>> No.6220610

>my post is a shit post
>my post is not as shitty as other shit posts
>therefore you should accept the fact that i shit post

this is you. eat some shit, and stop trying to feed it to us.

>> No.6220619

>only two people post on 4chan
Yeah, I'm not OP. I was just pointing out that this isn't even remotely the worst post on the front page, much less /sci/ in general. Hell, had I enough knowledge about such, I would turn this into a discussion of injury mechanisms because I find that interesting. More to the point, everything you have posted is definitely shitposting because you did not recognize an opportunity for such discussion.

>> No.6220621


maybe you fractured your humerus, or dislocated the joint. in any case i'd have some xrays done just to sleep sound at night

>> No.6220630

>maybe you fractured your humerus, or dislocated the joint
A fracture and a dislocation should hurt regardless of use. I'd assume that if there any type of damage it would be tendon damage.

>> No.6220654


it doesn't hurt at all when you are not using it? fracture and dislocation both hurt while not in use, but not as much as when you try to move the limb. sharp pains like that are typical signs, though dislocation would be pretty obvious. there could also be muscle damage, though i doubt it

>> No.6220657

>it doesn't hurt at all when you are not using it?
Nope, not at all. I'm positive it's not dislocation (no loss of range of motion, it hurts like a bitch to raise my arm beyond a certain point, but it's possible and there's no popping/cracking). I believe it's just a deep bruise in the muscle tissue. Pressure (ace bandage) and icing have reduced the amount of pain/swelling since yesterday, but it's still not fun to deal with.

And thanks for the reply.

>> No.6220670

maybe you just bruised it very deeply indeed. in any case i hope you get better anon, and be more careful next time

>> No.6220674

Thanks again.
>be more careful next time
Heh, more a matter of don't let myself get pissed off and do something retarded next time, but since you have some bedside manner going on here, I'll thank you for not being so blunt.

>> No.6220680

Well obviously .999...+.999...+.999... can't equal one, it is equal to 2.9999999999...9997. Duh