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6218403 No.6218403[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tesla telling it how it is

>> No.6218435

Tesla was an autist thats why he had no money from his inventions and died like a bitch. If he was a little bit more sociable he would be bigger than edison. But no hurf durf i hate ppl they so cruel ;_; xD

>> No.6218441


But he's right. Most people are never going to see things the way you do so there is literally no point in bothering with most of them.

>> No.6218455

I am Fucking disapoint, Tesla. I am Fucking disapoint.

>> No.6218457


>> No.6218460

So you will neglect other human beings just because they dont share the same point of your view? This sound like teenage rage outburst. Kids are selfish and when you dont speak with other humans and bring them joy of human conversation then you are just manchild with no confidience like tesla.

>> No.6218461

Because reasons.

>> No.6218468
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Because it sucks. So he says that and go on with a pidgeon hobby. Even being a rich man, he will look up for flaws and surround himself with obedient desperate liers. Even with plenty comfort his life will likely end along There Will Be Blood movie. So fuck that anti social behavior is retarded as a women.

>> No.6218471


>> No.6218473

>So you will neglect other human beings just because they dont share the same point of your view?

I should have clarified. By seeing things the way you do, I meant it in a more broad sense than not sharing your specific views. Obviously the different perspectives of others can be a very healthy thing to be around. I meant that what I said in that most people are going to conform to societal norms and never question anything. Those people aren't worth your time because they never really develop a point of view from which you can learn. Having some traditional views is fine, but one needs to be able to back them up.

>This sound like teenage rage outburst.

I'm not angry, though. If it were an outburst I'd be bitching about how everyone isn't just like me rather than accepting it and ignoring the people who aren't worth my time.

> you are just manchild with no confidence

I'm quite confident in my abilities and I am aware of the things I don't know. I know that this tends to come across like I consider myself to be some enlightened fedora-wearing neckbeard, but that honestly isn't my intention. I'm not deluded into thinking I'm somehow superior to others. I just know what kind of people I want to associate with and what people are, in my personal life, going to be a positive influence.

>> No.6218479
File: 443 KB, 1280x1024, 1386781665579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That era was full of geniuses. Why is it that today's modern thinkers can't hold a candle to the thinkers of the past?

We stand as parakeets on the shoulders of giants, squawking about whether N=NP and whether the Earth is located in the center of the universe or just slightly off-center.

>> No.6218489

>Why is it that today's modern thinkers can't hold a candle to the thinkers of the past?
lel. that should go on one of those fake quotes pics.

>> No.6218488

They were working on the easy stuff, the stuff that's relatively easy for a non-specialist to grasp the relevance of. And it's obvious in retrospect how important their work is.

People are doing work just as great now, but you don't understand it.

>> No.6218495


>> No.6218509

because philosophy and science are separated now
there is more calculation but no meaning
there are more pieces but no whole
there are more competitors but no goals

einstein, bohr, planck etc discussed the meaning behind their mathematical discoveries all the time which ignited more debates and critisim which in turn gave rise to more research and insight...we all follow Feynman school of thought now, shut up and calculate

>> No.6218513

Is this not a 'fake quotes' thread?

>> No.6218519

op's not a fake quote

>> No.6218517


Is this quote made up? All it says is that "you can make higher prime numbers by imagining higher prime numbers."

>> No.6218520

>we all follow Feynman school of thought now, shut up and calculate

Feynman didn't say that.

Also, you're a retard.

>> No.6218522

That makes it even funnier.

>> No.6218526

Tesla was retarded at everything that wasn't electrical engineering.

>> No.6218538

>Many physicists have subscribed to the instrumentalist interpretation of quantum mechanics, a position often equated with eschewing all interpretation. It is summarized by the sentence "Shut up and calculate!". While this slogan is sometimes attributed to Paul Dirac[42] or Richard Feynman, it is in fact due to David Mermin.[43]

Alright there was controversy on the origin of the quote but that doesn't change the conclusion. Also nice arguments there.
As someone in the scientific community I can, with no hesitation, say that we don't have goals. Sure I'm working on C-H activation and elaborate on the future prospects of that in our paper intros, we all leave the "fundamental" part to somebody else. All groups in the wourld do. (I know 2 expections who work on better questions though, I'll give you that: CERN and Human Brain project),

>> No.6218573

Nice arguments, yes. I perfectly understand what you are saying, that it starts on brute knowledge, and if raises human life standards, it is a bingo.

Mental chronomentry was solid important and average reaction time was lower than today. That era seemed to be very serious.

6218468 here

>> No.6218580


That's very impressive. I hope you enjoy your line of work and that it brings you a great amount of stimulation.

Einstein infamously decried early findings about Quantum Mechanics with his famous line, "I am convinced that He does not play dice." As brilliant as a man Einstein was, he succumbed to the classic human folly: he had an expectation about how nature "should" behave, and projected this onto his interpretation of the world. Recognize it or not, this is a dangerous principle in science.

>> No.6218589

I see, that's where we differ. I have little to no regard for human life standards, the technologies or conventions science introduce to our lives. That's engineering.
Science, on the other hand, should be about the principles that govern life, universe, mind etc.

>> No.6218605

I've read his debates with Bohr in Solvay and Ehrenfest's house. Those were very stimulating conversations which caused both of them to excel further. Have you come by the paper by Kramers, Slater and Bohr by any chance? They had many theories which failed eventually but those failures are as valuable as the succeses in forcing the peers to think. Even though I agree god shouldn't enter any part of this discussion, Einstein still proved to be a worthy advesary against quantum theory.

>> No.6218619

The point is the knowledge itself changes the collective path of action.

>> No.6218638

why did moot have to make sages invisible anyway

>> No.6218649

so we don't get cut in your edges

>> No.6218665
