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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 214 KB, 1024x768, 1386617493999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6213657 No.6213657 [Reply] [Original]

So the last days I keep seeing things about meditation on here and researched it.
It seems like it's scientifically proven so I tried it out. I used a simple technique called energy meditation where you imagine energy flowing trough your body to calm your thoughts and eventually getting a blank mind.
Surprisingly it worked and I felt the calmness for like an hour.

Everything that helps me improving is a good thing so I wanted to ask what experiences you made. Also if there are some advanced users on here if they could teach us their ways.

>> No.6213668
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huh, i might try that one.
and yeh, meditation is pretty cool. it definitely works.

>> No.6213855

It seems like this is an uncharted subject here on /sci/.

>> No.6213859


Maybe that's because it's not science. I'm glad it gives you a feeling of inner peace, at least.

>> No.6213869

But it improves our ability to learn.
Aren't this kind of tools also part of science?

>> No.6213875


Brace yourself op. /sci/ dont take no likings to them orientals whacamacallits. Yes sir, only cold hard "science" for these boys.

>> No.6213879

Yeah. Dis niggah.
>be me
>go run
>get runners high
>go home and do a shit ton of maths

That running and other "spiritually enlightening" things (for me, reading the tao te ching, bahgadava gita, etc. Suck it sci) puts me in a great mood where I'm more able to do productive shit, like science and math.

>> No.6213884

Meditation is great. You should keep at it, OP.

I'm not going to tell you why because you will find that out soon enough.

>> No.6213890

Yeah, just like IQ.

>> No.6213902

>be me
>go run
>get runners high
>actually damage my legs because I kept running without realizing that I'm at my limit

>> No.6213906

>It seems like it's scientifically proven

WHAT is scientifically proven?

>> No.6213908

Spirituality belongs on >>>/x/.

If you want to talk about the neuroscience, feel free to do so, but spiritual exercises definitely don't belong on /sci/.

>> No.6213914

>muh spiritual experience blog
Not science. GTFO

>> No.6213925

More like /adv/

>> No.6213927

Meditation isn't really a spiritual exercise. Your own connotations to the practice don't stand for anything.

>> No.6213929

Meditation is defined as a spiritual exercise, you illiterate troll.

>Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness

>definition spiritual
>of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

Now go back to /x/ with your obvious non-science bullshit.

>> No.6213942


>Completely unrelated definition

I don't see the issue

>> No.6213949

Not the JIDF you're replying to but

Is it more spiritual than, say, working out? If my only goal is to calm my mind and enter a state of complete relaxation than how is it spiritual, you cock worshiper? Some people use meditation in spiritual practices, true. But it does not mean that spiritual practice is the only place for it.

> faggit and his wikkipedia

>> No.6213956

What the fuck are you talking about?

By your standards, running is spiritual too, or boxing. Or fucking swimming.

Fuck off.

>> No.6213957

This site will help you learn the English language:

>Is it more spiritual than, say, working out?
Yes, because a workout is focusing on the body and not the spirit. Why do I even need to explain this to you?

>If my only goal is to calm my mind and enter a state of complete relaxation than how is it spiritual
I posted the definitions, you illiterate shit stain. Why can't you into reading comprehension? Too stupid to understand simple English?

>> No.6213958

>running is spiritual too, or boxing. Or fucking swimming.

No, they fucking aren't. Read the definition. It is as simple as it can be. Are you verbally impaired? Did you suffer from delayed speech and language development as a child?

>> No.6213960
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>Yes, because a workout is focusing on the body and not the spirit. Why do I even need to explain this to you?
Gtfo, female Hitchens razor troll. I can spot your sorry ass from a mile away.


Don't say I didn't warn you.

Pic fucking related. We've been through this a thousand times now.

>> No.6213963

Are you mentally impaired, you fucking trolling bitch? Get a fucking life.

>> No.6213966


>"Meditation can be conceptualized as a family of complex emotional and attentional regulatory training regimes developed for various ends, including the cultivation of well-being and emotional balance."

there is nothing necessarily spiritual about meditation

>> No.6213970

Yeah I was wondering if that anon is a troll or simply retarded. Turns out both!

>> No.6213975

She's a fucking no-life that keeps coming into threads that even remotely touch on the subject of consciousness, and then stirs up a shitstorm with repetitive and completely idiotic commentary, while refering to the "Hitchen's razor" to perpetuate her stupid trolling.

Get yourself a fucking vibrator, you fucking thread-ruining bitch.

>> No.6213977

>argumentum ad feminam

I have a very good life, thanks for asking. It's a little bit sadding though to see that people like you cannot appreciate the efforts I make to help furthering your education. I posted facts and I backed them up with sources. I don't see why you're so upset. If science hurts your feelings, you should have stayed on /x/.

>> No.6213979

Suck my dick.

>> No.6213980


>> No.6213981

What's wrong with you? What kind of brain damage did you suffer that you are incapable of reading the simple definition I posted? It's literally just one line. If one line of simple English is too hard for you to comprehend, you should seriously consult a neurologist. Your physical and mental health might be in danger.

>> No.6213982

There's nothing in that definition about spirituality. Now gtfo.

>> No.6213984


you should be more subtle and cultivate the troll over a longer series of posts. that's how it gains real staying power instead a short burst of posts then a fizzle

>> No.6213989

I posted a factual clarification. My post was informative and provided educational content, unlike yours which consists of nothing but puerile obscenities.

Please ask your mom to read and explain >>6213929 to you.

>> No.6213990

Definition 1:
>some cars are blue

Definition 2:
>my car is blue

>all cars are blue

This is how retarded you sound right now.

>> No.6213991

Muh niggah.

I used to run 7 or 8 miles at most. Got runners high and ran a half marathon (13 miles) one day, I almost cried my legs hurt so bad for the next 20 minutes.

>> No.6213992

Either start sucking dicks in order, or gtfo. I for one can see right through your troll mask.

Man I miss EK, a proper /sci/ female.

>> No.6213993

Aren't all spiritual experiences neuroscience?

>> No.6213996

Why do I need to be subtle? The best way to educate others is by posting factual information. Subtlety would only lead to confusion.

This has nothing to do with my post. Please learn logic.

I won't suck any dick.

>> No.6214003

>Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end in itself

Please tell me how this relates to spirituality.

>> No.6214004

Why can boxing or running be spiritual?

>> No.6214006
File: 115 KB, 233x375, 1386627989252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I won't suck any dick.
Typical female.

>> No.6214005

Definition of "spiritual":
>of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

>> No.6214010

Don't bring other definitions into it. I can also bring in the definition of a giraffe, and somehow bind it to the original definition.

No, please tell me where in the definition I posted is there any mention of spirituality?

>> No.6214013

Please learn English. Your question clearly shows that you didn't understand the words you copypasted.

>> No.6214017

I already know English. Now either answer my question or stop, because you're not making any sense.

>> No.6214019


Come on, dude. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6214022


>> No.6214023

If you understood English, you wouldn't have to ask.

>> No.6214026

Yeah, nice. Clearly I'm talking with a rock.

>> No.6214028

This is truly a wondrous thread

>> No.6214029

Butthurt is not a good basis for an argument. You cannot argue against her just because you dislike her. She's clearly right and you know it. Let it go.

>> No.6214030

Let's get sciency.


>Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of the Mind-Body Medical Institute, which is affiliated with Harvard University and several Boston hospitals, reports that meditation induces a host of biochemical and physical changes in the body collectively referred to as the "relaxation response".[18] The relaxation response includes changes in metabolism, heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and brain chemistry.

>> No.6214035

Meditation has nothing to do with spirituality UNLESS you conotate one with the other.

That said, you can both gargle on my balls if you wish.

>> No.6214038

Did you seriously just admit being less educated than a rock? Why do you insult yourself?

>> No.6214041

What is the most efficient way to gain those effects?
Is it a routine?
Any meditation techniques you can recommend?

>> No.6214043

By its very definition meditation is a spiritual exercise. The definitions have been posted. You cannot argue against facts. Stay mad, kid.

>> No.6214046

Obviously he cannot recommend anything because he doesn't know anything. All he can do is copypaste wikipedia for those who are too impaired to google it on their own.

>> No.6214053

I value personal opinions more than google searches.

>> No.6214050

You know what, fuck this shit. I have better things to do than argue with a troll.

Have fun wasting your time telling everyone how you're a robot and consciousness doesn't exist, this is what this sort of threads always converge to anyway.

And if you change your mind about sucking my dick, you can reach me at the email provided.

>> No.6214055

>wanting opinions
>on a science and math board

My sides went into hyperlel. Do you even science? Science is about objective facts. Keep your opinions on /x/ and /pol/.

>> No.6214056
File: 71 KB, 1024x600, 1386628847093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote what is on pic related one day, it's about overcoming depression but it also contains 3 techniques which I find very useful, esp. for a beginner.

Also, check this book out, it's the best book I've found that talks about meditation from a Buddhist perspective, but as objectively as possible:


Good luck with your meditations.

>> No.6214058

Goodbye and please never come back. We won't miss you and your anti-intellectual misinformation tirades. You lowered the average intelligence of this board.

>> No.6214060

placebo effect is still a beneficial effect.
it's still statistically beneficial.

>> No.6214061

Just fuck off. Every thread is full of opinions.
Do you even research?

>> No.6214063

That's literally a religion/esotericism website. Keep that shit on /x/.

>> No.6214065
File: 42 KB, 625x351, do you even science le funny meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't into scientific method
>can't into peer review
>can't into objectivity

Come back when you took a science class, kid.

>> No.6214069

Some information on this troll?
Is he/she a fromer tripfag?

>> No.6214067

Who made you the authority on this board?

I'll post what I want to. If you have a problem with that, I suggest you hide or ignore my posts.

>> No.6214071

This board is dedicated to science and math. There are other boards for your non-science topics. Please go and stay there. It's a matter of respect and maturity, two qualities you are obviously lacking. Way to show off your social deficiency!

>> No.6214072
File: 129 KB, 577x609, 1386629273650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. See pic related for more info.

>> No.6214074

He asked, I answered. Why do you have a problem with that? I'm only trying to help him find resources he wished for.

The book doesn't even talk about spirituality, it just goes into detail about meditation techniques and why it's good for you. You'd probably benefit from reading it, too.

>> No.6214076

>The book doesn't even talk about spirituality
>goes into detail about meditation techniques


>> No.6214079

The two aren't necessarily related.

Look, I know you think that somehow your opinion matters here, but the fact of the matter is, we're all just pissing into an ocean of piss that is 4chan. If you want a legitimate scientific discussion, get the fuck away from 4chan and don't look back.

You're only here to troll or to be trolled, and the fact that you would nitpick about my response towards someone that asked for help is just showing off your own immaturity.

Don't bother responding, I certainly won't.

>> No.6214080

>/x/tards getting destroyed by science, facts and logic
>resort to yelling "troll"

Wow, such immaturity.

>> No.6214084

It's because we've recognised your modus operandi and the patterns you bring by.

If you're such a down-to-earth scientific person, why don't you go into some other thread and help people there futher their understanding? Why do you feel the need to cause shitstorms in threads like these? Does it make you feel important? Do you think you're actually helping the quality of this board? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.6214083

What opinion? I didn't post any opinion. I only posted definitions, facts and logical inferences. If you come here for opinions, you are wrong on the science board. You should stop posting anyway because you're clearly too new to 4chan. Contrary to your redditard beliefs not every board is "le epik troll culture". Stay on /b/ or /pol/ where that shit belongs. /sci/ is a very serious discussion board.

>> No.6214087
File: 99 KB, 630x741, i-dont-know-what-the-fuck-is-going-on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ is a very serious discussion board

>> No.6214088

I'm anonymous. How the fuck do you presume to know in what threads I'm posting? I'm helping when someone has a good question. I encourage quality posting and I discourage off-topic shitposting.

>> No.6214092

Ironically, without the troll, this thread would have died out long ago.

Now it's just gaining popularity. Well played.

>> No.6214091

>what opinions
>discussion board

>> No.6214095

By being militant about it. Yes, very good.

Keep doing that, I'm sure the quality of /sci/ will increase because of this effort of yours!


>> No.6214093

We discuss scientific theories on the basis of facts. It might be hard to understand for your puny intellect, but objective discussion is possible.

>> No.6214097
File: 416 KB, 500x672, 1386629980554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objective discussion is possible
No it isn't. You are a subjective being, whenever you say something it is inherently subjective.

>> No.6214098

Subjectivity doesn't exist in science. Facts are objective.

>> No.6214099

OP here. I'm genuinely thankful to the troll.
I got what I wanted here >>6214056
and even a good laugh for cheaps.

>> No.6214101

Nope. "Facts" are processed through sensual stimuli, which is in turn processed by your brain, making it subjective.

>> No.6214104

science is completely subjective as the world is experienced through the individual's senses

>> No.6214105

My brain follows the logical laws of physics and is therefore objective.

>> No.6214108

Every coin has two sides, eh?

>> No.6214110
File: 27 KB, 775x387, 1386630223342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science is objective. Deal with it, philosotard.

>> No.6214113

Nope, you're just a moron full of whishful thinking.

>> No.6214117

Nice ad hominem. Do you always use this fallacy when you're put in a corner?

>> No.6214115

>ad hominem

>> No.6214124

Posting the truth is a "fallacy" now? Is this how philosotards react when they are proven wrong?

>> No.6214128

Yes. You're right, you're our new queen. Please lead us to salvation.

I will agree to everything you say simply because I don't want to perpetuate this dull conversation.

So get it out of your system so I can agree with you 100% so we can quit this terrible fucking exercise.

What do you say?

>> No.6214135

Go forth and post science and math.

>> No.6214136

(e^x)' = e^x

>> No.6214140

How about you just leave this board and go back to /pol/. You clearly can't grasp the concept of discussing and resort to faeces-slinging.

>> No.6214143

Unlike you I am here for science and math. I stay polite and I make educational and informative posts. If people like you only come here for off-topic shitposting, flaming and trolling, that's not my fault. Please stay away from /sci/.

>> No.6214146

You have contributed nothing to this discussion whereas I have posted plenty of facts. Just leave this board, you are what's wrong with society. You are the reason the glorious American nation is failing.

>> No.6214153

>You have contributed nothing to this discussion
I posted definitions. Your response was only insults.

>whereas I have posted plenty of facts
Your beliefs are not facts.

>you are what's wrong with society
Intelligent and educated people are what's wrong with society? Cool anti-intellectualism, /b/ro.

>You are the reason the glorious American nation is failing.
That's pretty cool, given that I've never been to 'murica.

>> No.6214161

> Trying too hard with quotes
Look, I'll even show you the link back to your board >>>/x/

>> No.6214174

I'll stay on /sci/. I want to discuss science and math.

>> No.6214180

Is math a science or is science a math?

>> No.6214190

Shouldn't we be talking about IQ or or math problems?

>> No.6214198

I really don't think you're a troll, but I'm also convinced you're not as smart as you think you are, like all of us. It's apparent you judge those who come to /sci/ wishing to discuss what you most likely consider new age bullshit, regardless of whether or not they wish to discuss it from an academic perspective, citing sources and all that good shit. Instead you scan the document for keywords that buttfluster you, and once buttflustered you proceed to shit on anyone who may or may not share your worldview. It clearly doesn't matter if they do or don't, you only seek to have your butt flustered so you can shit on everyone.

Anywho, here's a study by people who are smarter than you... shocking right?


>> No.6214200

We are the Universe observing itself. Therefore we are concious and aware of ourself, just as each particle in the Universe observes one other to allow it to exist, each particle is aware. This is the truth about the wave and double-slit experiment, the photon is aware it is being observed hence takes on the state of manifesting as a particle when observed.

>> No.6214205

Experience reports are crucial for doing psychology (a science).

Without asking the subject we wouldn't understand what their brain is doing.

>> No.6214218

do you even know what ad hominem means?

This is ad hominem

this is not ad hominem

>> No.6214223


>> No.6214253

Are you sure you know what it means.


>> No.6214284


Off-topic blog posting on /sci/ does not consitute psychological research. Research in psychology is rigorous and based on objectively verifiable criteria.

>> No.6214292

Subjective report analysis is rigorous and objective

>> No.6214403

thanks for posting this anon, I just went and did the first technique.

>> No.6214545

You guys seriously responding to the dumb anon? This could have been a good thread. Focus on meditation/other mind altering practices.

>> No.6214617

I have 143 IQ

>> No.6214641

Meditation is not synonymous with spirituality. The two can easily be separated.

Mindfulness Mediation has nothing to do with spirituality. Many beneficial neurological effects have been associated with meditation. It helps with depression, anxiety, and can lead to an overall healthier person.

I don't know how this shit got derailed so bad but there's plenty of scientific articles on meditation.

>> No.6214674

I used to meditate once a day for ten minutes. About a year ago, I had two days where I had very strange and brief hallucinations. More recently, I had two days where I had a different kind of brief hallucination. Then more recently, I had one day where I experienced yet another different kind of brief hallucination.

Why would it just randomly do stuff two days in a row, then stop. And why is it different every time.

>> No.6214683

Maybe you're ovulating

>> No.6214690

That meditation increases your focus, awareness and can benefit learning.

>> No.6214775

>a proper /sci/ female.
Are you joking? EK was cancerous shit.

>> No.6215237

>Mindfulness Mediation has nothing to do with spirituality

Do you even read? How fucking illiterate are you? It has been said several times ITT and it can be easily googled that spirituality means "of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things." That implies "mindfulness" is the epitome of spirituality. Please go be verbally deficient somewhere else.

>> No.6215254

>you illiterate troll.
How sperg can you even be?

>> No.6215255

10/10 OC saved

This should be the image in the sticky

>> No.6215265

Nice bump asshole troll. Remember to keep stabbing this fucking board in the chest every single day. A few more times and it might just die.

>> No.6215275

>make an informative and helpful post
>receive insults and get called an "asshole troll"

Only on /sci/ ...

>> No.6215283

>i'll just play dumb xD

>> No.6215309

I definitely don't have a whole lot of experience meditating and when I do meditate it's usually in the bathroom, but the feeling I get out of 10 minutes of it is pretty awesome.
I'll open my eyes at the end and have this great feeling of calmness and sharpness.
>feels like a supercharged brain nap
Hope you continue to find that calmness in your daily life, OP! :D

>> No.6215329

Could someone tell me what is the point of meditation? And please don't say inner peace.

>> No.6215662

It is a method in which you use concentration to achieve an altered state of consciousness.
Typically used In conjunction with religion, meditation itself can be used to achieve many health benefits.
It can also be used to treat high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety.
It can be achieved by sitting in a comfortable position, and "clearing" your mind, as you are to concentrate, but not focus on anything. Your mind should be blank in its duration and not distracted at all.


>> No.6215690

What no, are you retired? Meditation isn't inherently related to spirituality. One can meditate without being spiritual in an way, shape,or form. One is not necessary for the other.

Likewise, my post was not about the spiritual aspects at all. I gave a number of "physical things" such as helping to cope with anxiety and depression.

Mindfulness as well doesn't always have to relate to spirituality like you claim. In Psychology mindfulness is simply focusing on attention and awareness.

You're a shitty troll and only look at things in black and white. Maybe you should try meditating.

>> No.6215725

about meditation:
I'm at the stage where i've tackled it quite a few times now but it still hasn't stuck with me as a habit. good things did happen but i'm not sure whether it was actually thanks to meditating or whether meditation is just a big waste of time

on the internet people often rave about things they've done for a few weeks but then it just disappears, it was just "a thing".
how many of you actually do it consistently. and by that i mean over the course of YEARS?
how many have it as a habit, and if so, can you still recommend it to that degree?

>> No.6215762

Doing it for half a year now and I'm definitely much healthier than a year ago altough this is not the only thing I changed in my lifestyle..

Stop misinterpreting meditation as some drug or some trend. You say it worked for you but you are still not sure that the effects came from meditation? There are short and long term benefits, just keep at it.

>> No.6215775

>You say it worked for you but you are still not sure that the effects came from meditation?
by that i'm talking about something you yourself just said:
>..altough this is not the only thing I changed in my lifestyle..

just like that, i'm also not sure if it actually was the meditation or something else.
for me, meditation is a hard habit to learn since i constantly feel pressed for time. i do think it's helpful, but i need this uncertainty to go away or it'll never become a habit.

>> No.6215877

Read the fucking definition, moron. Meditation is defined as a spiritual exercise. Why don't you go look it up in a dictionary? Just because its your kind of spirituality, that doesn't make it less unscientific.

>> No.6215883

What happen to the hitchens razor troll?
I haven't seen him in a while.

>> No.6215897

honestly, the monk seems like a fucking retard.

>> No.6215902


It doesn't have to be spiritual, as I already said. Just because it originated as a spiritual exercise doesn't mean that's its only use.

The term spirituality doesn't even have an agreed upon definition, though I will agree that it is unscientific.

The point is one can go into meditating without any notion of spirituality. It can be a mental exercise used to, once again, help combat anxiety, depression, and a host of other neurological problems.

I feel like your purposefully blocking out the PHYSICAL EFFECTS being mentioned by previous posters as well.

>Just because its your kind of spirituality...

And what the fuck does that even mean? I said it could be unrelated to spirituality.

>> No.6215903

Spiritual means
>of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things

This is exactly what meditation is about. No matter how much you deny it, meditation is a spiritual exercise.

>> No.6215959

not that anon, but you're just trying to argue semantics. but even then you're wrong:

people exercise meditation for stress relief, controlling their attentionspan or self developmental reasons too (emotional stability etc).
and those are all way more tangible than concepts like spirit or soul.
so you really have to go with a very broad definition to make meditation an" inherently spiritual exercise".

..unless you really consider things like stress relief as a spiritual exercise.

>> No.6215968


Ok. I'm not denying it. I never denied. I even agreed with it. I'm saying that it does not have to be purely spiritual. In fact, it can be completely separate.

And once again you fail to see that meditation has various physical benefits that can be completely separate from spiritual benefits.

A person does not need to be spiritual, believe in any form of a soul or spirit, to meditate. What can't you understand about that? I meditate not because I want some spiritual enlightenment but because I want to keep my depression in check. The thought of a soul never even crosses my mind.

Your saying it can ONLY be spiritual when the opposite is true. It can easily be talked about from a scientific point of view but for some reason you're adamantly against that.

Your reading comprehension is atrocious and you are a very shitty troll.

>> No.6216421
File: 15 KB, 202x230, 1386717662034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kundalini Yoga teacher here, meditate for 11-30min as part of my daily routine

>> No.6216433

I can say from my experience that meditations do have definitive effects, but that the effect you have at any given day is different due to how concentrated you are, in what mood you are at that moment etc.
If you do the same meditation over a longer period of time, say 1 or 2 month, you will get a clear understanding what effects a meditation has. if you try different meditations you will also see that the effects can be drastically different depending on the meditation.

On one side, I think there is no way around personal experience to understand what meditation is doing, because otherwise you can't sense the effects it has on the emotions and the way of thinking. on the other hand this is highly subjective and thus will never be exact science because of the lack of repeatability.

>> No.6216478

The definition has been posted. There is nothing to argue.,

Meditation itself is a spiritual exercise - by definition. Whether it has physiologically beneficial effects is irrelevant and not topic of the discussion. Stop posting fallacies and stay on topic.

>> No.6216504

Meditation may have originated as a spiritual exercise but it's not limited to it. I really can't tell if your just fucking retarded at this point.

Just because it began as a spiritual exercise does not mean you are restricted to applying it that way. Once again, one can go in to meditation without any notion of spirits and souls and obtain very real physical benefits.

That is precisely on topic because it's dealing with verifiable data rather than "hurr durr my soul is good i am enlightened," which deals with the supernatural. You're literally offering nothing to the discussion.

>> No.6216523


>Gene Expression Changes With Meditation

>The study investigated the effects of a day of intensive mindfulness practice in a group of experienced meditators, compared to a group of untrained control subjects who engaged in quiet non-meditative activities. After eight hours of mindfulness practice, the meditators showed a range of genetic and molecular differences, including altered levels of gene-regulating machinery and reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes, which in turn correlated with faster physical recovery from a stressful situation.

>Instead, the key result is that meditators experienced genetic changes following mindfulness practice that were not seen in the non-meditating group after other quiet activities -- an outcome providing proof of principle that mindfulness practice can lead to epigenetic alterations of the genome.

>> No.6216522

Meditation is a very varied thing and is not in fact inherently spiritual. Buddhist meditation is not at all "spiritual" in the sense of dealing with, well, spirits, because they don't believe in the fucking things.

>> No.6216569

Definition of "spiritual":
>of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things

Meditation is by definition a spiritual exercise:
>Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness

>> No.6216579

The mind and consciousness are both physical phenomena.

>> No.6216580

How are those two definitions even related?

>> No.6216596

>The definition has been posted. There is nothing to argue.,
are you completely incapable of thought?

i made my point and it's pretty damn simple: how can you say meditation is "inherently spiritual" when there are cases where are people doing it for completely different reasons, like stress relief?
and you pretend as if your definition is final, but it's just a scentence some dude wrote.
the word itself has a history on its own, and it has always been linked to the "sacred".
hell, even wikipedia can tell you that:

now i only used stress relief as an example, but the same applies to all the examples in my previous post too.
not one of them are linked to spirit, soul and the sacred.

so the statement "meditation is an inherently spiritual exercise" is simply false.

>> No.6216609

The souls is part of out body and it is science since it about our bodies.

>> No.6216629

Can you show them to me? Any empirical evidence of their existence?

Why do you pretend to be verbally defective?

>> No.6216634

What part of the definition do you not understand?

>> No.6216689


And even when half the thread calls you out you feel the need to keep posting the definition of spirituality and meditation like they mean something. Also are seriously asking for empirical evidence of the fucking mind? I refuse to believe anyone is this batshit retarded.

>> No.6216691

do you even understand how definitions work?

all of the words in your definition (soul, spirit) are linked to the sacred, transcendence and religion.
but there are many people practicing meditation without paying attention to ANY of those factors.
so how is that defnition still correct?

if someone does meditation just to get his thoughts sorted in a stressful week, is he still doing it for "spirituality"?
if not, what the hell is he doing?
if meditation is by definition a spiritual exercise, and he isn't doing it for the spirituality, what the hell is he doing, and what does that mean for your little statement?

>> No.6216693

>inner peace being collated with meditation
>not science
pick one

>> No.6216704

I posted definitions. What is your problem? Why do you post on a science board even though you value your misinformed emotion based opinions higher than facts? Shouldn't you be on /pol/ or /x/?

>are linked to the sacred, transcendence and religion.
Not at all. Do you even language? How hard did you fail your verbal IQ test?

>> No.6216751

maybe you should look up the history of the words spirit, soul and spirituality. especially the latter two.

versus other words that could be used, spirituality has certain implications.
you genius, type spirituality into google. tell me what you get.

>> No.6216757

I typed "definition spiritual" into google. Guess what I got!
>of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things

Why do you keep pretending to be verbally retarded? Do you actually believe you're funny?

>> No.6216759

what does that have to do with meditation?

>> No.6216766

It explains why meditation (as it is described on wikipedia) is a spiritual exercise.

>Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness

>> No.6216784

and even with the results for "definition spiritual" you should see that every dictionary has several definitions.

>I typed "definition spiritual" into google.
heh, why don't you just type in "spiritual" by itself?
of course, everyone gets different results, but do that and tell me what the articles are saying

>The term spirituality lacks a definitive definition,[1][2] although social scientists have defined spirituality as the search for "the sacred," where "the sacred" is broadly defined as that which is set apart from the ordinary and worthy of veneration.[3]
>The use of the term "spirituality" has changed throughout the ages.[4] In modern times, spirituality is often separated from Abrahamic religions,[5] and connotes a blend of humanistic psychology with mystical and esoteric traditions and eastern religions aimed at personal well-being and personal development.[6] The notion of "spiritual experience" plays an important role in modern spirituality, but has a relatively recent origin.[7]

>> No.6216787

Wait so you think spirit/soul=consciousness

Otherwise your attempt at linking the two definitions makes no sense at all.


>> No.6216793


>> No.6216796

>mystical and esoteric traditions and eastern religions
Thanks for confirming that meditation is spiritual. Can you please stop bumping this shit thread now?

They are synonyms and both refer to untestable metaphysical /x/ nonsense. Not science. GTFO.

>> No.6216816

>..aimed at personal well-being and personal development.
..is what the scentence says.

and of course, meditation is spiritual too. but you're saying it's by definition spiritual.

>> No.6216822

I posted the definition of spiritual and the definition of meditation. The latter satisfies the former.

>> No.6216834


Consciousness is the state of being self aware while a soul is believed to be the "thing" that gives people life.

Also you like definitions you fucking fag?

>The words soul and psyche can also be treated synonymously, although psyche has more physical connotations, whereas soul is connected more closely to spirituality and religion.

Being self aware seems pretty fucking testable to me

>> No.6216846

How is it testable? Metaphysical properties without physical effects can by definition never be tested. Please keep spirituality and metaphysics on /x/.

>> No.6216879

are you autistic? serious question
i just dont see what meditation(exercise of attention) has to do with religion,i am not religious nor i find this religious,so we can talk about effect of meditation on cortex and papez circle,and this is place for that chat...
also reported for flaming and spaming

>> No.6216911

They said the same thing about atoms.

>> No.6216924

Why do you talk about religion? Nobody ITT mentioned religion. Go troll somewhere else.

>> No.6216930

Atoms are physical and not metaphysical.

>> No.6216938
File: 42 KB, 414x414, 1386729935546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in the past.

>> No.6216942

how do magnets work? are they metaphysical too?? why only Fe-- have magnetic properties

>> No.6217139

>How is it testable?
"How are you feeling?"
not a difficult experimental setup ;)

>> No.6217211

It's not untestable, it just needs something very powerful like a complex animal brain to detect it in a significant way.

>"How are you feeling?"
This question just causes my mind to hang up and think of nothing until I disregard it.

>> No.6217258

>This question just causes my mind to hang up and think of nothing until I disregard it.
interesting. how do you feel when your mind is not hung up?

>> No.6217939

>I posted definitions
Opinions disguised as definitions are still opinions.

>> No.6219741


>> No.6219981

Is it bad to induce postural hypotension? Because I just tried it, and that shit is fun!