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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6209796 No.6209796 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Our schedule for next semester and our major

Currently in community college and considering Computer Science or Computer engineering.

>> No.6209801

Precalc? Are you in your first or second semester OP?

>> No.6209804


I had to do remedial Math because I hadn't taken Math in years. I'm 25. Yes, I know it's a long shot, but I'd rather try and fail then never try and always wonder.

>> No.6209808


I'm entering my 5th semester.

>> No.6209819


Damn, dude. You still need Calculus I, II, III, and Linear Algebra. I'm guessing CC's are full semesters, so you will be taking them longer. If you pass Pre-Calculus, try and see if you can transfer to a university on a quarter system. It will be quicker, but a university will also be harder.

>> No.6209847


Most universities in California are impacted for the major I want. I'd have a better chance of getting into the university if I were to pass those classes in a CC. I doubt they'll accept me anyway.

>> No.6209864

MWF 12-12;50 Ordinary Differential Equations
MWF 1-1;50 Five British Authors
MWF 2-2;50 The Art of Fiction
MW 4-5;15 Probability and Statistics 1
MW 5;30-6;45 Introduction to Java Computer Programming
M 7-8;15 Computer Programming Laboratory

Maths major, picking up a physics minor semester after next

>> No.6209870

Well that sucks but good luck I guess OP. I'm finishing up Calc III at my CC this semester. I will hopefully be taking diff eq next semester if they get enough people to run the course. It seems like they will cancel it if they can't get 10 people to sign up. I might do their electronic engineering technology program. I've heard people have gotten decent jobs from it and some of the employers have paid for people to complete their bachelor's degree.

I plan to transfer to some local university I haven't determined yet to do Electrical Engineering. I thought about Physics but I think I'll like EE just as much and it is a lot more employable. I'd like to do Physics for specialization in materials science and nanotechnology but I can do it later. Or double maybe.

>> No.6209922

Couldn't get into any of my Computer Science classes...

Advanced Physics I

Intro to Higher Math (fucking required at my school)

Discrete Math

Elementary Diff EQs

English Composition 2

pretty shit, I guess

>> No.6209927

>Intro to Higher Math (fucking required at my school)
What even is that?

>> No.6209938

some retarded bullshit class where you learn how to read, write, derive proofs, as well as learn a little bit about set theory.

It's required for Linear Algebra, and any of the 4000+ level math courses.

It's definitely something you need to know, I just don't know why we can't learn it on our own as we take the real courses.

>> No.6209943

See I have an Intro to Proofs course that's required, but at least that one's straightforward,

I learned a little bit of set theory DURING Linear Algebra, that's kind of ridiculous

>> No.6209950
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Physics III
Introduction to Photonics
Electrical Networks
Computer Science 1

Photonic Science and Engineering

>> No.6209952


That's the easiest schedule I have ever seen.

>> No.6209953

Biochemistry I
Qualitative Organic Analysis + lab
Thermochemistry + lab

>> No.6209970

Probability A
Probability B
Linear Algebra
Quantum Phenomena
Computing for Scientists
Maths by computing
Geometry and Motion
Logic 1 (average mark is 90% hehehe)
Analysis II

>> No.6209973

2nd semester Freshman
Chemistry and Theatre major

Comparative Government and Politics MW 9:00-9:50
Composition and Rhetoric (required freshman English class) MWF 11:00-11:50
Calculus III MWF 12:00-12:50
Play Analysis TTh 2:00-3:15
Analytical Chemistry TTh 3:30-4:45
Analytical Chemistry lab W 1:00-4:50
Comparative Government and Politics recitation F 10:00-10:50

>> No.6209975

are you taking 30 credit hours jesus christ

>> No.6209982

I don't know what credit hours are. Britbong here. I didn't take any optional modules last term so I kind of screwed myself over but I can still drop one module if I can't cope.

>> No.6209991

that's basically how many hours of class you attend a week, and most schools recommend 2 hours of studying per credit hour.

It just looks like you have a rediculous amount of classes

>> No.6209994

Yeah, 31 hours of classes (including supervisions) I really haven't thought this through.

>> No.6210001

Interesting choice of double major lol

>> No.6210004

welll good fucking luck, man.

Here in clapistan we usually only take 15-20 hours

>> No.6210006

>and most schools recommend 2 hours of studying per credit hour

That's a complete bullshit figure.

>> No.6210010

that didn't stop me from baning ur mom last night :)

>> No.6210037

Microbiology and Lab
Cell biology
Biochemistry II and Lab
American History I

Biology Major. Gonna be graduating in Spring.

>> No.6210050

It's hilarious seeing the looks I get when I tell people that.

I just have a passion for both Chemistry and Theatre so I figured why the hell not do both? I only need 8 classes for the Theatre major and since I got to a school that makes you take a stupid amount of gen eds, I can easily fit in the Theatre major along side my Chemistry classes.

I plan on going to med school anyways, so my choice of major doesn't mean shit. In fact, my choice makes me stand out pretty well. Which is great for me.

>> No.6210055

I'm getting my math and physics and harder weed out chemistry classes out of the way now and saving most of my theatre classes for my junior year when I planned on studying for the MCAT.

>> No.6210093 [DELETED] 
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Still need one more class. Comp sci major here.

>> No.6210098 [DELETED] 

Still need one more class. Comp sci major here..

>> No.6210100
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I still need one more class. Comp sci major here.

>> No.6210102

I have far more respect for you than I do for most classmates. That, sir, takes balls. Good luck.

>> No.6210109

Microbiology and Geosciences

General Chemistry II & Lab
Physical Geology & Lab
Calculus II
American Pop & Rock Music

Still trying to figure out what other class to take, if any.

>> No.6210118

How in the world do you guys get a Chemistry class? Seriously, I've been trying to get into Chemistry 101, but it's already filled up, waitlist full, and closed by the time my registration appointment activates.

>> No.6210126

I have been studying mathematics but they wont be offering a set of classes i need next year so it would take another 2 years to get that degree if i stayed here. So i am switching over to physics. Gonna get this degree then finish up the math degree somewhere. Aiming for grad school so not worried about it.
My schedule:

Physics 3 intro to modern physics
Physics 4 classical mechanics
Partial differential equations

>> No.6210166

How big of a college do you go to?

Our chemistry lectures through orgo have about 500 people each in a particular section. You can just show up the first day of lecture and just ask the professor to put you in their class. Just be sure to email them first though.

>> No.6210177

ummm....what school is that?

>> No.6210184
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CompE. I recently changed majors but was ahead by just enough that I'll be right on time to graduate.
>Circuit Theory
>Programming II
>Digital Design
>World Theater
>Discrete Structures for Computing
>Engineering Scholars Seminar II

>> No.6210189

Rochester institute of technology, y?

>> No.6210191


>> No.6210195

Ah nothing. Just looks exactly like my school's scheduling stuff.

>> No.6210199

I will probably be taking Physics 2, Calc 2, Linear Algebra, maybe physics lab 2.
Haven't completely decided what to take yet.

No idea what's going to fill the numerical analysis and differential equations shaped hole in my heart from this semester though.

>> No.6210226

>Isotope Geochemistry
>Advanced Metamorphic Petrology
>Aquatic Chemistry
>Differential Equations I

>> No.6210228

Sup fellow RIT bro. How's the winter treating you?

>> No.6210232
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Middlesex County College, gotcha

>> No.6210241


Circuit Theory II
Electronics I
Professional Practice in Information Technology and Engineering
Electricity and Magnetism
History of Criminological Thought

>> No.6210240

I am currently doing a Bio major, and I plan to try to go to med school. I heard some people saying biochem was more useful as a degree because you can do more than just med school with it. Should I try to go for biochem? Problem is that I would be behind in courses since I was originally going for a straight Bio major and would have to take both Bio and Chem next semester and would be up to 19ish credits in total.

>> No.6210249

Too cold.

>> No.6210278


community college.

>> No.6210367

Intermediate Microeconomics
Partial Differential Equations
Circuits and Systems
Electromagnetism II
Data structures and Algorithms

2nd year EE

>> No.6210437

>Integral calculus
>Chemistry of solutions

Basically babbys first everything.

>> No.6210448

Real Analysis II
Measure Theory
Abstract Algebra II
Quantum Mechanics I
Philosophy of Religion

>> No.6210457

>taking a class on Java

>> No.6210463



>> No.6210466

>>Isotope Geochemistry
>>Advanced Metamorphic Petrology
>>Aquatic Chemistry

Sounds interesting. What school do you go to?

Next semester
>Calculus II
>Intro. to Inorganic Chemistry
>Organic Chemistry
>Physics I
>Intro. to Creative Writing.

>> No.6210469

Bio Lab
Cell Bio
Psych of Learning
Spanish Review

Pretty babby tier but whatever

>> No.6210475

Philosophy 151
Women's Studies 165
Feminism and the Social Continuum
Quantum Metarealism: A Feminist Approach

>> No.6210479

Intro to Real Analysis
Intro to Probability
Relativity and Cosmology
Intro to Modern Physics
Intro to Quantum Mechanics
French Phonetics

I'm probably going to drop one of them because it's a lot, probably more than I can handle. But I'm going to attempt it.

>> No.6210503

Linear Algebra
Physics III
General Chemistry II
C++ Programming

Physics major finishing up my last semester at a CC before I transfer to a university.

>> No.6210507

Anything you're particularly interested in, with regards to physics? Quantum, plasma, GR, etc?

>> No.6210509

10 out of fucking 10

Hope you *really* enjoy caffeine and still getting mediocre grades in all of those classes.

My brutha. Taking a similar load next semester, plus also transferring next Fall. Still deciding between math/physics/CS though.

My schedule:
DEs/Linear Algebra
Modern Physics (Waves, Optics, AKA III)
Discrete Math
Engineering Circuits
(maybe) Assembly Language Programming

Anyone taken any of these? What am I in for /sci/borgs

>> No.6210515

uhhh nothing really. math 101 and some eigenvectors

>> No.6210520

Differential Equations TRF 8:30-9:50
Construction Methods & Materials TR 5:15-6:30
Surveying II Sat 9-1:30
Modern Literary masterpieces MW 10-11:20
Mechanics of Materials MW 2:25-5:10

What a fucking shit schedule. I don't even live on fucking campus. The good news is I'll have plenty of time and no excuse to not do my work on time for once.

>> No.6210530

I don't know enough about physics to know quite what I want to specialize in yet (and my physics classes have been pretty babby level thus far) but I'm hoping I'll get a better feel for what I'm interested in when I transfer to a school with an actual physics department.

Diff EQ ain't bad at all. Lots of basic calculus and a touch of Linear Algebra but it's pretty easy.

>> No.6210533

Yup. I'll be shaking with caffeine come finals week next semester.

I took ODEs & Linear Algebra over the summer, and Waves & Optics this past semester. In my opinion, ODEs was really fucking cool, and it might be helpful for Waves since you're taking them concurrently. If you're taking PDEs even better, because it'd be Fourier series, which is exactly what you do in waves. Linear Algebra is boring but useful. Waves I thought was relatively easy. I don't know about the other ones.

>> No.6210557
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junior chem E w/ applied math minor

>tfw doing essentially 5 years of school in 4
>tfw need to do school on internship

>> No.6210571

Introduction to Philosophy
Business Management
Men and Masculinity
Compiler Design

>> No.6210584

weird but sweet schedule m8. so you guys don't take transport phenomena junior year? Our chem e program at UCSB has us taking process senior year too.

>> No.6210587
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Vector Calc, Cryptography, Linear Algebra 3, Problem Solving, Differential Equations, Statistical Methods for Computing

>> No.6210611
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Ring theory
Modular forms
Homological algebra

Math grad student here.

>> No.6210638 [DELETED] 
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German and Chemistry

>> No.6210660

1. Great beers of North America.
2. Frat Star 101
3. Ballin 305H: When swag really matters

I'm only part time this semester, working at mcdonalds.

>> No.6210663


yea, we take transport phenomena senior year. our school has a notorious prof who always has 30% test averages,

>> No.6210666

see ya at McMaster

Physics - Elec and magnetism
Calc II
Material Science
Design and Graphics
Linear Algebra

>> No.6210699


>> No.6210713 [DELETED] 
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just got done with


Dream major is a hardware engineer. probably gonna go for networking or CS

>> No.6210714

Pharmacology II
Advances in Cardio/Resp Physio/Pharm
Culture in Health Systems
Sociology of Health Care and Illness
Plant and Soil Management

>> No.6210775

In university for mathematical physics.

Electricity and magnetism, partial differential equations, complex analysis, quantum physics, group theory

>> No.6210843

Materials Science
Mechanics of Materials

>> No.6210845

Elliot? lol

>> No.6210881

Structural Bio major:
Organic Chem 2
Physics 2
Field vert Zoology
all with labs

>> No.6210893
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>that last GE course.
I can't wait to be done with it an just take science classes.

>> No.6210926

Multivariable Calculus Honors
Data Structures and Object Oriented Design
Software Tools and Techniques Lab (Debugging)
Discrete Math
Muir Writing (second part of a two-part course)

Compsci major here.

>> No.6210933

Real and Complex Analysis
Calculus of Variations

>> No.6210936

Project Management and Economics
Structural Analysis
Computer Programming (Fortran)
Geotechnical Engineering

>> No.6210942
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>quantum field theory
>general relativity
>auditing/possibly taking string theory
>possibly taking group theory
>research in quantum gravity

>> No.6210986

English 101


32/h a week work schedule. This is going to be fun.

>> No.6210994

Portuguese 3
Portuguese 4
Understanding Brazil, a geographical reading
Cooperation and conflict
Multivariate Data Analysis

Bonus points to who can guess my major.
>pro tip: you can't

>> No.6210996

Doing a combined math and comp sci major with a physics minor.
Complex Analysis
Groups and Rings
Algorithms 1 - Comp Sci.
Quantum Physics 2
Classical Mechanics 1

>> No.6211012

>ITT: Our schedule for next semester and our major

>Major is working in finance, 9-5
>working full time at a bank
>working full time at a bank
>working full time at a bank

please kill me, I want to go back to school and never leave.

>> No.6211020

Complex Analysis
Applied mathematical modeling

> tfw only 3 subjects
I am gonna have so much free time lol gonna be gr8

>> No.6211023

Assembly Language Programming
Ordinary Differential Equations
Linear Algebra
Discrete Math

+plus Work. It's going to be an awesome semester.
I'm a Computer Science major, but plan on a switch into a(n) electrical/computer engineering program after transferring from a CC.

>> No.6211070
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Optical mineralogy and igneous petrology
Economic geology
Geological mapping
Introductory palaeontology

My body is ready

>> No.6211103

1st year physics babby

Multivariable analysis
Numerical analysis

Also gonna do two extra courses in astronomy

>> No.6211100

Jesus what CC has ODEs?

>> No.6211224

Hey /sci/, this guy here.

As you can see from the above post, my schedule is packed on Monday and Wednesday. This was done to a]void rush hours of traffic, because I commute, and need to save as much gas as possible. However, I've just learned that I can move my Prob an CS classes to Tuesday and Thursday from 12;30 to 5;15, which would make the daily work much easier at the risk of throwing my TuTh commute home a right bitch. Have any /sci/ people commuted to school for long? Is a shorter schedule worth a harder commute, and going more days a week?

>> No.6211324

/sci/ I need help on this schedule

Linear algebra
Petroleum methods
Mechanics of fluids
Mechanics of solids

Is this shit too hard? Keep in mind petroleum methods is our "weed out" class

>> No.6211588
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Real... and complex? In one course? That has the potential to be a really weird class.

>> No.6211601

not sure how anything of use can come out of a semester course in real+complex but okay

>> No.6211643

Final term before graduation (CS/Math dual)

Numerical Analysis II
Music of the Americas
1-credit Colloqium

>> No.6211675

Eng first year

>> No.6211680

Probability and Statistics
Linear Algebra
Calculus 3
Operating Systems
Advanced Spanish Composition

I'm a CS/Spanish major.

>> No.6211692
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>Operating Systems

>> No.6211696

Semi-related. This is what a CS/Mathematics double major looks like (very rough draft obviously, some shit out of place and based on requirements that may or may not change) at a university I'm considering attending. Is it worth my time?


>> No.6211700


Honestly this was the most difficult/work intensive course in my CS program.

>> No.6211735
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Mathematics/CS dual major

Calc 3 with Vectors
Linear Algebra
Computer Organization
Memory Allocation with C++
Early American History (lol)

Next semester will be my first semester where I didn't have to take many "perspective" classes (gen eds). My third year will be fun.

>> No.6211739

fucking god damn it im jelly

>> No.6211747

From the UK so it's just a single honours mathematics degree

In my second year i have

Analysis & Complex Algebra;
- Tues 3-5
- Thurs 9-10

Linear Algebra & Numerical Linear Algebra I
- Tuesday 12-1
- Wednesday 9-11

Theory & Practice of Linear Programming
- Monday 1-3
- Thursday 12-1

Probability, Theory and Statistical Methods
- Thursday 10-11
- Friday 11-1

Geometry and its Applications
- Monday 9-11
- Tuesday 11-12

Kinda cool atm this year, especially Geometry

>> No.6211749

I took 32 credit hours my first year doing engineering. Got on the honour role, u jelly?

>> No.6212458

pre med

animal physiology

>> No.6212464

>Analysis & Complex Algebra;

>> No.6212463

>computer science major
>community college
have fun serving me fries. I have 200k starting for my quantum physics degree from Caltech, which should compliment nicely with my math minor from Michigan, a REAL school.

>> No.6212465

Organic Chem II
Signals and Systems I
Physics III + lab
Math research

17 credits total

>> No.6212470

What uni you go to?

>> No.6212476

Linear algebraic groups
Complex geometry
Galois theory
Mirror symmetry (auditing)

Intro to Film (lel)

>> No.6212477

Senior Project part 2
Automation controls
Finite element analysis

Object oriented programming
Psych 1
These two because im bored and i dont have many units.

archery on waitlist

>> No.6212479

Senior in undergrad

Graduate Class fields theory
Graduate Analysis
Graduate QM II
Graduate Set Theory II
Graduate Cryptography

>> No.6212602

Thermal and Statistical Physics
Numerical Methods
Intermediate Mechanics
Mathematical Methods for Physics
Special Relativity
Weightlifting (because why the hell not)
American History (at the local community college)
Practicum (starting research for it, will be doing the bulk of the work over the summer)

Yes I take way too many hours each semester.

Yes we have a (required) one credit hour class on special relativity. No, I don't know why. I couldn't even get it waived. I offered to take Intro to General Relativity in lieu of it, but they said it would not fulfill the requirement.

>> No.6212609

Life Contingencies
Linear Algebra II
Object-Oriented Programming
Complex Analysis
Financial Mathematics.

>> No.6212625

>Organic chemistry 1
>Programming and computation
>Elementary linear algebra
>possibly an economics class

I'm a senior. Fuck changing majors in junior. But fuck yes, I'm happy with my choice.

>> No.6212635

The fuck is life contingencies? That could either be the most useful or most useless class....

>> No.6212646

Measure/Analytic Function Theory (My school is weird)
Numerical Linear Algebra
Gaussian Processes

>> No.6212655

Engineering 1
Calculus 2
Cacl. based Physics 1
lab for that physics

>Golf, feels good to go to a Florida university.

>> No.6212659

It's basically finance and stats for the insurance industry. Survival models, benefit reserves, laws of mortality, continuous/discrete life annuities, etc

>> No.6212663
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pic related

>> No.6212672

Mechanical Engineering

>> No.6212673

Second Semester Sophomore

Ecology and Field Biology
Organic Chemistry II
Calc III
Honors Topics Literature Class

Biology major, thinking of picking up a math minor

>> No.6212679

Introductory Cell Biology
Physiological Foundation of Therapeutics
Medical Terminology in Greek and Latin
History of Philosophy II

>> No.6212681

>not learning Calc III in high school

>> No.6212700

I am a computational physicist. This looks like a surprisingly good undergrad curriculum for CS/Math.

Check out the Udacity course on GPGPU programming, and nand2tetris.org

>> No.6212708

He is trolling. Grad students don't take but two courses a semester, unless they are in a course-based master's program (which is not as challenging as a research based one)

>> No.6212712
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Last semester, Chemical Engineering.

Microecon isn't a pre-req but it's needed, same for Biochemistry. Polymer science is a technical elective. It's going to be a fucking easy last semester.

>> No.6212740

Mechanical Engineering:

Instrumentation & Measurements (4 hours)
Machine Design (3 hours)
Fluid Mechanics (3 hours)
Materials & Manufacturing Processes (4 hours)
Aerobic Running (1 hour)

I would try to squeeze in another class but I'll be plenty busy as it is. I heard Instrumentation and Measurements keeps you busy every single night by itself.

>> No.6212741

Quantum physics
Discrete math
Engineering mechanics

Physics major minoring in mechanical engineering here

>> No.6212743

>Discrete math

Get the fuck out

>> No.6212750
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Chemistry/Education(Secondary: Chem, Physics, Physical Sci, Math) Duel Major.

Also known as: Complete chem major, then take 3 extra semesters to get teacher certification.

Shit's pretty nice, just got an A in all my Organic Chem courses. Heard Biochem is easier, prepared to have to study more next semester because I've never taken a physics class before (and I've heard some people have problems in Calc II).

>> No.6212753

Honest question to anyone who sees this: what keeps you motivated? I swear to god, I'm going ot fucking fail at everything because I can't be bothered to do the most mundane of shit. So, what keeps you going? Because I'm definitely not going anywhere.

>> No.6212751

>Physics I
>Calc II
>General Chem I (failed it last semester because I had gone through family issues.
>Design and Graphics

>> No.6212757

For me, it's a mix of:
Thinking about the end goal

If I mess up on something, I'll keep trying at it until I get it right. If I feel defeated, I just have to keep thinking of why I'm taking these classes in the first place (to get a job in a field I'm interested in).

>> No.6212759

The fuck? You can minor in an engineering discipline at your school?

And what does "Quantum Physics" even mean? Baby's first wave mechanics course, or three dimensional time dependent Schrodinger equation?

>> No.6212762

I'm >>6212750

I really care about my major, even if I ever choose to leave the education field I think science education is really important when it comes to having perspective on the world.

Find ways to care about what you are learning, study on the quiet parts of your library if you can, just keep yourself working.

Look into metacognitive studying techniques. If you discipline yourself into following a certain routine it can pay off. I take the time to schedule myself the time to sit down and study for at least a few hours every day, and I try my best to always at least preview the next section in class.

>> No.6212763

I failed / dropped out of school.

Working a shit, but highly specialized, job 50-60 hours a week and not having enough to make rent in the bad part of town will provide you with all the motivation you need.

Also, make sure you are studying something fun. For me, this means hard. I started to really love physics because of that and because it informs me of how the universe works in a way that only a tiny percentage of people understand (and how cool is that?).

>> No.6212766

Yea, I >>6212762
took a year off to get settled down in my universities town. Making myself a slave to my job was a bitch, but I had to to keep getting full time hours. Working manual or untrained labor is the biggest reality check you can have.

>> No.6212768

I'm doing this because I know that in the end I will be able to support my family and my mother will no longer have to worry about rent. Poor-fag over here. I cannot fail. Failure is not an option for me. I tell myself that every morning. Fear of failure is what keeps me motivated to be the best that I can possibly be.

>> No.6212769

what the fuck is wrong with discrete math

and who cares if he wants to take a class at Python. Some people don't like self-study you faggot

>> No.6212789


University of New England (in straya)

>> No.6212791

Regardless of whatever his curriculum is, people who don't like self study are usually just called plebes.

>> No.6212799

Biochemistry II
Biophysical Pharmacy II
Therapeutics II
Pharmacology II
Biomolecular Pharmaceutical Chemistry I
OTC Products II
Pharmacy Skills II
Cases in Pharmaceutical Sciences II
Medicinal Chemistry

>> No.6212862

Differential Equations & Linear Algebra for Eng.
Problem Solving and Computation with C++
Applications of C++ Lab (programming basic robots)
Foundations of Psychology (lel)
English Writing (req.)

Computer Engineering first year. This will be my second semester. I placed out of Physics I and could have chosen to take another core class but chose to work part time and do research instead.
I will be doing software development for my university and assisting with research of topics regarding high performance computing with GPUs. Should be a fun semester.

>> No.6212871

I'm going to thode tomorrow. Wonder if I will see you.

>> No.6212876

Applied Econometrics
Geospatial Economic Analysis
Mathematical Economics
Econometric Time Series Forecasting

Econ major obviously, finally last my semester.

>> No.6212880

Data Structures and Programming
Basic Statistical Analysis Through Computers
Principles of Macroeconomics
Introduction to Linguistics
Religion Today

sophomore in computer science

>> No.6212883
File: 54 KB, 619x697, 1386573752716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Religion today

>> No.6212899


them GEs tho

>> No.6212902

>Physics II
>General Chem II
>Bio I
>Work 20 hours at hospital as 'Scribe'


OP, I would really consider taking Calculus and just skipping pre-calc altogether. You don't need pre-calc to do well in calculus, especially with your schedule

>> No.6212946

what does your analysis II cover? cause my analysis II covers measure theory

>> No.6212956

Spent 2 mins trying to think of a pun on the word "cover" and analysis, gave up.

>> No.6212955

Currently taking:
Applied Functional/Harmonic Analysis
Microwave Engineering

Complex Analysis
Feedback Control
Antenna Theory

EE/Math here.

>> No.6212960

Analysis II
Algebra II
Numerical Methods
Modern Physics

>> No.6212962
File: 62 KB, 928x228, 1386579871260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junior in Engineering Physics

Beginning weight training cause I gotta get those PA credits haha plus it means I get to use the varsity room.

>> No.6212966

Same here, Im doing a combined program.

>> No.6212978

Circuit analysis 3
Computer Design and Assembly Language Programming
Bioengineering Fundamentals
Life Science for Engineers
Technical Writing for Engineers

>> No.6213028

Doing my CS minor courses:

Intro to Programming II
Computer Networks
Data structures and algorithms

along with my Master's thesis in Finance and part-time work.

>> No.6213088
