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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6204520 No.6204520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is /sci/ like on the personal front?

Got a GF? Wife? Kids/family?

Since this is a science board, I'll give this thread a scientific question: Is intelligence an attractive trait for reproduction, in terms of both evolution and today? Does being involved in science or having an ambition in science appeal to girls?

>> No.6204528

I have a wifey and 3 step kids (her kids from previous marriage)

From what I understand, my intelligence was...sort of helpful? But she wasn't really looking for "just a smart guy." All she talks about from when we were dating was how I was confident and a smart ass.

I don't think intelligence helps you get wimmins. I'm also pretty sure being smart lowers your chances of reproducing (or reproducing in large numbers). Maybe you have fewer kids but can raise them better than others?

>> No.6204531

Oh yeah. She hates math and describes science as "why do I need to know about that?" Or "who cares?"

Opposites attract bro.

>> No.6204532

Neanderthals were wiped out due to evolving too large brains that couldn't pass through a vagina at birth. Look it up.

>> No.6204534

I'll bite OP
Whilst not working in science to any degree I do consider myself "A scientist"

I have a Ba in Chem Eng. and a masters in Inorganic Chemistry. I have a long term GF (>4 years) she holds a Ba in BioChem studying for a masters in the same field.

In all honesty, I would say that our combined intellect is the biggest driver to our relationship. By which I mean, if I were unable to have such long winded, technical debates with her, she wouldn't be my first choice.

Since about 16 I have found that whilst the dance/drama chicks tend to be hotter, after a fortnight they bore the pants off of me!

So, is science sexy. To nerd chicks it is.

>> No.6204550

>tfw no qt3.14 nerdy gf to debate science with in bed

>> No.6204556


How is that even possible? Wouldn't smaller craniums be selected for if all of the larger-headed ones died off?

>> No.6204557
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>> No.6204570 [DELETED] 

How is it that /sci/ seems to be hugely more successful than /fit/?

>> No.6204573

i'm foreveralone and frequent /r9k/.

>> No.6204575

Mah nigga!.. ;_;

>> No.6204581

I have a girlfriend. Kinda.
We're not very close and don't meet often.
I have friends, but most of them are in different countries.

>> No.6204593

writing master thesis in chemistry.
gf for almost 6 years and child to turn 3/2 years

I say confidence is the most attractive trait to women, thus
being smart only helps you as much as you can use it vividly
enough to make a good appearance with wittiness and talent
to improvise.

Stupidness usually is easily detected - at least for my GF.
(She studies administrative sciences btw - and has only minor
interest in my work field, yet relies on me when she needs a
repetition on statistics or algebra)