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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6197241 No.6197241 [Reply] [Original]

Does /sci/ "believe" in global warming?
I just watched the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" and it made think.

>> No.6197245

it's not 'global' and it's only 'temporary'.

>> No.6197255

regardless of it's 'true' or not: using too much plastics, aluminum foil, throwing batteries into lakes, coal power plants, and using a car when you don't need it is idiotic. this might sound retarded, but if we used more wood, we would benefit from it.

>> No.6197262

>not referring to it as multi-local

>> No.6197415

>this might sound retarded, but if we used more wood, we would benefit from it.

>> No.6197419

>Does /sci/ "believe" in global warming?
If it's good enough for the vast majority of people who actually study this shit for a living, it's good enough for a layman like me.

>> No.6197439


If only because 99% of people who actually study this shit for a living say its true. This is how science works. If people had a problem with peoples studies they'd be better off calling bullshit (and possibly winning a nobel) then to go along blindly with it. Peer review nawmean?

Anyone who denies this shit is either politically motivated or is just fucking ignorant.

>> No.6197440

Its like if my doctor told me I had cancer, id believe him. He did go to school for 8 years to know this shit. I'm not gunna say "lol the drug companies have u n there pokits fagut imm gunna drink tea it cures kancer"

>> No.6197448


doesnt yer mum get enough from the townfolk?

>> No.6197453


back it up or back the fuck out

>> No.6197458

there are websites that have data on tracking temperatures and certain gas concentrations in the atmosphere since the late 1800s. there is nothing to "believe" in, global warming isn't some tinfoil conspiracy, it's a scientifically backed up fact

>> No.6197470


No its not you penis. If it were science there wouldnt be a controversy in ACADEMIA.

>> No.6197473

There's very little controversy in academia. The controversy stems from the collision of politics, culture, and science. It seems that when those three collide, science always loses.

>> No.6197479

The only controversy exists in the public sphere, where any idiot can pretend to be an authority on the subject and where big money holds more sway than the facts.
In academia there is no controversy.