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File: 25 KB, 600x398, ASTROID HITTING EARTH AWSOME PICTURE MEDIUM!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6196950 No.6196950 [Reply] [Original]


Astronomers are marveling at the death and apparent resurrection of a comet that dove close to the sun on Thanksgiving.

Comet ISON passed within a million miles of the sun’s surface at 1:37 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday — by which time observers had already glumly concluded that the comet had disintegrated and vaporized.

ISON, which spent several billion years at the frigid edge of the solar system before starting a long journey toward the sun, had been billed as a possible “comet of the century.” Its demise seemed to be an anticlimactic ending to the story.

But “then it appears again,” said Karl Battams, an astrophysicist at the Naval Research Laboratory who has been observing the comet from Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona. “We see something come out.”


The second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood, and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life, died; and a third of the ships were destroyed.

The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters. The name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter.

Revelations 8

>> No.6196957
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>/r/ing this in gif form

>> No.6196956

Why did you add a bible verse? It's not related/relevent to the info regarding ISON.

>> No.6196961

That simulation from the Stereo site doesn't look too promising for us. I know I'm speaking the obvious but I really fucking hope we don't get bombarded by thousands of fragments.

>> No.6196967

I'd love to see some chaos. This is great.

>> No.6196968
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Can someone verify if Comet ISON was originally 2 miles in diameter or 12 miles in diameter?

I am getting some conflicting information. Also, was it originally a single nucleus or two nuclei?

>> No.6196972



Full pleb.

It was initially thought to be around 5km in diameter but was later revised to be around 2km in diameter.

And I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that by definition there can only be one nucleus.

>> No.6196976
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>> No.6196980


Bet you've never lived a hard day in your life.

>> No.6196981

If this shit doesn't blow us to smithereens, it might be some cool shit to see with just the naked eye.

>> No.6196989

Did you really have to post this both here and on /g/? It's like you're begging for attention.

>> No.6196990


Yeah I'm sure you'll be just peachy if fiery death rains upon your house and city.

>> No.6196995

>Why did you add a bible verse? It's not related/relevent to the info regarding ISON.
I decided to look up the meaning of the names of the two Russians who discovered ISON: Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok.
The name of the first guy, Vitali, means life. His last name, Nevski, is an offshoot of Neva, which is a river in Russia and means "sea" or "water". Therefore, the name of the first guy breaks down into "Vital or Living Waters". In Latin, the meaning of Neva is radiance or brightness. In this case his name would mean "alive with radiant brightness". Scientists are interested in ISON due to a study in how icy comets seed life throughout the universe. Without water there is no life.
The name of the second guy is where it gets horrifying. The name Artyom originates from ARTEMISIOS and means WORMWOOD (a bitter herb). I will repeat that because it is worth driving home.
The name of one of the Russian discoverers of this 3 to 4 mile wide comet with a 200,000 mile tail translates to WORMWOOD.

>> No.6196999


Hilarious. This name juggling bullshit was done with Elenin.

>> No.6197001


>> No.6197004
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>> No.6197005

Are you trying to shitpost OP? If you read the first article you'd know that Thanks to it's angle there's no chance that will hit Earth, and even if it did, I doubt it would make much damage since after it's encounter with the sun it's size has probable reduced a lot. Plus nothing was said about any debris on both articles.

>> No.6197008


That is a rather spooky coincidence if true.

>> No.6197012

I love /x/philes, you guys are so entertaining

>> No.6197014

>Thanks to it's angle there's no chance that will hit Earth
I pray this will not affect us.

However, I'm cycling through all the articles. There is a lot of UNCERTAINTY around Comet ISON especially right after it went past the sun.

There is a CHANCE that it broke up, we'll find out later this week I hope. If it did break up, then there's a big possibility that the fragments will fan out as it heads straight towards us. At that point, there isn't much room angle-wise.

>> No.6197020


While you are correct, is it still possible that stray pieces could wind up hitting Earth? Even a tiny amount?

>> No.6197021




>> No.6197022

If such a comet were to slam into earth,would it give humans a good motive to colonize the solar system?

>> No.6197024

>The name of the second guy is where it gets horrifying. The name Artyom originates from ARTEMISIOS and means WORMWOOD (a bitter herb). I will repeat that because it is worth driving home.

This is a huge stretch. You're tying a huge genus to one of its plants: Artemisia absinthium. The genus has over 200 components. In the bible, it's specifically stated that they called it wormwood, not that the people who found it, had a name originating from followers of a greek god... who just so happened to be the basis for a genus of plants with some connection to the wormwood plant. That's fucking retarded.

>> No.6197025

At that point why does it even matter? If a few tiny stray pieces hit earth they'll burn up and we'll be done with it.

>> No.6197028


Oh shuddup. /x/tards are hilarious and all, but that Wormwood thing is an interesting little coincidence if true. Doesn't mean MUH PROPHECY END OF DE WURLD, but try not to shit-post.

>> No.6197029


No, I know exactly where you were going with it (I replied to the post with another post). It's such an esoteric connection and proof that people will look for any pattern in hopes of rapture of some doomsday scenario. People get a fix off of fear, I've met a few of them.

>> No.6197031

Not him but maybe they will make a good show to see at night.

>> No.6197034


Well it matters how big those pieces are. Anyone in here know how large and fast fragments would have to be in order to penetrate the atmosphere?

>> No.6197036


Oh, that does sound like quite the stretch.

>> No.6197039
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We're fucked


>> No.6197042
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Wait...won't our atmosphere diffuse them into extraterrestrial dust ? The meteor that hit russian earlier was much bigger and it didn't even completely collapse the building it hit.

I don't think we're even gonna get an icy shower, I think we're just gonna get sprayed with dust. It would be interesting if the particles carry some interesting stuff though.

>> No.6197043

I really hoped this comet would vaporize.

So much stupid shit pertaining to it funneled in to ever news source ever. What even started this religious bull shit surrounding it?

>> No.6197044

I think it's safe to say that they won't make any damage IF they are on route with earth, because IF the comet survived which they aren't even really sure about it, it's size has decreased a lot.

>> No.6197047

I don't get why people enjoy the thought of earth being destroyed so much that they prance around /x/ /pol/ and for some reason /sci/ to fear monger and shit.

Life isn't a fucking video game you morons.

>> No.6197049

Because those jokers on /x/ and /pol/ are conspiratards

This is factual /sci/ence

>> No.6197050

I doubt it will either, but something like that would be a huge wakeup call to people who think we don't need to expand into outer space. Would show them just how damn vulnerable we are right now.

>> No.6197051


Did you even read the image you posted? What part of that equates to "we're fucked"?

>> No.6197055
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Scenarios 2 or 3


>> No.6197057

Oh no, we might be able to see a comet guys!

That's NEVER happened before!

>> No.6197056


This. We can all dance around and make fun of the prophecy-induced madness, but one day there may be a bombardment that fucks us up beyond repair. We need to colonize other worlds and we need some bloody anti-asteroid defense systems. And I know, I know, far easier said than done. But it all needs to be done soon.

>> No.6197061

>That's NEVER happened before!
Even Comet Haley wasn't visible during daylight

That means this comet will be real close to us

>> No.6197063

Asteroids you can at least see coming and have a chance of stopping before they reach you, if a GRB was aimed at us we'd be absolutely fucked.

>> No.6197069

we are not more vulnerable right now than in the past, and we have more things to worry about like the power crisis and diseases in general. Sure we could increase the research on all of these areas but who's going to finance it? If the medical area had more investments they would already have discovered the cure of AIDS, as it is companies are afraid of investing on something so huge because in the past some countries broke the patent so they could sell generics for the population, thus reducing the possible profit of those companies. That was said by one of the scientists working on the said cure.

>> No.6197072

No, the governments would just assure everyone that such an event happening again is extremely unlikely and would then just start asking for disaster relief "donations".

>> No.6197073

>if we throw more money at it, the disease will go away

Fuck you and fuck everyone that uses this reasoning

>> No.6197076

The damn moon is visible during daylight. Doesn't mean that every time it orbits us we need to say "Wow, that was a close call!"

>> No.6197082

i bet nobody knows what the A and B markers are

>> No.6197086



Magnitude isn't strictly determined by how close an object is from Earth.

>> No.6197087

I'm just repeating what one person that spent his last 14 years working on it said. Sure "throwing money" at the disease won't make it go away, but without funding you can't do much.

>> No.6197091


GRB's are one of the only things we will probably have no control over. It's a scary thought, but we should be fine for now at least.

>> No.6197093

What are they?

>> No.6197094
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The second and third earth's we are currently building on the other side of the sun.

>> No.6197098

I thought they were lagrange 4 and 5?
Am I right?

>> No.6197102

stereo A and stereo B giving alternate views of the sun

>> No.6197103


I'm guessing they're STEREO

>> No.6197114
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>>you will never get to see chunks of fucking ultra-negative magnitude comet reenter earths atmosphere while having an end of the world orgy at a major telescope

>> No.6197120

Well according to this NASA researcher, she says there's a low chance ISON will affect Earth, regardless if it breaks up or not

>> No.6197168
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>all those crazies getting butthurt in the comments

>> No.6197174

I'd like to see their faces when they look up in the sky and see the actual thing getting closer every second.

>> No.6197177
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>ummm ya the comet looks alot bigger then 1 mile wide.just look how big it is compared to the earth and the sun..something wrong with her numbers there..nasa.never a straight answer

>> No.6197179

I saw Comet Ison this morning, about 6:50 am in the eastern sky, near the horizon, right about where the sun rises. It was very bright and had a long tail. It was moving north eastward, so from my perspective the comet tail was pointing upwards and angled to the right. It only lasted a minute or so because the sun was coming up and quickly the comet faded.

Higher up above the comet was a plane moving from north to south with a contrail. I presume it was flying from Boston to New York City, as I live along the east coast between those two cities.

The comet was white and glowing, and from my perspective about twice to three times the size of the plane. The tail of the comet was longer than the contrail of the plane.

The comet could not have been another plane, because it was so much bigger than the plane. Whereas the plane was dark, the comet was glowing white. Also, no plane would have been on an eastern path heading over the Atlantic from near my location. The big flights to Europe fly out of Boston and New York, not out of Connecticut.

I checked Stellarium, and sure enough Comet Ison was supposed to be in that vicinity of the sky this morning. But for it to be so distinct in the dawn's early light at a few minutes before sunrise should tell us something. It's big.

>> No.6197201

I suggest you look at this video

>> No.6197234

this thread cant die

>> No.6197239


>nasa. never a straight answer

I can't help but be deeply saddened by all this anti-NASA tin foil craziness.

>> No.6197244


>Tyrone Ray
>She is talking out of her A$$

Thank god we have my main brother Tyrone to call out this hoax for what it is.

That entire comment section is an embarrassment.

>> No.6197287

It is more likely that Earth will cross paths with ISON's tail than it is that Earth will suffer a direct hit. No one truly understands the effects we could experience, and if ISON is in pieces then all bets are fucking off.

>> No.6197289


>it's time to stop using NASA crack math and start using real world math

>> No.6197292

>asking for disaster relief "donations"
you're hilarious

>> No.6197559

But how did that comet survived getting that close to the sun?

>> No.6197579

Good question. it must have a core so dense and icy that it kept its inner temperature.
But even then, it took days to sling around the sun, nothing should have survived that.

>> No.6197581

Ha ha, no. Learn to crazy speculations.

>> No.6197587

Jesus is inside the comet, i repeat, jesus is inside the comet.

>> No.6197600


Serious question though

How do you nutjobs keep finding this shit and believing your insane theories after you repeatedly live through to see it's all bullshit.

Like 2000 apocalypes, 2012 apocalypse a million of other shit like you just stated.

You make that shit, you live to see it is all bullshit but somehow you don't realize what a moron you are instead you make new shit and claim "thiz one iz real guyze, it's habbeding"

Is it a serious mental disease?

>> No.6197611

It's their way to cope with stuff they don't understand.

>> No.6197835
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And the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and to test him they asked him to show them a sign from heaven. He answered them, “When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.’ And in the morning, ‘It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” So he left them and departed.

Matthew 16:1-4

>> No.6197854


It's become impossible to believe anything NASA or the US government says or does.

There may be some wild theories out there but more and more are beginning to see through the "official" lies. Like me they trust those trying to make sense of everything more than they do those who claim to give us scientific answers.

This is a good thing. Despite the best efforts of some, people are waking up. They are starting to see through the deception and no longer trust those who lie to control them. It may still seem like the masses are asleep and it gets discouraging sometimes, but if you look closely you see the awakening and it is an awesome sight, maybe because most are not yet aware of it themselves.

Is Geometric Storm a shill? I do not know. What I do know is that modern scientific programming is no longer working, and any who try to use it will be lumped in with the liars. The "educated/programmed" masses have begun to see past the arrogance of scientists and are embarking on a mass journey to LEARN and discover truth for themselves.

>> No.6197861

Wait, hold on. Where in OP's links did it ever say that ISON is fragmented and coming straight towards us? All I'm seeing is the same information we already know and that one graph everyone loves to misinterpret.

>> No.6197895

Half-Life 3 confirmed!

>> No.6197941

I though that the literal translation for wormwood in russian is Chernobyl. Seriously.

Oh, and stfu and go back to /x/

>> No.6197975

yeah, it's the Ukrainian term for wormwood. Or more literally, "black grass".

>> No.6197978

So, according to this, Earth would only pass directly through the path of the comet as it was closing in on the sun, and the comet exisits at a much higher angle. The fragments or whatever would be far "above" the earth's path as the comet exists.

>> No.6197982
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>> No.6198034


Shill detected. Nice attempt at luring as off the corruption of the US government by pinning abstract lies against NASA.

Sure sure, NASA could be working on secret aircraft, satellites and shit, but judging by their budget I doubt it. And frankly I don't see how their observations of a fucking comet can be taken as some elaborate conspiracy.

>> No.6198037
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>people taking the term "snowball" literally

>> No.6198055

What are these frozen rocks?
They aren't water right?
but they were really cold out in the outer solar system

>> No.6198059

Because humans have a thoroughly twisted and perverted view of themselves. Western religion and society trains us to see ourselves as sinful and bad. Our media glorifies death, destruction and the end of the world. Pop culture is an endless stream of boring shit that everyone hates but can't break away from, fostering a culture of narcissism and negativity. People just want to break free of it, but they don't want to do it themselves, they think they will survive and all the things they hate will perish.

They are deluded. Just another casualty of the western world.

>> No.6198061

> Like 2000 apocalypes, 2012 apocalypse a million of other shit like you just stated.
what 2000 apocalypses ? what the fuck are you reading ? And some people stated even before 2012 that mayan calendar is calculated with a missing year.

>> No.6198067

There was supposed to be several different apocalyptic events in 2000. Y2k, the second coming, something about planets aligning.

There were lots of people who really believed in 2012, and wasn't there also supposed to be the second coming in march 2011 or 2012?

This shit is common and every time, someone believes it

>> No.6198068

It's called controlled fantasy. Everyone knows nothing is going to happen but they like to act on a reason to live their lives like its their last days. They are having fun trying to convince other people that the world is ending to see them in fear while fully knowing its bullshit.

>> No.6198070

don't forget Y2k was also about how technology will shut down because of the transition from 1999 to 2000

>> No.6198075

Even if something does happen, the worst case scenario is that it lands in an ocean and causes flooding.

Good thing I'm landlocked.

>> No.6198076

My dad bought a shotgun and stocked up on supplies during 1999. It was basically all he did in his free time.
He was literally insane, though. Heard voices and shit and thoughts having a middle name would curse you somehow.

I hope I don't go crazy one day

>> No.6198080

I don't know where are you hanging out but the only apocalyptic hype was 2012 which exploded in lots of peoples butt when nothing happened. But people who research and not propagate what other people spam know that end of the mayan calendar corresponds to 2013 december.
As for the prophecy, we got nothing but theories. It's just the end of mayan calendar, which might not mean anything at all. But people who are under the impression of 2012 december was the real deal are wrong.

>> No.6198089

How could you have not heard of the 2000 apocalypse

>> No.6198111

You could have deleted everything paranormal and we could have trusted you, it's like at the end of "The origin of the species" Darwin wrote "And I know all of this because an UFO told me".

>> No.6198141
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>Comet ISON = Nibiru


>> No.6198198

Excuse me?

What fucking rock were you hiding under during 1999? Y2K was regularly in the news and a MASSIVE marketing vehicle for a while (y2k compliant!) and virtually every weird cult on earth had an end of the world event on the new year. This shit was plastered everywhere.

>> No.6198210

it was foretold


>> No.6198218



he is here?

rats spelled backwards is "star"

>> No.6198371

Even when this whole thing passes and is forgotten, the legions of troofers will insist that the true nature of Ison was covered up.

I'm also going to enjoy watching those "big name" YT channels like BPEarthWatch and ThorNews try to dance around all their Biblical predictions of conspiracy and apocalypse. But of course they and their followers will pull all kinds of mental gymnastics and move onto the next gloom and doom scenario.

What will the next big natural/spiritual/out of our control disaster that the /x/ folk will latch onto? My money is on solar flares.

>> No.6198426

>the next gloom and doom scenario

The Financial Singularity?

>> No.6198451

>Happy new year bitch

>> No.6198462

these are all predictions and estimates, learn to read, you idiot.

>> No.6198465
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>mfw missed it

>> No.6198468

It's like scientists constantly try make theories for everything, most of which are false.

>> No.6198864
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> Y2K
> Apocalypse Scenario

>> No.6199514


This is a troll post, right?