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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6189236 No.6189236 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post what we are studying.
>Pic related

>> No.6189261

>using books and not lecture notes or calss notes

>> No.6189271

what book OP?

ciphers and cryptography seem cool

>> No.6189277

Is that Compsci?

>> No.6189302
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Coz Its in my habit.I can self-study more than I can listen to teachers.Is this a psychological problem? I fail in exams though coz before exams I am still researching on topics on books and internet.

>> No.6189309

>I fail in exams though

studies even during holidays, fails on exams anyway. blames it on research.

what a retard.

>> No.6189319

I don't learn everything from lecture/class notes.

In fact I don't know why I even take any because I don't even look at them 99% of the time.

I usually end up teaching myself everything from the book.

>> No.6189313

I can't remember all the stuffs at a time.

>> No.6189322

Nice dubs and yeah its Compsci.
Book: Cryptography and Network Security Forouzan

>> No.6189393
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Fugging Muldibol :D :D :D

>> No.6189418

>In fact I don't know why I even take any because I don't even look at them 99% of the time.

Pretty sure the action of taking notes helps you memorize them.

>> No.6189519
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im doing fourier series in math, i would mention i'm also doing laplace transforms but it really isn't worth mentioning because it's piss easy. fourier isn't because i haven't invested enough time in it.
im doing statistics also, it blows huge dicks because my interest in statistics is about zero.

also motors and generators on the side, synchronous, direct current and induction motors.
some people i worked with while working with a synch motor turned a wrong dial once and the speed of the rotor tried to reach infinity. the lab engineer literally threw himself at the machine to try and fix it before it literally flew off its hinges.
it was fun

also control engineering.
work with plc and various circuits that in some way involve opamps and wheatstone bridges.

it's alright in general i guess.

this sounds like such a blog but you asked for it :)))
pic not related

>> No.6189528

>i would mention i'm also doing laplace transforms but it really isn't worth mentioning because it's piss easy. fourier isn't because i haven't invested enough time in it

Retard. They're the same thing

>> No.6189537

u wot m8

>> No.6189551
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>> No.6189552

It's way less productive because it takes a lot more time to learn the things you need to know.

>> No.6189546

yes in the sense that fourier only takes the imaginary parts of laplace

not exactly the same thing though
basically all the transforms are different, but major properties stay the same

>> No.6189567

>yes in the sense that fourier only takes the imaginary parts of laplace

No retard.

>> No.6189590


you make compelling arguments.

>> No.6189913

One day I will get accepted into university and leave my life of retail and dishwashing forever!

>> No.6189927
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Damn, forgot pic.

>> No.6189994

books are better you idiot, taking notes is for plebs

>> No.6189999

That program looks amazing. What's it called?

>> No.6190152


>> No.6190205
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>> No.6190353

>\Sigma always ugly on paper

>> No.6190365

what's with the stars

>> No.6190376

>not throwing confetti on a page when you're done reading it.
It's like you don't know how to celebrate or something.

>> No.6190383


you sound like someone who's got some serious mental issues.

>> No.6190397

Making math fun.

>> No.6190402

>Making math fun.
are you like 10?

>> No.6190410

Little bit.

>> No.6190453

>a series of functions converges uniformly if for all epsilon > 0

>not s_k converges uniformly to f on A
my sides

>> No.6190465
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Oh my it has been years since the last time I touch a physical copy of any book in my courses

>> No.6190475

Cohomology of algebraic vector bundles

>> No.6190480
File: 7 KB, 300x144, Mathews attics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almos goddid
Iss p. hard dough

>> No.6190486

Fourier is just as easy as Laplace, you just need to get used to it like you did with Laplace.

Wrong, they are completely different, Laplace uses s domain, fourier uses the i domain.

They are the same in the sense that they try to accomplish the same thing, but they are not they are completely different and produce different results.

Also incorrect.

>> No.6190495

Travelling salesman problem, exact solution and approximate solution. I already wrote a nice 2 loop implementation of Prim's Algorithm for minimum spanning trees.

>> No.6190496
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>> No.6190499
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>> No.6190504
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> Linear algebra is the study of linear maps on finite-dimensional vector spaces. Eventually we will learn what all these terms mean.

>> No.6190508

linear algebra isn't so hard. I am legitimately retarded and am doing well in the class.

>> No.6190516

I'm more doing it to get introduced to formalism.
I've taken a couple engineering courses using it.
I just can't translate that first sentence yet.

>> No.6190524

>linear algebra isn't so hard

Not so much if you got a decent professor. This one prof just did arbitrary Gaussian eliminations for most of his lectures but his tests consisted of proofs and a hell lot of theory. The class averages were in the 60% and 50%. fucking nightmare.

>> No.6190537

Poor Microbiology book using pleb reporting in dis thread

I'm jelly of u guise
Such math

>> No.6190540
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forgot pic
phone is potato

>> No.6190542

And yes. I'm Autistic.


>> No.6190622


OP, please get on my level. Upgrade your Calculator to fx-570ES PLUS. I used to have yours.

Doing A-Level probability,

>> No.6190625
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Here it is

>> No.6191211

You sound like a hit at parties

>> No.6191217
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>ben gets a car
Oh god, not the babby tier again.

>> No.6191222

>Stats 1

Easymode, if you don't get 100% in the exam then you are a MegaPleb

>> No.6191227


I hated that shit in school

>> No.6191233

Well he did say that he was at A-level, so he's 16-17.

>> No.6191258


>> No.6191283

What textbook are you using? and would you recommend it?

>> No.6191296


>> No.6191307

how old are you

>> No.6191320
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>> No.6191357


Am I now too old to go to university?

>> No.6191356

Linear algebra, linear transformations, inner-product spaces, and it's very proof-heavy.

exam in 12 days, and I've got one hard exam before that...

>> No.6191382

Yep. There's an age limit for going back to school, if you apply you will be arrested.

>> No.6191432
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Help me out niggers

>> No.6191437

Nah. There isn't an age limit.

>> No.6191443


the vertical bar stands for pipelining

you need to pipeline your functions in your gentoo terminal

press alt+t and pipeline, use the map function and pipeline your f's into the machine.

trust me i'm from /g/

>> No.6191449

That ugly handwriting

>> No.6191452


u wot m9?

>> No.6191502

looks interesting

is this for the end of a real analysis course or functional?

>> No.6191526

>there are people on /sci/ who actually try to learn from inferior sources like lectures and shitty notes when they could just read the book and gain a deeper understanding.

>> No.6191534

>confirmed for never having a good lecturer ever
Good lecturers are a great resource.

>> No.6191538

There's no such thing as a perfect lecturer. You can understand stuff much better and much more efficiently if you have time to think about everything as it is brought up. With lectures, they just move on to the next subject and if you have something that you're still thinking about, you get left behind. And of course if they go too slow, then you're just bored.

>> No.6191548

the key is to both attend lectures and try to understand the material on your own, both before and after the lecture.

>> No.6191550

But if I understand the material by reading it beforehand, whats the point in going to lecture?

>> No.6191552

>not enjoying a well-delivered lecture

Also some teachers like to include things that they see in class on tests, I do it sometimes. Freebie for those who attended.

>> No.6191557

No thanks I'll stay home and play video games

>> No.6191558

There might be some parts you overlooked or simplified. But the most important is that you then have your questions ready for the parts you didn't understand.

>> No.6191586
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>> No.6191604



fucking cancer, have fun being a pharmacist anon

>> No.6191631

Perhaps he wants to cook meth? Ever thought about that?

>> No.6191635

Going into pure math, I bet, huh?

>> No.6191684

>>various circuits that in some way involve opamps and wheatstone bridges

>>some way
>what is sensor
>what is electrical measurement
>what is feedback loop

>>work with plc
I find this possibility disturbing.

>> No.6191916

End of real analysis (analysis III for me) I got metric spaces and differentiation next term and both of them lead to functional analysis next year so I'm not there yet.

>> No.6191946


Math grad student here. Studying pseudo-differential operators.

>> No.6191952


Yeah I never read my notes. I prefer reading a good text. But I think taking notes helps you remember the stuff.

>> No.6191955


So the Laplace transform maps Schwartz space into itself?

I didn't fucking think so.

>> No.6192722


but actually would like to study math and economics aswell

>> No.6192733
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Have a semester-long lab report due on my independent research, three mini-lab reports due for the bioinformatics portion of my genetic engineering class, and an essay-paper for my proofs class, pic related (I've already figured it out). The essay is actually fun, primarily because I figured it out quickly, so obviously I'm doing that first because I'm a procrastinator.

>> No.6192786
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Statistics 1 (International) (Cambridge International Examinations)

They only got bad quality photos online.

>> No.6192789


Hmm and would I recommend it? Hmm, well are you doing CIE A Levels, then yes it would most likely be the best fit. Got some good questions in there, explaining could be a little better, but if you get stuck just use Google to check your answer.
There seem to be a lot of people posting questions from this book on Yahoo answers, mostly the probability chapters.

>> No.6192791

Regional geography. I hate Thailand/Philippines/Moluccas with a burning passion now.

>> No.6192794

Anyone wanna help me on MO diagrams -- following Albert Cotton's method? Preferably a YT video?

>> No.6192802


Nah man you should be fine. What level you studying?

>> No.6192812

install gentoo

>> No.6192814

2nd year undergraduate(I guess? well the thing after high school- I'm from Europe). Not exactly hard, it's just due monday and I want to get my scolarship back for next semester.

>> No.6192817
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>mfw I study particle physics in my spare time
>I enjoy it but can't take course on it because I sucked in high school (particularly at maths).

I'm restricted to wiki, sixty symbols and google.

Anything else you guys can suggest?

>> No.6192832

Did not mean to kill thread...

>> No.6192854

Can't you go to night school and redo maths?

>> No.6192866


Take online courses?
What >>6192854 said also seems like a good idea. If you have those kind of schools in your area.r

>> No.6192867

Try Saylor.org and ALISON institute.

>> No.6192910

Linear Algebra working on determinants but...

>tfw I don't know anything about biology/chemistry past high school.

Its embarrassing

>> No.6192946


Redo math, you won't get anywhere before mastering high school level math

>> No.6193950

This classic


>> No.6193973
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From about 10 hours ago.

Baby-tier for /sci/ probably, but De Moivre's Theorem and stuff is pretty cool.

>> No.6193975

did you actually waste your time writing all of that?

>> No.6193978

he did. some delusional people think they can become smart if they just write out pages of pointless and easy-to-do stuff.

>> No.6193983

always having a top lel when I see people computing long cohomology sequences.

>> No.6193992


>show that

>> No.6194097

You seriously need to grow the fuck up. For some people, it helps to write out each step, no matter how trivial it may seem. I know that I often make sign errors and the like when I don't.