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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 763 KB, 1024x768, Koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6189179 No.6189179 [Reply] [Original]

>Lecturer makes a mistake
>Someone points it out
>"I was just testing you"

>> No.6189229

>lecturer forgets to put an index on a variable
>everyone can infer from the context what is missing
>that one annoying autist has to point it out in a loud and arrogant manner

I hate that guy.

>> No.6189249

>tfw the german exchange students know the course material better than the lecturer

>> No.6189252

>that one guy who always asks questions in every single lecture

>> No.6189279

holy fuck this...used to drive me insane when i had a teacher in high school who used powerpoints and always made typos that were easy to derive what they meant from it

>> No.6189284

>that one guy who does exceedingly better than anybody else in the class and goes on to a remarkable career in his field.

>> No.6189293

I am that guy.

>> No.6189308

>that one guy who just stopped showing up and is about to get kicked out

Im that guy

>> No.6189323

>that one guy who continually nods his head and mumbles "mhm, okay, yeah, alright, etc" at every remark the professor makes just loud enough that it's distracting to those around him

>> No.6189331

>That one guy who has clinical depression and radiates negative energy and the professor enters the void after making eye contact with him

eh-h it's a friend, not me. hehehe

>> No.6189334

Nope, I'm talking about the guy that asks really stupid question that everyone else in the room gets, but he just interrupts each and every lecture with simple questions

>> No.6189335

that fucking koala

>> No.6189342
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>lecturer makes a mistake
>you notice it but say nothing not wanting to be "that guy"
>mistake reused repeatedly
>everything is spiraling out of control

>> No.6189344

>that majority of guys who doesn't understand a thing but says he understands because of group comformity.

>> No.6189347

>that guy who answers every rhetorical question

>> No.6189353

>Professor shows stuff that won't be in the exam but says it's good to know for the sake of knowing

What's the fucking point?

>> No.6189356

>that one guy who always loudly answers 'yes' when lecturer asks if anyone has any knowledge of the new stuff he is going to lecture in

>> No.6189360


He is obligated by rules to teach the lesson but doesn't think it is important.

>> No.6189364


So you actually learn stuff? :0
Education isn't about exams.

>> No.6189368

>that one guy who isn't a virgin

>> No.6189379
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i can safely say that is not me


>> No.6189397

>The one guy that takes notes with his Laptop and can't type silently

>> No.6189415

that guy is me

>> No.6189422

>that guy who browses /sci/ during the lecture

I'm sitting right behind you and I see what you're doing.

>> No.6189444

Kill yourself.

>> No.6189455

Dear god, this.


The window during which I could have mentioned it is long gone. It gets mentioned almost every lecture.

>hamiltonian when clearly hermitian is meant

>> No.6189689
File: 2.00 MB, 395x350, 1371962551435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl asked me yesterday whether I ever had sex. I told her that I´m a 23 year old virgin.

I´m the guy who doesn´t just get friendzoned but bestfriendzoned.

But we don´t pussy, right? We got our proofs, our math, our superiority! Logic, not love, right?

>> No.6189727


I laughed, I doubt you are a scientist

>> No.6189771


Trust me, we can tell that you'll never get pussy by the way you use the word "friendzoned" unironically. It's an easy indicator of those who will never get laid without paying a hooker.

I bet you also (pick 1) own a fedora, visit /r/atheism or /r/mensrights, or have seriously considered buying My Little Pony merchandise.

>> No.6189782

I just told you I´m a 23 year old virgin. Yes, Captain obvious, I´ll not get any pussy. Did your scientific education help you to realise that?

And I actually used the word friendzone ironically, because I said I´m not just getting friendzoned but bestfriendzoned. (she´s/i´m her best friend now). I guess it´s more cynical than ironical but who cares.

I could deal with my own failure, the real frustration comes from people as stupid as you being more successful than me.

>> No.6189853

They aren't rhetorical. It's just that most of the time nobody answers them.

>> No.6189870

looks like somebody is going to be proving the squeeze theroem on their dick for the rest of their life

>> No.6189882


I know an autist in my calc classes that does this and talks to himself the entire time. It gets even more awkward because the professor is an autist himself and will start talking to the student autist like he's not an autist and will not be flabbergasted by a simple social question.

>> No.6189934

Why specifically german? Are they really good?

>> No.6189962

>that one guy who still wants to believe 0.999... equals 1 even though the professor demonstrated the proof of them being different numbers

>> No.6189966

They are actually pretty dumb. But I guess in comparison to amerifats it's not hard to look smart.

>> No.6189968

Wir sind der Übermensch, hast du vergessen?

>> No.6189976

Fangen wir mal lieber nicht gerade damit an...
Bin nicht aus Deutschland aber der Ruf im Ausland interessiert mich, um ehrlich zu sein.

>> No.6189982

usually to be an exchange student most institutions have some requirements as per GPA etc.

>> No.6189986
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>when he doesn't tell you that it's not going to be on the exam

>> No.6190036

what was that proof?

>> No.6190047

"What's this guy's problem? Who does he think he is, teaching me shit? The nerve."

>> No.6190076

yeah, what do we go to lectures for anyways, right?

>> No.6190082

>that guy who asks long, drawn out questions he already knows the answer to, trying to impress the professor

>> No.6190127

>that one kid who never shows up to lectures until the last 5 minutes
>challenges the professor any moment he can get
>always loud and obnoxious
>come test day he doesn't know shit but his ego is so huge he writes down whatever on the test and hands it in after 10 minutes into the test
>next week gets a super F back
>goes to complain to the director of the department about every teacher giving him bad grades and that they are bad teachers
>he actually got one teacher fired

so begins the legacy of paul

cont. next post

>> No.6190130

>paul is on a rampage thinking he is king of the university
>get a bad grade, complain cycle seems to be working
>he is IT major, I am EE&CE major, some of our classes overlap
>operating systems
>one day he approaches me about an idea
>im all ears paul
>okay dude its robot arms that come out of a wall unit and it does dishes and folds your clothes
>explain to him the concept of feasibility and practicality (containing all my laughter of course)
>politely decline
>whatever man! and he goes back to talking to his jew friend
>day of operating systems final
>a CPU scheduler program that does round robin shit was also due that day
>paul's program didnt run of course
>he is conversing with the teacher while everyone is taking the exam, he gets visibly upset
>teacher doesnt back down, this program is garbage
>he storms out
>could not stop laughing entire exam

later I find out he dropped out of school
now he's a janitor

>> No.6190303

Whats a Hexagon?

>> No.6190355


Please just fucking say something if this happens.

>> No.6190362


>lecturer makes a mistake
>don't want to say anything
>look around to see if anyone else notices
>other people notice mistake
>everyone else is also looking around to see if anyone else notices
>everyone visibly uncomfortable
>no one says anything

>> No.6190364
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>Lecturer makes a mistake
>Someone points it out
>"Oh sorry bout that"
We all make mistakes
[spoilers]Except Engineers [/spoilers]

>> No.6190375


Every goddamn time.

>> No.6190378

So long as he doesn't drag the lecture to a halt by asking a question to flex his intellectual prowess, I'm fine and wish him the best.

>> No.6190380

>Be TA, occasionally cover lectures and write shit up for undergrad courses
>get several remarks on my evaluations saying I frequently made mistakes in my lectures and in my handouts
>puzzled as no one ever pointed any mistakes out to me all semester

>> No.6190385




>> No.6190404
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Have you actually told her that you like her? I personally don't "believe in" any other definition of the friend zone, you know, the whole "ah, I didn't explicitly state it, but it's obvious she just wants to be friends." thing. Anyway, I feel for you, I'm a 20-year-old virgin, on my way to becoming a goddamn wizard and shit. Told a college friend of mine that I've been studying with that I wanted to fuck her, she said she just wanted to be friends.

>> No.6190408


It's a panda

>> No.6190532

when did sci get so aspie

>> No.6190543

>lecturer always asks the class simple stuff like "what's the derivative of x^2" while working through problems and waits for someone to answer
>whole room is silent
>have to be that guy that responds just to keep the class going

>during 2 hour lecture
>lecturer is standing up the whole time, writing on the board
>can't help but think "Man, it must suck to be a teacher. My feet hurt just sitting down."

>> No.6190644
File: 55 KB, 299x360, 1379508941597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya hes right actually definately tell her
proof by story-
>be awkward skinny nerdass in first year of college
>hottest girl in dorm is trying to befriend me. i was like, whatever, shes probs a stupid bitch
>turns out to be the coolest ever, also huge nerd. over the year we become good friends
>she has long distance boyfriend, but is really affectionate towards me. i thought it was just cuz i was nonthreatening and stuff, she was super "out of my league"
>basically fall in love with her, but never say anything. she transfers to a different school for the next year for several reasons
>keep in contact, she visits pretty often
>second year of college, she broke up with her boyfriend, but i had just gotten involved with some other girl. a couple months later she gets back together with old bf and a bit later me and my gf break up
>third year of college, she starts talking to me a bunch more. breaks up with bf and we start to talk even more
>she visits and acts a bit differently towards me than usual, more serious. i still dont say anything cuz im a goddamn pussy
>i finally visit her and stay at her apartment. whole day is pretty romantic and stuff and shes being really affectionate but i still say nothing.
>watch a movie in her bed, kinda awkward, were not even cuddling or anything, i realized nothing will ever happen between us
>movie ends, i head to her couch to go to sleep, she says i can sleep in her bed. well hmmmmm
>she puts her arm on me, i do the same. we get closer.... bam shit starts happenning. after 2 goddamn years. holy shit

so please, just go for it and say something

>> No.6190651
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>sitting in a history lecture
>he starts talking about how napoleons forces were responsible for damage to the acropolis and the sphinx

>> No.6190652

>have to be that guy that responds just to keep the class going
I fucking hate this, so much. I try to stay quiet so other people at least have the opportunity to learn something but the class doesn't move until somebody fucking says something.

>> No.6190654

>that guy that panics and just starts speaking gibberish whenever he's called upon and has to be asked repeatedly to actually speak or is otherwise silent for the entire class every day
I don't think i've ever cringed so much in my life. I understand social anxiety and shit, but my god man.

>> No.6190655

congratulations, you fulfilled your role of the backup guy perfectly.

>> No.6190656

we used to have a lecturer like that, but luckily our chemE class didnt stand for that shit and no one answered. ever. after about 2 week the lecturer stopped with that shit when he say he isnt going to get any reaction out of us.

>> No.6190657

>That lecturer than when asked a question, will answer a completely trivial things that was not asked.

>> No.6190660
File: 21 KB, 600x552, 1378181737648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to make a video for cunts like you one of these days.

>> No.6190666


anon posted it earlier, the fabled 6.6666.. != 7 proof. Pretty groundbreaking stuff

>> No.6190672
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>Course has about 12 students attending
>Prof asked a few questions about statistic/algebra (that is needed for the algorithm)
>No one knew
>He then prompted me, I replied correctly
>Knew my name after my mid term presentation
>After that, everytime he want to ask something, he would "Anon, do you know the answer?" first
I am sweating everytime I go to his class because I'm afraid that I would spill a lot of spaghetti.
Being the blue-eyed student is more suffering than I thought. One positive result is that I have to study a shit load.

>> No.6190682

>tfw prof always asks questions
>nobody knows
> I know but too autistic to answer

>> No.6190688

>That one guy who get always gets choosen by the lecturer because he has the same name as the lecturer's son

Pretty fucking hilarious

>> No.6190704
File: 207 KB, 598x465, 1378777747579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy who questions the lecturer on something they said based on something they've read outside the course.

>lecturer shoots him down in front of the whole class


>that feel when you make a genuinely good point and the lecturer throws a chocolate to you

>> No.6190948


>> No.6190963

>lecturer ask question that seems obvious
>don't want to answer because it's so simple it doesn't deserve an answer or it's some 2deep4u shit I don't know
English is awesome.

>> No.6190979

>that guy who knows the answer to every questions but doesn't want to seem like some kind of eager beaver faggot since nobody else answers

>that guy is me

anyone else know that feel?

>> No.6190992


>> No.6191000

>Weird kid who has purple anime hair and thinks that he's an extra from The Matrix sits at the front of lectures
>Always corrects incredibly minor mistakes
>Gets something wrong
>Entire lecture hall laughs at him

And justice for all.

>> No.6191001


>Lecturer asks question
>Answer is almost always 0 or Infinity

>> No.6191022

that girl that (and this is all the same girl):
>refuses to use a USB stick to hand in her programming homework because its to dangerous (you can get viruses)
>is late for calc 2 and her mom comes with her to apologies to the lecturer for her being late
>asks the lecturers opinions about current world events in calc, wasting everyone time
>is to shy to greet you from far away, so walks up to right in front of you to greet you when you are standing in a group of your friends she doesn't know or greet (like that's not more awkward)
>wears clothes that seem to belong to a overweight 80yo woman
the other things were already mentioned in the thread.

>> No.6191025

>that guy who plays video games all class
>still shows up at every single lecture

Seriously, why even bother coming if you're gonna play WoW through the entire lecture?

>> No.6191032

because 95% of a lecture is useless, but he may still want that 5%.

>> No.6191034


oh god, is she hot? if 7 or above, i'll claim her as a waifu

>no friends/acquaintances for the whole of uni
>sit alone in every single lecture/tutorial
>class is smaller in 3rd year and I usually sit near the front so the lecturers notice
>whenever I ask for help in tutorials the lecturer seems to make a point to say my name
>"Yeah, Anon. That's right Anon."
>not as if I'm a spazz, more as if this is the only time anyone's talked to me in a week

>in my head I'm screaming at him to stop saying my fucking name

>> No.6191041
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>That guy who sits and watches Breaking Bad all lecture


>> No.6191043


>no friends/acquaintances for the whole of uni

How does this even happen?

>> No.6191044

>oh god, is she hot? if 7 or above, i'll claim her as a waifu
its hard to tell, because she always looks down, and wears baggy clothing. but she may be a 7. congratulations, you have a new mechanical engineer waifu.

>> No.6191052


ugly, live at home


>not dropped

She's probably been all used up by the second week

>> No.6191050

>lecturer always asks questions to engage the class
>nobody ever answers the hard questions bc they're too hard
>nobody ever answers the stupid questions bc not worthy of answers
>solid five minutes of silence every class

>> No.6191055


>live at home

Ah, fair enough.

I don't have any friends on my course, but because I lived in halls I have a few.

>> No.6191058
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Mechanical engineer?
>having an applied waifu
Fucking dropped. I seriously hope you guys don't do this. My waifu must be pure, I consider students of mathematics and fundamental physics only.

>> No.6191065

Is that michael owen

>> No.6191075
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>having an applied waifu
>My waifu must be pure
heh, i have to remember that

>> No.6191081
File: 161 KB, 400x350, 1385223648910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is. And here is Özil browsing /sci/. He is the guy replying to all the IQ threads.
Yeaah, I am proud of myself.

>> No.6191082
File: 70 KB, 811x276, rape them all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's probably been all used up by the second week
She has a field of awkwardness around her that drives away all but the most persistent people.

>> No.6191085
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>professor says some trivial shit like "if X is true then Y and furthermore Z"
>usual girl raises hand and goes "so you're saying that, given X and assuming it's true, we can deduce Y and because Y implies Z we can furthermore deduce Z is that right professor", repeating what the professor just said

>> No.6191086

I could tell by the cold, dead, unfeeling eyes.
Ozil is too busy getting ready to #wreck cardiff tomorrow

>> No.6191091
File: 1.60 MB, 360x202, 1382199786256.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ozil is too busy getting ready to #wreck cardiff tomorrow
Exactly. That is why there are no IQ threads on the front page.

>> No.6191122

What's so bad about that?

>> No.6191133
File: 31 KB, 625x626, 1380468730672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should check if someone else has done a similar video first

>> No.6191203
File: 8 KB, 645x773, thatfeel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw my lectures are always boring so I skip them most of the time and have no wacky stories to tell

>> No.6191213

>doing chemEng in a very shitty university because poorfag
>i'm the only student out of 60 that can into ANY math or physics or anything except drawing
>we are talking inclined planes here people, it's not witchcraft
>teachers mostly retarded, notable exception two female physics professors
>they are so frustrated and hungry for student attention it's sad
>day 1 they figure I'm into all that (I was supposed to study physics)
>suddenly I'm teacher favourite and I need to deal with all the bullshit from other students plus follow the shit they are saying because I feel genuinely sad for them
>midterm: I'm the only one to pass physics and math

This is getting ridiculous, it's easier than my high school and everybody hates me because I'm just fucking around before I get a job abroad.

>> No.6191281


>> No.6191293
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>Ask an insightful question after class and show genuine interest in class
>Teacher somehow starts to take a liking to me
>Weight of expectation now present before every test

>> No.6191292

No, I'm not from the US.

Another pet peeve:
>there's 60 of us in the first year, 20 from chemEng, rest from material science
>same subjects
>I have technical drawing
>curriculum is from 90s or so, everything is supposed to be drawn by hand
>chemEng busy drawing machine parts

Also whoever the fuck gives mass of neutron as a question worth 5% of the exam is a fucking retard, it's something you look up if you need it, just like Ar. Fuck.

>> No.6191297


>> No.6191299

Where u from m8?

>> No.6191301


>> No.6191303

Mass of electron is about .5 MeV/c^2. Mass of neutron is about the same as a proton which is about 2000 times bigger than an electron. So about 1000 MeV/c^2. Actual answer is like 940 MeV/c^2 so pretty close.

If your teacher actually expected you to memorize it beyond order of magnitude though, that's pretty funny.

>> No.6191312


Actually he expected the "precise" answer in kg. I know, right?

Sad thing is that there are some bretty good unis left over from the communist system, it's just that this one isn't one of them.

>> No.6191319
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>lecturer makes a mistake
>carries it through onto the next step

>> No.6191325

I usually just sit there and watch, so the people who are dumb enough to follow the example are fucked over once I point out the mistake. It's entertaining.

>> No.6191327

>lecture makes a mistake
>in notes, write whatever he meant to write
>when he realises his error and goes back to make corrections, put pen down while everybody around me flips their pages back and makes corrections
>feel alpha af

>> No.6191341


>> No.6191346

as fuck

>> No.6191352

Then why not just type that in the first place?

>> No.6191505

>the class never moves on if you don't answer
>the teacher doesn't want to call on you even if the class is stalling
I just want to know where you're going with this. Is that so hard? It's interesting. Just keep talking.

>> No.6191516

>correcting the lecturer
what's your power level OP?

>> No.6191527

You are everything I hate in Uni

>> No.6191622

> in Evolutionary Computing class
> first lecture on the idea of 'evolving solutions' for difficult problems
> 'i believe everyone is familiar with evolution, right?'
> some paki/middle east guy goes on about how evolution is not right and that 'learned abilities get passed onto the genes'
> goes on about 15 minutes
> guy cites unknown research and popscience stuff
please, make it stop

>> No.6192001

That is not so bad.
>professor ask you a question (not even about her speciality)
>answers it
>she say it is wrong and start saying some bulshit
>I'm not wrong. All the books and scientific articles supports me.
>she claims that they are all wrong
>coincidentally some time latter my grades start to drop.

At least I will have a good advise for when I have kids. It is ok to disagree with a professor that have power over your future, you just can't let them know that you disagree with them.