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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6187946 No.6187946 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be possible to ignite jupiter?
It mostly contains hydrogen, like and more so than the sun.
I've read that the reason jupiter didn't start fusion is because it is to small and lack the mass to do so.
But would it be possible to launch a fusion reactor of some sort into jupiter and igniting it that way?

>> No.6187948

Fire cant burn without Oxygen.

>> No.6187953

The sun...

>> No.6187958

The sun isnt on fire.. you're both retards. The sun is in the process of nuclear fission. This is why op is asking about fussion reactors. Op is still a faggot.

>> No.6187959

That's nuclear fusion not combustion.

>> No.6187960

>But would it be possible to launch a fusion reactor of some sort into jupiter and igniting it that way?
Now someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but lacking sufficient mass, the only way to get Jupiter to undergo fusion is essentially raise the temp of the entire planet to that of the Sun or higher.

>> No.6188073

Well actually it's nuclear fusion, but yeah your point stands, sorta.

>> No.6188141
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>tfw scientists had to make up a term because they dont know how the sun is burning in space

lol holy shit

>> No.6188156

Sci is officially shit, I'm done.

>> No.6188176

It's been officially shit for over a year now.

>> No.6188203
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You funny motherfucker.

>> No.6188213

You can! You just need the help of your friends though. Provided you and your friends are all large, black, alien monoliths of course.

>> No.6188216


hear me m8


why dont we move all our factories to jupiter?

no more global warming in earth and we may ignite jupiter

who dont want 2 suns?

2 motherfucking suns

Im going to fap right now

>> No.6188217

No. To create a sustainable fusion chain reaction, the temperature-pressure need to be high enough. The only way to do that is to have more mass in the first place.

Detonating a fusion device in the core of Jupitor would cause a reaction that would quickly run to completion and expire, nothing more.

>> No.6188222

>pretending to be retarded, aka 'trolling', when it is painfully obvious what you are doing
>actually being retarded

the line is so fine, nobody can really be sure as to whether or not you have crossed it, or were just born that way.

trolling is a art, anon. you are just made of fail.

>> No.6188231
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so we should blow up Jupiter?

I like it

>> No.6188235

>missing the point completely

>> No.6188236

>ignite jupiter

this is the cancer that is killing /sci/

mods pls ban this retard

>> No.6188242
File: 11 KB, 300x278, 1373128819359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not too much of fail since you replied, turbonerd

>> No.6188243


if you raise the temperature of jupiter to that of the sun. the gas will escape the planet because its so hot it will have MORE than enough escape velocity. basically vaporizing it..


the entire planet blows up if all the hydrogen as the sufficient temperature to fuse. Note that only a very small portion of the hydrogen in the sun is fusing (at the core).
CONTROLLED fusion cannot be sustained in my opinion. the high mass of the sun itself is why it doesn't blow up or cause it to stop burning.

>> No.6188247
File: 219 KB, 1600x1264, Are You Serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jupiter has more hydrogen than the sun

I like Jupiter as much as the next guy, but that ain't right...

>> No.6188250
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>> No.6188251

what the fuck does this even mean

>> No.6188252

It's a greedy capitalistic planet that won't share the mass with his fellow planets.

>> No.6188253

You need oxigen and a stable pressure to ignite.

Fucking idiot

>> No.6188254

It's a joke.
5% of the people have 90% of the wealth
#occupy wallstreet

>> No.6188314


Bahahaha. This is a good one. Its going on my campus

>> No.6188317


The Pareto principle

>> No.6188335


Crash Neptune/Saturn/Uranus or something into it. I'm sure one of them is filled with liquid oxygen somewhere.

>> No.6188337
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>> No.6188340

where do i put penis in jupiter?

>> No.6188356

If Jupiter didn't attain fusion in the first place, that's a hint that it won't in the future. Even if somehow got fusion to work, it would likely stop working quite quickly because there's not enough mass, density, pressure and temperature. Not to mention what it would do to Io, Ganymede, Europa and Callisto. So I'm not sure why you'd want to do it in the first place. The only way I can think of is increase its mass by pushing asteroids into it. But then you've just lost half the solar system for not much gain. Plus in the time took to do that, you could've just gone to Proxima or Alpha Centauri.

>> No.6189657
File: 402 KB, 1600x1200, $T2eC16NHJIgFHRk4KFTJBSZD9L0NQ!~~60_57[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I laughed.