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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6186395 No.6186395 [Reply] [Original]

Everybody knows it, /sci/ is dying. Sure, its never been an extremely popular board - I think /sci/ currently peaks at about 2500 posts per day - regardless of this we used to have a community that sufficed the board. It seems now /sci/ is devoted solely to circlejerking teenagers discussing their IQ's with one another, little real discussion relating to non-pseudo science and maths exists; the little good content that does exist is often ignored due to the lack of good active members. Most of the users on /sci/ have outspoken opinions and play the devils advocate constantly, this is a definite problem due to the vagueness of the board. I suggest we create our own chan, dedicated to science and mathematics: it would include boards for different subjects, even boards for stuff such as IQ/B&underage H/W to create a solid separation from good and bad content. However it would not rule out IQ/HW threads, thus the people who partake in these threads will not go to other boards to post their shit, they can stick to their own board (a bit like the integration of /mlp/ into 4chan to stop bronies spamming horse porn everywhere). If somehow these morons did not stick to their own board then they would receive an instant perma IP ban.

If we were to invest in such a site - separate from 4chan - then there obviously needs to be some people onboard for supporting and using it, or there will be no point creating it. I can support this idea by funding the domain, hosting, setup and maintenance, however as I previously stated there must be some people on board to help but also to use it (whats the point of having a website if nobody used it).

>> No.6186421

Yay, another dead board with a few uninteresting pop sci threads and a post rate of 1 post per week. That's totally what we need.

>> No.6186448


Since I was here when /sci/ was created, I can say it was pretty much like this from day 1. There was a 2-3 week period where it was working out great but then it went to current-level shit once /b/, /v/, /lit/, /new/pol/, /x/ found it.

It's been this way for ages. It's not new.

>> No.6186453

/sci/ was much better than it is today. In 2011 we had 6000 posts per day, today it is only 2500. We used to have a lot more on-topic threads and a lot of posters who were willing to contribute. Inconsistent moderation and a constant flood of troll threads, spam, raids and a generally uncomfortable atmosphere of sophistry and flaming made the good contributors leave, resulting in /sci/ now consisting of only troll and homework threads.

>> No.6186472

>still not understanding supply and demand

Currently there is no huge demand for science and math discussion. It does rarely happen here and there is no reason to assume that it would happen more frequently when you start a new board. If your board has nothing to offer other than its existence, then we won't have a reason to use it since we can still make science and math threads on /sci/ if we want and here we can expect much faster replies. Your butthurt over /sci/ currently being shit is not a justification for starting your own chan.

>> No.6186483

do you have actual stats?
sci was definitely more active in 2012 but same quality

>> No.6186488

i sent my resume to moot complete with transcripts and copy of masters degree in nanotech, offering to start as a janitor immediately with the added bonus that i surf constantly but am based in the low hours for USA.

still no answer, what more can you do?

>> No.6186504
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Source: https://archive.installgentoo.net/sci/reports/population

>> No.6186514

This community needs more tripfags. Tripfags are the main contributors of OC and the most respected members in all the other board communities. Only on /sci/ tripfagging is discouraged by the huge amounts of trolling.

>> No.6186515

> I suggest we create our own chan, dedicated to science and mathematics
we already tried making new sites, it always lasts about a day.

>instant perma IP ban
implying that even exists

the problem isnt that its full of hw and trolls, the problem is that people respond to it, the threads that are about science have almost have no trolls in it, unless its a politically sensitive subject (race, IQ, global warming...). a good example is the timecube stuff, its contained in one/two threads, but people keep replying to it with "wat", or some actual response. its as half of sci is here for their first week. just look at the amount of replies the "who want to be a millionaire is a game of luck" threads got, the guy didnt spam in legit threads, but people just cant fucking hide shit, the catalog even has a filter to filter out threads with specific keywords. its realy not that hard to hide a thread, filter out a popular troll subject, and just post in good threads.

>> No.6186524

You better shut your fucking face. You and your mentally ill shitposting are mainly responsible for /sci/'s decline.

>> No.6186529

>>6186514 here

When I was talking about tripfags I meant good tripfags of course. People with science education and good manners. Not retards and shitposters like >>6186515

>> No.6186535

when have I ever shitposted?

I do have science degree. in engineering.

>> No.6186541

4chan is not for thoughtful discussion
I'd recommend slashdot but that place is a giant circlejerk

>> No.6186539
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>science degree

>> No.6186545

/sci/ will always be fine. You expect too much out of 4chan. Hell I'd love a science and math chan (if it has philosophy and technology boards as well) if someone can host it and market it, go for it.

>> No.6186547

Come on, asshole. Everyone knows you're the poster formerly known as "teacup". You are genuinely autistic, 4chan is your only social interaction and you believe your shitposting was justified because you were butthurt. Nobody here likes you and this board would be a better place without you. Have you considered killing yourself? I'm sure you have.

>> No.6186550

IF a scichan is made, it should handle NSFW content like mlpchan, you tag any NSFW post, and only people who enabled it in their settings can see it, that way we can avoid all the drama every time a woman is posted without her burka on.

>> No.6186553

Do the letters AL stand for "autistic loser"? Serious question.

>> No.6186554

heh, there are still people here who remember that? i will admit that impersonating teabag can be seen by some as shitposting. He got so pissed at that.

>> No.6186556

no. it stand for ALbert Einstein. since im so smart.

>> No.6186559

Yes, let it be flooded by teens that need to post naked women to satisfy their angst

>> No.6186565

>predictable response

Come on, autist. You already admitted in the past being teacup. Why do you even bother lying? Do you seriously think you can gain appreaction from an anonymous community? Is your life that sad that you need recognition on /sci/?

>> No.6186567

You should know that this tripfag is a self-proclaimed pedophile. He probably intends to abuse the new board for spreading his disgusting illegal shit.

>> No.6186569

>Is your life that sad that you need recognition on /sci/?
yes, why else would anyone use a tripcode?

>> No.6186574

because there's no id's on /sci/

>> No.6186577

lost all respect

>> No.6186582

As somebody who used to lurk /sci/ regularly, stopped, and then just now checked again on a whim, it's because you guys ran off all of the futurism discussion. Bereft of fun with sci-fi, this board turned into nothing but homework threads and IQ circlejerking.

What the hell did you people expect? What is a /sci/ board on 4chan have? It's not like people are going to fucking publish their studies through anon posts. So what we've got are "Where will science lead us?" and "How do I solve this homework problem?" - and you guys can't stomach the former, apparently.

>> No.6186614

Please go away. Futurism and sci fi are the worst underaged cancer. Fantasy and fiction are not science. Escapist circlejerks are not welcome. This board is for discussing science and math, and those people who participate in fiction threads are too young to have any science or math education and in addition their escapism represents a very anti-scientific attitude of "muh feelings are more important than facts".

>> No.6186622

This is precisely the attitude that will get us endless homework and IQ threads. If we aren't going to talk about futurism, what will we talk about? The only *good* option I can think of is science news.

>> No.6186626

>If we were to invest in such a site - separate from 4chan

Why? Just tell moot to add a board and get janitors who can actually follow the rules we set.

Add a general IQ, hw thread, /x/, /pol/ thread as it relates to science or math.

I'm fairly sure I spend about 50% of my time here arguing with 4-5 people who have "PhDs" and tell me either "not related to science" or "do your own homework". It doesn't even matter if I give them the 5 definitions from a google search they don't give a fuck...

/sci/ could be a decent board if it didn't try to scare off everyone but most the time you guys would rather tell me how retarded I am.

What am I saying? There are a few autists who are posting here 20 times a day and they don't even recognize they are ruining /sci/.

>> No.6186629


We ran off the futurism discussion since it was really just a KURZWEIL WANKFEST. The only things gayer are engineering threads.

Want to talk about the future? Perfectly acceptable. But stop it with the tiny black boxes that run on tiny amounts of unobtainium fuel to produce petawatts of energy. That shit won't happen. Fossil fuels were the maximum planetary energy source. And we've SQUANDERED it. So the future is almost certainly going to be a running down of Humanity, a devolution of science and social orders. We're just violent simians at heart. Our technology hit us 1000 times faster than Human nature could adapt to. It's effectively a means of self extinction.

If there is an alien race that means us harm, the most cost effective means of destroying us was to infect us with the information base of high technology. Look what we've done with it... we put the entire race under a nuclear weapons threat for generations now. Now information technology is advancing the end of personal liberty. The worst tyrannies on earth have yet to be built, but we ARE trying to build them. It's insane. It's monkey-like in its stupidity. It's the end.

>> No.6186636

>Why? Just tell moot to add a board and get janitors who can actually follow the rules we set.

That never happens though. If demand is too low, moot won't even consider it.
See: /pol/ requesting a separate economics/finance discussion board a few months back.

>> No.6186637

I honestly think it's just one guy who relentlessly lurks sci looking to tell people their thread is off topic.

>> No.6186638


Then we should define new rules that welcome newbies to /sci/ and not insult their intellect.

>> No.6186640

That doesn't sit right with me.

If you don't have thick skin, why are you even on 4chan?

>> No.6186650


Because as mean as you are there are worse sites.

If /sci/ is getting less visitors per day then obviously something is wrong with it. Is no /sci/ really better than a /sci/ that allows a few general threads and more topics not considered hard science?

>> No.6186670


Surely you realize that I check /sci/ daily, so that when you make the site of your dreams, I'm going to know it, and I'll go there and keep posting what I know.

You can't escape me. I'm here forever, as far as you're concerned. I'll probably be here longer than the Fossil Fuel Economy.

>> No.6186706

>what will we talk about

Science and math. Did you not read the board's title?

>> No.6186708


>> No.6186712

What part of "instant perma IP ban" don't you understand?

>> No.6186714

>keep posting what I know.

That's not very much.

>> No.6186724

>what is a dynamic IP

>> No.6186722

You should really look around more. There are a whole bunch of more focused and moderated science discussion forums and mailing lists and comment sections of blogs on the internet.

/sci/ is 4chan. That means you can say just about anything you want, but you also have to put up with other people saying whatever they want.

If you don't like that, then go somewhere else. Don't start thinking there isn't anywhere else to go.

>> No.6186728

We need the putnam problems back

>> No.6186746

No, we don't. Putnam is a circlejerk only for 2 or 3 people who are into contest math.

>> No.6186755

Are you gonna create a board dedicated to the evolution of buffalo?

>> No.6186773

Do you have a name for your website? If I were you, I'd call it butthurtchan because that's the reason why you want to create it.

>> No.6186818

only Hello-Best-guy can save us

Grothendieck macht frei!

>> No.6186948

Yes, I don't think many people are going to do those problems. At least for me, I check in for a few minutes now and then... not really interested in putting substantial time into a problem.

>> No.6187062

>come to /sci/
>/sci/ is dead

rip sci, we cry evrytim ;_;

>> No.6187080

>autistic and dull trivialities for high schoolers

>> No.6187084

you guys need to go and beg STI to add /sci/ to 4choon
maybe a combined /sci/ and /g/ in the form of /mst/ - math, science, and technology

>> No.6187160
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>Someone from the time before the shitlord EK even existed

/sci/ was indeed better, let me explain you how:

We discussed a lot of psychology and philosophy-related things. Yes, that is correct, all the shitty memes about those two came after that. There were people who would blow your mind with their thoughts, people who would change your view on reality just by a single post.
What happened, you ask? Everytime someone made an interesting, fun discussion thread, which made you think very hard, those "memes" came to existance, like "fuck off to >>>/lit/ and >>>/x/". That was not quite the problem, the problem was the literally autistic mods who started banning people for opening such threads based on those memes, slowly making the non-retarded part of /sci/ leave for other boards, because no one likes getting banned by power-tripping retards

/sci/ had a board culture back then. A very good one, even. One of the best from all the boards. Shit like the engineering jokes, the >300k meme, raiding other boards with that >300k meme, posting threads from /x/ and laughing at their stupidity, a fuckton of things were coming up and we had a lot of laughs. All that shit you currently see is getting reposted since 2-3 years. This board hasn't come up with a single meme for more than a year now.

The average IQ here was higher. As I said above, a lot of smart people left. Damn, I remember how great responses you could get from here. I'd ask myself "holy fuck how is someone capable of coming up with an idea like that" almost every week. It was so good that I even considered this the best board.

Any many other small shit that made this board an exciting place to browse every day.

>> No.6187184
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Why did she leave us, bros?

>> No.6187186



>> No.6187192

Thank god she did

>> No.6187205

I don't know, I'm just glad she left. Every thread in which she shitposted got derailed almost instantly.

>> No.6187206

Someone found out her IRL identity and everyone bullied her out. She came back a few times, but every time she does, people start posting her facebook pictures and name.

>> No.6187207

Fuck off 7/11/11fag

>> No.6187215

What sucks is that we will never again discuss the fascinating topic of measure theoretic probability theory in our daily WWTBAM thread.
oldfag detected

>> No.6187219

She was still fuckable tho

>> No.6187218

/sci/ was shit from the first week. There was a small period of time, whent he putnam threads were going strong, where it was decent. But it was never great.

>> No.6187225

Maybe people post less because half of the threads on the frontpage are about IQ and mods arent doing shit

>> No.6187222

You could try applying when he is actually holding janitor applications instead of just sending a resume.

>> No.6187227

I managed to have a satisfying discussion on the foundations of mathematics last month, lasting for around 300 posts before beign pruned.

>> No.6187233

>someone ONLY mentions EK
>the thread gets derailed

Oh yes, I miss those times

>> No.6187235


great thread bro, I saved it

>> No.6187240

Sounds like you were the cancer back then, and you're still the cancer now.

>> No.6187242

If /sci/ can't gather enough numbers than how do you expect 11chan too, without pandering?

>> No.6187246

I didn't. Can you upload it?

>> No.6187249


>> No.6187254

>people start posting her facebook pictures
Well now that she is gone then, can somebody post the pictures so we can have a nice masturbatory session all together here in this thread?

>> No.6187256




>> No.6187259

>we used to have a community that sufficed the board

That is definitely the real problem right now.

If everyone stopped responding to the daily homework, pop sci, troll, and adv threads and instead actively discourage them so they 404 we'd be in a much better place right now

Plus if /sci/ had a community we could all complain synchronously to moot and get rid of 24/7 basement dwelling shitposters like archive.installgentoo.net/sci/thread/S6099559#p6106416

>> No.6187260

I don't think we really need more janitors all that much. I recently posted some scat porn (completely justified, someone had posted a finance thread), and it was dealt with within 10 minutes.

>> No.6187269


>> No.6187271

>and instead actively discourage them

That doesn't work. Every philosophy thread gets bombarded with posts telling the OP to fuck off. This only leads to more spam and trolling by our resident shitposters who keep the thread bumped with intentionally idiotic posts and who start new threads with even less content.

>> No.6187275


Wait, there was that girl some time ago (before I left) that made videos about physics and viralled herself here
Is this shit STILL getting posted?

Holy fuck lel

>> No.6187277
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Rose Elizabeth Kelly-Lines

>> No.6187279

No she is not posted anymore, boring chick.

>> No.6187283

Philosophy doesnt really belong here anyway

>> No.6187284
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>> No.6187285 [DELETED] 


>> No.6187293

That doesn't stop the trolls from flooding the board with philosophy threads. I wish we had some stricter moderation.

>> No.6187297


>> No.6187299

> I wish we had some stricter moderation.
but then it's not 4chan...there's plenty of other websites with real moderation

>> No.6187300

The real shitposters are the people who try to talk about science and math on the philosphy and pseudoscience board.

>> No.6187303 [DELETED] 


>> No.6187302

But on other 4chan boards it works.

>> No.6187304

>People who think that philosophy doesn't belong here

I present you:

Autism - the board

>> No.6187307

What do you want to achieve by making such an immature and unreasonable statement? Do you think you're funny? Do you think you're making a point? I honestly don't understand what motivated you to submit that post of yours. Care to share some insight into the mental processes of a person with a developmental disorder? Come on, do it for science!

>> No.6187313
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>> No.6187315

This board is for science and math. Philosophy encompasses all ideas which cannot be approaches by the methods of science and math. That means philosophy does not belong on this board.

>> No.6187319

Discussing reality is considered "philosophy" here
Science studies reality, especially physics

Seriously, stop repeating outdated jokes. You cancerous faggots who took those jokes too seriously are the reason /sci/ is dying

>> No.6187325

>Every philosophy thread gets bombarded with posts telling the OP to fuck off.

Philosophy of science threads would be nice but /sci/ never gets those. But anyhow there's maybe 2 or 3 people doing that, it's not the totality of /sci/ regulars who aren't shitposters.

I don't mean that aggressively discouraging them either. Just simply ignoring the threads would work. Other boards can handle shit threads much better than /sci/ because of a developed community. Here many people are still convinced these threads are on-topic.

>> No.6187326

There is no philosophy discussion on /sci/. The so called "philosophy threads" are toddler bullshit like "muh qualia" or "what if solipsism" and they usually consist of nothing but hundreds of posts where people call each other retarded. That's not informative, not academic and not worth existing. It's a disgrace to the field of philosophy and a waste of spacetime.

>> No.6187330

Science studies reality insofar as we can learn from it through experiments and observation. The "philosophy" threads on this board are not that.

>> No.6187332

That's true, I'm not talking about them.
I am talking about the serious threads that get sagebombed and deleted, even if they have a good point

I'm not sure about what kind of philosophy are we talking about, I haven't visited this board since 2012 so a lot of shitposting might have occured

>> No.6187335

>Discussing reality is considered "philosophy" here
No, that would be science. Philosophy is empty talk without basis in reality.

>Science studies reality, especially physics
Science is not philosophy.

>Seriously, stop repeating outdated jokes.
What jokes? I did not post any jokes. This is a serious issue.

>> No.6187336

I don't come here often either. The philosophy threads have always been shit though. Now it's just worse than usual because it's all IQ shit that the mods ignore.

It's hard to know what "serious" philosophy threads you're talking about without an example. Most of it is qualia, religion, "quantum physics", and other bullshit.

>> No.6187338

0/10 samefaggot trying to troll

>> No.6187337

All serious discussion is on the Stackexchange websites, or Reddit.

>> No.6187341

Stackexchange is for questions, not for actual discussion. Reddit is...well... reddit, and nobody wants that.

>> No.6187339

Nope. Please stop calling people "trolls" just because you don't like their posts. That's childish and immature behaviour and qualifies as shitposting.

>> No.6187344

considering how rarely that happens..

>> No.6187350

As I said, I'm talking about the threads concerning serious stuff, like reality, determinism, point of life, so on.
As you can see, those threads will always get sagebombed no matter what, and I agree that there aren't any formulas behind the claims in the threads, but at least it's some brain gymnastics and its fun to discuss, and the only board close enough for that kind of a discussion is /sci/

>> No.6187351

"Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language"

>> No.6187354
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>I'm talking about the threads concerning serious stuff,
>like reality, determinism, point of life, so on.


>> No.6187357

All of these have no scientific basis and thus belong on /b/. /sci/ is not your facebook wall or your edgy teenager blog. /sci/ is for science and math. "Muh meaning of life" is immature children's philosophy and not science.

>> No.6187358

>but at least it's some brain gymnastics
No, it really isn't. It's just shit flinging of uneducated opinions by edgy teenagers.

>and its fun to discuss
That doesn't make it scientific. Science is not defined by your preferences for topics of discussion.

>and the only board close enough for that kind of a discussion is /sci/
No, just no. On /sci/ we discuss science and math. What you want to discuss is neither science nor math. If you really want to discuss it, then do it on /b/, /r9k/, /x/.

>> No.6187359
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Enjoy your 2500 daily posts

>In the same time post the exact cancer killing the board

Enjoy your cancerous community bros, at least I don't visit this board anymore

>> No.6187360

What part of "/sci/ - science & math" do you not understand? This board is not "/sci/ - pseuointellectual random". GTFO, shitposter.

>> No.6187361

The philosophy discussion in this thread is a prime example of what is wrong with this board.

>> No.6187363

We won't miss you. If you only came here for the most cancerous off-topic shitposting, you weren't supposed to be here in the first place. You are lacking the education and the mental maturity to contribute any informative science or math related content to this board.

>> No.6187365

everybody is sick as shit of your shitposts on "philosophy". take a hint and fucking take it somwhere else.

we will be just fine with 2500 daily posts. if we can ban IQ threads as well, maybe then real threads wont get pruned for your garbage.

>> No.6187830

It is also here, buddy:

>> No.6187854

>/pol/ thread as it relates to science or math.

Or how about we dont encourage the single worst shitposters in the world to come to the site.

>> No.6189088

How's it going, OP? Are you making progress? I'm looking forward to see results from you.

>> No.6189472
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I don't agree with the sentiment that the quality of the board was "always bad". /sci/ was much fun around 2011. That was, for example, the time where the sticky was made.
I browse through the board regularly, but I find less and less threads where I can contribute.
I was never much interest about the Putnam threads as such (problems which aren't simple, but only taken from a pool of tasks everyone can understand - hence number theory blubb), but the time these were on coincided with "the good times". Maybe also because such a problem on page one acts as a sign to what /sci/ should be about.

Doing a separate page to discuss science is out of the picture - it will never work. You can't get critical mass, and you don't know if what comes out will have any of the charm which 4chan boards have.

With a seperate, "more structured" /sci/ board, I don't see how you can achieve anything which isn't available on the web.

And I'm "am" an active poster on StackExchange Physics for two years (and also a few thousand on the Math page) and in fact that site is also dying.
See e.g.

There was a theoretical physics board trying to mimic the success of MathOverflow,
But it couldn't get or keep enough users.

I agree with what some other user said: I can't quite understand why people even respond to certain threads - or why they are actually seem to be interested in the IQ concept.
Then again, I personally consider philosophy very important, would support this topic, but many here have a general mentality that philosophy as such is shit and probably view any such thread the way I see IQ threads.

>> No.6189785

>go to /edu/

>> No.6189912

>Then again, I personally consider philosophy very important, would support this topic, but many here have a general mentality that philosophy as such is shit and probably view any such thread the way I see IQ threads.

Thing is, actual Philosophy is good. The problem is teenager-who-thinks-they're-really-clever "philosophy" like "but how can you prove that anything exists at all and we're not all ghosts in the magic matrix, man?"

>> No.6189928

Before I came to /sci/ I used to enjoy philosophy. I considered it highly interesting and I couldn't get enough of it. /sci/ ruined philosophy for me. I cannot even say the word "philosophy" anymore without instantly remembering the anti-intellectual douchebaggery of this board. The self-proclaimed "philosophers" of /sci/ are not real philosophers but cognitively defective manchildren, parading around their "lol so deep" kindergarten tier platitudes and belligerent, rhetorically clumsy sophistry. Their inability to form a single logically coherent argument and their immature overuse of fallacies and direct insults is a disgrace for this board and for the academic field of philosophy.

>> No.6189946

>kindergarten tier platitudes

I like your turn of phrase here a lot since I came up with solipism when I was six years old - and my IQ is 117.

Kindergarten tier indeed. :B

>> No.6190027

>I cannot even say the word "philosophy" anymore without instantly remembering the anti-intellectual douchebaggery of this board.
Replace "philosophy" with basically anything else /sci/ discusses and this sentence remains valid.

>> No.6190041

ITT: People who don't know 'bout saging.

>> No.6190059

Just go talk to normal people irl fuck sakes stop relying on internet forums.

>> No.6190067


How the fuck would creating you own little no-name site help matters? At least here we can piggyback of 4chan's popularity.

>> No.6190085

all the people are they complain ek harriet ruin the board ruin the board ruin the board you ruin the board now come back to old time all tripfriends and sci is all good now all dead waste of internet bytes i dont know i keep coming

>> No.6190099

Man, about old tripfriends, where's CCM at? I actually miss his furryposting and kurzweilfaggotry.

And, oh god, the fucking deep sea colonization guy. So good. Where'd he go?

>> No.6190149


>damage control

>> No.6190167


> Where'd he go?

He sank.

>> No.6190173

I just want to learn science and math from people on this board by lurking or asking questions.

>> No.6190988

Okay, so can anything be actually done to prohibit threads which the core users consider harmful?

>> No.6191007

>not knowing what words mean

>> No.6192865

what do you mean?

>> No.6192875

Nobody knows what words actually mean. You cannot know nuthin and that's why we need philosophy.

>> No.6192919

If you want more people make a daily asjk any question and welcome the cross contamination.it would be good for you because you laugh at their stupidity and they get questions answered.

>> No.6192964

all the good posters from /sci got fed up with the ocean of piss that is 4chan and just went to their relevant subreddits. That's all that happened.

>> No.6192980

I have a serious question, if there is anybody here that could help me find the answer?

I have recently read what I could find about the "plasma cosmology" theory and I find that when I mention it I get either... "it's nonsense" without explaining why it's nonsense or "hurr durr iz habbenig"... very very little reasoned logical response.

my background is EE so a lot of the stuff makes some sense to me and is at the least a plausible explanations for some phenomena and case in point... ISON's apparent interaction with a CME at approx 12:00 GMT on Nov 27, 2013

>> No.6192982

what I'm talking about can be seen here


and the time is from approx 14:00 11/27 to 18:00 11/28