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6176529 No.6176529 [Reply] [Original]

>$18.724 billion
Why would you ever want to go to space?

>> No.6176547

To send TV signals across the country and world

>> No.6176549

>Why wouldn't you ever want to go to space?

Fix'd that for you dawg

>> No.6176550

To know current weather and predict future weather.

>> No.6176551

Inevitably our sun will run out of fuel, and although the chances of us ever getting off this lonely solar system are slim, we have to try...

>> No.6176557

The Earth will become toasty and uninhabitable long before the son runs out of fuel.

>> No.6176563

There's no need?
It's more than mostly, quite literally, empty?

>> No.6176564

gb2 >>6175864

>> No.6176570

Space travel is hardly the most important aspect of the economy. We'd do well to reduce NASA's funding.

>> No.6176572

How does any of that affect current generations?

Realize that 99 percent of the population doesn't give a flying fuck about dancing about in space. There are better ways to spend that tax money.

>> No.6176582

but the parts that aren't empty are pretty neat

>> No.6176583

>>$18.724 billion

>muh profit and GDP

fucken kill yourself consumerist scum.

>> No.6176589

NASA's funding is low as it is, if we're talking about budget cuts, let's look at social security.

>> No.6176596



>> No.6176599

I could give you 18.724 billion reasons

>> No.6176601

I still dont get why we have medicare.

>> No.6176607

Oh yeah I meant all of that stuff made by Limburger Johnson.

>> No.6176623
File: 79 KB, 751x544, space based solar power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6176634

>>$8.5 trillion unaccounted for
Why are we letting the military get away with this?


>> No.6176636
File: 251 KB, 371x469, 1384726908016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$672 billion for military expenses
>see your post

>> No.6176638


For this of course. I want to avoid the dumb humans. Start a colony where one can try out other political forms that are currently not possible to try out here.

Of course, going into space colonization is difficult and won't happen for a few decades. But Seasteading is here soon.


>> No.6176640


The failure of seasteading will be direct evidence that the notion of space colonization rests on faulty ideological bedrock.

>> No.6176651

Because we can. We have evolved to do just that, to explore, discover, tinker and build. Why do we build monuments? Why do we seek to uncover the secrets of the universe?

>> No.6176657

That's pocket change next to military budgets, and instead of using it to destroy each other that money is opening new frontiers for the human race. It's our future. It'll be costly in the extreme, but we can't stay on Earth forever.

>> No.6176694
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>> No.6176698

The same reason we explore/used to explore places on earth.

Resources, more place to put our stuff in, and for fun.

>> No.6176719

The sole purpose of going to space is to have a true utopian society. We won't be taking the niggers, spics, sand niggers, chincs or retards.

They can stay here and rot.

>> No.6176728

>$1.491 TRILLION
Why would you ever want to go to war?

>> No.6176758

But a bitch ain't one.

>> No.6177093

>Why would you ever want to go to space?
(a) to leave your ignorant ass behind
(b) because space
(c) Lrn2spacetravelfaget