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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 434x650, Branding+newborns+is+kinda+metal_e9a8ff_4791396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6163357 No.6163357 [Reply] [Original]

Dear people,
I need to hold a English presentation for school this week, I've chosen the subject Atheism. The majority of my school is religious. So i'm looking for some good arguments, funny or offensive, i dont really mind.
Thanks in advance.

>> No.6163363

>I've chosen the subject Atheism
>The majority of my school is religious
Do you realize how fucked you'll be if you start a flamewar in a place like that?
Anyway, just show them some search papers that prove something against their religion, and be ready to get hated.

>> No.6163364

prove them god doesn't exist
protip: you can't
you're no different from them
also this is a 18+ board

>> No.6163387


you're an idiot.

>> No.6163397
File: 635 KB, 1680x1050, 1304604840920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6163406
File: 153 KB, 700x540, 700_atheism_kills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about the argument of how religious people kill others and atheists dont!

>> No.6163410
File: 165 KB, 580x2450, 1382660597197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or how great an atheist society would be compared to religious societies! and how religion causes people to be intolerant of others! you can use these stats to prove it OP!

>> No.6163413

It makes sense to not believe is mythical things unless proven. (You can't prove unicorns don't exist, therefore they do. This is retarded)

There's no good evidence for god, just religious methphysical bullshit. Muh first cause, muy meaning of life, muh problem of evil, muh soul, muh etc.

Science answers most of these and the rest are retarded in the first place.

>> No.6163423

Implying this proves god exists
Implying that atheism is bad, therefore god exists

>> No.6163424
File: 11 KB, 284x177, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First step to winning your audience will be to pull out a few good arguments /against/ atheism. If you can't hold a subject well enough to defend it, you cannot defend against it. It also makes you "sympathetic," which allows much more leeway while you present.

As to actual arguements, you have to be systematic without being aggressive. There are a few tactics, but I'll give you a quick runthrough of the one I use whenever I need to end a debate.

1: endearment (agreeing that they might be right). For instance, the universe is self consistent. Everything inside our universe requires coming from something else, all the way back to the big bang (avoid using the big bang as a baseline theory as opposed to a single slide, there's a lot of defense around it). For the universe to exist, there has to be something that exists outside of our laws and understanding that can exist absolutely. This could easily be interpreted to be God.

2: Gently attack preconceptions. The first preconception that all people hold is that they are /right/, and that everyone else either agrees or is wrong. To loosen this (which I assume is your goal in giving the presentation), point out how many major religions there are (include dead historical religions), how many branches each religion has, and even then there's dissent in the church over details (add buzzwords in quick succession without focusing on any particular to add impact without pulling up defenses) Avoid saying that any of these are wrong.

3: Introduce the concept of athiesm as a theoretical possibility. ("But what if they were all wrong? What if these Gods they worship were all created by people? What would you believe") Avoid saying that it is right at this stage (only imply it later if that's the point you're trying to make), and avoid tying it into evolution as much as possible. Also try to bring up agnosticism, and define it separately.


>> No.6163422
File: 90 KB, 500x416, 1383184090054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why dont you bring up how evil the church is for helping millions of people while atheists have the lowest charity rates of any religion?

>> No.6163427

All your doing is showing that religious people are "nicer"

How the fuck does this have any relavance?

>> No.6163429

4: Facts. Statistics showing anything about moral relativism, how many athiests there are, studies showing that altruistic actions make people feel good regardless of religious background, psychology, everything. Hold nothing back, but at the same time don't do it to judge: don't say that they're wrong.

5: Ask questions that have no answers. Both to athiests and to the religious. This ties back with endearment, but it also hold several strong keys in making them /think/, which is, after all, the whole point of presenting (other than grades, dolla billz and bitches)

>> No.6163432
File: 85 KB, 484x675, 1383443505445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? OP didnt specify what about atheism he wanted help on.

>> No.6163442

Post Note: use the same system to argue against atheism, it works just as well. Nothing more glorious than snuffing an arrogant atheist and an obnoxious theologists in the same conversation with the same process and different facts.

>> No.6163450


Do this OP. Try for maximum lulz.

>> No.6163455

Just remember, you won't be changing any minds. And you may want to preface your presentation that way; you're just here to talk about your topic. Not to preach or evangelize, but just share some knowledge.

>> No.6163498

This fedora meme really needs to die

>> No.6163514

as long as the word nigger exist for insult bases, so will fedora.

>> No.6163518

I found the /lit/ guy

Good post.

>> No.6163527
File: 1.99 MB, 320x362, 1384113589333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Comparing word that's been around for over 200 years and has a deep cultural root to a forced meme from reddit

intellectual midget please go

>> No.6163537

>implying memes aren't the epitome of our modern internet culture

Go with the times, gramps.

>> No.6163541

Here's OP again.
Some constructive criticism please?

>> No.6163540


Yeah, I sure see a lot of those rage comics around

>> No.6163545

>implying fedora as a meme and an insult to atheists wasnt created by /pol/
the original post we laughed at came from reddit, not the meme

>> No.6163552


It was basically a forced meme on reddit. Someone posted it to /r/atheism where it was immidiately locked by a mod, but still accessible by direct link. It was spammed on circlejerk and cringepics. pol would like you to believe it was their doing, but the fact still remains that this was the first major homegrown reddit meme.

>> No.6163550

Constructive criticism of what?

>> No.6163558

Giving a presentation about Atheism.
Just to share knowledge, not to convert people or anything like that.
I know i need to look a both sides, so arguments again Theism and Atheism.

>> No.6163563

Ok. Give us what you have to constructively criticize, then.

>> No.6163573

nah youre wrong. it was never a meme until 4chan associated it with euphoria and reddit and atheism. on reddit it was just a cringe post by some /r/atheism faggot.

>> No.6163576


It must hurt to hear that your favorite meme is from reddit, but it really shouldnt come as a surprise considering how fucking awful it is.

>> No.6163579
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 1888516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there isn't really too many funny arguments to bash the belief in god in general, just specifically retarted religions, like mormanism, scientology and Catholicism. By the way, I hope you have a lot of friends, cause you're about to lose access to a lot.
Oh yeah, you can also put this in it.

>> No.6163595

keep crying fedora. i use both reddit and 4chan, i experienced the meme live as it happened.

>> No.6163600

The serpent wasn't satan, though.

>> No.6163601
File: 214 KB, 675x1309, Athéisme - BD Insultante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't waste time on retards.

>> No.6163605

According to the bible, everything evil is Satan.

>> No.6163609


>> No.6163611

According to the real bible, there's no such thing as satan or hell, and god is 2x as evil as he is good.

>> No.6163613



>> No.6163616
File: 985 KB, 1523x966, this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6163618

If you want some more credible arguments about why religion is inferior, you should definitely check out Karl Marx. He's got a (in)famous quote (depending on who you ask) saying '...religion is the opiate of the people.' I can't remember off the top of my head what text its from, but it shouldn't be hard to find

>> No.6163624
File: 322 KB, 1582x1190, 1382064442928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this one OP, it will be sure to convince them of the wonders of atheism for a future full of diversity and progress!

>> No.6163622

you didn't read it

>> No.6163626
File: 94 KB, 800x450, 1337920297714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or how great an atheist society would be compared to religious societies!
Ever heard of Scandinavia? Up to 90% of us are atheist. Not just a number i made up, saw a survey once that showed it was between 80 - 90%.

An atheist can work, as long people get roof over their head and food on their table.

>> No.6163630

and what were the questions asked and how were they formed on the survey?

A question like "do you believe in the christian God?"

1) yes
2) no

and you and the other 88.999% answer no, doesn't make it a good filter for knowing how atheist your country is.

>> No.6163632
File: 221 KB, 1359x600, multiculturaism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scandinavia? hmm, yes ive heard of that place before... hmm, where have i heard about this place? ah thats right, the place whose "atheist utopia" is getting ravaged by multiculturalism and the once shining example of secular liberalism is quickly becoming one of the most dangerous places in europe

>> No.6163635
File: 14 KB, 1124x128, Denmark_Norway_Sweden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeye, that's Sweden, and only Sweden. I'm from Denmark, we're fine.

>> No.6163640

His only hope is to make a presentation about the dangers of atheism. How it'll bring about the end of society and the wrath of the all mighty spaghetti lord.

>> No.6163644
File: 868 KB, 1296x787, sabotagingeurope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyll come after you too, just you wait

is sweden even majority atheist anymore? im pretty sure stockholm doesnt even have majority white births anymore, theyre all muslim arabs and africans

>> No.6163647

whoever's samefagging this it isn't really constructive. I'm not an atheist but political happenings have no bearing on the validity or lack thereof of religious belief

>> No.6163648


Scandinavia, and especially Sweden, are fucked. Sweden won't have any real Swedish in it by 2100. It's sad but true. Sweden's full of sducidal libtards who are hell-bent on destroying their own culture, their country and their way of life. It's insane really.

Sweden = shithole.

>> No.6163653
File: 124 KB, 618x996, 1384021491626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. But don't feel sorry for them. It's their own damn fault.

We tried to tell them whats up, but they won't listen.

>> No.6163650

op never specified he wanted to talk about the philosophy of atheism, pay attention, this was already brought up

>> No.6163657
File: 182 KB, 1280x552, 1378857589087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /pol/ still posting that silly bird meme? top lel

>> No.6163673
File: 58 KB, 499x563, 1384549472051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For, almost to the date, two years ago, Denmark had closed it borders for 4 months and had a point system similar to the Canadians for foreigners. But sadly a socialist party won the election and removed our defence.

According to all the polls the last one and a half years, we get the old party back to power, and our borders will again be closed. The EU will be pissed, but they need our money.

The next election will be within two years. Denmark know immigration is a problem for welfare countries, and we won't let them fuck us over.

PS. it's a myth (if anyone have heard it) that we're racist. We're quite the opposite. But we're not dumb.

>> No.6163683

Nationalism is the only solution for Scandinavia. And it is rising in EU. There might be hope for them. This multicult insanity is fucking crazy.

>> No.6163687

If you're offensive the school will hate you regardless of how logical you are.

Show the facts, be respectful, say you respect everybody and everyone else beliefs even if you don't, then leave.

This seems like your only option if you want to even make a slight change to what people in your school think about atheism.

>> No.6163694
File: 461 KB, 1718x1518, 1384716346215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're not racist
>we're not dumb
choose one

>> No.6163710
File: 328 KB, 1600x1200, epicurus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all you need to put on the board.

>> No.6163713
File: 153 KB, 1306x960, proof god doesn't exist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6163716

This is a perfect example for you OP.

Atheists can see that there is a problem with a particular population group, without being racist. They have no problem in distinguishing between the two. They use logic.

>> No.6163719

SRS, go away. and quit posting fake bird comics.

>> No.6163726

>that childish shit a tween atheist would say
this is a parody of fedorans right?

>> No.6163735

>religitard being mad when he cannot refute his own logic applied against himself

>> No.6163741

im agnostic

>> No.6163754

>fence sitting coward disbelieves a million made-up things a day except the most obvious one

>> No.6163758

/sci/ does not care for your petty squabbles against religion.

>> No.6163761

Are you also agnostic with respect to ghosts, aliens, spirits, demons and unicorns? No? That's what I thought, you fucking hypocrite.

>> No.6163762
File: 84 KB, 562x720, fedoralogic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those childish dawkins catch phrases dont work on me, leave the philosophy to the real adults. ill leave the political engineering to you reddit tier "scienz lurvers"

>> No.6163765

Tell them why you're euphoric

>> No.6163773

>Why do you believe YOUR thing?
It makes sense, evidence, etc.
>No! You're supposed to say you read it in YOUR holy book!

>> No.6163781
File: 44 KB, 576x713, philosofaggotry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are you doing to my sides?

>> No.6163845
File: 87 KB, 506x699, 1375512499411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.6163843

well you should pretty much start by telling what atheism actually means.
i bet they think its a belief that no gods exists, OR that atheists hate god because they want to sin or something stupid like that.

>> No.6163907

like by saying "for an atheist, atheism is not a belief, it's a conclusion."
should offend no one.

>> No.6163933
File: 276 KB, 628x1694, bananaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh lack of belief
this dawkins propaganda never gets old

>> No.6163974

Nothing on earth can prove or disprove whether god exists.

What's the point in arguing about it?

>> No.6163981

I don't know what definition of atheism you're using but the way you just described it is pretty much how every dictionary I used said it.

>> No.6164257

talk about how miracles are just fairy tails and give them this:

>> No.6164289

> a English
You've lost nigger

>> No.6164294

Why is this thread still up.
Report and minimize

>> No.6164358

>mfw I have proof for the existence of God


>> No.6164430
File: 719 KB, 835x1368, sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because the mod wont delete it, he only deletes stuff that makes the "modern atheist science lurving religion" look bad

>> No.6164438

Religion threads are specifically disallowed.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is philosophy.
I'm not gonna touch the last one.

>> No.6164445

>I've chosen the subject Atheism
>i'm looking for some good arguments
do you mean, by this, that you've all ready decided to promote an atheist position without having a good argument as to why? do you not realize how retardedly irrational that is?

>> No.6164599
File: 516 KB, 460x463, 1896468..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6163357 tell them that over 90% of all scientists are athiest/agnostic, because they know enough about how the universe works to realize that all religion is bullshit.

>> No.6164607

I doubt he doesn't have any ideas, I think he's just looking for more.

>> No.6164611

All published self-described atheists of the last 300 years have defined atheism to include "I know there is no god" and "I do not know if there is a god or not".

>> No.6164617

>Nothing on earth can prove or disprove whether god exists.
Literally true, but in practice false .

I cannot talk about evidence for or against a non-interfering god. I can certainly bring up evidence against against the god hypothesis described in the christian bible, and every other popular god hypothesis.

>> No.6164626

You can bring up evidence against theological interpretations. This doesnt disprove anything.

>> No.6164631

i like how OP's picture implies all non-abrahamic faiths are satanic

>> No.6164641

Yes, it does. It proves that that god hypothesis is false. Furthermore, it proves that the book is basically man-made fiction.

>> No.6164648
File: 13 KB, 232x346, 41qnmcHpBnL._SY344_PJlook-inside-v2,TopRight,1,0_SH20_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but thats false, most are agnostic and theists, and more physicians are theists. also stop trying to conflate atheism and agnosticism.

>> No.6164650

The other post was wrong with what he said. However, if you look at the most prestigious of the most prestigious scientific organizations, their members are like roughly 90% non-believers. The numbers for the average professional "scientist" are still more non-believers than the general public, but not 90% high.

>> No.6164649
File: 18 KB, 400x593, enlightened by my own exploration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips dora*

>> No.6164654

No it proves theological interpretation OF the book false, thats it.

>> No.6164660

Where does everyone get this 90% of scientists are atheist stuff from.

>> No.6164666

their asshole

>> No.6164667

from other internet teen atheists who think atheists have a monopoly on science despite the fact that theyve had no hand in science for the most part

>> No.6164670

niel degrasse tyson speaks about it.

>> No.6164676

I don't know what this "theological" word means. The book makes certain factual claims about our shared reality. A lot of those claims are materially false, demonstrably false. From that and a little more, the most probable conclusion is that the book's contents is made up.

>> No.6164678

Like England's Royal Society and the effective American equivalent.

>> No.6164688

How do you come to the conclusion that the claims are meant to be interpreted factually rather than metaphorically?

>> No.6164686

heres a study that comes up with 60% who don't believe in god and 50% that self identify as none, compared to the 14% of general populance. This is in US
It's quite likely it's much higher in europe.

The 90% figure likely comes from the "science elite" e.g. figures from organisations like National Academy of Sciences and such.

>> No.6164689

would probably be good to link the study too

>> No.6164975


>how the universe works

>thinks the universe is a machine
>thinks the mechanism of the machine has anything to do with the ontology

>> No.6165193

>mfw fundies/evangelicals and atheists have never read the church fathers

It's always these two gravely ignorant camps battling it out.

'for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life'
2 Cor. 3:6

A book without a tradition is not only erroneous, but heretical.

>> No.6165206


>> No.6165208

>still hasn't read Hinton

>> No.6166857

Evolution is the best argument but only if you make sure to conflate it with the big bang and abiogenesis.