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6163734 No.6163734 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, quick question for science,

Does the Sun have bones?

>> No.6163738

Yes. Every living thing has bones.

>> No.6163751

This explains why viruses are not considered living things. They have no bones.

>> No.6163749

It has approx. over 9000 bones, but we just dont know.

>> No.6163757

because we grow from the sun, that must be where we get out bones from right?

>> No.6163774

Fun fact: if you took all of the Sun's bones and laid them end to end, it would be as long as the Milky Way galaxy.

>> No.6163784
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Are boners living beings ?

>> No.6163800


>> No.6163803

Yes. I've trained mine to wake me up in the morning.

>> No.6163810

did you know we have more cells in our brain than we have brains in our entire body?

>> No.6163827

>did you know we have more cells in our brain than we have brains in our entire body?


>> No.6163825

Absolutely. In fact, stellatal material is one of the strongest and densest known substances - in fact, it is the second hardest metal known to man - and a mission to the dark side of the sun is being planned by NASA to harvest shavings of the Sun's bones for use in fusion reactors.

>> No.6163847

>skelefags pushing their bone agenda

Pls stop

>> No.6163855

The first hardest being diamond, of course.

>> No.6163859

non-skelefag here,

but they're right. right about it all.

>> No.6163869

>Skelefag Internet Defense Force

I was wondering how long before one of you bone-guzzlers turned up. Just admit that there has never been one piece of independently verified evidence that bones even exist outside of theory.

>> No.6163872

ask your mom if bones exist. ; ) or was her vagina just a theory too? checkmat

>> No.6163880

>Christians: 1
>Atheists: 0

Explain that one Dawkings

>> No.6163930

wow, that will seriously disrupt the bone merchants - and end the third world trading of cow bones for sugar.

Will raw sugar that has gone though Sun Bone char cost more?

>> No.6163971

Absolutely. Without bones, what would hold the Sun up? It would collapse into a black hole.

Fucking hell, why can't you faggots ever THINK about these things?

>> No.6163999

Repulsive electric charge. The Sun's a proton star, not a neutron star. Only further-out bodies got the neutrons, which is why Uranus has so much uranium.

>> No.6164052

Strange things happen to matter under these extraordinary temperatures and pressures. Hydrogen, along with helium, is the main ingredient of Jupiter's and Saturn's atmospheres. Deep in their atmospheres, the hydrogen turns into a liquid. Deeper still, the liquid hydrogen turns into a metal!

But what's at the very center of these planets? The material becomes stranger and stranger the deeper you go. Scientists do not understand the properties of matter under the extreme environments inside Jupiter and Saturn. Many different forces and laws of nature are at work, and the conditions inside these planets are very difficult to create in a laboratory here on Earth. But you can be sure that you wouldn't be able to fly through these bizarre materials! As we now know, the gas giants are much more than just gas.

>the gas giants are much more than just gas.
>the gas giants have bones????

>> No.6164798

Oh my god. I really hope the Obama administration's foreign policy has a strong stance against the Taliban space exploration program. Can you imagine the danger to our national security if Osama Bin Laden got a hold of all that uranium?

>> No.6164849

Follow up question: are gas giants just the sun's farts, or are they separate entities?