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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6158918 No.6158918 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I never took "hard" classes in high school like Chemistry, Calculus, Trigonometry, Physics, but I want to go into Computer Science.

How fucked am I?

>> No.6158923

>capitalizing subject names
ur fukt

>> No.6158926

It looks better to me.

>> No.6158931

"em ot retteb skool" ti esuaceb sdrawkcab etirw annog m'I neht lleW.

>> No.6158930

Not completely fucked but a lot of hard work in front of you. I was in a similar situation.

For me I had to do a one year course that covered everything from english, history, maths, science ect then after that I had to do 2 years of A levels in physics, maths and chemistry.

Its doable just need to find the path to it.

>> No.6158939

I Hate When People Capitalize Every Single Word, The English Language Is The Way It Is For A Reason.
BuT TWO B hOnEsT i LikE tO wrITe LiKe ThIS BECAUSE it LoOks BeTTeR

>> No.6158942
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>> No.6158946

be real, you just figured out how to do it and you're showing off.

>> No.6158950

Um, you're gonna want to know how to manipulate matrices and vectors for Computer Science. You don't need to know any Chemistry shit, and you don't really need to know Calculus, although depending on what you're trying to do it is always helpful. Trigonometry goes hand-in-hand with physics for simulating real-life physics in an engine or something. Other than that, Computer Science in a ton of logic.

>> No.6158955


>> No.6158983

That hurtled my feels. I guess I will have to go dry my tears with the cash bill gates paid me.

>> No.6159125

You don't need chemistry or physics. Just self teach as much math as you can. Trig, calculus, matrices, vectors are all important. Take a look at some graph theory too.

>> No.6159157

All they know how to do is fight over useless languages