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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6156454 No.6156454 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any drug I can take that can make me focus and be fully dedicated to learing for next 10 years of my life. I wan't to become a genius but I cant help it to not get bored / loose track when reading books.I belive genetics certainly plays a role in it (which sucks since I have control over that).So, is there any practical way around it similar to adderall or ampakines, hopefully safer?

>> No.6156463


>> No.6156465

Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. I don't think there's a pill that has that balance right.

>> No.6156468

Exercise more often

Stop doing distracting shit and set goals that will actually interest you

Caffeine + L Theanine


Aniracteam + Alpha GPC

Try in the order from the top to bottom.

>> No.6156487

it's all willpower. if you don't have that you'll have to chemically supplement it with a dopaminergic stimulant like amphetamine, modafinil, meth, etc.

there's a reason many of the greatest scientists and mathematicians were tweakers.

>> No.6156492
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>> No.6156500

Read a book over the life of Albert Einsten, how he did it.

>> No.6156505
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>> No.6156507

10 years is a long ass time. Look into nootropics (any of the racetams) if you want something more for the short term.

>> No.6156509

What you think savants are bitch. Stop telling poeple to stop bitching. Your just trying to ignore the fact of reality that genetics does play a role in learning ability. Some people CAN learn faster an better than other because their brain is better formed through genetics. Other (like me) need help.

>> No.6156529


Let’s talk about Genius.
The best book I have ever read on the subject is this one:

Before the Gates of Excellence: The Determinants of Creative Genius


In short, although a high intelligence coefficient is necessary, it is not necessary that it be absurdly high, but just a little above average. The majority of /sci/ posters, for example, have an IQ that it is in the spectrum of some of the great genius of history. The great geniuses usually had similar personality traits, that motivated them to spend hours and hours and hours, days and days and days working and improving themselves. Great geniuses are a mix of genes (just good genes, a little above the average – being the average today around 100 IQ points) + creation + specific features of personality beget by the life experiences and genetic material of the child.

All great geniuses were ambitious and had broad desire to be recognized and admired for their work; all of them they also had obsessive personalities and thought that they creative jobs were the main function of their lives.

>> No.6156532



Another interesting point: although the child who becomes a genius in the future start his career in the specific area of activity in a playful manner (playing with musical instruments, drawing for pleasure, reading for pleasure, etc.), in the future the conscience of their own emerging talent (the child or teen realizes his ability in the field and starts thinking on the possibility of achieve fame with his work) makes the chosen activity becomes not just a pleasurable hobby, but an terribly stressful and overwhelming obligation. The great geniuses often had to work without having the slightest desire to do so (all writers relate the difficulty of having to sit all day, in a routine, and fill the paper with significant literature). Even Einstein, when he worked on the theory of general relativity, eventually was tormented by stomach pain, nausea, anxiety, tachycardia and tremors. The anxiety and fear of failure are constant companions of geniuses, and also the constant dissatisfaction with oneself. The moments of pride and joy are quickly dissolved into new ambitions.

It is also a common feature of geniuses that certain feelings, mainly of respect or value, are wanted but not provided in childhood (sometimes this is even imaginary: the child receives attention and love, but not the enormous amount of attention and praise that it commonly desired). The huge ambition that they have is, in a way, a response to not receiving all the admiration they wish they had received when they were children and teenagers. Genius are generally very proud of themselves.

>> No.6156537

>So, is there any practical way around it similar to adderall or ampakines, hopefully safer?

No, you fucking douche. Its called willpower. Its called Just doing it.

How this works: instead of bitching about your disabilities, aka posting on 4chan, being a general douche-nozzle, you spend time reading books and doing things toward your goal.

>> No.6156584

>Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.

It also assumes a genetic predisposition of high fluid intelligence.

>> No.6156660


Stop looking for shortcuts. Get off of /sci/. Find an interesting and important problem. Solve it. It's that fucking simple.

>> No.6156702

Where can I get these? Caffeine+l theanine doesnt work for me.

>> No.6156714


doctor or indian internet pharmacy

>> No.6156723

How likely is it that a doctor will prescribe it to me? Also how trustable are those indian pharmacies?

>> No.6156743

>How likely is it that a doctor will prescribe it to me?

depends on the doctor

>Also how trustable are those indian pharmacies?

trustable as in "you will receive product" is quite fine, trustable as in "product is of good/western standart/consistent quality"...well...its indian internet pharmacies...

>> No.6156770

Face it: You're not, and you probably won't be.
If you were, then you'd have been identified as such by now.

>> No.6156814

Lel. Honestly, are you trolls even trying.

Im not trying to take dangerous drugs you idiot. That why I asked if there was an alternative. I want to combat my ADHD without having to take perscribed aderall every fucking day.

>> No.6156830

beat me to it

>> No.6156834


asking for an alternative IS the drug. The drug of doing nothing.

>> No.6156840
File: 358 KB, 537x289, tarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, no - you are clearly tarded and you aren't going to get better - tardation is terminal.

On the plus side genius is much more terminal resulting in lower reproductive rates, higher sudoku rates and general discontent in life.

If you think you are depressed now through your tarded eyes, you wouldn't last a minute as a genius, trust me on this one.

All that said - most of science today is very dumb, so you might make some good progress and advance the Human corpus. Take drug development for instance - the bulk of it is based on fractionating plant extracts (super simple procedure, I could literally train a monkey how to do it in a week with a shock collar) then testing them in sequence on different lab animals, noting effects and proceeding to Humans trials if any effects exist. Hell, OP, you could even work at CERN - those stupid fuckers take the approach of "lets smash things together and see what the splashback looks like" (again, just stepping through all combinations more or less in sequence based on what smarter people tell them to look at).

While I don't I have a whole lot of faith in you OP, I do believe in the power of science and as such I have a simple 5-point plan for you:
>get yourself one of those anti-barking collars for dogs that shocks whenever a barking sound is made
>wear it 24/7
>bark any time you feel the desire to stop studying until that desire goes away
>be sure to change the batteries when they fail and/or when the collar isn't being effective within about 20-30 shocks
>if the collar continues to fail upgrade to a bigger one - don't cheat yourself here - if you need the rott model get the fucking rott model
As an added bonus your spouse will never complain about you snoring again (and it's a preventive measure against snoring in preparation for attaining a spouse if you don't have one already).

Best of luck to you, OP - you will need it.

>> No.6156845

best ITT/10

>> No.6156863

>If you think you are depressed now through your tarded eyes, you wouldn't last a minute as a genius, trust me on this one.

Don’t know about that one. Geniuses have enormous desire to succeed, to achieve glory, to be great, to be admired and respect by everyone. They have great pleasure in setting goals and dreams and, although they suffer a lot with anxiety and self-immolating pressure when they are striving to accomplish what they have set to themselves, the desire to discover truth or create beauty is so powerful an engine that they never lack fuel.

Genius have so great willpower that they defy every day the greatest of the intellectual demons: procrastination. Just read about Beethoven, Mozart, Tolstoy, Einstein, Newton: all of them had their downs, but in general they were always hungry for more and more accomplishments. True geniuses do not simply seat down and cry, smashed by the feeling that all is meaningless and boring. No: Geniuses have the gargantuan desire of devour the whole world, of changing human culture forever. They simply can’t manage to lost any time (except in times of exhaustion or weariness of creative powers).



>> No.6156869

Don't listen to these plebs - drugs will at best help you long enough to crash before you can use what you learned.

>> No.6156880

So am I pretty much im hopeless or are you the NSA trying to supress human intellignece

>> No.6156887

>Geniuses have enormous desire to succeed, to achieve glory, to be great, to be admired and respect by everyone.
I absolutely agree, however you are forgetting one key aspect: there is no cake. Every time you achieve your goal the goalpost moves, whenever it does so the sneers of any pleb can bring you down massively on a psychological level. It's not a coincidence that many of the greatest minds killed themselves (poison, hanging, starvation, etc) in spite of enormous achievements. There are phases between every bit of greatness - you achieve it, you have a euphoric high from achieving it, the goalpost starts to shift, you experience crippling depression forgetting about past deeds, then you drive on because you haven't done enough. Willpower is certainly a factor, but you would be amazed at just how much the plebs want to fuck with you simply for keeping to yourself long enough to fucking work - they castrated Turing and there isn't a modern genius alive that's published anything, directly linked to their name or otherwise, that can't go online and see people mocking that thing.

>> No.6156898

The second post wasn't saying it's hopeless - a shock collar would actually help you significantly. The brain, like any neural network, is a relatively simple thing - it has a reward and punishment system. If you control that system you control yourself. Only eat when studying/working, hurt yourself whenever you slack off, jerk off while working, when you jerk off otherwise switch your thoughts to your work the moment of orgasm, think of work while taking a dump or smoking a cigarette or any other time you would have a positive release. When you feel pain make sure you aren't thinking about work. Treat your mind like the animal it is and you can control it, people are no more sophistocated than electrons - construct the right environment and they perform as desired.

>> No.6156924


Yes, you are right.

Success in the life’s of great men is a distant sun that is always sited, waiting, on the distant horizon, and no matter how many steps you give toward him, you can only fell the pleasant heat of his beams kissing your face and promising ultimate rewarding’s and pleasures, but you will never reach him, you will penetrate him and taste the nirvana with which you have been dreaming all your life.

The existence of the ambitious man is an enemy of tranquility and serenity.

>> No.6156959

That drug is the desire that you want to do something and the conviction that you can do it

placebo effect, use it wisely

>> No.6156976

Genius reporting in ;)

That drug is the desire that you want to do something and the conviction that you can do it

placebo effect, use it wisely

Also don't poison yourself, I like NaturalNews and have found good stuff - do your research, look up nootropics and stay away from drugs as nootropics but instead get the minerals/nutrients your brain and body needs

Stay exercising hard - strong brain and strong body can go hand in hand

Genetics do matter, but that's a pretty irrelevant discussion as you either have 'em if you don't, and regardless you can try to max out your intelligence

read a ton, do logic/math exercises, learn philosophy and critically examine arguments, etc. use socratic method and ask questions

The road is difficult and there are no shortcuts, but you can use your micro or macro genius, if you take the risk to get going and work hard at it

Genius comes to the humble who seek out challenging exercises but never get complacent that they know it all - basically just keep working even when you think you're 'teh smartest' - even the best violinist may play 14 hrs/day (just exaggerating, I don't know how much they practice but I hope you get the point)

practice makes perfect, winners are made not born

Even if you are in a wheelchair, make the best of what you've got!

>> No.6157025

There are many scientific papers showing that people with higher IQs are more likely to suffer from depression.

Indeed from your list I know that Einstein, Newton and Beethoven all suffered from depression. The worst was Newton who actually had a serious mental breakdown.

>> No.6157111

> I want to become someone I'm not by using a drug that doesn't exist, that if it did would destroy what makes you, yourself, simply out of vanity and lack of drive.

>> No.6157367


I like you, mister.

What is your field of activity?

>> No.6157373

Sunifiram is available, already ordered it. ~5mg/150lb dose, comes in 1-2 grams cheap, 5grams is only like $40 if you want enough to last FOREVER. Can cause permanent headaches if taken with other kinds of things and cracked bloody skin if you don't get enough omega 3s

Noopept is also cheap. Doesn't have as severe restrictions as sunifiram. Unifiram is a cousin of Sunifiram.

>> No.6157472


Hes a world famous shitposter

>> No.6157478

I have a script for Dexamphetamines and I have seen my grades go from ~30% to 85% over a year. Really helps with motivation and concentration.

>> No.6157486

Aaaaaaand UNIFIRAM came in the mail. I already sent them a message about it. Only noticed after I took a dose.

>> No.6157497

Why cant they make something safe and as powerful as that it would aid anyone who wanted to become a genius, study towards the goal.Almost like NZT from limitless.

I guess it is for the best if it didn't exist as that might slow down evolution in terms of intelligence and reduce the sustainablility of the human race.

Oh the otherhand it might not because the intelligent people will have no choice but to contribute to society anyway.

>> No.6157521

How is it. Does it make you want to read and become smart or are you still distracted by 4chan and wasting your high on here. If you are...give me an explanation of the effects before going back to your studies.

>> No.6157546


>thinking *racetams and nootropic "smart drugs" work

Do you think that the FDA/pharmaceutical industry would allow such a market to go unregulated? THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK.

>> No.6157548

No, it's the other way around.

>> No.6157550

I find a lot of things absolutely and unbearably irritating because I am so hyper-focused. I can not imagine how adverse the effect could be on people that do not have attention problems.

>> No.6157576

Become an atheist. It automatically gives you a master degree in everything according to reddit.

>> No.6157649

>tfw too smart to care about or do anything

>> No.6157656


but modafinil is regulated

as for non-america ("pharmaceutical industry") aniracetam, piracetam, oxiracetam, noopept, etc etc etc are all regulated.

>> No.6158428

Do adhd drugs really help you learn? I have a friend who goes to Harvard and he's absolutely against taking study drugs. On the other hand, I also have a few friends who legitimately have ADHD and tell me that after years of using them, their effectiveness has gone down to the point where they just go to academic counseling or find alternatives ways to study.

>> No.6158891

>against taking study drugs

pick one

>> No.6158896

huff jenkum ereyday

>> No.6158957


This. I believe willpower is more important than anything else. I was very clever as a young, curios boy. Then I hit 15 and couldn't be bothered doing anything and dropped out of school. I learnt Hiragana and Katakana in 2 days. Then I got bored of Japanese, and started studying the stock market instead. Got bored of that after one week.

I was always the kid that never turned up but could ace tests, I'd often be telling my teachers facts about the subject. I'd be laughing at all the other plebs who wasted their time "studying" and hated them for being gormless. Now I work in a factory, while they're doing accounting and shit. You can take a drug to make you think faster. But inspiration and motivation don't come in pill form.

>> No.6158986

>The majority of /sci/ posters, for example, have an IQ that it is in the spectrum of some of the great genius of history.

please tell me you are kidding

>> No.6159000

>The huge ambition that they have is, in a way, a response to not receiving all the admiration they wish they had received when they were children and teenagers
So is this why famous child prodigies end up nowhere most of the time?

>> No.6159057

I wouldn't take that psychobabble too seriously.

Most "child prodigies" have only demonstrated a fairly basic level of skill at an uncommonly young age. This isn't really a sign of potential for creative greatness.

>> No.6159070

Some people just mature in some capacities faster than others.
Being exceptionally competent than your peers at a young age doesn't always mean that competence will increase propotionately with age.

>> No.6160517

what types of academic benefits can LSD procure?

>> No.6160642

why is it you fucking faggots always manage to recommend books that seem to be great but aren't fucking available to download on the internet

go fuck yourself

>> No.6161080


Try this site: better world books:


>> No.6161136


Apparently, it augments your understanding of the multiverse to a point where you become unsure of what is real and what is possible within the consensus reality. It seems that squeezing this vast amount of information into a human brain is extremely difficult given the short amount of time allotted, explorers like John Lilly will attest to this.

>> No.6161277
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Other than blowing your mind (good or bad), I think there's not too much in it for academic benefits. It does give you a temporary ability to think about things in radically different ways and can make you feel much more intimate with geometry. I don't know if it lasts much beyond the actual trip.

My friend had a cool story about a fibonacci sequence materializing from the visual distortions of two hits of good acid.I've also experienced radical changes in geometrical thinking, but it's often clouded by the amount of thoughts and things appering to happen simultaneously. It can be very intense.

A safety guideline I would heavily recommend is to have a person you trust with you to look after you during the experience. It's not absolutely necessary, but for a first time it's highly recommended. Also you probably should take two hits, you'll only be very disappointed if you take one hit of weak acid.