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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6150306 No.6150306[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ok faggots what do you major/will major/minor in?
>implying you are not niggers
>imb4 african-american nigger studies

>> No.6150315

What would you say is the primary difference that separates shibe and constanza?

>> No.6150337


Currently getting my crap together so that I can major math. I don't really give a fuck if I dont get a job I just love to do math.

>> No.6150340

Pure math = toilet paper degree, it's like the liberal arts of STEM. If you want to learn lots of maths and have 100K jobs lined up for your after undergrad study engineering.

>> No.6150342

Maybe in shitholes like America.

Math degree gets you the best jobs in first world countries.

>If you want to learn lots of maths and have 100K jobs lined up for your after undergrad study engineering.


>> No.6150348

Math degrees in other countries are worth even less. Not even good enough to wipe your ass with.

Double major in math, or study engineering, never study just math. You're asking for a lifetime of poverty.

>> No.6150349

aiming for aerospace engineering, although my maths sucks so we'll see

>> No.6150350

Not really, no. My uncle studied pure math, and became an actuary. Needless to say, he makes more than just about any engineer.

>> No.6150352

There are philosophy majors in wall street who make more money in a year than your entire family lineage combined.

That doesn't change the reality that most philosophy end up serving coffee at Starbucks.

>> No.6150354

This. Play your cards right with engineering, have 6-figure jobs right out of school.

>> No.6150359

But they don't use philosophy in wall street. My uncle does, however.

>> No.6150360


Well what to double major math with? Most lucrative options?

>> No.6150363

Are you kidding me? You learn how to construct arguments and think critically. There's a reason why lawyers who take this shit dominate in law school. Notice how they had a clear goal defined -- they plan to go to law school and study something else that will get them big bucks.

With a pure math degree, you're going to end up as a lowly underpaid post-doc making 60K, being surpassed in salary by even the dumbest engineers fresh out of college.

>> No.6150365
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Lel, philosotard detected.

>> No.6150368

Engineering. The specific field of engineering depends on what you're interested in, you have to decide for yourself

>> No.6150377


That's what I figured.. I'm curious though, what's the most math heavy? I mean what field of engineering would be most complimented by a pure math major?

All in all I'm not incredibly concerned about employability. I live in Alberta and I have a journeyman trade to fall back. I was making ~120 k a year before hand and have some money put away to make it through at least 5 years of university. I just don't want to have to go back to menial boilermaking if I can help it.

>> No.6150381

EE is quite math heavy

>> No.6150389
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its called computer sciance

>> No.6150392


> Engineering
> Hard math


>> No.6150393

Math and CS master race reporting in

>> No.6150419

computer science

>> No.6150465

>100K jobs
only if you go in petro or software engineering

>> No.6150469

bio/psych double major. can't wait to hone my stocking skills once med school rejects me

>> No.6150470

Nowhere in his post states the difficulty, you fucking pleb.

>> No.6150481

Majored: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, CS
Minored: Japanese

>> No.6150485

applied math and statistics

>> No.6150488

What's your job now? Also, how many years did it take you to do so?

>> No.6150489

^^^double major

>> No.6150490

Majoring in Biomedical Sciences. I'm hoping to get some research experience in neuroscience and pharmacology/toxicology and get into drug design or something. I guess the obligatory medical school option is there as well, although it gets less attractive the more I think about it.

>> No.6150491

Doubled in Math and Philosophy. Going to grad school for Comp Sci.


>> No.6150495

Doing a bachelor degree in theoretical physics but this month I had to write six lab reports. God damit this is exactly why I choose theoretical over experimental!

>> No.6150497

Not that guy, but I wanted to know why you're so obsessed with money. 60k is more than enough for a single bachelor, and if he likes math, he should study math. Making enough to live on is crucial, but whatever happened to learning something you actually enjoy? Hell, my dream is to live in near destitution, saving every penny I can, then retire and live the rest of my days studying math at a desk.
I'm not even a math or physics major, I just refuse to pick math as my major because university sucks the fun out of learning anything.

>> No.6150499

pure math and stats double major here

>> No.6150506

Major in particle physics and minor in applied philosophy

>> No.6150510
File: 90 KB, 625x468, thats-not-true-thats-impossible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>applied philosophy

>> No.6150519


is there actually a title on the degree that says theoretical physics or is just "bachelors in physics"

>> No.6150522

Applied maths master race, come at me

>> No.6150525

Okey it is a bachelor in physics but every one split up the second year.

>> No.6150526

Double major math/finance, minor in two of the following (History, Classical Studies, Biology, Applied Statistics)

>> No.6150528

>hard math


>> No.6150529



getting my bachelors in physics also, minor in astrophysics

>> No.6150533

They call it hard math because they work in pairs and spend half the time with a rock-hard cock in their mouth.

>> No.6150541


math major, maybe a minor in omegle

>> No.6150542


dude fucking lel1! how old are you like freshman?

>> No.6150548


what don't people understand about the fact that once you get to PHD level math, you transcend all interests in mundane things like jobs or money

>> No.6150551

And food presumably.

>> No.6150553

>minor in omegle
I'm confused. Is this a typo or are you being funny?

>> No.6150557

>You learn how to construct arguments and think critically.

unlike pure math ......right?

>> No.6150561

Obviously. No one thinking critically would still reply to 0.999... /= 1 threads in a serious manner, and look how these threads are always full of mathematicians.

>> No.6150566

Finishing up first year math. I think I actually want to double major math/econ. Those two subjects interest me greatly. Although, econ does not seem as rigorous as math and that is a little disappointing.

>> No.6150578

Econ was my second love next to math, pursue it, I never had a prereq class more interesting than microeconomics. I was going to decide to do this, but decided that I wanted a job in data analysis while I get my PhD in pure math. Doubling in applied math and stats for undergrad, getting degrees in applied math and pure math for my masters', and doctorates in pure math. If I had time I'd be doing something with either econ or physics, good call on that man