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File: 205 KB, 640x228, Parsemus_Home_Vasalgel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6149587 No.6149587 [Reply] [Original]

What do people think about RISUG ? Finally a new promising method of male contraception. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reversible_inhibition_of_sperm_under_guidance

>> No.6149597

Shamless self bump. This is something thats injected and works for up to ten years with no side effects, Its potential is massive but no pharmaceutical company would bother with it as it lasts so long it wouldn't bring in a profit.

>> No.6149601

I've heard about it on an indian blog some time ago. I'm surprised anyone's brought it up.

>> No.6149609

I've been following it for the last couple of years. Its making headway now that its undergoing stage III clinical trials in India and the US counterpart Vasalgel is undergoing research in Baboons soon with clinical trials as soon as 2015.

>> No.6149614

I meant clinical trials in humans as soon as 2015.

>> No.6149622

Well I guess no one cares about something which has practical applications and has a big chance of becoming a reality soon. Better just keep shit posting about how 0.999999 = 1.

>> No.6149639

>implying men care about contraception when the consequences are clearly part of the female prerogative.

We can't get Africa or India to use condoms, how will this make any difference whatsoever?

>> No.6149648

I think you've obviously never had sex, because if you had, you'd be able to answer your own question

>> No.6149654

Who really likes using condoms ? After one easy procedure you're kid free for the next ten years at least. Its not expensive either and doesn't rely on her being on the pill so who the hell wouldn't use it ?

>> No.6149661

You clearly know the score.

>> No.6149662

If there was a way to make it last less than ten years there's an entire consumer base wanting this

>> No.6149664

Hooray, now there's no reason to use condoms ever again, except sexually transmitted diseases; those are a real bitch.

>> No.6149667

It can be removed at any time using a bicarbonate solution. It lasts a max of at least ten years if you don't want it removed.

>> No.6149673

You could use it with condoms for protection against both or if your in a monogamous relationship and she doesn't want to be on the pill you could just do this.

>> No.6149674

>implying the reason they don't use condoms is because it makes the sex slightly less enjoyable
>implying men would willingly make themselves sterile for ten years.

Sounds like to me you are the one that has never been out in the real world.

>> No.6149679

The LCD human will not consider the child or ten they're going to bring into the world, no. Make not having children a reality with a procedure that lets them keep their animalistic nature with zero drawback, and you will see a significant drop in illegitimate births.

>> No.6149682

Like I said before you can get it reversed whenever you want. Ten years is the max time has 100% efficacy.

>> No.6149695

Also condoms are a pain in the ass. Especially if you don't have one on you. Not everyone has the self control to just not do it.

>> No.6149710

I would still use condoms because the main reason I don't use them isn't pregnancy, but disease risk.

If I was obsessed with rawdogging I can already do it, it's called making the bitch go on the pill.

>> No.6149717

Making the bitch go on the pill ? Wow I bet the ladies love you. Not everyone can take the pill and some people like to take their futures into their own hands.

>> No.6149718
File: 53 KB, 393x398, 1300341283299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Psst: you are sage-ing your own thread, imbecile.

>> No.6149719

Both of my current girlfriends are on the pill and have no complaints about it.

And yes, they love me, and they love the pill, because pill means I like it more which means they get more D.

>> No.6149722

Ya probably but anything to get a bit of interest on the thread is better than nothing .

>> No.6149735

Better hope none of them forget to take it then.

>> No.6149736
File: 70 KB, 583x590, 1325889600383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what is actually happening

>> No.6149737

huzzah for anonymous posting

Does it feel like you are missing something, not being able to ejaculate?
Does the pressure build up feel uncomfortable?

>> No.6149738

Haha that's definitely it.

>> No.6149744

> Both of my current girlfriends
righty and lefty?

>> No.6149750

why so buttfrustrated, anon?

>> No.6149749

You can ejaculate the same as normal. It doesn't block the vaas deferens but destroys the sperm as they pass out so there is no pressure build up.

>> No.6149753

>Psst: you are sage-ing your own thread, imbecile.

is sage visible on 4chan now?

>> No.6149758

are you new here or something?
so does something come out?

>> No.6149762

Ya all the same stuff comes out. Just the sperm are destroyed so you can still drop those loads if that bothered you.

>> No.6149775

I'm not. I just didn't realise you were going out with Pam and her twin sister Pamela.

>> No.6149784

>hurr durr i can't get laid therefore no one else can
Whatever makes you sleep at night.

>> No.6149801

I don't think people can't get laid. I just think you're most certainly not.

>> No.6149804

Why, because I disagree with you?

Grow up.

>> No.6149808

Fair enough. This is getting off the topic anyway.

>> No.6149813

Nobody else cares enough to talk about it, bitch. Just take the free bumps and suck my dick in gratitude.

>> No.6149819


>> No.6149877

So no one else following this new development ?

>> No.6149882

Sign me up when females are attracted to me

>> No.6149888

A guy who couldn't accidentally get girls pregnant could be more attractive potentially ?

>> No.6149890

women are against male birth control, as they claim men will forget taking it.
But they "forget" all the time.

>> No.6149896

Well that's probably true in some cases.Either way that's more relevant to the male pill which they've been working on for years with varying success except it tends to have very bad side effects. This will have no side effects and you won't need to remember it.

>> No.6149901

>But they "forget" all the time.
Assuming that's true, you're referring to "the pill"/oral contraception, right?
How is that relevant if OP is talking about an application (surgical-injection) once every ten years?
Isn't the appropriate comparison more like this: what OP is talking about vs Implanon/Nexplanon?

>> No.6149902

>women are against male birth control, as they claim men will forget taking it.

where do "they" claim this?

>> No.6149907

If you ask about the idea of male birth control on websites such as Yahoo Answers, the women flip out.

>> No.6149906

Even if they do perfect the male pill and then make an implant from I can't see how that would even compare to this. Even when the pill works well in women it still has unwanted side effects,

>> No.6149911

Well even if they do why even bother with the male pill when this procedure blows it out of the water. The only reason there's work on the male pill is the money companies hope to reap from it but this makes it obsolete.

>> No.6149915

Oh come on, you're so fucking desperate.

It's not a big deal. Just give it up.

>> No.6149916


Why so buttfrustrated, anon?

>> No.6149917

10 years is a bit long for anything to last.

>> No.6149920

If you ask about the idea of male birth control on websites such as Yahoo Answers, the only people who will bother answering will be loonies who are unreasonably opinionated about it.

>> No.6149923


>> No.6149930

It's also instantly reversible with a second injection.

>> No.6149931

That's if you decide not to get a reversal. Its reversible at any stage. That's the appeal.

>> No.6150620

Just needs funding for the clinical trials on baboons in the US.