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6148947 No.6148947 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best methods for memory recall and learning?

I've been using anki and I've tried memory palaces. Any other good methods?

>> No.6149014

Her ass is so fat she shits wheelchairs

>> No.6149021

why are her feet sandy

i hear sandy feet equates sandy vagina equates sandy hill

>> No.6149049

i would lick her buttcrack until its so moist she shit in my mouth

>> No.6149061


also OP, never post an image more interesting than your post

>> No.6149070

Samefag detected

>> No.6149092

Have you considered boobies your nipples using tits you can download on your breasts? phone?

>> No.6149098


i would swim a mile upstream in the amazon river naked covered in molasses with a 45 lb. weight strung around my ballsack for a chance to suck a fart out of her ass with a straw

>> No.6149099

I can't remember XD

>> No.6149114

Memory/mnemonics enthusiast here. Not sure how much you know already, but for names, vocabulary, etc. you want to use visualization by choosing images that remind you of or sound like what you're trying to learn . For more abstract, numerical information, learn a phonetic alphabet like the Major System where 1 is t and d, 2 is n, and so on which you then combine to form words. As for organizing all that information, memory palaces are as good as it gets when it comes to lists, but there's also the peg system (associating what you're trying to learn with numbered "pegs" so you can, for example, name the 27th president on command) and the link system (remembering dog, milk, book by associating dog with milk and then milk with book). That's all I've got...

>> No.6149129

OP who is this heavenly blessed angel

>> No.6149136

I like boobies.

>> No.6149163


I try to connect things. when I see regular geometry or points in 3d space (like for instance corners in wallpapers) or something I try to construct a graph that spans the maximal achievable volume between chosen points in an attempt to get better at recognizing and abstracting complex relationships. I usually do it when I'm bored, not sure yet whether it helps.

>> No.6149183

900mg+ high quality DHA supplement per day. If you are really going in "John Nash" mode more than a few times a week, I'd up it to ~1400-1500 megs a day.

It's pricy, but if you are banking on your memory recall to bring home your daily bread, you can't really put a price ceiling on it.

>> No.6149314


>> No.6149341

>tfw too smart to let placebos be effective.

Oh how I wish I could believe.

>> No.6149391
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>> No.6149398


Clinically proven double-blind increase in memory recall, aside from many other tangible cardio-vascular benefits.

I'll let you read my paper after winter break and make that judgement for yourself.

>> No.6149417

>too smart
more like too indoctrinated by traditional logic

>> No.6149435


somebody find me that vine pls

>> No.6149443


I want her hips to bear my warrior children

>> No.6149470

>somebody find me that vine pls


ps: you think she blocked him or did she take him up on the offer?