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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6144436 No.6144436 [Reply] [Original]

Just submitted my NSF graduate research application /sci/. What do now?

Do I do science now? Am I science yet?

Picture very related

>> No.6144443

You do not do science until you have spent six hours weighing rabbit spleens in order to work out the natural variation in their masses.

>> No.6144472


>> No.6144477
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>> No.6144520

Graduate school is a very harsh and very expensive life lesson about how badly you can fuck up your life by wasting time.

Also an extremely valuable life lesson.

Anyway what you should do now is pray that you get rejected and find a different path towards your goals, or discover new passions.

If you're passionate enough to want to do grad school, then you've probably got motivations and specialized interests that you can explore without the stress and fatigue of gradschool.

>> No.6144550


Shit anon, I'm really motivated for grad school I'm trying to do research as a career. Anyway why would it be expensive? If you're in the sciences?

>> No.6144566

Life is expensive
A lot of life passes away while you're in gradschool unnoticed

I don't want to turn you away from it though. I do know some people who are very happy with it. It just doesn't sit well for me and my circumstances I suppose. If just being in gradschool and living that life day-to-day is inherently satisfying for you then don't let anyone sway you against it

Best of luck.

>> No.6144597
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Will computers be able to run countries better than humans in the future?

>> No.6144603

I just submitted one as well. What's your research topic? I applied to work on applied mathematics (topology and harmonic analysis) in signal processing.

I really hope I get this, it would be vastly superior to being bitchmode TA.

>> No.6144623

Sure, run a country involves dealing with much more information than humans are capable off efficiently.

>> No.6144630

They all ready do. Consider how much government relies on private contractors and consultants, and then consider how much of their work relies upon analytics.

>> No.6144684
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You need to get this

>> No.6144744

You don't start doing science until you work 7 hours a day sifting through Mountain Lion shit trying to determine what it's eating in that particular area and whether or not that is causing a limitation on another local ungulate population.

>> No.6144812


I'm Biophysics. Math is my favorite theoretical subject though. Real analysis right now is killing my shit.

>> No.6144814

I can't believe no one cares about that thread. It's literally the coolest thing to happen on /sci/ ever.

>> No.6144820

Who was it? I thought if someone on /sci/ won a prize, they were to mention suns of ice and fire colliding in their topic lecture as proof, anyone do that?

>> No.6144826

It was Adam Reiss's medal. He gave it to OP and OP snapped a picture of it.

He couldn't timestamp it at the time but he timestamped his notebook for proof.

The thread is still up:

>> No.6144830

Damn, still pretty cool though. One day though, one of us is going to make it.

>> No.6144831

So you became 2 degrees separated form a noble prize winner over the freaking internet. Does that really amaze you so much?

You have probably talked to some remarkable people and never known it. Some don't go around boasting about it everywhere doing pony shows with our awards in our pockets to make a spectacle.

>> No.6144833

If a picture of an oscar/emmy was posted on /tv/ people would flip shits.

Someone posted a TIME STAMPED NOBEL PRIZE on /sci/. How is that not amazing?

>> No.6144839
File: 61 KB, 600x260, phd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one day

>> No.6144843

>one day
Are you REALLY trying to compare /sci/ culture to /tv/ culture? What are you even doing here?

>> No.6144848

Calm down you fucking autist. It was a comparison.

If you don't think it's cool, fine, no one is forcing you to talk about it. But if you deny that it's an interesting thing to happen to this board I have to wonder what you're doing here?

Do HW/Troll threads really do it for you?

>> No.6144960

post a side view, also time stamped

>> No.6145372



I also submitted my NSFGRFP recently!

Good luck!


>> No.6146731


Gluck m8 I hope we all make it.

What was your field?

>> No.6146894



Mathematical sciences :). What about yours?
