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File: 541 KB, 1644x2052, Einstein_1921_portrait2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6128350 No.6128350[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

are jews really smarter?

feynman was a jew , sagan was a jew , einstein was a jew

Jews have won 193 nobel prizes (including the year 2013) out of 850 nobel prizes, ie 22.7% of all nobel prizes. Take out the nobel peace Prize and its 184 winnings of 750, ie 24.5%.
in the 21st century alone - 2001-2013 ratio stands at 42 wins out of 151 total wins, which are 27.8%.If we take out the nobel peace prize, then we get 42 of 138 ie 30.4%.

jews are 0.22% of the worlds population and yet win today 30% of the nobel prizes.

Is there any explanation to this?

>> No.6128356

>are jews really smarter?

Yes. On average, according to IQ tests.

There is also a cultural component, with an unusually strong emphasis on intellectualism.

>> No.6128360

>jews won ~25% of nobel prizes
>rest of us won 75%

>> No.6128363

Well, they are white and have strong work ethic.

>> No.6128367

>are jews smarter?
>Is there any explanation to this?
What is this called, is it some form of lying?

>> No.6128372

here are my hypotheses: I'm sure there are many factors here. the first assumption is that Nobel prize winners are unusually intelligent. then, if intelligence has some genetic component, I would expect people with similar genetics to a Nobel prize winner would be more likely to be Nobel prize winners than the rest of the population.
another component is that the Jewish culture puts emphasis on being productive in life. many Jewish families instill in their children high value in higher education and academic degrees; there may be intelligent people in other groups who do not normally pursue careers at the edge of man's knowledge domain. A precedent of Nobel prize winners from a certain ethnic group might drive other members of the group to keep up the tradition. It also may bias the judges into paying more attention to those who appear similar to other prize winners. perhaps Jews are more open to sharing their work... the list goes on

>> No.6128371

Wealth, culture that encourages education and many scientific role-models have some effect. Likewise a Jew <span class="math">might[/spoiler] preference another Jew for the best positions/opportunities/prizes (I'm sure most would not be this racist, but it could even be subconscious), so when they have high positions in the academic world their influence will just grow. This is perhaps even more likely given the way Jewish culture views non-Jews.
/pol/ would like to pretend that the Jews are "taking over" academia (like everything else, so they say), but there are other reasons; there is actual evidence of higher average intelligence amongst Jews. This could be a result of all the inbreeding that causes them to get strange genetic disorders, rare in non-Jews but common to the Jewish people.
Overall I think all of these things play a part, but the proportions are not certain. I think an atheistic scientist is probably more likely to ignore race when handing out jobs or awards than a religious Jewish businessman, so the /pol/ explanation is probably a fairly small component.

>> No.6128378


>> No.6128388

>Likewise a Jew might preference another Jew for the best positions/opportunities/prizes

Not inconceivable, but that explanation kind of falls apart when you realize that the prizes are NOT awarded by Jews, and the trend existed even when Jews were actively discriminated against in academia.

>> No.6128393

No, they really just love patting each other on the back while leading the rest of the world down the wrong path. Jews own the wealth, wealth directs the sciences through funding and so we continue believing in shit like relativity, gravity, time travel, etc.

>> No.6128422 [DELETED] 
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>Well, they are white and have strong work ethic.


>> No.6128436

Jews select other jews to win prizes.

I cannot imagine anybody is actually shocked by this.

>> No.6128441

ask a nazi? well that explains why Hitler was Jewish...

>> No.6128443

as a jew i will inform you that it depends on how jewish your mother is

>> No.6128447

There is always a ruling class. In this era, the ruling class is Jewish.

>> No.6128461

Whelp, it took about an hour for /pol/ retards to show up.

That's better than normal actually. Most of them must be in school.

>> No.6128475

>Swedish prize

>> No.6128497

>basic logic or fact checking

>> No.6128510

It's all cultural. There's far too many white or asian geniuses for the jews to strictly have an intelligence advantage.

>> No.6128514

>what are averages

>> No.6128519

>what are percentiles

>> No.6128526

Yeah some Jews are very smart.
Are they smarter then average? Maybe. It doesn't really matter.

People from any genetic backround can still contribute to science if they work hard enough and have a passion.

While natural intelligence certainly plays a part I think nurture & personal passion are more important.

Even someone who isn't naturally blessed with the sharpest mind can contribute to science if he works hard and has passion.

>> No.6128529


>> No.6128533



>> No.6128538

>I think
>hard work
"/thread" indeed.

>> No.6128543

Its because its jews who award these fake nobel "prizes", as evidenced by them giving it to Obama for nothing other than being black. Remember, jews love diversity!

>> No.6128547

Not jews, just ashkenazi jews. They definitely have, on average, higher IQs.

>> No.6128555

Jews have the family pressure for sharpness in many fields. This is the biological behaviorism point, although I think being mentally ready for God reduces reaction time and is a major factor. And I just believe in God, don't be ashamed.

>> No.6128556

>are jews really smarter?

Yes, yes we are. Sorry about that goyim.

>> No.6128561

You're a fucking retard

>> No.6128563 [DELETED] 


You need to have an excellent background in education in any of the fields these famous scientists revolutionized.

Jews by far value education and educated their children more than any other ethnic group.

This is because the Catholic Church forbid Christians from working as money lenders during the middle ages, so Jews monopolized the profession. When Europe industrialized, Jews became the wealthiest demographic as banking became big business. They now had access to the best schools in the most developed parts of the world. Thus, they tended to receive the best educations, given the resources at their disposal.

If you were a European or an Arab, it is much less likely you will be afforded the same education as the average Jew in any given subject, let alone a cutting-edge education at a prestigious university.

>> No.6128567


You need to have an excellent background in education in any of the fields these famous scientists revolutionized.

Jews by far value education and educated their children more than any other ethnic group.

This is because the Catholic Church forbid Christians from working as money lenders during the middle ages, so Jews monopolized the profession. When Europe industrialized, Jews became the wealthiest demographic as banking became big business. They now had access to the best schools in the most developed parts of the world. Thus, they tended to receive the best educations, given the resources at their disposal.

If you were a European or an Arab, it is much less likely you will be afforded the same education as the average Jew in any given subject, let alone a cutting-edge education at a prestigious university.

>> No.6128572

is it true that for religion stuff jews have to learn to read?

>> No.6128593

Let's use statistics to prove that nobel prizes are a sham:
>nobel prizes are usualy given to people who discovered something important.
>every year there are about ~100 nobel prize worthy discoveries in any area of science
>every year the winner of the nobel prize in any science includes at least one jew
>if we assume that jews make up 10% of the scientific population that are elidgible for a nobel due to their discoveries, that amounts to 1/10 winners should be jewish
> the amount of jewish nobel prize winners is ~50% instead of ~10% expected, therefore there is a large possiblity of the nobel prize winners being chosen not at random.

>> No.6128599


I remember somebody bringing up a hypothesis that the celibacy of Catholic priests resulted in breeding dumber white people. In the early middle ages the only intellectual activity in Europe was in the church. Clever people would become priests, then fail to reproduce. Meanwhile, rabbis were having loads of kids.

It's probably bullshit, but it would be pretty lulzy if true.

>> No.6128600


You are a stupid person.

>> No.6128607

ah yes, insults, the last resort of the jew

>> No.6128608
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It's because classically they've been given schooling and education as part of their religion whereas other kids were classically taught about how they're evil and will burn in hell.

Recently that torch has been passed to the eastern cultures.

>> No.6128610
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>Hurr in the real world Jobs and Awards are given out based on racial percentages.

Kill yourself retard.

>> No.6128621

it's nice that you don't have an argument to counter the fact that if the prizes WERE given randomly then having a ratio of 50% jewish winners is extremely unlikely.

>> No.6128622
File: 38 KB, 500x455, iq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<---- Israel
94IQ average

try harder jеw supremacist trolls.

>> No.6128628

>Is there any explanation to this?

Yes, yes there is. You see, jеwѕ are extremely tribal people and xenophobic people. They like to push their own in whatever they do. They've completely overtaken our educational institutions and if you're jеwiѕh, you have a much better chance of getting into one of the top schools and later on getting a teaching/research position.

Discovery has little to do with intelligence and a lot to do with OPPORTUNITY. If you have money and lots of collaborators, you can conduct experiments and discover something.

>> No.6128631


They're not given randomly, they're given on merit.

>> No.6128632

The prizes are voted on by large commitees.
They pick the best scientific discoveries and vote them in.
If 50% of the best discoveries were made by Jews then that is why they got half the awards.

Not rocket science dum dum.

>> No.6128633
File: 1.07 MB, 955x4332, 1382876280635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noble prizes are made by Jews and given to Jews.

They're not a worthy achievement.

Germans on the other hand are far superior to Jews in intellect and creativity.

>> No.6128634


>> No.6128638

>The prizes are voted on by large commitees.

of Swedish people, no less

>> No.6128640
File: 139 KB, 636x636, 1383264792677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're not given randomly, they're given on merit.


How old are you? 10?

>If 50% of the best discoveries were made by Jews then that is why they got half the awards.

Absolutely correct.

I'm actually more amazed when a non-jеw gets the Nobel than when a jеw gets one. jеwѕ completely own all these Nobel committees and they like to give it to their own kind.

>> No.6128642


>> No.6128643
File: 48 KB, 485x750, 1380407660759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see /pol/ has infiltrated us again.

>> No.6128645
File: 796 KB, 1600x1200, 1382461109661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a problem with that? When will you finally see that National Socialism is the key to scientific advancement.

>> No.6128647

>jеwѕ completely own all these Nobel committees

It's clear you know literally nothing about this subject, so please just run back to /pol/ and stop shitposting here.

>> No.6128649

Jews lobby for Nobel prizes.

>> No.6128653
File: 1.06 MB, 2336x2484, 1383143450330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then we have the average German IQ at 107.

>> No.6128657
File: 123 KB, 822x650, f1-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SO many clueless goyim on here who still believe in "meritocracy" and how you can succeed in jеwiѕh-owned world.

If you want a cold dose of reality, go read some stuff:





Even though non-jеw whites are owning math olympiads, they're not getting into top schools because jеwѕ run selection committees.

>> No.6128662

>tfw no world free of jews

>> No.6128665

But Jews are White and are you implying that non-Jewish Whites don't get into top schools?

Jeez what a bad argument.

>> No.6128667

Average IQ isn't necessarily an indicator of propensity to innovation or discovery, especially in multiethni nations.
Israel innovates well above its avg and china well below.

>> No.6128671

IQ isn't even a valid measure of intelligence past 95.

A group of Dutch and German highschool students trained for IQ tests and each scored over 150.

A true test of intelligence is the Torrance test, that's applied IQ creatively and how to solve problems.

>> No.6128672

>kill off all the stupid and poor Jews too shit-tier to escape Europe
>instantly win genetic lottery

>> No.6128677

It would be better if we killed all the Jews in the world, anon, then we can truly know peace, advancement and type 1 civilization.

>> No.6128681
File: 185 KB, 1000x1627, jеwѕ and whites harvard 1378094979080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<===== WOW! This is truly outrageous!

>> No.6128682

Well, virtually all human populations have undegone some major selection events from famine / plague / genocide / war / even slavery.
Just because the holocaust is the most recent in our minds doesn't necessarily make Jews particulaly extraordinary in this respect.

>> No.6128686

Are Jews smarter? Maybe, but Jews use societies and networks to get a disproportionate amount of their people into higher education and positions of power.
They dominate because they made it that way through dishonest means.

>> No.6128688

not smart enough to avoid the ovens!

>> No.6128689
File: 30 KB, 336x493, 01_00086687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upon learning that the photographer was a Jew rat.

>> No.6128690

How is that outrageous?
Since that chart is going by percentages that still means that far more non-Jewish Whites get into those schools then Jews do.

Again you are relying on the mind bendingly dumb argument that peoples at companies or schools hire or admit people based on racial percentages.

You morons from /pol/ really make my head hurt with your abject stupidity.
Please leave.

>> No.6128692


Jews have been undergoing intense pressure since they were kicked out of Israel. The only professions they tended to be allowed to take up were ones which required cunning and intelligence.

It's just like how gypsies have evolved to become the apex parasite.

>> No.6128694

Help /sci/

I'm Jewish/Russian/Lithuanian/Mexican/Puerto Rican/Irish. Clearly my Jewish genes have been diluted.

However, I attend a top 5 university. Is my Jew intellect still pervasive despite my race-mixing?

>> No.6128696

It's about percentages retard. 16 million Jews in the world, it would be very difficult for them to outnumber anyone in any category.

>> No.6128698

>underrepresentation is never an issue when it comes to white people
>overrepresentation has nothing to do with skill unless non-white races are overrepresented

>> No.6128700

>Use intelligence and hard work to gain positions of power.
>Dishonest means.

Pick one.

>> No.6128702
File: 33 KB, 600x865, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>In fact, Harvard reported that 45.0 percent of its undergraduates in 2011 were white Americans, but since Jews were 25 percent of the student body, the enrollment of non-Jewish whites might have been as low as 20 percent, though the true figure was probably somewhat higher.51 The Jewish levels for Yale and Columbia were also around 25 percent, while white Gentiles were 22 percent at the former and just 15 percent at the latter. The remainder of the Ivy League followed this same general pattern.

>This overrepresentation of Jews is really quite extraordinary, since the group currently constitutes just 2.1 percent of the general population and about 1.8 percent of college-age Americans.52 Thus, although Asian-American high school graduates each year outnumber their Jewish classmates nearly three-to-one, American Jews are far more numerous at Harvard and throughout the Ivy League. Both groups are highly urbanized, generally affluent, and geographically concentrated within a few states, so the “diversity” factors considered above would hardly seem to apply; yet Jews seem to fare much better at the admissions office.

Once jеwѕ took over admission's office, it was all over for goyim.

Keep on dreaming about going to Ivy League school, non-jеwѕ!


>> No.6128705

They have cunning, yes.

Intelligence, not so much.

Einstein is a prime example of cunning, E=MC2 and the theory of relativity were stolen ideas.

>> No.6128706

>that mix

Jesus Christ, America.

>> No.6128710
File: 136 KB, 622x653, Dr.-Joseph-Goebbels-Identify-the-Jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no intellect or homeland you jude swine, to the concentration camp with you!

>> No.6128712


>Nigger have a lower IQ
Oh it's biological they are the worst race

>Jews have a higher IQ
I-its c-cultural. I-I'm n-not s-stupid, I swear.

>> No.6128718


The fact that that guy talks about cultural influence means he'd probably talk about cultural influences on niggers too, maybe even "white privilege" considering that he implies IQ tests are innately flawed, JIDF.

>> No.6128719

>Since Jews only make up 1-2% of the population only 1-2% of College students in any university can be Jewish.

Isn't that racial decrimination?
Oh sorry Mr. Goldstein but we already have 5 Jews in our university and that is 1-2% of our admissions. Try again in 10 years.

See how stupid you are?

>> No.6128721

I'd recoil in fear too if a nazi accused me of being a jew.

>> No.6128723
File: 203 KB, 1313x860, 1382473061235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only jеwѕ are entitled to overrepresentation.

And by the way, the IQ test that made out jеwѕ as having high IQ was actually made by a jеw. It was skewed into their favor from the beginning.

That's how the "jеwѕ are smarter" myth started.

>> No.6128724

Jews don't have a higher IQ than Germans though.

Their IQ is cunning and wit based, not raw intellect and creativity, the same as Asian IQ (with the absence of cunning).

>> No.6128727


jidf plz go.

>> No.6128729

His observations were made before the party expressed anti-semetic views.

>> No.6128730


I'm glad you're against affirmative action.

>> No.6128734

>Jews don't have a higher IQ than Germans though.

Yes they do. Look it up.

>> No.6128737

They don't see the IQ chart in this picture >>6128653

>> No.6128738
File: 112 KB, 463x307, alexandria_library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe it was because the jewish demographic from ancient times had some kind of kick-start and got all the good discoveries.

if computing power and stored information increases, then you will have a better computer.

in much the same way, if jewish communities ran schools and libraries of increasing quality for a long time, then you'd probably have a brighter demographic after a while.

can someone please turn the above statements into pseudo-code?

it's a shame the jewish intellectual efforts were derailed so heavily by religion. also do you guys remember the Cosmos:Personal Journey episode with Sagan talking about classical civilization and Biblio of Alexandria? those guys had it going. they searched all ships that came to the port for documents of any kind, so they could copy it for the library. they had several smart guys (philosophers) alive simultaneously and they oftentimes had new ideas, which were buildt upon. they followed a non-standardized semi-scientific method, it seems.

there should be several "[citation needed]"'s in the above paragraphs, but whatever. do you guys know how they ran their shit? please educate me.

>> No.6128740
File: 22 KB, 402x402, Alb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are the most intelligent people.
They are basically upgraded White people.

Obviously universities are clammoring to get their hands on the best Jews because they are the cream of the crop.

Sure some non-Jew Whites get in also just because of sheer numbers but they lack the Jew gene which empowers the highest level of intelligence.

>> No.6128742

in civ terms: maybe it's because jews got writing tech earlier, and buildt libraries errywhere.

>> No.6128744 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6128756

What a load of bullshit, what your saying is going by American University quotas, the universities themselves are lobbied/owned by Jews, so of course the Jews are going to make sure their own get a piece of the pie over much more successful applicants.

Jews are not upgraded whites, they are a bastardization of turk, negroid, arab and european.

Germanic contributions to the world far outnumber those of the jew.

>> No.6128760

The first instance of writing was from the Vincas.
Which are Germanics ancestor.


>> No.6128761

>Jealous goy detected.
Jewish contributions to science, medicine & technology far outweigh anything Gerdumbs contributed and if we go by percentages it is so far apart it would be embarassing to them.

Jewish Europeans are the smartest people in the world and it is no surprise the top universitys clamor to get their hands on them.

>Stay mad
>Stay jealous
>We winning goy

>> No.6128763


anti-semitism in europe had been cemented centuries prior when the catholic church outlawed banking amongst christians which led to jews becoming very wealthy

>> No.6128765

Statistics and otherwise of scientific innovations show otherwise.

Einstein stole all of his work, typical of Jews, they cannot innovate, only steal and imitate.

>"An industrialist named Olinto De Pretto, a native of the Veneto region of Italy, published an article in which he gave, in its final form, the equation E=mc2. This article was published on June 16, 1903, and published again in February 27, 1904, the second time in the Atti of the Reale Instituto Veneto di Scienze. De Pretto thereby preceded Einstein's famous 1905 ‘E=mc2’ paper by at least a year-and-a-half."

And why exactly are you repeating the figure about Jews over-representation in American universities? You do know they have these positions due to lobbying right?

>> No.6128768
File: 459 KB, 1455x1526, the_jewish_version_of_history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I agree with you on that, however there's a reason why anti-semitism is so prevalent throughout Europe and the Middle-east.

And that reason is, is because they're cunning, manipulative, nation destroyers.

>> No.6128773
File: 322 KB, 546x700, 1374775805145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude... you got owned.
Just leave while you still have some shred of dignity left.

>> No.6128778

Refute that Einstein plagiarized E=MC2 and the Theory of Relativity and I will.

>> No.6128779
File: 111 KB, 247x248, 1379425273541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it was because of religious xenophobia and an unstable world.

Plus can you even prove that any of those things happened in the past?
Am I supposed to believe a persecution list made up of locations & dates with nothing else to back it?

Now please go back to your containment board.

>> No.6128784

Refute he didn't.

>> No.6128789


>> No.6128791

In short:
Yes. Jews are clearly the most intelligent people on Earth.

Further thoughts:

- Despite their undoubtedly higher IQ, Jews are still overrepresented at elite US institutions when controlling for said IQ, suggesting either some kind of unfair favouritism, or that the IQ tests arent capturing the full scope of Jewish intelligence
-The small Jewish population is undoubtedly an advantage to their general intelligence.
Jews have, for thousands of years, merely occupied certain high levels of foreign societies. Were there a nation of 300 million Jews, it would be unavoidable that many of them would have to perform the lower menial jobs of low IQ requirement, dragging the average IQ of jewdom down.
- Geographically, I cannot find much link between Jew concentration and scientific breakthroughs.
Lithuania, Poland etc. had many Jews in the last hundreds of years, yet Scotland alone, with almost zero Jews, has offered far more to the world in the same period.
I don't consider Germany to be an exception to this rule. Even stripped of the achievements of their Jewish population, Germany (including Austria) were world-leaders in science and math from 1900-1940.

I'd be very interested in the average skull circumference of Ashkenazi jews. Their IQ would suggest that they'd have a large head, on average, distinct from the smaller European head.
Given that Jews are essentially a mix of Palestinians and Europeans, it would be interested to know whether other Semites, e.g. Lebanese, might also perform exceptionally well, given the chance.

>> No.6128792

Why don't you try to refute it then. Someone please refute that your precious Einstein wasn't a lying, hook-nosed kike.

>> No.6128794

Why don't you try to refute it to my face so I can slap you down?

>> No.6128801

>De Pretto had stumbled on the equation, but not the theory of relativity, while speculating about ether in the life of the universe

Realizing the equivalence of matter and energy was nothing compared to what Einstein did.

>> No.6128805

>This is because the Catholic Church forbid Christians from working as money lenders during the middle ages

Just in general, my experience is that most Jews don't take their inherited joke of a religion seriously. That is, their fundamentalists are mostly on the periphery.

Their religion is way more laid-back. God left the Earth alone, after all, He isn't hovering around with spying on everyone and judging them.

They have a healthy respect for science, reason, and philosophy. They are relatively tolerant.

The hur-durr white butthurt we see is simply sour grapes for inheriting a cultural legacy of fairy tales, nonsense, and implicit abuse.

Whereas, the New-Testament thumping Christians mostly hold literalist views of Christianity. In terms of historicity, most of the atrocities were Christians vs. non-christians or christians vs. christians.

Who is smarter? Lets see... even the Jews didn't take this freak Jew Jesus seriously. And no intelligent person would. Christianity is not a religion for intelligent people. Look at white history. Fucking retarded.

>> No.6128807

>Jews are clearly the most intelligent people on Earth.

A matter of your opinion.

Your only backing for the Jewish intelligence myth is their over-representation in US academia. This is largely due in part, because Jews lobby the US for this over-representation.

>> No.6128809

You're a pig. I'd shoot you in the head before you got a chance for being an untermensch.

>> No.6128815

Nah. I am too quick.
Your arms would be shakin in fear as I ran towards you and before you pull the trigger I would grab your gun, shove it up your ass and pull till the trigger went click.

See. Now you went from just gettiing a beating to getting killed.
Good job.

>> No.6128816

Einstein plagiarized the theory of relativity too.


>> No.6128820

Stopped reading.

>> No.6128828

>Your only backing for the Jewish intelligence myth is their over-representation in US academia. This is largely due in part, because Jews lobby the US for this over-representation.

Supporting the motion that Jews are intelligent:
- They make up a large pecentage of the worlds wealthiest people
- ANY prize (Fields Medal, Nobel, Turing Award, Abel, etc.) in academia is awarded to jews roughly 20-40% of the time
- 50% of world chess champions
- They have genes which are known to correlate with high intelligence (the Tay-Sachs business)

>> No.6128831

References for the claims are at the bottom fo the page.

>> No.6128833

The answer appears to be yes:


>> No.6128837


Confirmed for lacking understanding.

>In terms of historicity, most of the atrocities were Christians vs. non-christians or christians vs. christians.
>Who is smarter? Lets see... even the Jews didn't take this freak Jew Jesus seriously. And no intelligent person would. Christianity is not a religion for intelligent people. Look at white history. Fucking retarded.

Never mind, confirmed for JIDF.

>> No.6128840



how /pol/tards will respond

>> No.6128841


>> No.6128844


Noice strawman m8

>> No.6128845 [DELETED] 
File: 814 KB, 900x3186, JesusNotJew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6128846

*Ashkenazi Jews.

Their IQ is like 108-115. Much higher than average.

Yes, they are smarter.
Flawed. Israel is 75% Jewish. The rest are mainly low IQ Arabs. Only slightly less than half of those Jews are Ashkenazi Jewish (although I suppose we can partially blame OP for saying Jews instead of Ashkenazi Jews). Ashkenazis are only like 37% of Israel.
>durr durr durr
Any citations?
Germany has an IQ of like 101. You're using outdated data.

>> No.6128852

>Meanwhile, rabbis were having loads of kids.
>It's probably bullshit, but it would be pretty lulzy if true.

Dude, whats the matter with realizing you're onto something? You need external validation because you don't can't into your own logic and reasoning?

>> No.6128854

>*Ashkenazi Jews.
>Their IQ is like 108-115. Much higher than average.

NONSENSE. There's absolutely no proof of that!

What you're quoting is some bullshit test made by a jеw.

>> No.6128857

The German IQ data isn't outdated it's specific to white Germanics.

The whole spectrum "101" is due to mainly low IQ Turks and other immigrants.

>> No.6128862

>850 nobel prizes

My old prof and I would always wait for economics nobel prize announcements and when we'd hear a non-jеw name, we'd both look at each other and say: how did he pass the jеw filter? Hehhe.

Look, it's widely known that jеwѕ like to collaborate with other jеwѕ. Look at the papers written by jеwѕ… there's 99% chance that if there's one jеw on that paper, the rest are jеwѕ as well. And jеwiѕh profs prefer taking on jеwiѕh grad students too. I've seen it. I could only get a position with a non-jеw because jеwiѕh profs only wanted jеwѕ as students.

Some jеw profs are even open about this discrimination: Look at this Stanford prof and his open racism against goyim:


>> No.6128864



Source: I have an IQ of 135

>> No.6128867

I come from a rural German background and mine was tested at age 8 to be 148.

>> No.6128868


After WWII, the proportion of Jewish Nobels has been multiplied by two.

There are two mutually exclusive explanations to this.


1) The Nobel Prize commitee was antisemitic before WWII.

2) Jews are awarding other Jews.

1) and 2) imply that the Nobels are subjective and do not depend on the quality of the scientific work produced, rather than on who has the power and who gives the awards

In other words, Jews are not smarter but they are the onew with the power

>> No.6128871

> /pol/ comes to /sci/, posts this thread, claims jidf did it

so we really are cancer now then huh

>> No.6128877
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quit trolling.

>> No.6128888


And yet even before WW2 they were winning a hugely disproportionate number of prizes, so even if you are right it still supports the hypothesis that Jews are naturally smarter.

Of course, those are not the only two possible explanations. There was a time when elite universities would actively discriminate against Jews and impose quotas for the maximum numbers allowed in, etc. As that stopped being the case, there would simply be more Jewish scientists in the running.

>> No.6128890
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Meritwise college Jews do better than White gentiles in American colleges. So I don't know what you're complaining about.


No, it isn't. 107 is based on old data from Buj, who had quite ridiculous results. According to his data, Italian IQ has a standard deviation of 34.

Richard Lynn's newest estimates put Germany at like 100. PISA-derived IQ's put native Germans at 105, with mean german IQ being 101.5.


>> No.6128894


So you agree niggers are dumber than every other race?

>> No.6128896

The amount of jewish nobel prizes grew proportionally to the amount of jewish influence on the media. Both skyrocketed after 1945. Also, Einstein was fucked in the butt by the proper German Philipp Lenard whose influence on modern technology is much higher than the useless mathematical construct of Einstein. It doesn´t surprise me that nobody knows of him, but everyone knows Goldstein Shekelberg´s name.

>> No.6128903


>And yet even before WW2 they were winning a hugely disproportionate number of prizes, so even if you are right it still supports the hypothesis that Jews are naturally smarter.

no it doesn't

it only proves that these prizes were subjective and still are subjective
>Of course, those are not the only two possible explanations. There was a time when elite universities would actively discriminate against Jews and impose quotas for the maximum numbers allowed in, etc. As that stopped being the case, there would simply be more Jewish scientists in the running.

this never existed, nice made up story

>> No.6128910


at last I truly see

>> No.6128916

Thanks for making his point

>> No.6128919


>Aryan Pysics


Pick one and theory of Relativity though not without it's critics was certainly not deposed by a mediocre scientist like Lenard. Bohr and Heizenberg on the other hand...

>> No.6128920


>tfw asians are outsmarting the "chosen ones"

lel looks likes Jews are not so special

>> No.6128923

There could be alot of Factors OP
0.22% of the world population being Jewish and winning 30% of Noble peace prices dosen't automatically mean they are smarter
First you have to define "Smarter"
Then you have to think does winning a nobel Peace prize really make someone Smarter? What is Smart There are many different kinds of smart OP Einstein even said that you Can't expect everyone to be a genius ( or we would all be Idiots ) Also a super high percentage of the 0.22 percent ( correlated into 100 percent ) could have won the Nobel peace prize compared to the 99.78 percent of non Jews who won the other 70 percent of the Nobel peace prizes just because one Percentage is higher in 1 aspect dosen't mean it makes that group better in all areas.
Also your equation dosen't make sense OP Because your first Ratio of Noble peace prizes is different then your 2nd Ratio of Noble peace prizes and you didn't specify the time frame for the 1st one like you did the 2nd one, You have to calculate it in together as a whole
If more people eat white eggs then brown eggs does that mean defaultly mean that people like white eggs more than brown eggs or could it be that there are more white eggs than brown eggs or maybe people havn't tried brown eggs and therefore don't know about the taste of them
Blacks make up 50% of the total prison Populations, but at the same time also have the highest percentages of Poverty does , There are more whites than blacks in the United States but about equal whites and blacks in American prisons ( not factoring in other racial groups ) and Whites generally have a better overall socioeconomic standing than Blacks this is not saying that blacks are anymore violent than whites in fact if it says anything it's that Whites commit more crimes than Blacks because of the Ratio of whites to blacks in the Public Populations

>> No.6128928

nobel prize is a nice festival made by jew's for jew's

>> No.6128934

>blatant denial, no argument

>> No.6128944

>So you agree niggers are dumber than every other race?

By the same criteria in which Ashkenazi Jews are smarter, sure. You can't have one without the other. I make no particular claims as the validity (or lack thereof) of those criteria, though.

>> No.6128948


Problem is that if you're asian, you're fucked because admission to top schools for asians is so low. You can be smarter than a jеw but jеw will get in because admissions officer is a jеw.

Incidentally, did anyone notice that ALMOST ALL of the Ivy League school presidents are jеwѕ???

>Of the twenty-four(24) senior administrators of the Ivy League colleges and universities, twenty(20) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 83%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior administrators of the Ivy League colleges and universities by a factor of 41.5 times(4,150 percent).

word press

>> No.6128950
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>this thread

>> No.6128951

it's pretty clear that you aren't smart

>> No.6128957
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>Believing IQ tests count for anything.

Why are you retards comparing IQ levels like they mean anything, IQ tests just count one's ability to solve practical problems. They in no way count someones intelligence since intelligence has so many varied components some which are even cultural. One cannot truly count intelligence and Nobel prizes award scientific inventions and innovations not how "smart" a scientists is. Fuck all of you for making me bump this shitty and cancerous /pol/ thread.

>> No.6128962

>Noice strawman m8

So you don't think they cheat? Then how do you explain it?

>> No.6128963



>> No.6128965


Dude give up and go back to your containment board, you are not convincing anyone with your obnoxious shit slinging.

>> No.6128976

Attention: if any of below applies to you, you are a wretched unemployable who has thus far failed to adjust to reality and unless your family can find a job for you to be shit at, you are fucked.

1) You have engaged in a debate on which race is genetically smarter.
2) Think IQ tests are a realistic basis for making conclusions about a whole racial group. (hint: that is not how science works)
3) Genuinely believe that your race is genetically superior to that of other races.
4) Intend to use the term "ashkenazi jew" in future conversations.

Final thought: anyone who has genuinely contributed to the human race and moved humanity forward through innovation, creativity, intelligence or empathy did not do it by debating "hurr which race is clevarest" and did not think afterwards "lol i just invented computer so my race is winrar".

Take it back to pol, you morons.

>> No.6128986

Why are you anti-Semitic? Do you deny that jеwѕ are smarter? If you deny it, you're an anti-Semite and no worse than Hitler!

>> No.6128991


Nigger please

>> No.6128994

>1) You have engaged in a debate on which race is genetically smarter.
A single race of people, 0.02% of global population, winning ~30% of Nobel Prizes in science is an interesting thing, though.
>2) Think IQ tests are a realistic basis for making conclusions about a whole racial group. (hint: that is not how science works)
The prediction that Jews should win more Nobel Prizes as per their high IQ seems to work out.
>3) Genuinely believe that your race is genetically superior to that of other races.
Most race realists today hold that Europeans are not superior to at least two other races, on average.
>4) Intend to use the term "ashkenazi jew" in future conversations.
Whats wrong with that?
>Final thought: anyone who has genuinely contributed to the human race and moved humanity forward through innovation, creativity, intelligence or empathy did not do it by debating "hurr which race is clevarest" and did not think afterwards "lol i just invented computer so my race is winrar".
No one is saying that.

>> No.6128997
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>> No.6129000


It's understandable that a race like the Jews have developed high intellect, as a merchant class. There are certainly groups that you can be suspicious of for faking IQ statistics en masse, such as the Chinese, but it would not be advantageous to Jews to fake IQ statistics. Really, the only reason for such a thing would be to brag, and bragging and acting arrogant is not traditionally conducive to their group's survival.

>> No.6129003

>Whats wrong with that?

>The goyim know!

>> No.6129005
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>> No.6129016

as a middle eastern race realist, most of us hold that middle easterners are superior to every other race, on average.

The prediction that middle easterners seem to give birth to the cradle of civilization seems to work out 1:0 middle east to everyone else.

>> No.6129019

>strong work ethic.

Yes sheckelstein, it's such hard work to exploit working poor families and college students.

>> No.6129022

Civilisation popped up in China and India quite independently of Mesopotamia.
Middle-Easterners never conquered the Chinks, either. Whilst Ghengis Khan thrashed you guys.

>> No.6129023

hee hee
1) You're cherry picking stats a bit. Better stats would be Jewish people as a percentage of Nobel winners from their respective countries. You're including billions of people from countries that never won anything and have very few Jewish people. They'd still be higher than average, reflecting a strong cultural emphasis on education and the fact that as a minority group they knew they had to work hard to make it.
2)see above
3) "Race realist"? Oh dear... No group is "genetically superior". What helps people achieve great intellectual advances is access to education, stable family life, peaceful school environment and lots of hard work. You may be a mutant freak smarter than any other human that ever lived, but if you are born in to a war torn, poverty-stricken or politically chaotic country, you may never get a chance to be more than the local smartass.
4) meh

>> No.6129025

Ironic, in my personal experience with jews (which is a lot) they are by far the dumbest people I know. They were not academically smart, they were not "street smart", they were not particularly good at problem solving or sports. They were actually pretty limited on their language use and did horrible on language tests.

Furthermore, the only thing they were actually good at was spending someone elses money (their dads) in alcohol, expensive cars and clothes.

Also. IQ tests mean nothing in the real world (nobody asks for IQ tests for jobs or academia positions) and if there is any explanation to the "facts" in the O it is that Jews invest more money on quality education because they HAVE the money to do so.

>> No.6129034


The Middle East has a history to be proud of.