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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6117795 No.6117795 [Reply] [Original]


Hello, this is my first time here. Please be kind!
I have a very specific story and request and I found nothing in the archives that could be of use.

When I was a kid my slight autism was obvious but not attended to. Instead of jumping up to higher classes I was told to sit and draw and wait for the others to catch up. This is how it generally works in the lower school years in Sweden. Any hint of elitism is frowned upon, even without any actual elitism practice taking place. My parent's didn't know the language well, and substantial discussion with the teachers and school board was out of question.
I was left to "grow on my own" since I didn't need any help and was "very intelligent".
This continued for six years. When I started my seventh grade in school everything went to hell. I woke up to a level of math I couldnt handle or comprehend, since I had been cut off from it for so many years.
This continued throughout middle school and highschool, and I'm still not free of the sense that mathematical reasoning is the enemy of my life.

Both me and my parents have avoided getting a diagnosis because no one in my family feels it will actually change something. I generally abhor and avoid people who prance around and proudly tell the world about their "severe autism" or aspie spectras, and I've never wanted to be categorized with them.

Up until two years ago, I though I was retarded. For the luls, I went and did a whole load of various IQ-tests under proper surveillance.
It was like a punch in the stomach to be told I had a very, very high IQ because I still can't do shit with it. It's a handicap.

>> No.6117798


The equivalent of SAT here in Sweden has impaired all my plans and immediate hopes. To get into the uni programme I've always dreamt of I need to score a certain amount of points on this Swedish SAT (Högskoleprovet). I have been a NEET for five years, devoted to this test. I have failed every time, but raised my score by .1 for every test. I can't give up now. I'm only .1 points away from the goal of my life.

What gets me is the part where I need to reason mathematically and use a great deal of fluid intelligence to solve multiple-choice questions. They can go like this:

Bob and his son George are practicing target shooting. George has 25 metres closer to the target board than Bob. Both of them fire their shots at the same time. Both of them hit the board but who hits the board first?

(1) Bob's bullet has a constant speed of 825 m/s.
(2) George's bullet has a constant speed of 610 m/s.

To solve this question, enough information is given in

A in (1) but not in (2)
B in (2) but not in (1)
C in both (1) and (2)
D in (1) and (2) separately
E in none of the two premises

>> No.6117802


In other words: A, B, C, D or E is the only correct answer.

So why am I reluctantly talking about my smarts? Well first, because I expect at least a few rude answers here (not very familiar with the antics of /sci/-tizens). Second, because I need solid recommendations on how to get out of my five-year nightmare. And not the kind that says "You need to simply practice from the standard issue mathematical course literature", because I obviously have done this without any results. I know the rules of math, the formulas and definitions and how to the derive the various high scool level theorems. Knowledge is not the issue - my issue is applying it and so far, I have found nothing to aid me on my own.

I am coming here to look for tips for training my brain where it lacks, what literature could help me fills the enormous gaps in my head, and I would also be very happy to find someone who can relate to my problems. Feel free to ask any complementary questions.

>> No.6117807

>patheticism blogging

>> No.6117809


Thanks, this really helps and is of value. Very predictive answer which doesn't even remotely relate to my post.

>> No.6117810

>The autism in this thread

>> No.6117808

>putting that much effort into disguising a middle school homework thread

Impressive, but you would of received faster replies by simply saying "Do my homowork, faggots".

>> No.6117814

Please leave /sci/ and never return.

>> No.6117813


Wow, /sci/ is even more cynical and elitistic than I expected.
I wouldn't rely my homework to people who miss the entire point.

>> No.6117818


There's no point. You're are an gullible.

>> No.6117819


You seem like a nice person. Thanks.

>> No.6117820
File: 36 KB, 493x342, retardalert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims to be "very intelligent"
>can't even solve a problem for 10 year olds

>> No.6117825

>I had a very, very high IQ
Don't think so. That, or maybe some shit like dyscalculia, even though it would've been spotted by the 'proper surveillance' you mentioned.

Also, what the fuck. How can you not notice the sticky?

>> No.6117830

Why? Because we care more about science and math than about the failure blog of a dropout?

>> No.6117831

OP, I was put into a similar situation.

You have 2 options.

Drive the mathematics into you over some months also learn higher mathematics so things like this appear trivial


Forget about it because nothing really matter nor does you IQ.

Last year I created a hypothesis that unified quantum mechanics and general relativity. Everyone will laugh at me without refutations even if formalized because the scientific community doesn't think objectively and even if they did, it could be dangerous in some way and I wouldn't want to cause another Hiroshima. I realize it may be wrong though of course.

>> No.6117840
File: 27 KB, 500x281, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last year I created a hypothesis that unified quantum mechanics and general relativity.

>> No.6117839
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>> No.6117846

Into the filter he goes!

>> No.6117881

Have you solved it in one minute? It's a time limit given for each question on the tests.

How can you fail to interpret the intention of my post, even as it's blatantly written?

I had a similar idea, doing something really really hard to "get used" to being fucked. I tried it and it resulted in more inability and confusion.

>> No.6117887

>Have you solved it in one minute?

Are you retarded? The answer is instantly obvious upon readin the question. It literally requires no calculation or thinking at all.

>> No.6117985


Mind telling me the correct anwer? Please elaborate on it.

>> No.6118124

Is the problem you posed actually something you find difficult? I find it hard to believe that you can 'derive the standard high school formulas' but can't solve this problem instantaneously.

>> No.6118127

Is this a damned joke? You need both pieces of information. I think that was D, can't be bothered checking.

This is like... So trivial that I can't begin to imagine how an animal which shares any significant portion of my DNA could actually have to engage with the problem to solve it. If pigs could talk they would solve this instantaneously.

>> No.6118149

This OP should be used as a copypasta for every middle school/high school homework thread.

>> No.6118306


I suggest you read the question carefully and ponder about why your answer (D) is wrong. You are so smart, I guess you can analyze yourself som completely that you transcend all problems.

Still missing the point.

And for the rest of you who still think this is a homework thread, please feel free to take a look at the website of this test. There's an English version and it's called "Högskoleprovet". I would be happy if you took the sample test there and posted a screen of your results.
Moving on.

>> No.6118317


I find it difficult, yes. Because I have only one minute to answer the question and because I can't apply my maths to "new" problems for shit.
How long did it take for you to get the answer and did you get it right? Show me why you think you are right.

>> No.6118318

I seriously hope you're trolling. How can you fail at something every preteen is supposed to see instantly?

>> No.6118321

You don't even need any math to solve it. Just read the fucking question. Seriously, I hope you're just pretending.

>> No.6118333


I'm not pretending. If you had read my post you would understand that in all these questions, you always get a question and two statements. You can't answer the question without any of the statements.
Also, mind telling me what you think the right answer is? Otherwise I'm simply going to assume you don't know and avoid the real topic to place yourself above others.

>> No.6118339


And yes, in some ways you don't need math. Once again, read my post. What you need is a mathematical REASONING, which is NOT equal to static knowledge of Pythagoras or derivation rules.

>> No.6118341

I'm not going to do your homework. Try harder, retard.

>> No.6118348


Then please liberate my thread from your unsubstantial presence. You haven't contributed anything, and also not gotten the point. Go watch some more Big Bang Theory and resume your fapping.

>> No.6118355

No, you please leave. Homework threads are not allowed here and if you fail at such a low level, you should just drop out.

>> No.6118366


>> No.6118374

Obviously you should ignore this retard^

>> No.6118380

You literally have to just read through the question and the answers to choose C.

Don't you have proper math exams in Sweden? In Finland we do this kind of exam at the end of high school: http://oppiminen.yle.fi/sites/oppiminen.yle.fi/files/yo-kokeet/k_2013_matematiikka_pitka.pdf
And similar ones for English, Finnish, and at least one "reaali" (physics, chemistry, philosophy, psychology, biology, history, religion, etc.)

>> No.6118381

>Last year I created a hypothesis that unified quantum mechanics and general relativity
my god man, and you arent posting it in this thread?

do you hate science?

>> No.6118383

I seriously can't tell whether you are trolling or full retard.

>> No.6118410

please provide it then
>inb4 muh credit

>> No.6118424


I'm sorry to say your perfectly mathematical godlike Finnish answer is wrong. It's E. Now go fuck yourself you elitist and leave this thread to people who can give me literature suggestions.

>> No.6118430


Thanks. I hope this thread can result in anything better than them anons.

>> No.6118443

dude, to determine who reaches a point first you need both their initial positions and their velocities
if you had the velocity of only one, you can always conceive a velocity of the other that he finished first or second (e.g. 0 or a million)
so you need to consider both their speeds
but I don't get if that is either C or D, it is poorly phrased

>> No.6118502

it would be c if either 1 or 2 was enough. As you said, you need the initial position in relation to the target, which is not given to us. its E

>> No.6118514
File: 20 KB, 400x320, tumblr_lnvvueuSsj1qcj56b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone acting like total assholes
>everyone acting all mighty
>we have to wait till >>6118424 for the right answer

>> No.6118525

Good job. Finally someone solved your homework, OP. Can you please stop bumping your retarded thread now?

>> No.6118537

Mate I am reading myself on this board. Did you hit left back side your head when you were a toddler?

>> No.6118561
File: 488 KB, 636x686, 1339148925102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not op

>> No.6118562


Actually yes. My dad dropped me.

Glad to se that this is getting a bit more serious with people elaborating on why it actually is E. This was one of many questions, but still: I'll be here until someone starts talking about the brain and how it thinks mathematically, so that I can find good books, good practices and stop being retarded.

>> No.6118576

>Is this a damned joke
Right back at you

>> No.6118581

Your post conveys no information and the picture has nothing to do with science, math or the topic of this thread. What makes you think it was worth posting?

>> No.6118595

yep, you never know if there's enough distance for Bob to pass George

>> No.6118598

Actually you're wrong in both your claims. First of all, if hadn't said anything, poor OP would have definitely been seen as a shameless self-bumper, secondly you clearly don't know shit (http://nichijou.wikia.com/wiki/Hakase).).

>> No.6118604

>First of all, if hadn't said anything, poor OP would have definitely been seen as a shameless self-bumper
He has been bumping his shit thread all day long.

>secondly you clearly don't know shit
An insult is not an argument. I will not follow your link, because it clearly isn't a peer reviewed academic source.