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File: 120 KB, 633x388, corina saebels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6114288 No.6114288 [Reply] [Original]

I love this show. They actually take interesting UFO cases (as opposed to cases which are obviously bullshit) and present them in a sensible way.

Watch this episode and explain what happened to the woman without calling her a liar or a nutjob.


>> No.6114348

Please, this is not /x/, stop posting these kinds of stuff here

>> No.6114354


have you watched it
or is the word "alien" enough for you dismiss something?
because that wouldn't be a scientific approach at all

>> No.6114392


This is /sci/, not /x/. Take this somewhere else.

>> No.6114395

define science

>> No.6114453

A disciplined way to study the natural world using the scientific method.

I can't explain therefore aliums/magic/god/ghosts/devil is not science.

>> No.6114458

>I can't explain therefore aliums/magic/god/ghosts/devil is not science.

last time I checked there were no instances of magic/god/ghosts/devil appearing on radar

there are however instances of people seeing UFOs that appeared on radar as well

>> No.6114466
File: 35 KB, 300x396, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ufo means that you don't know what it is but you use as it means extraterrestrial spaceship.

UFOs are not evidence of aliens.

Also, here is a ghost radar

>> No.6114511

>Also, here is a ghost radar

have you even bothered to watch the video
I would guess: no
because you already know the answer, right?
people who claim to have been abducted are idiots

the media says so, it must be true

>> No.6114526

There are many kinds of phenomena that can explain rationally abductions/visits from sobrenatural beings. Have you ever heard of sleep paralysis? It matches a lot with many abduction/visits relates. I myself had one of these experiences when I was a kid.

It was at morning and I saw two strange creatures come in the room. I panicked and tried to move but I was paralyzed, I tried to scream calling my parents but nobody could hear me even if they were pretty close. The experience is identical to many of relates except that I was a small kid and wasn't much familiar with the malnourished pale guys with big heads so the creature I saw were like a stuffed turtle on a roller skate.

>> No.6114529

As someone who has seen the same type of ufo twice, I disagree with the claims that it is aliens. If anything I think it is most likely covert aircrafts the government is testing. I mean the technology isn't that impressive. People are all shitting bricks saying stuff like "how do you explain why it messes with our electronics?" Has nobody ever heard of EMP? I mean for crying out loud it's even in vidya games.

Also I think any "found" aliens (which are usually found dead) are some kind of GMO or something along those lines. Unless they are staged, like so many are.

>> No.6114563

watch the video
report back with that theory

>> No.6114574

When did you stopped believing in Santa Claus?

If you were to ask me when I stopped believing that the old man wearing the red costume was Santa, then I can confidently say: I have never believed in Santa, ever. I knew that the Santa who appeared at my preschool Christmas party was a fraud, and now that I think about it, every one of my classmates shared the same look of disbelief watching our teacher pretend to be Santa. Although I had never seen mommy kissing Santa Claus, I was already wise enough to be suspicious about the existence of an old man who worked only on Christmas Eve.
However, it took me quite a bit longer to realize that the aliens, time-travelers, ghosts, monsters and espers in those effects-filled 'good guys versus evil organization' cartoons didn't actually exist either. No, wait, I probably did realize, I just didn't want to admit it. Deep inside my heart I still wanted those aliens, time-travelers, ghosts, monsters, espers and evil organizations to suddenly appear. Compared to this boring, normal life of mine, the world of those flashy shows was much more exciting; I wanted to live in that world too!
I wanted to be the one who saved the girl kidnapped by aliens and imprisoned in a bowl-like fortress. I wanted to be the one who used my courage, intelligence and trusty laser gun to fight against villains from the future trying to change history for their own gain. I wanted to be someone who could banish demons and monsters with a single spell, battle against mutants or psychics from evil organizations, and engage in telepathic fights!

>> No.6114576

But wait, calm down. If I really were ever attacked by aliens or whatever, how could I ever possibly fight against them? I don't even have any special powers!
Well then, how about this: one day, a mysterious new student transfers to my class. Except he's really an alien or from the future, and he has telepathic abilities. When he gets into a fight with the bad guys, all I need to do is find a way to get involved in his war. He'll handle all the fighting and I can just be his flunky sidekick. Oh my god, this is great, I am so clever!
Or maybe, if that doesn't work, how about this: one day, a mysterious power inside me awakens, something like a telekinetic or psychic ability. I discover that a lot of other people in this world also have similar powers, and then some sort of paranormal society recruits me. I'll become part of this organization and protect the world against evil mutants.
Unfortunately, reality is surprisingly cruel... No one got transferred to my class. I've never seen a UFO. When I went to places that were rumored to be haunted, nothing showed up. Two hours of intense staring didn't make my pencil move a single millimeter, and glaring at my classmate's head didn't reveal his thoughts to me either. I couldn't help but get depressed at how normal the laws of physics were. I began to stop watching for UFOs and paying attention to paranormal TV shows because I finally convinced myself it was impossible. I even reached a point where I only had a sense of nostalgia for those things.
After junior high, I completely grew out of that fantasy world and became utterly grounded in reality. Nothing happened in 1999, even though I kept hoping, just a bit, that something would; mankind hadn't returned to the moon or gone beyond it. I suppose, from the way things are looking, that I'll be long dead before you can book a round trip from Earth to Alpha Centauri.
With those sorts of pedestrian thoughts in my mind, I became a normal, carefree senior high student

>> No.6114587



watch the video
I'm not interested in your ramblings unless you have something to say on topic

>> No.6114598


Read the post
I'm not interested in another alium relate video unless it is one of the old ones from the times when the grey aliens weren't popular and people described aliens as hairy with metallic clothes and ray guns. Old school aliums are the most interesting aliens

>> No.6114600

I just watched it. Also decided to look into it some. Corina Saebels has written a book on this so there's some possible ulterior motive.


Beyond that the video only contains a couple references to the UFO reporting office people. The rest is personal opinion.

>> No.6114952

I experienced sleep paralysis twice so far, and the second time i hallucinated an alien.
The strange thing is that weeks later I awoke with strange marks on my arms.
Still creeps me out a bit because I have no idea where they come from, they were fairly large and deep and I had them on both arms(2 on each) in the same spot. They even left scars.

>> No.6115024

I for one welcome our new stuffed turtle overlords.

>> No.6115029

I'm a pretty normal dude but I used to sleep in the basement at my parents house.

On dark and stormy nights a guy would come downstairs and start talking to me. I'm not joking. I'm not saying it was a ghost but there was a fucking guy coming down the stairs at night and speaking to me, in my room.

I'm not crazy, my sister herd it too.

I'm not saying it had to be a ghost but I don't know what else I'd call it.

So what the fuck. I'm no different from any of you; but I know what I've seen and heard and people will call me crazy if I tell them.

I know the dark and stormy nights part seems cliche but that's really when it always happened, usually during the summer right after it rained.

>> No.6115031

I also experienced sleep paralysis maybe every others night... You kinda get use to it. I guess. Problem was that every time I see things and they just seem so real. But they never really do anything harmful to me. Well I never really talk much about these things because I don't want people to think I am crazy. Last week I had to have an MRI done on my back to see if I had a herniated disk. My doctors asking me what this thing was if I had eaten something like in the shape of a point with balls around it. Well I told the doctor no.. Not that I could remember. So I needed to have surgery and after they opened me up they found something odd they said well I asked what was it? To my surprise it was a 13 inch dildo nigga dem aliens been shoving shit up my ass for year yo. pls tell me how make dem stop.

>> No.6115036

I've experienced a lot of sleep paralysis and night terrors that cross over to nightmares. The craziest one's would have to be the nights when I think I have just woke up, only to find that I am pinned down on my stomach as something is being inserted in and out of my ass. I'm not trolling or lying either, this feels like something is raping my ass.

Can anyone relate?

>> No.6115039
File: 7 KB, 195x258, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes constantly happens to me also! Get an xray done this was what was in my ass.

>> No.6115041

Well I don't think it's an object. It goes in and out quite rhythmically. Something is raping me, and I hope I don't get Alien herpes.

>> No.6115075


>> No.6115211

>We have no clue what is happening to the woman in in video.
>Let's not think about it and talk about sleep paralysis instead.

>> No.6115213

* in the video

>> No.6115271

>present them in a sensible way.
>tendentious music and imagery

at least you didn't say unbiased, I guess.

>> No.6115277

It's a TV show you retard.

Even Cosmos by Carl Sagan had "tendentious music and imagery"

What did you expect? A dude in front of a PowerPoint presentation talking for 45 minutes? That's not how TV works. Even documentaries on hard science look like a freaking first person shooter nowadays.

>> No.6115289

>It's a TV show you retard.
so, there's no point of discussing it, since it's a show with highly dubious information, retard.

>Even Cosmos by Carl Sagan had "tendentious music and imagery"
This matters why? One show is about hearsay, the other is about established science.

>What did you expect? A dude in front of a PowerPoint presentation talking for 45 minutes? That's not how TV works. Even documentaries on hard science look like a freaking first person shooter nowadays.
Just go back to watching "history" on your "History Channel".

Americans in a nutshell.

>> No.6115295

well, you attacked the way how they presented the information

don't get all pissy if someone call you out on your bullshit

>> No.6115299

my bullshit? AHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.6115302

>so, there's no point of discussing it, since it's a show with highly dubious information, retard.

so you only discuss well established things?
enjoy never looking outside of your little box then

Einstein's work was highly dubious at some point in time as well - and retards like yourself probably dismissed it outright until the general consensus reached the point that Einstein was to be trusted

>> No.6115307

do you have anything else than hearsay and ad hominems up your sleeve?

Also, leave Einstein alone, he suffers enough from ignorants using his quotes to feel smart on facebook.

>> No.6115311

>or is the word "alien" enough for you dismiss something?

Not him, but in fact it is. Apply Hitchens' razor.

>> No.6115324

>Hitchens' razor
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

What evidence do you have that Columbus reached America on 12 October 1492? Apart from his account on this - and thus hearsay?

You don't go and doubt that publicly, do you?
Admit it, you just believe what most other people believe, without even thinking about it.

So if someone mentions Aliens, you go directly into "let's ridicule this" mode. Well done. The media did their job apparently.

>> No.6115330
File: 928 KB, 1080x1080, UltraDeep1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intelligent life forms apart from the humans are pretty unlikely, right guys, right?

<-- pic related
Hubble Ultra Deep Field

>> No.6115332


>> No.6115337


Columbus actually reached some Carribean Island on that date. And there are Spanish speaking people in Puerto Rico.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

HUGE spaceship hovering. She 'disappeared'.

or, she's delusional and/or lying?

which is more probable?

>> No.6115338

>implying god and aliens have the same level of evidence behind them at this point

If it makes you sleep better at night, go ahead. Believe that extraterrestrial biological life forms are about as likely as a supernatural creator of the universe.

>> No.6115340

missing the point 101

>> No.6115341

Have you watched the whole video?

It's not like this is the only thing that happened.
If that had been all, I would happily disregard her story as well.

>> No.6115365
File: 23 KB, 349x318, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really depressing how history channel, discovery and tlc aim towards the lowest common denominators (not surprisingly, they all belong to the same company.)

I especially hate TLC, since they are just exploitative of sick or strange people, fuck them.

At least history has pawn stars, but just wait for the alien crossover with it.

>> No.6115374

>I especially hate TLC

Come on, man, thin layer chromatography is annoying but it's a necessary evil

>> No.6115375

How many credible scientists do you know, who investigated the UFO phenomenon on a large scale?

I'm aware of exactly one: J. Allen Hynek

Quite interesting to see the conclusions he arrived at.

But I guess you guys are better informed than he was.

>> No.6115405

Are you serious? I was sort of with you until "But I guess you guys are better informed than he was." And what about Hynek? He became more open minded about UFO reports, and disagreed with the way UFO reports were casually dismissed, and the way many debunkers would insist on a known explanation when it wasn't really that obvious. He never said it was aliens, never concluded it was aliens, and even said himself that extra terrestrial explanations for UFO phenomena are most likely incorrect.

Somehow that excuses the pathetic circus that is the modern History Channel, which uncritically airs shows that CANT WAIT to tell you how aliens are the only explanation for "weird stuff". They're just like the closed-minded debunkers Hynek opposed, just from the other side.

>> No.6115418


Clearly these aliens are up to no good. The only rational thing to do is ignore them.

>> No.6115422

If they are so credible then why are they on the history channel instead of publishing their findings on research papers and scientific papers?

>> No.6115438

Use to watch hitler kill the jews 24/7 on the H channel god I miss those days

>> No.6115877

>ugly nigger watches the xfiles.

>makes up bullshit stories based on ideas she got from xfiles to get attention.

>> No.6115897

>>makes up bullshit stories based on ideas she got from xfiles to get attention.

05:50 - 06:20
try again

>> No.6115958


36:30 - 37:30

>> No.6115965


Not a shred of evidence.

>> No.6115990


>The first alien craft that Mulder spots in the X-files matches her exact description. It turns out to be a military experimental craft. Which is probably what they saw.

>A major plot of the x-files involves aliens impregnating women to create a hybrid human race to infiltrate all world governments and prepare the world for an alien arrival and colonization.

So yeah it still reeks of bullshit.

>> No.6116001

You never had evidence of the NSA monitoring the internet to the extent that they really do ... until Snowden.

You might have noticed that the Aliens (or whatever they are) are trying to keep their operations secret as well.

>> No.6116011

So by proxy we have to believe every hypothesis because we didn't have any evidence on the NSA spying? What?

>> No.6116013

>implying the X-Files writers never read reports of abductees
>implying MUFON wasn't founded 1969 (25 years before X-Files started to air)
>implying there wasn't a shitton of reports by then, which is really what inspired the X-Files in the first place

>> No.6116040

Jesus fuck. My dad described something like this happening exactly in the 70's when he was star gazing in Idaho.

>> No.6116051

Well, not the missing time thing, but the dark craft outlined by missing stars.

>> No.6116055
File: 472 KB, 275x156, WE HAVE TO GO BACK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>we have to go back kate!

>> No.6116078


Missing time is also part of the X-files plot, happened during alien encounters.

>> No.6116179

dude, you are running in circles
the alien subplot of X-Files is based on real life stories told by abductees


>> No.6116661
File: 17 KB, 247x204, 098890730983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the X-Files is based on true stories.

That's why it's bullshit, unless your really stupid enough to believe beings with interstellar and dimensional space travel technology have been secretly experimenting on humans for decades so they can take over the world.

If you have that kind of technology, you can take down the entire military of the world in a matter minutes.

>> No.6116833

In fact, anything as advanced as that would be omnipotent compared to us. We, with our primitive technology can see inside bodies, check their temperature and even what parts of the brain are active without touching them. Anything that can travel faster than light or through dimensions would be infinitely more advanced than us, if they want to look exactly like us they could do it, if they wanted to kill all us, they could do it, if they wanted to teleport, they could do it. Invisibility, teleportation, reality warping, probably anything you can think of would be as simple as walking is to you.

But instead they make ships decorated with christmas lights and drunk drive them, run around naked and fuck people in the ass.

Seriously, you guys have no idea how absurdly advanced their technology needs to be to be able to travel faster than light.

>> No.6117747

>If you have that kind of technology, you can take down the entire military of the world in a matter minutes.

Who told you that they want to take over the world? I can't remember that the woman in the video said something specific about the goals of the aliens, did she? She has no clue.

And I never said that X-Files is 100% real (down to the retarded black oil crap, and the green goo bounty hunters). But the X-Files writers certainly read abduction reports and modeled the abductions in the series around them.

>> No.6117755

>Seriously, you guys have no idea how absurdly advanced their technology needs to be to be able to travel faster than light.

Advanced enough to hide from us successfully even though they come out occasionaly to perform some experiments?

>> No.6117761

This isn't science or math. This belongs in /x/ regardless whether it's true or not.

>> No.6117790

>regardless whether it's true or not

Nice attitude!

So even if something is true it doesn't deserve to be dealt with scientifically, unless it is widely acknowledged as science?

If something is true it is automatically not paranormal anymore. It is normal. That doesn't mean that we understand it completely, but it is still in the realm of reality.

>> No.6117800

This isn't science or math. If you want to post on /sci/, talk about anti gravity or something not just "hurr durr look at video about alans!!!!"

>> No.6117815

>If you want to post on /sci/, talk about anti gravity
good one

>> No.6117822

It's /sci/ related though. Not the best topic I'll admit but it's alien related and related to physics.

>> No.6117834

>talk about anti gravity or something

Well, THAT would be a waste of time. But you are welcome to start a thread about anti-gravity if you want.

I'm here to talk about what is presented in the video. And I have yet to hear a plausible explanation for what is described there.

Funny isn't it, that the UFO debunkers always pick the cases which are easiest to explain away. Like Neil DeGrass Tyson making fun of some police officer who chased Venus in his car, because he thought it was a UFO.

I'd like to hear Tyson's comments on this case. But I guess he is smart enough to know when to shut up (at least in front of a camera).

>> No.6117938

This is quite possibly the most intelligent sounding fucking retard I think I've ever seen.

Seriously, I can't decide on whether to be impressed by his ability sound like he knows what he's talking about, or his complete and utter lack of knowledge with a heaping side of smug.

Go to bed kiddo. The adults will keep the night-light on for you in case somebody intends to shove dildos up your ass while you sleep.

>> No.6118002

So if it isn't bullshit, then why are these people on history channel(AKA, part of the trio of channels that started showing shitty shows to improve ratings, TLC, Discovery, etc..)

>> No.6118023

which is more probable
a. the woman is delusional
b. OP is delusional
c. all of the above
But seriously, OP, you're embarrassingly insane if you think that the media is somehow involved with our perception of aliens and such. I mean, what you posted is clearly media, designed by delusional retards for delusional retards.

>> No.6118101

>the woman is delusional

if she is delusional, explain the numerous UFO sightings in her area, when ever she has "visitors"

>> No.6118204 [DELETED] 
File: 371 KB, 600x1024, IMG_00000002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Humans and other species residing on earth. Some of you don't believe on life on other planets, some of you are also mentally disabled, (not mutually exclusive) yet the facts point towards certainty of life on other planets: Drakes Equation

To those of you who only believe in a classically conditioned notion of purely tangible existential reality, we have special probes for you.

You humans are but the animals we keep in cages, 'till your rotting carcass lines our colons.

PS. Wake the fuck up Neo.

>> No.6118221

I think you missed >>/x/

>> No.6118295

>Drakes Equation [sic]
So, how many stars are there?
What is the chance that a star develops planets?
What is the chance that a planet evolves life?
What is the chance that that life is intelligent?

Most of those questions currently don't have an answer. Maybe they never will. This means that Drake's Equation is, for all intents and purposes, useless.

>> No.6118308

>This means that Drake's Equation is, for all intents and purposes, useless.

I was going to write this as well. But I guess it is a uselful picture for people who don't realize how big the universe is.

Drake's Equation is pretty much a sophisticated way of saying: there are so many stars out there that the probability of extraterrestrial life is practically 1 (100%).

And Drake's Equation works with our galaxy only. If you consider that there are several hundred billions galaxies out there ... well ...

>> No.6118309

>there are so many stars out there that the probability of extraterrestrial life is practically 1 (100%).

But that's wrong. Did you really fail to understand probability theory even at elementary school level?

>> No.6118312

That's not how probability works. Please go away and stop spreading ignorance.

>> No.6118329

>Drake's Equation is pretty much a sophisticated way of saying: there are so many stars out there that the probability of extraterrestrial life is practically 1 (100%).
Still, we don't know what the chance is of intelligent life developing. It might be one in a million or it might be one in 10^18. Heck, I believe that we're just figuring out how common (or uncommon) actual planets are.

I'm not saying it's totally impossible that extraterrestial life exists (or has existed in the last 14 billion years). I'm only saying that the only correct answer with our current understanding is "I dunno."

>> No.6118344

>what happened to her?
She had a seizure, forgot the time, felt asleep, took a short nap.

There are so many explanation that doesn't imply alien species or interstellar travel, it's not rational to jump to that conclusion.

>> No.6118361

There are practically none UFO abduction reports outside of the US and western Europe.

It's a human thing to come up with bullshit explanations but apparently it's a western thing to come up with aliens as the answer (unless you qualify ghosts/gods as an alien).

>> No.6118360

>But that's wrong. Did you really fail to understand probability theory even at elementary school level?

There are about 100 billion stars just in our galaxy.
That's 100000000000
There are several hundered billion galaxies in the observable universe. You do the math.

Unless live on earth is a freaking Jehova induced miracle, there is life somewhere else. The laws of nature work everywhere in the same way. We are not some special snowflake.

>> No.6118363


see this post:

>> No.6118367

You realize that the most pessimistic interpretation of the parameters in drakes equation imply that extraterrestial life in the universe is extremely unlikely, right?

You're using the most optimistic interpretation and naturally you're then going to come to the conclusion that extraterrestial life is overwhelmingly probable.

>> No.6118371

Some atmospheric/physical phenomenon happened and had multiple observers, she's the only one that couldn't account for 45 minutes which might imply she just fell asleep.

You don't realize how stupid it is to draw aliens and all their implications in something as simple as this, it makes your hypothesis extremely unlikely.

>> No.6118372

How fucking dumb are you? Do you really believe that every probability distribution has to be Laplacian? I cannot imagine how low your IQ has to be. Literally every 10 year old with a functioning brain knows of probability spaces with non-Laplacian distributions. Please go be mentally retarded somewhere else.

>> No.6118379




>> No.6118392

She probably has some form of latent epilepsy or narcolepsy.

It would explain the missing time she experienced as both a child and an adult, she's just having seizures.

The observations in the sky is likely some just phenomenon, humans have been giving weird explanations for those for a long time (polar light for instance) while they have always turned out to be mundane physical processes.

Beyond that why would a species that's advanced enough to do interstellar travel, human abduction and experimentation that also apparently have an interest in remaining hidden reveal themselves to some regular observers down on the ground?

Wouldn't it be more likely for them to have advanced stealth technology?

Besides in the episode they imply that the aliens are capable of manipulating the brain in such a manner that people can forget time spent, why wouldn't they just do that to all the observers then nobody would've noticed anything?

>> No.6118397

>There are practically none UFO abduction reports outside of the US and western Europe.

At least google for a second before you claim stuff


>> No.6118395

Don't bother trying to discuss UFOs on sci. They act like babies.

>> No.6118439
File: 19 KB, 640x480, NAMALL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize that one case is still practically none compared to the number of sightings in the West, right?

Saying that I have not "googled" before I make "claims" is a bad way of trying to discredit me, I'm citing well known statistical data of UFO sightings worldwide.

For a phenomenon that supposedly involves aliens that should not know or care about the nations of the world the distribution of UFO sighthings are surprisingly dependent on geography, not to mention the extremely strong correlation of meteor activity with UFO sightings.

At least you have to explain why the aliens are so extremely interested in people living on the east coast of the united states, the south of the united kingdom and people living on the coast of France.

>> No.6118456
File: 21 KB, 640x480, EURALLMP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the map for Europe.

It's interesting to note that the Aliens are very interested in the UK and France but not at all in Germany, despite being very close geographically, socioeconomically and culturally.

>> No.6118457

>Besides in the episode they imply that the aliens are capable of manipulating the brain in such a manner that people can forget time spent, why wouldn't they just do that to all the observers then nobody would've noticed anything?

How do you know that the few people who can remember something coherently, aren't like 0.01% of all people abducted?

Every method of influencing a person (every medicine for example) works do different degrees with different persons.

>> No.6118464


I never claimed that ALL reports are truthful, did I?

Yes, I agree. There are probably much more people in the USA and West Europe who are faking this.

95% of UFO cases are bullshit. So what? Even if a single case is true, that would be enough.

>> No.6118468
File: 15 KB, 640x480, ASIAPAC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the map for the Asia Pacific region.

Note the lack of interest the aliens have in China and India, the worlds two most populous countries while being extremely interested in the gold coast of Australia and overwhelmingly interested in New Zealand.

>> No.6118478

>95% of UFO cases are bullshit. So what? Even if a single case is true, that would be enough.
Note that despite the number of "UFO cases" as you put it not a single one has been proven to be correct.

It's just an overwhelmingly unlikely hypothesis, because it implies so incredibly much, at least some of the indicators of the theory should've been confirmed with such a large number of sightings and experiences.

This is just a modern version of blaming things on ghosts and monsters like in the medieval times.

>> No.6118487


Or maybe, just maybe, the countries which appear to be visited more often just have a better organisated system of reporting UFOs.

Those aren't maps of UFO appearances, those are maps of UFO reports, am I right?

>> No.6118493

>better organisated
*better organized

>> No.6118511

The infrastructure in Germany, Norway, Sweden and Denmark is the same as in France and the UK. I would imagine that the infrastructure in Canada is similar to the US as well.

India is very well connected to the rest of the world through the telecom industry and is the worlds second most populous country.

>> No.6118518

The strongest position I can see you take is that the aliens were interpreted as gods in ancient times, monsters and ghosts in medieval times and actual aliens in the west today.

>> No.6118528

It's not about the general infrastructure. It's about even having some established organization which is well known and would even take UFO reports.

Because most of the people won't really run to the local newspaper and destroy their life, by reporting something like this.

It also might have something to do with how conformist the people are generally in different countries.

>> No.6118532

We're now into behaviorial science, again this isn't a field of science that requires any aliens.

>> No.6118567

>We're now into behaviorial science, again this isn't a field of science that requires any aliens.

be it as it may, you can't explain what happened to the woman beyond "she is crazy and somehow people are seeing UFOs in her area, whenever she has her attacks of crazyness"

>> No.6118582

And yet I still have less to explain than you do if you decide to imply aliens with an interest in experimenting with humans.

>> No.6118586

why is it so unimaginable that aliens would do experiments with humans?

ecpecially considering that we have no clue about the goals of these aliens

>> No.6118624

You're not getting what I'm saying.

Only assuming that aliens exist without a shred of evidence towards their existence makes your hypothesis extremely unlikely.

Now you add that the aliens have intentions, and that one of these intentions is to experiment on humans. With this intention and presumably cooperation between the different aliens unless one alien is capable of creating and operating the spaceship for interstellar travel and decide to do and go through with human experimentation you also assume that the Aliens have a social structure, and that a consensus has formed to experiment on humans. The aliens then also have decided to remain hidden to us, yet apparently decide to appear to certain middle aged women, and then only reveal themselves in certain geographical locations that correlates to certain nations apparently ignoring socioeconomic factors, population density, population number etcetera.

All of these assumptions (multiplicatively) make your hypothesis less likely, not to mention that all of these assumptions then recursively add implications that also make your hypothesis even less likely.

You then also make assumptions about the aliens technological level, that they're either capable of interestellar travel or they're living close to home (which I assume even you find unlikely), that they're capable of brain alteration in a way to make humans forget time (yet only to certain people and only in certain geographical locations).

Contrast this to a woman who might suffer from mild epilepsy, seizures might cause loss of memory and might cause her to experience weird sensory phenomena. It has also been well recorded that people make up things that "become real memories" afterwards, which among other things contributes to the unreliability of eye witness reports (of healthy, non alien abducted people).

The latter hypothesis is not only a lot more likely than the former, it has happened before and doesn't require any aliens to exist.

>> No.6118644

>The latter hypothesis is not only a lot more likely than the former, it has happened before and doesn't require any aliens to exist.

I guess if you are hell-bent to assume that there are no aliens, there is no way to convince you.

Even if we had some massive alien fleet flying over the whole planet, you could always argue that humanity is experiencing some new kind of mass halucination.

>> No.6118648


Watch someone who know what they're talking about instead.

>> No.6118654

I'm neutral towards the existence of aliens specifically because of the lack of evidence.

Epilepsy does exist however, which is why I find it a more reasonable explanantion than aliens.

>> No.6118663

I can confirm everything this man has said as I too have connection with high level intelligence officers.

>> No.6118668

>Watch someone who know what they're talking about instead.

OP here.
While Steven Greer might say some things which could be factually true, this should be considered an accident.

He is con artist basically. He makes some serious dollars by doing what he does.

>> No.6118673

That's Dr. Steven Greer to you.

>> No.6118680

I guess somebody like John E. Mack would know the difference. Being a Harvard professor of psychiatry.


>> No.6118687

Gentle reminder that excessive trolling is a bannable and reportable offense.

>> No.6118698

>Here, watch this 50 minute youtube video, without me even telling you what it's about.
No. No no no no no no no. Give me a short summary, give thebmain arguments presented in the video, at least tell me what I can expect.

In fact, don't give me any youtube links in lieu of an actual argument.

>> No.6118708

But he has connections to high level intelligence officials.

>> No.6118713


How much work is it really to google a name?

The topic is well ... surprise: Abductions!

>> No.6118724

Epilepsy isn't a mental illness, it's actually quite offensive to state so.

>> No.6118731

>How much work is it really to google a name?
Not much, but if your argument consists of 'watch this movie, google these names,' how much work should I actually do to find out what YOUR stance on something is?

>> No.6118742


you basically said that abductees are not right in the head
I provide a video about a Harvard professor of psychiatry who took abductees seriously and did some research on this.

What's the difficulty here?

>> No.6118760

>you basically said that abductees are not right in the head
>I provide a video about a Harvard professor of psychiatry who's not right in the head

>> No.6118787

>>I provide a video about a Harvard professor of psychiatry who's not right in the head

Yeah, I'm sure there are Harvard professors of mathematics who have never heard about calculus.

>> No.6118793

It looks like he didn't believe in abductions as physical (as opposed to his peers) but as spiritually meaningful, lifechanging, experiences.

It doesn't really stand to support the "existence" of aliens.

>> No.6118800

Are you seriously implying that an insane professor of pseudoscience and quackery is as improbable as a professor of mathematics who hasn't learned the basics of his field?

>> No.6118805

>you basically said that abductees are not right in the head
I'm >>6118624 and that's not the guy you're talking to now.

Also nobody has said that people who claim they have been abducted by aliens are right in the head, I claimed that rational explanations to missing 45 minutes of memory exist.

>> No.6118810

>professor of pseudoscience and quackery
are you a scientologist?
because you sound like one
Tom Cruise, what are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.6118818

Scientology is hostile to psychiatry because it was *inspired by* psychiatry, but old Elrond filed the serial numbers off to set up his own racket.

The main difference between them is that Scientology admits to being a religion.

>> No.6118820

>cinematic voice

that's where I stop paying attention.

>> No.6118824

Forgot the point: Scientology contains a lot of anti-psychiatry propaganda, because it's one religion in competition with another for the same niche.

>> No.6118844


I totally get this. Just look at this self-important faggot for another example:


>> No.6118873

As >>6118805 said, we're not the same person. I was trying to make a general point about argumentum ad youtubum. I'd rather have a text than a video. Maybe it's a bit archaic, but I can information a lot quicker by reading a text at my own speed.

Besides, just because he is a psychiatry professor from Harvard, doesn't mean he can't believe crazy things.

>> No.6119062

you're a faggot
You don't agree with something so you think it's trolling?

>> No.6119143

This doesn't apply. This is a collection of observations that is looking for plausible explanations. That's the role of science, to try to apply rigor to the process of explaining observed phenomena. The process of rejecting observed phenomena that you can't explain is called standing in the way of discovery and being a fucktard. If you or Hitchens wants to do that, then you or Hitchens is a fucktard.

>> No.6119145

>without calling her a liar or a nutjob.
Why not? Can we exclude these possibilities?

>> No.6119185

it's not that we can exclude them

it's just that this is almost always the easiest way out whenever you are confronted with something you don't know anything about

ultimately it's lazy
this lazyness might be justified with things that are easily disproved (like somebody claiming that the moon is a cube), but not with controversial issues

>> No.6119205

>controversial issues
Like whether aliens visit sleeping people to play out sexual "probe" fantasies, and nobody else ever sees them, and they never leave any evidence behind, so that all that are left are fragmented dream-like memories?

It's not being lazy to dismiss such weak evidence. We know that dreams and hallucinations happen.

>> No.6119211

>aliens visit sleeping people to play out sexual "probe" fantasies

where is this shit even coming from? I'm pretty deep into UFOs and I never heard a serious account of something sexual happening during an abduction

>> No.6119217

But lots of eyewitness accounts are in fact lies or delusions, and looking for other explanations for them just isn't going to work.

>> No.6119226

>But lots of eyewitness accounts are in fact lies or delusions
emphasis on "lots"
as in: not all

>> No.6119232

>I never heard a serious account of something sexual happening during an abduction
Oh, of course. Nothing sexual about anal probing. It's just that all the aliens we get are butt scientists.

>> No.6119245

>Oh, of course. Nothing sexual about anal probing.
again, never heard about anal probing
are you talking about the first episode of South Park?

I heard about implants though, but they are nowhere near the genitals

>> No.6119250

If something isn't happening, all of the eyewitness accounts that say it is happening are going to be from mistaken people and liars.

>> No.6119259

Anal probing was a stereotypical UFO story a long time before South Park came out.

>> No.6119282

please link to a serious abduction report featuring anal probing

>> No.6119292

>serious abduction report

>please link a true scotsman

>> No.6119293

A quick jog on Google reveals:
>There were clothes strewn apart, and two of the stocky ones drew my legs apart. The next thing I knew I was being shown an enormous and extremely ugly object, grey and scaly, with a sort of network of wires on the end. It was at least a foot long, narrow, and triangular in structure. They inserted the thing into my rectum. It seemed to swarm into me as if it had a life of its own. Apparently, its purpose was to take samples, possibly of fecal matter, but at the same time I had the impression I was being raped and for the first time I felt anger.[1]
[1] ^ Strieber, Whitley, Communion: A True Story (1987), pp. 20-21.

>> No.6119316

>Strieber, Whitley
science fiction / horror writer, who figured that he would gain a few readers by jumping on the abduction train

I would never trust a word he says.

>> No.6119324

>Strieber's no true Scotsman!
There it is.

So anal probing is a common theme in alien abduction stories, but none of those are "serious" alien abduction stories, since serious alien abduction stories don't mention anal probing.

>> No.6119325

Good, I don't trust alien abduction reports either.

>> No.6119342

>Watch this episode and explain what happened to the woman without calling her a liar or a nutjob.

Why don't we get to use the truth to defend our point of view? That's like saying explain how earthquakes happen without using geology.

>> No.6119353

Did anyone actually make it though the enire video? I tried, I swear I did, I sat through the cheezy space time extra dimensional crap in the intro and through the horribly bad reenactment acting and the horrible cgi of a big black dick floating in the air, but then they got to the point where her "corroborating witness somehow is magically altered by the aliens into thinking she's crazy even though he went inside and she stayed outside and now he's the totally crazy one thanks to the aliens while she's sane.

It's just too ridiculous. I couldn't do it.

>> No.6119358

>Why don't we get to use the truth to defend our point of view?

The truth? That's ... bold. Do you have evidence that the woman is a liar and/or a nutjob?

How do you explain these parts?

>> No.6119363

What?! The horrible reenactment was the best part!

>> No.6119368

>It's just too ridiculous. I couldn't do it.

Well, then don't.

Also, try to be less of a drama queen in the future.

>> No.6119372

Like with earthquakes, when people experience something they don't understand, they attribute it to something and believe in that assumption wholeheartedly. The earth shakes, the only possible explanation must be because God is angry. If you have a psychotic break, you experience something you don't understand and your first thought is to attribute it to aliens because it's just as real to you as an earthquake. You don't experience an earthquake and say, "well that's never happened to me, and I've never heard of it happening to anyone else and it's absurd to think it could happen, so therefore I must be crazy" You accept your version of reality and make up an explanation for what happened.

The difference between an earthquake and alien reports is that alien abductions only affect one person, and don't leave behind evidence like an earthquake. We know earthquakes happen because many people can verify that they happened with each other and with the physical surrounds. With aliens, everything that is not easily explainable like seeing shapes in clouds inevitably only affects one chosen person and everyone else is unaffected.

If one person said they just felt the earth shaking like crazy, and like many alien abduction/sighters they say it happened more than once but no one else ever felt anything, the logical conclusion is that they're crazy, not that they're special and the ground just shakes for them or that we all can't feel it but it really is shaking.

>> No.6119393

Where's the plot of report frequencies so we can see if there is in fact a peak?

>> No.6119397

>but no one else ever felt anything

are you trolling? you wrote a lot of text and completely ignored the point of the post you quoted

again. explain this

>> No.6119398

Holy shit. If you paid a large television network to create one show specifically designed to troll the fuck out of /sci/ this is what they would create. This will just make you sad and angry that people are stupid enough to actually believe this.

>> No.6119408

Let me guess, you watched the first three minutes and then posted this insightful commentary.

>> No.6119414


It's an acute episode of severe mania or simliar psychotic break. People get manic, go running around like crazy in the woods and get marks from where little tree branches hit them that look like scars. This also causes memory loss and persecutory delusions. It's also linked/concurrent with paranoid schizophrenia which often causes people to create strange delusions like imagining conspiracies are out to get you and people are controlling your mail or trying to make you do things. Sometimes it's the government, sometimes it's wizards, and sometimes it's aliens.

This exact thing happened to my friend who is bipolar. He started to hallucinate, then he went running off into the woods and came back three days later covered in scrapes and whip marks with no recollection that any time had passed between when he first started hallucinating and when he got back.

>> No.6119420

first 15 actually, but the first 3 were enough.

Captcha seems approriate here: Revealed eodumb

>> No.6119422


do people in your area start to see UFOs when your friend has his episodes?


>> No.6119439

>Advanced enough to hide from us successfully even though they come out occasionaly to perform some experiments?

Doesn't seems that successful and also they could make experiments without even getting closer to people. Learn2nanotech.

You are still thinking like if they were modern humans with a slightly more advanced tech. I will repeat, to be able to travel faster than light/manipulate space/wormholes/etc you would need a level of technology that would make them be in god level compared to us. Do they want to study and experiment in the whole mankind without them noticing? Piece of cake!

No need for taking people in their ships and buttfuck them.

Think about how more advanced we are compared to a caveman, now compare how advanced we are compared to a chimp, now think about how advanced we are compared to a fish, now compare how advanced we are compared to an amoeba. Being capable to travel faster than light would make them to us what we are to amoebas. Anything that advanced don't need to hide, it would be able to hide in plain sight, analyze and test without being noticed and do all that without even having to land on our planet. At our eyes they would be omnipotent.

>> No.6119440

What exactly did you see in the video that makes you jump to ALIUMS?

What did you see that indicated that it was related to ALIUMS!?

>> No.6119444

You assume quite a lot about the speed of technological development.

Maybe faster than light ships are not possible at all, maybe they are possible but we would need 10000 years to invent one, but just as well there could be one ready in 100 years.

You can't predict breakthroughs in science. If you can predict it, it's not a breakthough, it's just a projection from the stuff we know already.

>> No.6119453

Faster than light is not something very hard to make, it is something impossible with what we know, nothing in the universe does that. Create something as intelligent as a human is possible, humans do that. An solid object travelling faster than sound is possible, meteorites do that. But from all we know there is no object hat could travel faster than light, no object that can escape a blackhole/wormhole no object that can do all these stuff. It is something physically impossible. To be able to break it you will need to advance so much that you can bend the laws of the universe as you wish, and that is godlike powers.

>> No.6119456

Guys, the fact that this is happening in families and passed on from one parent to the next totally isn't a sign of a heritable psychological disorder affecting a small number of people! The only explanation is aliens!

>> No.6119460

We will never be able to make 2+2=5, not now, not in 10000 years.

>> No.6119463

>Watch this episode and explain what happened to the woman without calling her a liar or a nutjob

We can't do that because we only have her testimony. We don't have independent access to what she's experienced so we can't catch anything she missed or whatever.

That's not how proving things works, try again.

>> No.6119471


you don't have to MOVE faster than light to travel faster than light

>> No.6119473

I loved how they interviewed everyone else involved in the story to corroborate her narriative. It gives conclusive proof that she's not just making things up or crazy.

Oh wait a minute, they didn't actually do that, instead they went to "experts" to talk about how there are extradimensional being forming rifts in our spacetime but who have also evolved to look just like scary versions of humans in those extra dimensions.

>> No.6119482

No. You can bend space realtive to other points in space but that doesn't change the fact that they're all relative to each other. If you have points a,b,c, and d, a and c will still be the same distance apart, b and c are the same, c and d are the same, relative to each other they could be closer together though, the problem is that you still have to travel along the line from one to the next, you can't just jump from one to the other.

>> No.6119484

Oh, deform space at your will is much easier! Fucking no! How to you expect to do it? It is in the impossible list toot! Any civilization advanced enough for this would still be in the godlike level

>> No.6119485

>I loved how they interviewed everyone else involved in the story to corroborate her narriative

Maybe, just maybe, most people don't want to appear on a TV show about UFOs. Given the reactions by people like you, this is actually understandable.

>> No.6119488

as I said, you seem to know much about the speed of the future technological progess

>> No.6119491

Just a friendly reminder for all /sci/ users to put sage in the email field when replying to religion/troll/x/ threads on /sci/

>> No.6119495

maybe, just maybe she's crazy and full of shit. It's like you idiots just ignore the most logical explanations of everything and pick something wildly improbable even if possible and stick to that because it's interesting and fun.

>> No.6119499

And you seems to know nothing about technology. It is not like a cavemen thinking in making a device to fly like a bird, it is like a cavemen thinking in making a device to generate infinite energy.

>> No.6119507

deforming space at will is actually incredibly easy just control anything with gravity. That still doesn't change anything though. Warping of space is all relative I have no idea why people can't grasp that. Maybe because people try and think of it in terms of warping something within space like bending a sheet of paper, but it doesn't work like that with space.

>> No.6119512



>> No.6119539

Tell me what's more likely. You flipping a coin a thousand times and it coming up heads every time, or aliens. If you don't say the former, you're an idiot.

This is a big planet with over 7 billion people on it random chance dictates that if a certain amount of people have psychotic breaks that can be triggered by anxiety that it will occur somewhere where a phenomenon like a meteor shower or ball lightning will trigger those psychotic breaks when the person sees it and associates it with previous psychotic episodes. That is far, for more likely than aliens. Any explanation is more likely than aliens because interstellar travel is impossible.

btw you sure do sound like a christian quoting passages from your bible of a totally reliable source that's been peer reviewed and cross examined and totally isn't just one person's story of how things went down and is infallable and incontrovertible proof. This is faith first, evidence and logic second(or not at all)

>> No.6119543

If only we had mods with the basic grasp of the scientific method...

>> No.6119548

Yep. They never ever do that. I have a feeling that if they interviewed anyone else in the story the whole narrative they're presenting would fall apart. If it didn't, then it would be worth considering.

>> No.6119560

A wormhole would create a new path from A to B that is shorter than the normal path from A to B. A "warp drive" would do that same thing. But it's not really necessary for travelling far away in a short period of time. The speed limit of c only applies to a fixed observer. If I watch you travel to Andromeda, it will necessarily look to me like it's taking you no shorter than 2.5 million years. However, to you the traveler, there is no limit to how quickly you could get there. If you accelerated at 1 g, you could get there in 20 years. You could come back in another 20. However when you came back, though it's been 40 years for you, it would have been 5 million here. So for alien explorers, the limit of the speed of light really doesn't mean anything, if we accept that they have left behind the people they knew and are just exploring for their own benefit.

>> No.6119574

>Tell me what's more likely. You flipping a coin a thousand times and it coming up heads every time, or aliens. If you don't say the former, you're an idiot.
If you claim to know which is more likely, you're an idiot.

>Any explanation is more likely than aliens because interstellar travel is impossible.
Idiot confirmed.

>> No.6119603

You forgot that if you accelerate an object to the speed of light its mass become infinite. That without speak of what would happen if you hit dust at such speeds

>> No.6119662

>You forgot that if you accelerate an object to the speed of light

Which is probably a good reason to assume that they are NOT traveling at the speed of light.

>> No.6119678

So they take millions of years to go from one place to another? Why don't you calculate the odds of them coming to our planet them? It is still absurd!

>> No.6119683

Controlling things with gravity will deform space in all directions anyway and they want it to contract it on one side and expand it on the other side, and this is something that we never observed and have no evidence that something actually do it.

>> No.6119718

Not really a lot of dust in interstellar space. The more pressing problem is what to do with all the energy from the starlight you are heading toward. At .99999c, it would be blueshifted to an energy level that would melt anything that absorbed it. But there are probably technological solutions to be found to dealing with light and heat at high speeds. If all that energy could be harnessed, it could even largely fuel the journey.

>> No.6119720

I don't think that's a good assumption at all. Just because there is a problem, doesn't mean there isn't a solution

>> No.6119742


Actually I meant that a civilisation will probably invent a warp-drive before it will manage to accelerate ship to light speed. There are just too many problems with light speed. Incidentaly most of them go away if you travel in a warp-bubble.

>> No.6119751

Convert the entire universe into energy, it is still not energy enough to accelerate a flea to light speed.

I just wish most people who likes aliens would have the basic grasp of physics, chemistry and biology. Them i could discuss xenobiology and xenopsychology. Instead they prefer pseudoscience shit.

>> No.6119886

"At the speed of light" is a shorthand for "very near the speed of light."

>> No.6119905
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Picture is cosmic dust in Andromeda galaxy, as you can see dust is not that rare in space.

Now you just consumed the energy of an entire star to accelerate your ship to near the speed of light. What do you think will happen when you hit cosmic dust? Nuclear fusion! And you will also need to break from that speed and for that you will need the energy from another entire star for that.

Scientists only use intergalactic travel to get people interested in science.

>> No.6119912
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You're not alone Mulder, don't give up.

>> No.6119924

>Watch this episode and explain what happened to the woman without calling her a liar or a nutjob.

That's not going to be easy.

>> No.6119926

You don't need the energy of a star. You just need to accelerate your ship at 1g to get to Andromeda in around 28 years, hitting a peak velocity over 0.9999999999c.

>> No.6119949

>Aliens spend decades traveling to a planet just to perform secret experiments?

And you wonder why people don't take this shit seriously.

>> No.6119974

These posts quite strongly debunks this alien abduction stuff.

>> No.6120022

Don't forget that you also have to break and in space takes the same amount of time to break than to accelerate.

Also don't forget what happens when you hit a grain of stelar dust at 0.9999999999c

Also don't forget that andromeda is 2.5 MILLION lightyears from Earth, not 25 lightyears. YOU WOULD STILL TAKE 2.5 MILLION OF YEARS EVEN AT LIGHT SPEED! And you wonder why people don't take you seriously.

>> No.6120028

I just watched the video and it's the biggest load of shit I've ever seen.
>hurr durr the doctor saw the "mysterious mark" on my skin and he neither confirmed or denied it was aliunz therefor i was abducted
just look at that gypsy faggot, she is doing it for money and attention
also why would that soon to be husband leave him over such a small argument when he even saw that spacecraft himself which would make her story more believable?

>> No.6120038

Then again what is a miracle?
You can see the calculations on certain websites that claim the probability of life happening on a given planet is about 1/10^300. Given that scale the amount of galaxies stars and planets wouldn't suffice to make life anywhere else probable.

Just because a number is intuitively big doesn't mean it's big in comparison to the number we are comparing and we just don't know the number we're comparing to. That's what people like you are failing to admit.

>> No.6120107

german here. we are the one who abducts. the toilets on our moonbase do not clean themselves (yet).

>> No.6120280
File: 12 KB, 356x496, The Cloonster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

206 replies

I have yet to see an explanation for these parts of the video:

>> No.6120319
File: 39 KB, 320x213, ku-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Thinking an advanced species capable of detecting and travelling to a planet thousands-millions of light years away would travel THROUGH space.


>> No.6120324

>what is time dilation

>> No.6120332

That just make it more absurd that they need to anal probe depressed people to perform experiments. They would need a tech level infinitely superior to ours to come here but when they come here their tech suddenly becomes pretty shitty and they have to anal probe people and run naked eating cow organs.

>> No.6120338

You still need an amount of energy absurdly high to accelerate the ship. Kinetic energy is proportional to the speed squared, when you start getting close to light speed the amount of energy is so big that it starts increasing the object's mass to accelerate it you will need even more force to the point that to reach light speed you need infinite force. Even if you don't reach light speed you would still need the energy equivalent of many stars to many galaxies just to accelerate a space ship to speeds close to light speed.

Go back to /x/ since all science you know clearly comes from syfy channel

>> No.6120345
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>whether it's true or not

Somebody is afraid of our overlords...

>> No.6120347
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Still not realizing that this also makes the ladies secretly experimenting body snatching aliens theory fall apart.

>> No.6120356
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>> No.6120359


They are just doing the anal probing and cattle mutilation for fun. We can't possilby have anything they need.

>> No.6120365

>Driving at high speed erratically and crashing their vehicles
>fucking with animals in more than one sense
>running naked in the woods
>raping people
Confirmed! They are spoiled teenagers full of alcohol and drugs.

>> No.6120565


What is the connection between their methods of propulsion and their goals?

>> No.6120571

I once wound up with a pair of wounds on my arm that appeared when I was fully awake and lucid, each a couple millimeters across and bleeding a bit. I still have the scars today and I don't know what the fuck caused them.

Weird shit just happens sometimes.

>> No.6120570

Report hide and move on

>> No.6120576
File: 38 KB, 420x420, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends.

And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

I have a dream that one day this board will rise up and live out the true meaning of its name: "systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses."

I have a dream that religion discusions would would stay where they belong and not on /sci/.

I have a dream that people would know how to identify hoaxes, pseudoscience instead of just accept crazy unfunded claims.

I have a dream that people had the basic grasp of statistics and know that correlation does not imply causation.

I have a dream that i only saw threads like this when I'm visiting /x/, that the only threads here discussing faith would be the neuroscience ones and that I only saw troll threads on /b/.

I have a dream today!

>> No.6120577


How many Harvard University professors behead people?

>> No.6120624

Aliens are more than likely real, and it is quite possible that many could be highly advanced beings. They would, in theory, not possess or not care for human philosophical ideas and not follow logical reasoning in the way we understand such reasoning. They could very well visit Earth in the subverted manner that they are associated with for the pure pleasure of fucking with us. God knows that if humanity is able to travel faster the light, the first thing we will do is drive that ship drunk, collide with a life-bearing planet, and implode several million miles of space into nothing.

>> No.6120632
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>> No.6120652

I just don't believe that aliens came here without us properly detecting them. Surely we'd spot a space ship coming towards Earth.

>> No.6120674
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For you, the theory for a controlled transformation or an elevation of the frequency of matter and the stable existence of this fourth aggregate condition of matter is not very common, or it exists at a very primitive level. (As an aside, there are simply five states of matter, but the post-plasma state would really be going too far and it would only serve to confuse you. Besides, it is not necessary for an understanding of the basic theory; it is connected with diverse phenomena which you would characterize as paranormal.)

>> No.6120722


>> No.6121046

Lol, are you seriously suggesting that some kind of medical experiments, which we know nothing about, are the same as beheading people willy-nilly.

Also, who told you that they are the equivalent of our Harvard professors? They might just as well be the equivalent of our poachers.

You don't know whether they are the best and brightest of their race. You also don't know shit about their ethics.
Nazi Germany was one of the most technologically advanced places on the planet and had guys like Josef Mengele.

There is no correlation whatsoever between your attitude towards life and your access to high-tech.

>> No.6121066


yeah, our guys working at the border control of the solar system surely would report intruding space ships ... oh wait

>> No.6121067

Has anyone ever noticed that people that claim paranormal shit happens to them always go on about "oh it must be because they like me" "oh they must be attracted to me" "I just draw them in I guess". It's like a fucking coping mechanism for not being a special snowflake.

>> No.6121085

Have you ever noticed that people who haven't been abducted by aliens are ridiculing people who have been? It's like a fucking coping mechanism for not being a special snowflake.

There you go, I can post pseudo-intellectual bullshit as well.

>> No.6121133

OK, Imagine this: An ant sitting on a playing card. In case you don't get this, ant resembles human, card resembles earth.
The ant only knows the two dimensions of the card it lives one. To it, there's only left and right, back and forward. There is no up and down. This means that the ant cannot recognize when someone looks at it from above because 'above' is in the third dimension.
If you translate this analogy to humans on earth, you can see quite easily that hypothetical (?) beings living in the hypothetical (?) fourth dimension or even higher can observe us, but we cannot observe them.

>> No.6121140

Can you provide any evidence that traveling between your dimensions is possible?

>> No.6121145

Well, two-dimensional space can be bent via the third dimension. Maybe this is also true for higher dimensions.

>> No.6121149

That's not traveling between dimensions. If you can't provide any evidence of that then everything you're saying is worthless speculation.

>> No.6121154


>> No.6121167

Take a flat (i.e. two-dimensional) piece of paper and bend so that the two ends meet.

>> No.6121173

You are a fucking idiot, just because something is thin doesn't mean it has no height.. paper is a 3d object. God damn I am going to die from laughter.

>> No.6121384
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shutup fag. aliens is science. stop being ignorant.

>> No.6121587

>More Assumptions

Your making assumptions that are even more ridiculous than the ones your criticizing?

>> No.6121947

So many replies to this shit? For fuck sake let this die.

>> No.6122017 [DELETED] 


bump limit has been hit, it can't be bumped anymore.

>> No.6122036
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>> No.6122051

This is /sci/ the most easily trolled board. At least report the thread and sage your posts people.

>> No.6122451

>looks into thread
>sees that thread deals with alien abductions
>rejects the idea immediately
>writes a short post mocking others
>leaves feeling intellictually superior

Protip: you are just intellectually lazy

But it's probably better this way, people like you aren't able to think for themselves anyway.

And this thread really doesn't need another "this woman is crazy" reply which ignores the fact that multiple people from her area have seen UFOs whenever she claims to have been abducted.

>> No.6122457

Peer review or gtfo.

If you want to speculate about aliens, there's a perfect board for it:

>> No.6122468

He already was told that many times but you know how schizophrenic people are...

>> No.6122478

>Peer review or gtfo.
Lol, which peers?

Physicists working at a university? As if they would have the balls to touch the subject.

>> No.6122497

okay then. It's time to go to /x/.
If you have no scientists to back you up, you aren't talking about science.
so kindly fuck off.

>> No.6122515

do these guys qualify as scientists? or do they need to deny abductions to qualify?


>> No.6122540

I think you have no idea what peer review means

Don't come back until you understand what it is and how it works.

Here is a start, it is from the national institutes of health but that doesn't change much the basics

>> No.6122545

You should just stay on /x/ where wild claims are the norm and there is no need for peer review.

>> No.6122550

Don't worry, I'm quite aware what peer review means.

You might have noticed that this was a reply to "no scientists back you up".

Btw. do you demand a peer review in every aspect of your life? Do you demand a peer review of Edward Snowden's claims? Heck, it's just one guy. But let me guess: you believe Snowden because the media believes him.

>> No.6122560

Scientists can claim anything they want but unless it was peer reviewed it is not validated.

And no, you have no idea on how it works and why it is important.

>> No.6122576

>And no, you have no idea on how it works and why it is important.
lol, I'm not here to impress you. Feel free to believe whatever you want about me.

>> No.6122586
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>> No.6122590
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>> No.6122596
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>> No.6122635


sci in a nutshell

>> No.6124361

John E. Mack kicking Carl Sagan's Ass on the aliens topic:


>> No.6124468
File: 101 KB, 515x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If aliums have such cool ships how come they only fuck the ugly ones?

Check mate /x/invader!

>> No.6124471

I don't remember anybody getting fucked in the video.


>> No.6125376


Watch again carefully. She was probed.

>> No.6126904
File: 34 KB, 636x356, Reed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"The Reed Family" episode of Alien Mysteries.
Lie detector test included.

>> No.6127000

This thread is dead, if you want replies go to /x/