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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 493 KB, 773x1000, Cara-Wu-Tang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6114997 No.6114997 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw that feel after you think you aced dat der calc exam
>get it back today
>Class average: 37%


>> No.6115007
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>Be me
>Be last week
>Finish physics I exam and check it over thoroughly
>Completely convinced I aced it
>Be today
>Get exam back
>Class average 65%
>all errors due to missing negative signs and addition, division, and subtraction errors

>> No.6115494


>tfw taking diff eq. exam
>easy as fuck
>be week later
>fuck yeah!
>tfw class average is 53%

>> No.6115499

>get thermodynamics test back
>class average: 32%

fuck me

>> No.6115502
File: 84 KB, 500x500, 1282266494887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i at least got an 83 on that chem exam
>i was the only one in the class that got the long math problem right
>mfw my class doesn't know how to use the quadratic formula apparently

>> No.6115503
File: 981 KB, 486x356, loki_kiss_gif_by_miasmanecrosa-d54huzd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw take chem exam
>check it over 3 times
>get it back
>class average is 63%

>> No.6115506

>do exam
>get everything right
most marks are usually high 90s.

>> No.6115509


>get raped by heat transfer exam
>get 57.5%
>average is 57.5

anyone know those average feels?

>> No.6115512


i know the feel every 3 weeks m8

>> No.6115513

>every test ever
>class average 55%

I was pretty consistent.

>> No.6115551

The only time I've not been able to accurately tell how I've done on an exam was way back when I took my AS levels.

Was pretty sure I'd aced a biology module, came back with a D.

Resat it and got 100%.

To this day I'm convinced I must have missed a page out.

>> No.6115558
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>easy as fuck chem test
>pretty fucking sure i aced it
>mis-read an easy question, lost a shitload of points
>oh well, still got 90%
>class average was 55%

>> No.6115567

I'm consistently slightly above average

I had a 100% on a Calc exam once and that's about it

>> No.6115569

>Study for hours to get a complex analysis exam right
>The professor bases the questions upon shit we just saw ONCE.
>mfw only two guys passed

>> No.6115579

>get 100%, pretty happy about myself
>see class average, 85%

>> No.6115604
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>take second stat exam after getting a 97 on the first
>see I got a 93 on the grade book, so I'm feeling good
>class average was a 100
>median was a 99

And this is the same class who averaged a 70 on the first exam

>> No.6115620

ITT retards

Why are you even on /sci/?

>> No.6115632
File: 19 KB, 200x67, 501-1-1340762401[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are so intelligent that you have to brag about it on 4chan

>> No.6115631


You mean /sci/ isn't a natural habitat for retards? Well fuck me

>> No.6115636

>complex analysis

if you aren't von neumann you need to put in a little more effort into it than that

>> No.6115642

Yeah, but that was before the test, after each class, I asigned an hour for each subject

>> No.6115648

>taking stats class as required
>only person from probably like 10 classes that is actually good at math and am past DifEq, with A's in all my science and math classes
>normal averages are like 60-70 for most tests
>getting >100 on all the stats tests
>even get a 98 in the easy as fuck Geography class midterm, one of five that got an A, out of 30 kids
Sometimes I really wonder what it's like being part of the retarded normalfag crowd. I still have my own issues but FUCK, how dumb are normal people.

>> No.6115651

This thread is shit and so is this board but based Cara makes it all better.

>> No.6116062
File: 39 KB, 446x362, fsafg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty sure I failed the exam
>talk with others about it
>they say how they knew nothing and are sure they will fail as well
>they all pass and get good grades while I fail

every time

>> No.6116077

>taking classes to get A

Plebian tier. Decently intelligent people walk in, take the final exam and walk out with an A and a job recommendation.

>> No.6116158

>do complete shit, don't even deserve an F
>talk with mate about it, say I had no clue on various things
>he gets a pretty smug tone saying it went very well and "yeah so and so was pretty easy"
>that childish satisfaction when we both get E's
I can't help it

>> No.6116165

>tfw easy as fuck math work
>get paper back
>go to teacher for corrections and realize all my mistakes had to do with her process

fuck dat shit

>> No.6116189

What the dick is an E?

Excellent? Dat sum yuro grading scale?

>> No.6116192


Lecturer here. Quite often, when I'm marking an assignment, if the student is getting everything right I'll take off about 10 to 20 percent, just to prevent them getting too big for their britches.

>> No.6116206

You're a sick fuck.

>> No.6116224
File: 134 KB, 334x393, kornheiser-embarrassing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rape test up the ass
>Get test back
>Well, just as I expected-
>Class average was 65%

I can't even remember how many times this has happened.
This used to happen in fucking freshman year.
I mean, okay, struggling with a thermodynamics course is at least comprehensible, but how do you possibly manage to get less than 60% on a linear algebra 1 exam?

>> No.6116230
File: 121 KB, 256x256, ea51b25c174786f7bbb99443b4424b55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evolution test
>get 83%
>class average is 46%
>no one gets 100.
>Highest was 92.
If I had just gotten 3 more questions right...

>> No.6116272

>tfw you think you just barely passed your test
>tfw you did
>every time
>dat constant D

>> No.6116287
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>know you bombed a tough test
>professor states next lecture that the grades will be out soon and the average was high
>do even worse than expected

I can never win. Fuck this class. Fuck engineering, I was way happier as a pure sciences student with shitty job prospects

>> No.6116300

>take business management test
>class average 92%
Business majors are better test takers than sci/eng majors though

>> No.6116417

>Junior in Uni
>Have to pass chem class for degree
>Have to pass test to pass class
>Class Average: 98%
>My Grade: 42%

Fuck me

>> No.6116435

likely due to the fact that business management tests require a great deal less capacity for critical thinking, quantitative analysis, and abstraction

>> No.6116446

Too many communications units, anon?

>> No.6116449

>Junior high math final (this is like a million years ago)
>Didn't study
>Highest score in the class

>> No.6116454


>> No.6116496

Seriously. I'm required to take economics as an engineering major.

>First two exams
>top of class both times
>Easy as fuck. I feel like it's not a challenge whatsoever.
>People (mostly nigs to be fair) complain they didn't get the email with the professors notes before the class
>mfw I didn't even look at the email

>> No.6116501

back in the day, we would not only finish the maths test but go back through it during the exam and look for questions that were not technically correct, and then set out proofs why. We would get 110% + this way as the teacher/school acknowledged their errors

>> No.6116506

pretty much this
The only questions i have gotten wrong in economics are some very strangely worded shit. I mean my professor is really cool but she doesn't know how to phrase things correctly. Good example she was saying that in math a negative number means a number less then 1 as in .1 .5 .6 which was just fucking stupid.

>> No.6116505

lol, econ 101? An actual economics major at any serious university would have to at least take math through calc 2, a bunch of calculus based economic courses.

>> No.6116536
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>only time i bomb an exam is when i double check shit
>always second guessing answers that turned out to be right
>burn through a test without checking anything

what is this life?

>> No.6116541
File: 2.23 MB, 320x240, sigh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>take quarter Calc 1 exam
>subjects are babby's first derivatives and limits
>lose all feeling in brain
>thoughts cloud
>cannot focus
>get 83 on exam

>free response next class period
>answer 6/8 questions
>get a 28/30
>mfw no 100% for me

>> No.6116552

the most common double major for engineers is engineering/economics. you guys are double majoring right? although im double majoring in engineering/art

>> No.6116568
File: 384 KB, 1416x1367, 1368751672441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw calc 1
>tfw know I got less than 30-40%
>get 50%

>> No.6116578

that made me smile

>> No.6116585
File: 190 KB, 376x302, 1381976528077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Test for any math ever: 40%
>Class Average: 90%

>> No.6116587

>taking physics test yesterday
>find a problem that have never seen before.
>have a habit of never moving past a problem until I get it right.
spend 45 minutes on it without success.
>guess answer and look at the time remaining
>mfw 30 minutes left and ~15 problems left.
>go into brain-on-cocaine mode
>manage to find answer for last problem at the very last minute

>> No.6116605

>mfw 30 minutes left and ~15 problems left.
>go into brain-on-cocaine mode
This is a love/hate thing for me, it feels horrible but at the same time it is so exciting when you enter this realm of extreme focus and critical thinking, a moment where you feel so alive.

>> No.6116626

>mattering/meaning something

>> No.6116638

>think there is no way I got any problem wrong
>get test back

>> No.6116646
File: 82 KB, 571x515, that-feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6116656

>get a 67
>curved to a 90

>> No.6116680
File: 771 B, 428x33, diffy q exam1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my score/possible points/class avg/class median

>> No.6116689

>take orgo exam
>knew the material like the back of my hand(chiral)
>go over my answers
>change some questions
>next week, get my test back
I never been so angry at myself, I do C+ average in my main courses(Bio) but when it comes to math base classes, I get B+'s. i know I'm going to have to retake at least two bio classes

>> No.6116782

I'm not, but the guy who I was quoting said
>I'm required to take economics as an engineering major.
Which would imply that it's part of the engineering degree, and not an econ degree. At my school you could take what was basically econ101 and it would count as a gen ed

>> No.6116842

>Do a semester with math and chemistry
>take a physics class
>get an assignment
>6 long problems that took a while each
>One fairly easy - high school level problem
>do it in 3 minutes and move on
>confident as fuck, pretty sure I aced it
>get it back
>disappointed beyond belief
>ask professor what was wrong
>used scientific notation in the easy problem, wrote something like 3*10^(-3) A instead of converting to mA
>"but that's the only mistake you had, better luck next time!"

>> No.6117578

>come back from my quantum final. finished after 1/3 of time. go back to sleep
>housemates come back a couple hours later, wake up to them arguing
>go downstairs, one is goin on about stupid shit, other housemate and i are like shut the fuck up you dont know shit
>go back to sleep
>get 96
>class average 30s to 40s i think
>dont even feel proud cuz test was bullshit

dont give a shit, didnt even learn jack shit, prof was an idiot i had to help his ass with some lin alg shit

moral of the story, dont let goddamn materials scientists teach qm.

>> No.6117579

>wrote something like 3*10^(-3) A instead of converting to mA
what? it doesnt make sense for you to lose marks from that

>> No.6117595

Ah I remember when I took the AP Calc BC test back when you got points deducted. Got a near perfect score, just one error on the free response which was worded incorrectly.
Damn CollegeBoard owes me an apology.