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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6108646 No.6108646 [Reply] [Original]

Graph theory is the highest form of math.

Also, why aren't you doing graph theory right now?

>> No.6108649

>graph theory
>not abstract algebra


>> No.6108650

>Graph theory is the highest form of math

Prove it

PROTIP: You can't

>> No.6108658
File: 526 KB, 1143x1133, autism test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6108662

I apply graph theory to design of thermodynamic systems.

>> No.6108671
File: 350 KB, 800x1470, 1380538762175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6108679

graph theory is too advanced for me

>> No.6108683


>> No.6108688

what tablet do you use?

>> No.6108698

good job op

>> No.6108708



>> No.6108715

cant believe OP doesn't distinguish between the two subfields

>infinite graph theory
>highest form of math, literally God's own math

>finite graph theory
>autistic circle jerk and anyone with a pulse and a lack of dignity, can easily publish 70 papers in it

>> No.6108759


>> No.6109895

Fuck. Second try and did it.

>> No.6109954

There are many MANY types of problems that can't be solved as graph theory. It's awesome where it applies, but don't stretch it to some lofty ultimate.

>> No.6109983

Graph theory is pretty basic from what I've seen of it.

>> No.6109989
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>graph theory
>not Ramsey theory
But still algebra is a higher form of autism, and in any case analysis is the best math.

>> No.6110300

this, is there a section of graph theory I'm missing

>> No.6110310

The 5 angles labelled in OP's diagram will sum to 180 degrees, regardless of how the star is drawn.

>> No.6110344

they're not angles, they're nodes

>> No.6110375
File: 44 KB, 620x465, neymar_020813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>analysisis the best math

>> No.6110386

>graph theory

if there's any britbongs around there's a reason why d1 was the piss take module in a level maths

>> No.6110391

>Graph theory is pretty basic from what I've seen of it.

That's probably because all you've seen of it was a dumbed down intro for CS majors asking nothing of you but repeatedly doing induction on finite graphs. Go read a graduate text on algebraic, topological or quantum graph theory.

>> No.6110401

I got an E in D1 but an A* overall. pls no bully.

>> No.6110403

oh dear

did you take further as well?

>> No.6110405


>> No.6110406

Cause I have a job :/

>> No.6110410

I remember FP1 being ok, I was too casual to take it on to A2 though.

>> No.6110439

Frenchman detected.

>> No.6110448

Not enough structure. Upgrade to category theory and I'll agree with you.

>> No.6110451

Enjoy bathing in nonconstructivism.

>> No.6110454

>category theory
What the fuck.

>> No.6110464

>What is "structure" to you?

>> No.6110472

A score system normalized to 20 instead of 10, brought to you by the people who thought it was a good idea to call 70 60-10, 80 4-20 and 90 4-20-10. It's amazing how they ever came up with something sensible like the metric system.

>> No.6110497

Analysis is best math.

>> No.6110500

>Analysis in situ is best math.

>> No.6110501

/20 -> le french ?

>> No.6110503

Any math not applicable in situ is shit math, though. Useless math, i dare say.

>> No.6110509

>Literally God's own math

Wow. I've got to look into this shit now

>> No.6110519


>> No.6110535

joke or retardation?

>> No.6110539

Any joke not being born out of slight retardation in the least is too contrived to be a good joke. Not a useless joke though. Still retardation is, so i guess i could comply to say it a joke unless it wasn't thought out to be not contrived.

>> No.6110544

Nonsense, some fine minds have, with full knowledge, contrived brilliant jokes

>> No.6110550

If the premise of a joke isn't at least in one way or another, it's merely an anecdote though.

Knowledge of absurd things implies, to some degree, absurdity in the mind of the thinker.

>> No.6110553

>joke isn't at least absurd in one

>> No.6110621

Yes, but you said retardation, not absurdity.

To a retard, nothing is absurd as they don't understand what is surd.

(it's an irrational root, btw)

>> No.6110626

I don't know, i'd say retards would have to have SOME knowledge of what is absurd.

I mean they like childish humor
makes em laugh, pretty absurd. Anyway i dont care anymore, got engineering stuff to do and my bf's been nagging me all day.

>> No.6110635

That's just tards acting out our expectations of them.

My doctoral anthropology thesis studied comparative tard culture. In Indonesia it's thought tards laugh and clap at people pointing out minor errors of grammar, so that's what tards in Indonesia do in fact do.

>> No.6110651

That's not absurd, that's normal behaviour for an african american.

>> No.6110679

Lol Elaine?

>> No.6110709


>> No.6110714

Elaine is a girl's name silly.

>> No.6110969

you can't predict what might be useful in the future

>> No.6110974

matter will be useful in the future

>> No.6111002

>/sci/ autism strikes again
I mean in general

>> No.6111020

That's Z/5Z with generator set S={2}.

>geometric group theory>all

>> No.6111044

what's more general than matter?

what you mean is specifically

>> No.6111082
