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6104621 No.6104621[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Cold war's space race
>first artificial satellite 1957
>first animal in orbit 1957
>first impact on moon 1959
>first photos of far side of moon 1959
>first animals and plants to survive back to earth 1960
>first human in space 1961
>first woman in space 1963
>first soft landing and pictures from moon 1966

>first photo of earth 1959
>first chimpanzee in space 1961
>"first human on moon" 1969
>"We won the cold war!!"

Why is this allowed?

>> No.6104631

>cold war
you mean space race

the cold war was won through economic factors

>> No.6104632

Disregard everything except the last one.
That should worry you the most.
That Cold War wasn't won by anyone. It ended on agreement and one side simply decided to spin it as victory and feed it to their kids.

>> No.6104635

Notice the sharp decline of USSR achievement after mid-1960s as all that Stalinist bullshit catches up with them and they realise they've fucked their own economy. So I guess that makes it victory by default for the US.

>> No.6104639

The fact that we're still around and the USSR isn't, is more than just "spin".

>> No.6104646

The USSR and it's satellite nations don't exist anymore and the U.S. still does.

>> No.6104664

>it's satellite nations don't exist
i think you'll find many of them do in fact exist

>> No.6104669

> "Stalinist bullshit"
>Implying Stalin's policies were responsible for the economic collapse

You're a funny guy.
>Having any notable achievements without many of Stalin's policies

Well, this is /sci/, so I suppose you don't study history much.

>> No.6104673

It's impossible to understand what you mean. Didn't they teach you to express yourself without hazardous sarcasm in your community college history course?

>> No.6104680

>Community college
Believe whatever you want to believe.

However, I don't need to say anything specific, since you didn't specify anything. All you effectively stated is that Stalin's policies were responsible for the apparent lack of achievements post-60s and for the "fucked" economy. All of which are extremely ridiculous, so much to the point that a humorous tone in counter to your ignorance seems appropriate.

>> No.6104682
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>Tricking Gorbachev into leaving Afghanistan and withdrawing Soviet troops from East Germany and the rest of Pact member countires in promise that NATO won't expand one inch eastward, both countires will start destroying their nuclear arsenals and enter peaceful cooperation. Tricking him into introducing savage political and economical reforms to create a consumerist private enterpise-driven economy Soviet system wasn't equiped to handle.
>Tricking Yeltsin into signing accord that disbanded the Union in good faith that US and Russia will now be BFF only to spit in his face and pluder his countries' resources for free, creating oligarchs, giving a comeback to one of the most powerful organized crime groups in the world and turning millions and millions of hard working people into homeless, jobless alcoholics and drug addicts with average life expactancy 60 years and less, throwing the country into one of the worst economic crises in history from which it would take almost two decades to climb back up and it's still not over yet.

It's not a victory. It's betrayal. Russians hate us more now than they did during entire Cold War.
Putin is our own creation.

>> No.6104690

> Russians hate us more now than they did during entire Cold War.

Only Russians who were alive at the time or understand the events surrounding the Cold War.
The new generation of Russians are obsessed with Western culture. They really can get annoying, like what I imagine "weeaboos" are like for Americans.

>> No.6104703

>However, I don't need to say anything specific
Let's gloss over the sheer retardation of this sentence for a minute, and remark that you're replying to my first post in the thread.
I just noted you wrote
>Having any notable achievements without many of Stalin's policies
Which displays a very superficial mastery of both English and of 4chan implications dialect.
Maybe you don't feel obligated to say anything relevant, but at least do try to make a minimum of sense.

>> No.6104706

>armchair commie thinks he knows anything about "history"

>> No.6104723

>Only Russians who were alive at the time or understand the events surrounding the Cold War.

So only like 70% of population, right?
Russia is turning nationalistic again. Even kids who weren't born during USSR want it back. Not because they like the prospect of shared apartments or secret police, but because they know that during Cold War their country was something not to be fucked with.

>> No.6104733

>Notice the sharp decline of USSR achievement after mid-1960s as all that Stalinist bullshit catches up
You were implying it was Stalin's policies that were responsible for the lack achievements had by the USSR in the later half of it's existence.
Which is completely false, and if anything could be said about the policies; even less progress and achievements would've occurred without them.

I am calling you out on your blatant ignorance.

>> No.6104738

Maybe, but you seem to forget laziness and strong apathy that infects Russians for a majority of the time.
Unless some "big" event occurs to make people demand change, nothing will happen with reform.

>> No.6104759

>You were implying
*I* wasn't implying anything.
Your personal quarrels with another poster are no excuse for posting unintelligible bullshit.

>> No.6104781

>*I* wasn't implying anything.
You typed it, did you not?
You wrote what you had thought?
Then it was your thoughts, you implied it was his policies that were responsible for the issues described.
Which is wrong in reality.

>> No.6104796

>You typed it, did you not?

>> No.6104800

You did not type "Notice the sharp decline of USSR achievement after mid-1960s as all that Stalinist bullshit catches up with them and they realise they've fucked their own economy"?

You have no relation to >>6104635 ?

>> No.6104804

>You did not type [...]
No I did not. I don't know how many times I have to write it explicitely so it gets through your thick skull.
Apparently comprehension isn't your forte either.

>> No.6104821

Then why are you arguing against method rather than meaning?
It would make no sense for you to be involved if you are not the original anon whose comment I was posting to.

>> No.6104827

I am arguing against one post you made which was the epitome of unclear.
And instead of clarifying and writing intelligibly, you chose to keep arguing irrelevant shit like the waste of space sperglord you seem to be.

Now shush.

>> No.6104832

>It would make no sense for you to be involved if you are not the original anon whose comment I was posting to.

>> No.6104841

What more is to be clarified? The implications that Stalin's policies were responsible for "the sharp decline of USSR achievement after mid-1960s" and "fuck(ing) their own economy" are ridiculous, and I responded to them as such, countering that the USSR would have had even less notable achievements without his policies.

>> No.6104855

Is this just shitposting, or does OP really not know what the Cold War was?

>> No.6104881

>What more is to be clarified?
Nothing more, but it took you a thread to say not much at all.
You should work on your written expression.

>> No.6104977

In a way its still going on

>> No.6106338
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The Krauts were the first to put anything into space and the US was the first to put a man on another celestial body. No matter how you subhuman slavs try to spin it, you lost.

>> No.6106354

Distance from earth to space. Approx 300 miles

Distance from earth to the moon. 238,900 miles

That's why Americans can say they won the space race.

>> No.6106361

>first animal in orbit 1957

Yes it was a animal in orbit. A dead animal.

The Soviets sent a animal to die in space just so they could say first animal in space. The dog didn't even survive lift off let alone the freezing coldness of space. Putting a 10 pound pile of shit in orbit would have been more impressive

At least the chimpanzee had some life support.

>> No.6106393

smells like butthurt here

>> No.6106534

Huntsvillains can't into Гага́рин

>> No.6106541
