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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6090977 No.6090977 [Reply] [Original]

alright /sci/ I'm going to study CS next year at a pretty good university, they're top 5 in the field in the united states. What do i do to prepare? do i learn C,C++? is it even necessary to learn code or have any prep before learning CS at a university?

>> No.6090996

Your choice of university doesn't make an iota of difference. Literally the only thing that matters is whether you - personally - are competent, and if you're going into CS with zero exposure to programming, you aren't.

>> No.6091000

if you don't already know at least C,
i don't think that you'll manage well there

you also NEED to know high school math

>> No.6091010

>is it even necessary to learn code
If you're not doing this for fun, there's something very wrong with your plans.

>> No.6091223

What this guy said.

>> No.6091290

I didn't really know shit going in... The first semester was a bit of a learning curve but i wouldn't stress too much about it. You might find out what language the teach in cs 1 to get a head start but you'll be fine. Its all about the theory anyway, so you can apply it to any language.

>> No.6091304

I would disagree with C. If you've never tried programming before, try picking up something more human friendly like python/java/c#.

Although I don't really know the American syllabi.

>> No.6091330

Although I agree with this, maybe comp Sci isn't for you.

>> No.6091414
File: 5 KB, 262x292, wasting your life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to study CS

>> No.6091454


You are a fucking faggot for talking shit about someone who is going to school to better themselves. You can make a hell of a decent living with a CS degree and that's all college is there for, to provide a career so you have money to do whatever the fuck you want.

I'll bet you are the same fucker who thinks people who didn't go to college are waste of taxpayer dollars and you're one of them.

>> No.6091459
File: 210 KB, 1024x768, Jshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human friendly


>> No.6091471

computer science is for people to stupid for real science
engineering is is for people to stupid for computer science

>> No.6091475
File: 30 KB, 545x412, ahnuld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>MFW you used the wrong "too" twice when calling people stupid is both sentences.

Holy shit my sides.

>> No.6091477

>is it even necessary to learn code or have any prep before learning CS at a university?
It might help.

>do i learn C,C++?
I am a professional programmer. It is my strong belief that you should learn C or C++ first, with an emphasis on pointers, and probably a single class in an assembly of some kind.

I do not think that these programming languages are better. I do not think that these programming languages have more job possibilities. It is my firm belief that these will best mold your mind to understand the nature of modern processors and all modern computer languages. When I do job interviews at my billion dollar company (just an employee) for college grads, it's always disappointing to see someone with just Java experience in college, because they generaly have far less understanding of how a computer works, proper coding, etc., even in Java, compared to someone with a solid background in C or C++.

Oh, and throw in a class in Haskell or another pure functional programming language for good measure.

Learn a little scripting. bash is your friend. cygwin is the best thing ever for windows-bound users.


>> No.6091483

A może angielski nie jest moim ojczystym językiem, mądralo.

>> No.6091487

Dårlig undskyldning.

>> No.6091491

>judging intelligence by typos in a foreign language

>> No.6091495


>judging intelligence by choice of degree picked on personal interest

Like i said earlier, you work a job for money, which you can do with CS, i'd even say it's probably easier to land a job with CS than mathematics, and probably equal to engineering.

>> No.6091499

>to better themselves
>learning undergrad cs

pick one.

You're basically majoring in plumbing or as an electrician but spending 4 years at an expensive university instead of 1 to 2 years trade school that the curriculum deserves. You should be ashamed of yourself

>> No.6091500


>Degree = Career
>Career = Money
>Therefore Degree = Money

Check, check, anddd check. Although I would agree that it only requires 2 years of schooling for CS which also results in not having massive debt to school and getting in the field earlier. Win win situation IMO.

>> No.6091503
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computer science is for turds.

>> No.6091505

>judging intelligence by choice of degree picked on personal interest
Yes, that's what I'm doing.
>Oh, I'm not stupid, I just don't like all those laws and formulas, I prefer being a janitor.

>> No.6091506
File: 170 KB, 500x373, 1381832518139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haskell is ghey

>> No.6091507

>Degree = Career

You can teach yourself everything in CS far faster and superiorly without getting any degrees. You're basically paying tens of thousands for a degree in Janitorial Engineering....

>> No.6091526
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Is it shitposting time already

>> No.6091851

I'm studying computer science because i want to get into robotics. what's wrong with that...whatever. like learning 1 field only will make ever good at anything you bunch of fags.
and implying the worlds needs 7 billion + scientists. just get over your ego centric views under capitalism faggots.