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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 105 KB, 600x750, america_fuck_yeah_bikini_breasts_cola_gun_big_mac-s600x750-71050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6086026 No.6086026 [Reply] [Original]


Has this been discussed here yet? Pretty monumental.

>> No.6086035


Fusion is only 20 years away now.

>> No.6086059

>could provide an unlimited and cheap source of energy

So we would never get it considering that would ruin oil companies? got it.

This is just like the guy who made the watter powered engine and then "died mysteriously" and his engine was "lost"

>> No.6086066

It's not really a big deal. Just more incremental progress, still a long way from net power.

Surely at this point everyone believes that any of the mainstream fusion approaches (tokamak, laser-driven ICF, Z-pinch ICF) are physically capable of providing net power, although it's reasonable to doubt cost-competitiveness.

>> No.6086069
File: 338 KB, 690x500, Sun_in_X-Ray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious, I always know Fusion would save the human race

>> No.6086084

Don't forget about the guy who made cars require a significantly lower amount of gas and then also disappeared. Jesus our government loves to jerk off oil

>> No.6086085

Yeah seriously what the fuck is with that. It seems so /x/ but every so often something like that will come along.
Someone will come around with what seems like a completely legit idea and then just die randomly and all the work just disappears.

Like that guy who claimed he had invented a teleportion device which at its current stage could transport several drops of blood.
He was given a military grant then disappeared and his work was never heard of again.

>> No.6086087

If the government loses money out of their paycheck as a result of an invention, they will do everything they can to make it disappear. I believe killing them is a last resort, but it happens quite frequently

>> No.6086088

but they made two huge facilities to improve Fusion, that wont suddenly disappear

>> No.6086095

Laser ignition will never scale. The future's in ITER.

>> No.6086096


The fact that they finally got a fusion reaction to yield more energy than it took to create that reaction seems like a really big deal to me. It's a first for humankind.

>> No.6086098

>Soon after, the $3.5bn facility shifted focus, cutting the amount of time spent on fusion versus nuclear weapons research - which was part of the lab's original mission.

Why can't they just focus on fusion, why the fuck does 50% of it have to be weaponized, why does everything have to be fucking weaponized.

>> No.6086111

Because government grants

>> No.6086116

But surely if the government poured more money into fusion, they would own the monopoly on it?

The first country to completely harness fusion would become a complete world superpower.

>> No.6086119

I guess they have contracts that if they do discover something like that they own it, who know im pulling this all outta my ass

>> No.6086148

No, the first country to completely harness fusion would be bombed into the stoneage by the country who poured 50% of their resources into weaponizing nuclear fusion, and that country would be a complete world superpower.

Fortunately, the USA is both of the countries described above.

>> No.6086153


When you can adjust the Casmir effect, it'll make the joining even easier.

>> No.6086160

>seems so /x/

it's common fucking sense and anyone with a mind can piece together the puzzle

>> No.6086174

I have question that is somewhat related...a few assumptions will need to be accepted before proceeding further. If a 99.9% unlimited source of electrical power, ie electricity, existed, but is huge and takes a lot of space, would it be feasible to use the electrical power it generates to break diatomic molecules in a non-spontaneous reaction. The opposite reaction would fairly instantly take place, producing energy, most likely not electrical, but mostly light, radiation, etc., which could then be harnessed for everything else.

>> No.6086176
File: 37 KB, 420x548, bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgetting the event that lead to the name of the swimwear featured in OP's pic?

This is a fusion detonation, just like the famous event on Bikini Atoll, only it uses a wimpier chemical power source.

It's not a sustained reaction, like they're aiming for with ITER. And it's only more energy from fusion than used to ignite fusion in a certain narrow technical sense: the complete apparatus used many times more energy than was released by fusion.

They've still got to improve on this by a couple orders of magnitude before it could be a practical energy source.

>> No.6086185 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 712x649, 1380797439026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly goy,
There's still money to be made in other energy resources, who do you think pays your precious scientists bills?

>> No.6086204

/pol/ this is /sci/, please go, educated people are talking

>> No.6086236

there are actually no boundaries between the boards, everything is a whole

>> No.6086242

except we hate /pol/ and we don't spam their board.

>> No.6086319


OP here, I fucking love seeing the merchant in non-/pol/ threads. Cracks me up.

>> No.6086374


>source purchased separately

>> No.6086379


> Implying /sci/ isn't full of high schoolers and retards.

>> No.6086512

agreed, but a methodical release of the technology, like the polio vaccine, free of patent, would be unstoppable. Jonas Salk created the vaccine as a pet project while working on a different project funded by the gov. As such no one could accuse him of mismanaging funds and he had all authority to release it as he chose. He worked directly with thousands of doctors and schools and people that when the news that the vaccine worked, the news could not be silenced. Probably pissed off a whole lot of pharma execs, but f!@# them, he kept children from being stricken by polio.