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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6085715 No.6085715[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there an afterlife, sci?

Why/why not?

>> No.6085726
File: 291 KB, 585x387, cocainebear2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably not, but how the fuck would we even know? it's not like anybody can ever come back and tell us one way or the other

but i say apply hitchens razor: so if theres no proof of it, no point believing in it.

or ,maybe there is, and i'll be pleasantly surprised

either way, no point worrying about it.

>> No.6085725

Try: http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/keith_augustine/immortality.html

>> No.6085731
File: 3 KB, 126x108, sci5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, bookmarked (im a little too stoned to read all that now) =p

>> No.6085735

yes, with a beer volcano

>> No.6085738

I believe it's called "death"

>> No.6085744
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>> No.6085748

and no there isn't afterlife

its not opinion matter, its time (=nothing/researching) dependant thing, when you kill a fly it goes to total nothingness, even though its energy (usually referred as dark matter in some cases) just joins with other energy (mistaken as universe's neuronal system)

>> No.6085773

are you high?
can i have what you are taking?

>> No.6085892


>> No.6085904

Science has not found any force or power strong enough to prevent the Universe from recreating you once more.

So we must accept our recreation as a logical possibility since it has already happened once.

>> No.6085911

To answer that you first have to figure out what life is.

Do you even know your own mind?

>> No.6085960


>le Nietzsche face

It's armor fati time

>> No.6085964

Stop this shit, "you" do not exist. Consciousness is just feeling of "there's only one" that arises when a system measures existence itself, because there is only one existence.

>> No.6085963

then it's just a clone, not really you

>> No.6085968

Solid doesn't exist
Money doesn't exist
Art doesn't exist
Time doesn't exist
Feelings don't exist

It's all just a feeling.


Stop talking like a fucking mystic.

>> No.6085978

Yes. Mind > matter. Brain does not generate consciousness, it's the opposite.

In the beginning there was a tiny cell of consciousness ("1") in an infinite void of emptyness ("0") filled with an infinite amount of potential energy. Consciousness has the ability to reproduce itself, yet due to its omniscient/omnipotent/infinite nature, it needs to "filter" itself.

That's when the universe as we know it intervenes. Consciousness tuned the energy from the Void into a matrix using fundamental laws (the laws of the universe). Then, Consciousness injected its reproduction mechanism : DNA and reproductive cells.

These are just energy tuned to the right vibration that are programmed to create a new conscious unit when joined together (that's "you"), yet using only energy from the void (tuned into the form of elementary particles, that's the E=MC2 part).

You then spend a life of free-will. Your little bulb of consciousness lies quietly in the deepest part of your what-looks-like body in the what-looks-like universe. You are experiencing "life" as we call it, in all it's glory.

Free-will is very important because consciousness needs to know if you are genuinely good or evil. Therefore, there must be absolutely, unequivocally no sign of afterlife in the physical world. You must doubt, and be able to make your own choice in the most neutral way.

Then you "die", eventually. From there on you see your entire life before your eyes. You will feel all the emotions you have had during your life, but also all the emotions your actions have generated on other peoples.

After this "test", you, and only you will decide what to do with yourself. Since you'll now be a part of the "truth", you'll not be able to lie to yourself.

If your life has been good, you'll allow yourself to the happy ever-after consciousness field ("1"). If it has been bad, you'll auto-censor yourself, and then, who knows what happens...

Be good.

>> No.6085980 [DELETED] 

>it's not like anybody can ever come back and tell us one way or the other
There are thousands of people who were clinically dead for some minutes and came back to tell the story, about 20% of them report having been conscious out of their physical bodies and experiencing all kinds of things.

>> No.6085986

>you can't know nuffin
I don't have to respond to that.

>> No.6086000

>then it's just a clone, not really you

it's only as real as you are now.
what matters is recreation of your consciousness, once that happens your fucked and have to live once more.

could be as a bird or as an african.

>> No.6086022

too bad that's always thrown away as some phony stories regardless of the endless accounts.

Wondering if that one guy has any results yet. He was placing pictures of magazines or whatever in high places in hospitals where people are prone to get cardiac arrest.

>> No.6086031

So they're basically braindead, come back to life and wooosh, suddenly there are new memories in their brain, about the time when they were braindead?

>> No.6086062

is there a beforelife?

>> No.6086132


>> No.6086135

Can energy be destroyed?
If the universe is being forced to live forever, then so will you.

>> No.6086149

Natura non facit saltus.

>> No.6086182

No one knows for sure.

>> No.6086228

If there is no dualism or soul, then your consciousness is entirely based in the universe, and there is a physical process that creates your consciousness. If that process happens multiple times, then your consciousness would be created multiple times.

>> No.6086229

No one but he dead know, and the dead tell no tales.

>> No.6086245

bump because yes i agree there is nothing afterward just the dark ether that some call peace and others dread

>> No.6086274
File: 590 KB, 1010x1392, wonder alex grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

auto bump because OP used an alex grey pic

>> No.6086344

I have a humanist approach to my belief in afterlife...in essence, we believe in it so much, that the collective sub-conscience of millions upon billions of people make it a reality. Either that or we are part of the matrix and when we die here, we wake up there, so death really is only the beginning.

>> No.6086360
File: 31 KB, 785x800, common-fly[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do flies also experience that?
Are we surrounded by fly souls?
Scratch that, are we surrounded by dinosaur souls?
If not, why not?

>> No.6086377


Not testable, therefore not science. It's wishful religious bullshit. Now get out you bundle of sticks.

>> No.6086387
File: 3 KB, 210x230, blue_ohgodwhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as an african
So there are things worse than death...

>> No.6086399

I have my fags sharpened and ready.

>> No.6087320


>> No.6087380 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 427x640, md5168BeHP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, here's one of many scientific studies on the subject:
In December of 2001, The Lancet (the United Kingdom's highly respected journal of medicine) published the results of a study by Dr. Pim van Lommel showing 18 percent of clinically dead patients having NDEs. Lommel's study documented verified events observed by such patients from a perspective removed from their bodies - called "veridical perception" - suggesting the existence of a transcendent consciousness..

>> No.6087392
File: 83 KB, 480x640, 004-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high and right.
and no u cant unless u got some.

>> No.6087393

Most definitely not science.

>> No.6087399

It is a biology question.

>> No.6087442

It's a psychology or philosophy question

>> No.6087569

At least you agree it belongs on /sci/.

>> No.6087598

I half agree.
These threads are just too frequent and get shit responses.
They never get beyond "define conciousness", "psychology isn't a science", or "u cant no nuthin".

>> No.6088338

I saw the exact same thread on /x/ last night.

>> No.6089388

You are free to contribute more insightful comments.

>> No.6089410

The question is:

Is there a present-life?

Think about it.