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6082057 No.6082057 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.6082076 [DELETED] 


>> No.6082117

No racism on /sci/

>> No.6082126

Have you seen the race/IQ threads here? "No racism on /sci/" is objectively false.

>> No.6082147

I do not care. It is a rule.
If you want to be racist, then go to /b/.

>> No.6082156

How are the IQ threads "racist"? Facts are not racist. It only becomes racist when you draw unjustified conclusions.

>> No.6082160

Offensive facts are still offensive. Just because an offensive statement might happen to be true is no justification for saying it.

>> No.6082169

Facts are just facts. Calling them "offensive" is a value judgement reflecting nothing but your opinion.

>> No.6082172


please stop samefagging and shitposting when there are boards for this stuff

>> No.6082179



Magnavita, Carlos/Breunig, Peter/Ameje, James/Posselt, Martin: "Zilum: a mid-first millennium BC fortified settlement near Lake Chad". Journal of African Archaeology 4, 1 (2006), S. 153-169.



Lange, D. 2011. The founding of Kanem by Assyrian Refugees ca. 600 BCE: Documentary, Linguistic, and Archaeological Evidence (PDF; 1,6 MB). Boston.



>> No.6082183

Nietzsche said, "There are no facts, only interpretations." Therefore, your interpretation is also an opinion. If it is offensive, you can't say it.

>> No.6082184

Do you really expect us to read all of those links?
If you are trying to make a point, then make it.

>> No.6082191

>quoting a philosopher

This is a science board, not a pseudo-intellectualism board.

>> No.6082200

>unable to controvert the statement
>wants the statement banned from the board

Sorry if my truth offended you. I won't say it again.

>> No.6082209

>There are no facts, only interpretations
is that a fact?

>> No.6082206

Once I got mad at those 'no cities were ever built in africa hurr durr' threads because of that stupid racism. And those links give info on how there were indeed high cultures in Black Africa, even without Arab influence. I've been waiting for the next idiotic racist. And I'll post them again in the next idiotic racism thread I notice.

>> No.6082211


Do you even science?

>> No.6082218

Good for you :)

But you should know, idiot racists will not read your links.
They do not want to change their opinions.
Being bigoted makes them feel good. They feel superior.
They will not let you take that away, no matter how demonstrably wrong they are.

>> No.6082220

no one even said anything about 'no cities were built in africa' itt

quit being so insecure

>> No.6082215

That's how Nietzsche and I see it.

>> No.6082221

Science is investigative philosophy.

>> No.6082225

Science and philosophy are polar opposites. The rationality of the scientific method is incompatible with the philosophical anti-intellectualism of "u cannot know nuthin".

>> No.6082223 [DELETED] 

hahahah oh wow what a faggot

>> No.6082227

Take your mindless insults to /b/

>4chan global rule 3: Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases...

>> No.6082241

It saddens me how many people consider themselves scientists, but have never read Karl Popper or Thomas Kuhn.
You really should know the history and philosophy of your discipline.

>> No.6082246

All I need is the scientific method. The scientific method is true irregardless of whether any scientiifcally illiterate philosophers intervene with a "u cannot know nuthin".

>> No.6082256

lel you're like some hardcore fundie


>> No.6082265

Science is not a religion.

>> No.6082264

It is based upon the philosophy of empiricism, which is the idea that our senses reflect an external reality which is consistent and would exist even if no one was here to see it.

You really don't know anything about philosophy if you think all philosophy is nihilistic.

>> No.6082273


scientific method is also fundamentally flawed.

it relies on ungrounded faith on statistics to point us toward the right answer under all circumstances.

and indeed, we do see results obtained in experimentation occasionally confounded by such phenomena as the decline effect.

>> No.6082282

then why do you treat it like one?

>> No.6082281

scientificism is

>> No.6082287

That is so wrong.

>> No.6082288
File: 86 KB, 817x1264, philososhitposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scientific method works and is the only valid method of finding objective truth. Deal with it, pseudo-intellectuals.

That's not even a real word.

>> No.6082296

I don't.

>> No.6082298

>The scientific method works and is the only valid method of finding objective truth
how do you prove this using the scientific method?

>> No.6082295

>consciousness exists

>> No.6082310

Use your common sense.

>> No.6082314

lmao did you really give up that easily? I'm disappointed

>> No.6082318

Give up what? You asked a question and I answered.

>> No.6082433

"Common Sense is what tells you the world is flat." -- Terry Pratchett

>> No.6082446
File: 1.97 MB, 979x1121, terry pratchett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quoting Terry Pratchett

The man literally wears a fedora.

>> No.6082460

and has altzeimers

>> No.6083861

He has a matching jacket, whereas examples of fedoras looking bad are typically something along the lines of pinstripe with plaid or going shirtless yet still wearing a hat meant for dressing up.

>> No.6083865


>muh feelings trumps scientific observation

>> No.6083869


Old men are allowed to wear fedoras.

>> No.6083872

I wear a fedora.
Over my grey hair with a suit and tie.
There is a right way to do it.

>> No.6083996

Everyone is.

>> No.6084904

He wore a fedora before it was cool.

>> No.6084950

Good links, but the last three links you have have nothing to do with subSaharan Africans. The Assyrians weren't black, nor the Berbers

>> No.6085181

Pratchett has been writing so long and prolifically, that the 1% of his brain cells remaining can still write good books. He has hired an assistant to help him remember new characters and plot threads, though.

I kind of get why he wrote so much about Death, now.