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6080161 No.6080161[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone seen Jacob Barnetts twitter?


All he does is rip the fuck into Einstein constantly and tweet about how great he is.
I really think he is the one spamming 4chan with these threads.

>When my theories are fully realized, I will be the most famous Indianan #boygenius

>I'm hungry. Wish my future Nobel Prize was made out of chocolate. Or a flattened spaghetti composite. #College #BoyGenius

>Not only am I smarter than Einstein, my cat actually IS both alive and dead at the same time. Eat it, Schrödinger. #BoyGenius

>Two Einsteins walk into a bar...then they order drinks because they were OLD before they did anything important. SNAP! #BoyGenius

He has contributed fuck all yet, how is he this egotistical?

>> No.6080173

It's all the ego-frottage his parents and other christians have lavished on him.

>> No.6080170

he's a kid. Kids are easy to deal with. Ignore them and they soon go away.

>> No.6080171

> He has contributed fuck all yet, how is he this egotistical?
because he's 12 and everyone keeps telling him how great he is.
I hope he doesn't crash too with those wax wings

>> No.6080175

Holy crap his parents and educators are doing the exact opposite of Terry Tao's education.
This is going toward a disaster.

>> No.6080178

Dummy. It's a fake account. Have some critical thinking.

>> No.6080181

This, it is clearly obvious.

>> No.6080196

Links on his official website, in his moms book and on his official facebook.
Its real.

>> No.6080200

Well then he is digging his own grave, even better.

>> No.6080204

tfw he's a real live sheldon cooper

>> No.6080206

> For an April Fools joke, this Gmail Motion seems awfully plausible. I could use a Kinect to get that going in about two hours. #Underwhelmed
no longer give a shit.
I hope some junkie stabs him in an alley

>> No.6080207

>When my theories are fully realized, I will be the most famous Indianan #boygenius

I am sad that I know this, but this is clearly fake as "Indianan" would be "Hoosier" if it were the real deal.

>> No.6080227

What a funny way to spell 'raep'.

>> No.6080235

Why are people obsessed with disproving Einsteins theory?
There are probably easier ways to get a nobel prize and change the world.

>> No.6080249

Religious mentality. They see Einstein as a figurehead that is easy to attack since they've been having so much trouble attacking science itself.

>> No.6080251

People seem to take issue with different frames of reference observing time and distance differently for reasons I haven't quite understood. It is like this keeps the universe from fitting into their nice box so they want to get rid of it. The same would probably be true of QM if QM were more accurately portrayed in popular media.

>> No.6080261
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There are now at least 4 threads for him on /sci/. Please stop making these, if you really feel the need to share this put it in one of the pre-existing threads.

>> No.6080267

Well, to the average ignorant person living in a 1st world country, who the fuck is the smartest person that has ever existed on this planet? Fucking Einstein to them. He has become an icon of intelligence here and his energy-mass equivalence formula isn't the most popular one in history for no reason.

So really, when they want to seem super smart, it's pretty logical to oppose some super smart guy they can think of. Sometimes Humanity really sucks, all this media brainwashing morons and making us dumber and dumber.

This kid is a bigger insult to science since religion and Pop science.

>> No.6080272

>Religious mentality
I don't understand how someone could be this retarded.

>> No.6080297

It's his bitch mother who is advertising her son like a little zoo monkey.
>look at my boy, he can do this and that
>look at what I produced
>look it's great
>please look at him he will be the most intelligent ever and I produced him
>please look I'm a strong woman and my upbringing made it possible for this kid to disprove Einstein
Except all she does is take his ego higher and higher off the ground, making the fall even harder. Look at the youtube videos, 90% of them are uploaded by his mother and she only approves of comments that praise his son, the won't even get permitted.

>> No.6080301

huddled masses look to leaders to lead them out of poverty

>> No.6080308

I could not find said links. However, from looking at his official website, it looks like such a severe ego trip, it in itself makes it patently obvious that this is turning out to be a serious disaster. Half of it looks like 4chan put it up as a joke ( don't know how many times I read the phrase, "IQ smarter than Einstein" on my visit there ), but lone behold it is his own website.

This kid is like the antithesis of Tao. All we can do is see what happens, but I'll be one to admit I am not rooting for the kid.

>> No.6080311

I'm referring to you, you dolt.
This entire situation has nothing to do with religion, and the fact you use religious people as a "counter" to Einstein shows you're incredibly ignorant.

>> No.6080318

Of course not all of it is his fault, but is bitch mother and spineless father ( for letting it happen ). But it seems as though he is too far gone at this point. He is destined to be a megalomaniacal egomaniac, which will hinder his drive ( sitting on laurals ). If he can prove me wrong and live up to the hype he set, all the better.

>> No.6080320
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It really saddens me that he may not be another Tao.

>> No.6080331
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>> No.6080337

JB became an instant superstar when christians were told that he can prove that the big bang theory is wrong. The parents and other related parasites played it for all it was worth.

I've seen more than a few topics, comments and articles about how JB's truths "will rape Einsteins 'theories' like The Big Bang theory, Evilution and Climate Warming"(sic).

Of course, if you belong to the group that rightly believes that modern christianity has nothing to do with religion and everything with control and power, then yes, you could say this has nothing to do with religion.

Otherwise you're just talking shit.

>> No.6080345

I seriously fucking hate this kid. He has autism and could understand basic algebra when he was a kid just like half of America can and yet he gets all this praise and opportunity because the media and his family thinks he's a genius.

>> No.6080349

Description says "I'm a 12 year old science genius" despite the fact he's 15 now.

>> No.6080351

sheldon cooper is a retard.
He does fucking nothing and behaves like an idiot, IRL he'd be fired in no time just because of lack of progress.

>> No.6080366
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That's hilarious.

>> No.6080369
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>mfw I read this

How does one not commit sudoku immediately upon reading this?

>you will never be anything close to this level of genius

>> No.6080388

By resolving to prove stuff before he does. Then you can rub his nose in it. Metaphorically at least. He's probably too cool a dude to really be phased. And even if he was, dude probably knows kung fu. Genius kung fu. You don't mess with that.

>> No.6080454
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>> No.6080459

This is why you don't tell children they're smart

>> No.6080472

When these kids grow up no one cares about them anymore so it's okay

>> No.6080492
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Don't worry, soon he will be on /r9k/ bawwing about being a 26 year old kissless virgin because his autism drove away everyone. He will never amount to anything; the wholke child genius thing is bullshit, it's just kids who develop early meaning that by the time they are adults their smartest peers have caught up. They go into adulthood still thinking that they are special and fail life as a result when they finally realize that they are not that great. The vast majority of "child geniuses" end up like this. Google it. I can't wait for this one's faggot autistic ass to fall hard.

>> No.6080501

But religious people love Einstein. Everyone loves Einstein except assholes who want to disprove him.

>> No.6080503


Have you seen the conservapedia article on special relativity?

>> No.6080511


all these
he is wicked smart but also wicked autistic. It's much more difficult for him to synthesize a persona than it is for the average person, and he was probably severely ostracized as a young child, so his parents' willingness to parade him around has caused him to develop a tremendous ego. He's just a kid, you can't blame him, but his cunt of a mother just couldn't pass up an opportunity to get HERSELF on television, so she has tried to turn him into a celebrity. If she were really looking out for him then she would have devoted all of that energy to facilitating his education and helping him network in industry and academia, while making sure to consistently remind him that he was given a gift with which it is up to him to use righteously. The media is equally responsible, perhaps more unwittingly, for perpetuating the idea that the majority of people are devoid of the necessary capacity for understanding math and science and that outstanding performance in those fields is the result of some cognitive or genetic anomaly.


a great deal of /sci/entists and others have had the intellectual capacity to achieve the things that he did at such a young age, but few or none of us had the motivation. There is no indication that he is any more likely to make significant contributions than anyone else who gets into the same shit, regardless of age.

TL;DR : He's a dick because of his parents/the media, childhood education is shit, he is very precocious but has yet to achieve anything truly outstanding

>> No.6080512

I have not Anon. But I will Google it now out of curiosity.

Seriously though, my pastor loves Einstein to the point where he read all of his work. I don't know man.

>> No.6080519

Dat self efficacy

>> No.6080520

>christians on /sci/

>> No.6080522

I'm not the kind to try and associate Science with it. I just believe what I believe. Not sure if you guys respect that any more than than the ladder though. But whatever. I just feel the need to justify myself even though I'm anonymous.

Creationism is gay as shit.

>> No.6080523

the notion that science and math are arduous and elusive subjects is hammered into us from day 0, so there is only an exceedingly small percentage of the population who manage to come around and realize that they can work with it. Unfortunately, a great deal of those people subsequently believe that they must be remarkably intelligent in order to have achieved the understanding which they have achieved.

>> No.6080528

I was mostly teasing, but you've piqued my interest. What do you get out of your religion if not a cosmogony myth? Does it help to enforce your morals/code of conduct? Or are you simply bound by your kinship with the community within your church?

>> No.6080529


Most of what you need to be good at physics is mental fortitude for sifting through the loads of junky, boring calculations, rather than actual intellect.

>> No.6080537

that depends on what you mean by "good at physics". If you mean "good at solving physical modeling equations" then I would agree, but the ability to synthesize a logical, visual, or conceptual (regret using that last word) understanding can't be developed exclusively (or even mostly) through memorization and plugging&chugging.
I think that the patience and mental fortitude comes into play even more heavily when you are faced with a physical problem which requires you to distill the most approachable and significant aspects in order to try and extract some useful, previously unknown information.

>> No.6080545

also, my professor was just discussing, in an aside, Euclid, and he addressed the common misconception that mathematics education "makes you smarter," whereas Euclid had developed accurate geometrical formulas for volume and surface hundreds of years before the development of calculus, ones which we, today, would rarely even consider approaching without a basic knowledge of integration techniques.

>> No.6080553

Well, if you really want to know, I'll share. But it's going to sound really stupid. Bear with me.

I was raised on religion, and I come from a religious family. I never really read the bible until recently, but even in childhood it just felt right, I suppose.

When I reached adolescence, I really started doubting it, because none of it seemed logical, especially the Old Testament. Not only this but I was trying to blame God for certain things that had happened to me as a child. I eventually decided he was illogical.

But eventually I realized it was stupid to try and associate religion with science, they were built to oppose each other, and essentially just decided I believe it because I believe it, because it just feels right. The Bible teaches that most of it is going to be blind faith anyway, and not only that, if God made the universe, why would he choose to make sense?

It helps enforce morals too, I often feel convicted if I do something bad, even if no one sees it. Because I know He does. It's odd - it may be just my brain is wired to feel like God is with me at this point, but there have been too many good things that have happened in correlation to things I've asked Him for.

Anyway, that's my story. I hope I answered your questions.

>> No.6080561 [DELETED] 

he has a gf anon

>> No.6080567


The problem is that there are hard limits on what you can do with the sort of intuitive nonrigorous reasoning that was available to Euclid. Much of modern mathematics is dealing with special cases which demolish uninformed intuition, and dealing with those cases would be impossible if not for the advent of modern mathematical rigor.

Euclid could never have developed measure theory, for example. Newton could not have, either, nor Leibniz. Not without a fundamental shift in the way they thought about math.

>> No.6080572

I'm with you part of the way, here are the points which I would contest:

>if God made the universe, why would he choose to make sense?

Simple, so that everyone would believe in Him! Why would god create humans with the capacity to abandon him, unless He is an asshole?

>even if no one sees it

I also feel "bad" when when I do something wrong, even in private, despite the fact that I doubt the existence of an omniscient being. This is because I naturally empathize with other humans, even if I have nothing to gain from doing so, so by doing something that has the potential to harm someone but for which I could never be punished, I am still creating a potential scenario for someone to experience pain or sadness, which could then in turn spread back to me or to others through empathy. If you have empathy, then why do you need God? One could argue that the two are equally illogical, but that the former is more efficient, succinct, and safer from misinterpretation

>> No.6080573

You're absolutely right. I think his point was that the intelligence, if it is quantifiable, is more readily demonstrable through reasoning than through calculation/memorization, regardless of rigor.

>> No.6080580

how about you get out of his ass and post something different?

>> No.6080581

I also wanted to know, what are your stances on the following, as they pertain to your religion:
Property rights
Premarital sex

also, what is your specific area of interest in the sciences?

>> No.6080584


If we're speaking of "intelligence" as "propensity towards fundamental insights," then yes, this is true. That said, there's precious little you can do with intelligence alone; if you look at the great scientists and mathematicians of history, much of their success is undoubtedly due to the fact that they simply had the ability to sit down, focus, and /go through the motions/ when it was required.

I mean, look at Kepler; one might, naively, be most impressed by the fact that he came up with his laws of orbital motion from the data, but in truth what is far more impressive is the fact that he was able to manipulate the data into a data in which it could be handled in the first place; that is, taking gobs and gobs of positions in the night sky and doing the tedious coordinate transforms to relate them to positions in orbits. This was done doing math that had already been thoroughly investigated before him (namely geometry), and involved no particular insight, simply nearly-incomprehensible amounts of dedication and endurance. Only then was insight even possible.

>> No.6080587

Does he really have a research position at a university? Or is it a bullshit thing like what masters students are given?

>> No.6080590


God, I wish he'd turn his fucking hat the right way around, or better yet take it right off.

>> No.6080588

>manipulate the data into a data

Erm, this should have read "manipulate the data into a form."

>> No.6080595

Yeah, you're right about the empathy thing.

And honestly, I can't answer the other one. I have no idea how such a being would work. I just know if there is a being that powerful, he can do anything he wants, and if he made me, who am I to argue?

I think of God as a really good programmer, and we're just heaps of memory that we call energy. He programmed us, and can use console commands to do insanely cool things, like speeding up chemical reactions, making evolutionary subsystems, and the best physics engine anyone has ever seen.

Though, I don't understand what you mean on playing it safe. Assuming God does exist, wouldn't it be playing it safe to believe in Him?

But all I can tell you for certain is my gut says to go with it, and my gut has never steered me wrong. I'm not sure what yours says, but I'd advise to listen to what it says, no matter what direction it steers you, Anon.

>> No.6080599


I attended a couple of lectures given by Tao in Auckland a few weeks ago. He's surprisingly muddled. His technical lecture was mostly delivered in a mumbled monotone that didn't get things across very clearly. His general public lecture was poorly timed, spending way too much time on the introductory section, and having to rush through the meat of the topic which ended up compressed into the last 15 minutes. He's obviously very smart but a lot more aspergish than I expected.

>> No.6080596

you're right, I can't argue with you. I quoted my professor not because I agreed with him but because it was an amusing anecdote. When he brought up the point I actually took subtle offence at first that he would even discuss intelligence at all, but I think that it was mostly an innocent homage to an ancient hero of his, and probably did little to influence the students' understanding of the concept.

>> No.6080605

I don't mean playing it safe in the Pascal's Wager sense, I meant the notion of empathy is safer from being misinterpreted in an unethical way than the notion of the ONE TRUE GOD.
My gut tells me that there is more here than meets the eye, but I was never taught to believe in a specific deity by my family, so I have no reason to do so. I'm quite sure that you would feel the same way, and would have no inclination towards christianity if you grown up without it.

>> No.6080608

Just noticed this post. Sure, I'll answer.

I don't really have any particular viewpoints on property rights. Although I'm a firm believer in capitalism with minimal government intervention to prevent monopolies. Also I think workers should have working rights, but nothing extensive like the U.S. has the impedes economic progress.

I can elaborate more if you want, but that's kind of a broad question, so I just answered with my general economics opinion.

Premarital sex seems kind of immoral to me. Not from a biblical view, but in general. Sex was a reproduction system designed by God to serve the purpose of making new people. Using it for anything else just seems odd, but I'm not particularly against it. I don't judge people, as it's not my job, but I personally don't think I could go through with premarital sex without feeling somewhat guilty. My ego says it's okay, but my superego seems to not like the idea, is what I'm getting at.

Homosexuality is something I honestly despise. And again, not because of religion. God only said it was an abomination. But my opinion is that it's ignorant and serves no purpose to the human race, and with current liberal movements, it seems like their forcing their idiotic inefficient viewpoints on the rest of us. Like how recently Toys R Us made the toy sections unisex. It's ridiculous.

These are simply my opinions. Please do interject, I'm very open minded.

>> No.6080614

I was talking more about his ego and attitude rather than his public speech skills.

On that subject I have seen Tao's lectures and know what you are talking about, I think he just isn't good at estimating time as he likes to talk about asides on the fly in his lectures and it tends to take too long.

>> No.6080617

Also, they're*. My apologies.

>> No.6080630

I doubt that the mods would appreciate our extended dialog but for our purposes we're better off here than on /pol/ or /b/.

By property rights I meant, essentially, do you believe in ownership in the most basic sense? Is theft/covetousness always wrong?

For premarital sex, there are numerous medical and psychological benefits as well as drawbacks, but the very idea that marriage and procreation are inherently connected seems somewhat arbitrary to me.

As for homosexuality, please elaborate on why it is "ignorant." Gay love can be just as wholesome as straight love, and a great deal of important historical figures have probably drawn inspiration from gay relationships.

>> No.6080646

Theft and covetousness can be justified, but it's a very circumstantial thing. There's a lot of in's and out's, but I imagine we have a fairly equal viewpoint on it.

Everything has psychological and physical benefits and drawbacks. Even drinking water has psychological and physical benefits and drawbacks. On an evolutionary level, sex is intended to further your bloodline, and has the bonuses to entice the organism to do it, or else we'd never get around to it. That's how I look at it.

Homosexuality is just ignorant in the way they go about it, is what I guess I'm supposing more. It may just be my hatred towards liberals that is affecting my argument - and I'm used to being around the homosexuals that believe everyone should be bisexual. I'm simply annoyed by them.

If you have a gay person that's "don't ask, don't tell," I wouldn't really care. You can apply this very same argument to Christians and straight people.

It's also ignorant in the fact it serves no societal purpose. But hey, if homosexuality is a gene, we're just curbing it. I doubt a God that calls it an abomination would purposefully make such a gene, unless it was made through evolutionary purposes, however.

>> No.6080652

This isn't true. Looked, doesn't have a personal twitter, instead there's one for his autism awareness program. Source? Otherwise, like I said:

Blatantly fake. God, doesn't anyone have one ounce of skepticism? Everyone here is hilariously butthurt, insecure and scrambling for confirmation bias that he's a dildo head. If anyone can prove that this is his actual twitter I'll eat my foot, but until then, lel at l0sers taking a moral stance and how he's being raised wrong etc.

>> No.6080660

>Also I think workers should have working rights, but nothing extensive like the U.S. has the impedes economic progress.

>richest country
>workers rights impedes economic progress.

Fuck you dude. I hope you kids lose all of their fingers in a factory someday only to be fired and homeless after.

>> No.6080661

gays don't have a choice in being gay or not, they're born homo

so why does god hate gayfags if he makes the gayfags gay

and why does god make gay animals sometimes

>> No.6080674

Certain types of mental conditioning, especially before puberty, can potentially make a big difference in a person's sexual orientation. There's historical and anecdotal evidence for this, but controlled studies on it never happen for obvious ethical reasons.

>> No.6080675

Ignore him, he's a /pol/ tard.

>> No.6080689

The thread was about to die, why did you bump it?

>> No.6080693

but it's never the kid's choice to undergo mental conditioning, and even if it was their choice they would be too young to understand the choice they're making so a kid grows up gay because his uncle wrestled with him, that still doesn't make the gay at fault for being gay.

also animals are still gay sometimes

face it, god loves fags

>> No.6080733

Hoosier here. We hate the term Hoosier.

>> No.6080737

morality should be constrained to human free will. thats all there is to it

>inb4 philosotards

>> No.6080740

>historical and anecdotal evidence for this

le shigg de digg

>> No.6080745


ridiculous line of thought. if straight people ALWAYS raised straight people, gays would've never existed in the first place.

it's genetic. pure and simple

>> No.6080756

define morality. so far, you've posted no proof of your views on morality other than calling things "idiotic", "ridiculous" and resorting to your feelings. Why does premarital sex "seem kind of immoral"? Why is homosexuality "ignorant"? Does one need to justify his existence by serving purpose to the "human race"?

>it seems like their forcing their idiotic inefficient viewpoints on the rest of us.

conservatives are the ones implying force; why should it be in your right to dictate the private lives of consenting adults?

>> No.6080759

not sure if honestly retarded, or setting up a conservative strawman for the libruuuuuuls to fire at

>> No.6080776

>Homosexuality is just ignorant in the way they go about it, is what I guess I'm supposing more.

still no proof, still no proper reasoning. only feels

>Theft and covetousness can be justified, but it's a very circumstantial thing.
wheres muh morality now?

>If you have a gay person that's "don't ask, don't tell," I wouldn't really care. You can apply this very same argument to Christians and straight people.

hurr no one should talk about anything!! no fun allowed, only culture!!111111

>having a pastor
>obeying others' views on anything for the sake of it

>> No.6080795
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A brief overview of this thread:

>barnett thread
>barnett aquires a massive ego, posts about disproving einstein on twitter #pwningeinstein #boygenius #rekt
>/sci/entists proceed to psycholgically analyse him
>blame his autism on his parents
>eventually someone ends up blaming christian upbringing
>suddenly, a wild conservative appears
>/sci/entists ask conservative about views on the topic
>starts spitting hot political opinions
>gets mocked and ridiculed by everyone else
>the end

>> No.6080800

This is why you don't tell child prodigies that they are child prodigies.

>> No.6080802

fellow hoosier here. Nobody gives a flying fuck about the term hoosier, you are a sensitive retard.

>> No.6080805

i could do algebra at that age with ease and im not even very smart so i get where you're coming from

>> No.6080807

>implying he gives a fuck about twitter
>implying he is wasting precious time posting shit on twitter
that is a troll account guys

>> No.6080812

>implying you arent barnett

>> No.6080814


Does God love pedophiles too?

>> No.6080825


confirmed for double digit iq

>> No.6080831

children cannot give consent, therefor it is rightly immoral for pedophiles to act on their will

>> No.6080847


Why did God make them that way then? To test their morality?

>> No.6080868

by that logic, everything is justified. hurr durr god wanted it this way

>> No.6080890

Einstein here.
Atleast I got laid. Good luck with that Jacob.

>> No.6080902

Einstein was a degenerate who married his cousin.
Jacob has a girlfriend. If you read the other thread, you'd know this.

Einstein 0
Jacob 1

>> No.6080941


Because it is the foundation for about a century's worth of astrophysics. It would be the equivalent of what Einstein did to Newton's theories of gravity.

Einstein's theories do have flaws in them (most notably their incompatibility with quantum mechanics), much as Newton's did. It is quite possible that solving these problems requires completely restructuring general relativity, or it may not, and general relativity will be found to be compatible in some way. I would hedge bets on the latter, though the former is of course more interesting. Trying to take down general relativity is definitely an act of extreme hubris.

>> No.6080950


>premarital sex is immoral, but not from a biblical view
>goes on to cite God as the source of what is moral and immoral

Uh huh.

>> No.6080982

Glad someone pointed this out

I hate when threads devolve into this type of arguments

>> No.6080990

If its not a choice what about trans people

Why do you exclude them that's homophobic you bigot

>> No.6081016

126 IQ - When I found out I loved math and was good at it as a senior I taught myself calculus from spivak, does that make me jacob barnett? No.
inb4 getting >imply flamed.

>> No.6081052

>muh Spivak
Get a load of this textbook babby

>> No.6081084


You've obviously never studied animal sexuality.

Hint: Animals engage in homosexual behavior as their environments become more constraining and stressful. Many other.

>Young child at zoo: "Daddy! Daddy! Why are the boy tigers buttfucking each other?"

>Father: "Genetix, son!"

Top kek. Of course this type of research is nearly non-existent now because genetic research of faggotry is le fad. Le feel good emotions. No such thing as self-responsibility. Cartesian retardism.

Ride the tiger, niggers. Ride it hard and long.

>> No.6081085

I'll add as a side note that I don't think homosexuality can be deemed as 'moral' or 'immoral'. It is indifferent to morality, amoral, etc.

"God made us this way" argument is purely for feels. Keeps the Christfags at bay, etc.

>> No.6081096
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>> No.6081123

I appreciate the meme but anyone who's been in the field can tell you the common /pol/ responds to cognitive dissonance or emotional distress with "good goy"

>> No.6081141

I just came to the realization that I've been in a Jacob Barnett thread for half an hour. What the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.6081272

Most people don't know the word had a real meaning before the redditors of /pol/ degraded it to a buzzword.

>> No.6081274

>muh degeneracy

>> No.6081293

>I may be only 12 so naive on this, but do people like Homer Simpson really populate the workforce of nuclear reactors? Seems dangerous!

>Papa Johns is the francium of chain pizza establishments! Gross. My pizza chain is gonna be as dependable as a noble gas. #Rivalries #Pizza

>> No.6081300

part time capt'n obvious here. isn't it just a troll twitter account?

captcha: frequently asksksK

>> No.6081308

O look another person who never reads threads and just posts.

>> No.6081333


>> No.6081342


>> No.6081463

He's acting polite, simply giving his opinion when asked, and of course you all act like children in response.

I'd sooner befriend him than any of you. Grow up

>> No.6081465

There no need to assume moral superiority, i'd sooner befriend none of you

>> No.6081479

this, morals are for pussies anyway

>> No.6081835

>don't know the differnce between morals and ethics

>> No.6082501

nobody asked for his fucking opinion. we wanted the rational reasoning behind it (which of course we arent gonna get because hes a /pol/tard).
ie: why is homosexuality "ignorant", why does something seem "immoral"?

this is a science and math board. it irritates us when people just post shit without rational or at least empirical proof

>> No.6082512


>> No.6082521

Ah, seriously?

>> No.6082648


>> No.6082668

>how is he this egotistical

Mavbe it's all the threads on /sci/. Or, maybe it's because he is a kid who gets everything handed to him because he's famous.

When he is 20, he will be a forgotten angry loner.

Colleges ALWAYS do that to their disposable prodigies. He profits his college. When that ends, so does he.

>> No.6082676

INB4 he is a regular poster if wifu threads on /jp/ in 6 years.


>> No.6082768


>> No.6082775

America is in debt and has virtually no self-production. Everything is made in China for a reason, you fuck.

>> No.6082778

>hurr blame the libruuuuuuls
>muh free market

>> No.6082787


I present to you, /sci/

Where gifted intellectuals come to converse.

>> No.6082790

that guy never backed up his claims. for that reason, he deserves to be mocked

>> No.6082800
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>I really think he is the one spamming 4chan with these threads.

>> No.6082827
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>mfw Einstein IQ is about 160 (estimate) lots of people are "smarter" than him.
>mfw this kids IQ is only 170, lot's of people are higher than that too.
>mfw when it's not how smart you are, it's what you do with it. Science isn't an intelligence contest, it's about intellectual achievements.
This kids ego and "fame" is going to ruin him. He's going to be the child star of science, like a Miley Cyrus or Lindsay Lohan of studying shit. He'll be extremely lucky to be half as notable as Gregor Mendel, and that mother fucker was a monk.

>> No.6082842

Asking for opinions isn't something you should expect backing from. The guy he was answering merely wanted to know how he thought, and did not ask for proofs; and even then, that guy did provide quite a few rationalizations for how he thought, and even mocked the same conservatism you are associating him with.

For example,

>Sex is a reproduction system, therefore I think it is wrong to use it for anything else

>sex cannot be justified by psychological bonuses, everything has bonuses and drawbacks
>homosexuality is ignorant because it serves no purpose

Looks like you were purposefully ignoring these, or you just didn't notice them. Either way, you're all the real idiots here.

>> No.6082856

>Sex is a reproduction system, therefore I think it is wrong to use it for anything else

Is it immoral for one to stand on his hands? Hands are not designed to be stood on, but is it immoral to use them for an 'incorrect' cause?

>homosexuality is ignorant because it serves no purpose

define 'purpose'. is pleasure not a purpose? By his standards, most things serve no 'purpose'. again, i dont know what he means by 'ignorant'.

>sex cannot be justified by psychological bonuses, everything has bonuses and drawbacks

so by that line of reasoning, nothing can really be justified. everything has drawbacks, so its best to avoid everything. typical close-minded conservative mindset

> that guy did provide quite a few rationalizations for how he thought

x is wrong because x is ignorant because it is wrong because muh feelings. this isnt a rationalisation.

given his argumentation, i think its safe to assume that most people in this thread are more intelligent than him

>> No.6082861

>Looks like you were purposefully ignoring these

those have been replied to throughout the thread

>> No.6082868
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>Either way, you're all the real idiots here.
>calling others idiots

>> No.6082870

I'm not going to argue with that in his place, because most of that just proves my point further, what with your shitty analogies.

My point was he gave his rationalizations, and you complained that he had no rationalizations. Therefore you were wrong. Also, not being open-minded to HIS arguments makes you the close-minded one.

Also, x is wrong because x is ignorant can be considered a rationalization.

"Jumping off a bridge is bad, because purposefully falling to my death is ignorant."

I think it's safe to assume your a fucking retard.

>> No.6082884
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what makes something 'ignorant'? is this a new /pol/ buzzword?

my analogies were valid, they were just providing a general case for his line of reasoning to operate on. obviously, that line of reasoning would fail given other circumstances, because muh feelings and muh upbringing. if using something for a purpose other than its intended is a moral crime, then standing on your hands is also a moral crime. many things are, by that definition, moral crime. also, calling things 'ignorant' doesn't constitute argument. why is falling to your death ignorant? provide reasoning and full proof.

>> No.6082899

Delete this cancereous thread

>> No.6082902

Don´t call me intelligent. Call me human! This two things are not connectable^^

>> No.6082908

I have heard enough things from the atheists to think that believing in god in a stick is relatively stupid

>> No.6082991
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true love :)

>> No.6083002

Because you create threads like this OP, making him more popular.

>> No.6083030

I hope this kid crashes and burns

>> No.6083258

Why do you hate him?

>> No.6083310

Is it a meme that nobody points out it's obviously fake?

>> No.6083452


>but nothing extensive like the U.S. has the impedes economic progress.
If you think the US's economic growth is stunted by workers' unions, you clearly know nothing about either economics or what's happening in the world.

The US, by most European standards, treats workers quite badly.

>> No.6084245

It isn't fake. Read the thread.

>> No.6084302


Difference between you and Einstein is that Einstein is published in something OTHER than his mother's Youtube account.

>> No.6084350
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>> No.6084366


His mom.

>> No.6084370
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How could someone this autistic have a girlfriend? Does God hate me? If she's not fat then I'm going to an hero

>> No.6084378


Virtually no self-production? Fucking stupid kid. We make some of the most advanced and complicated machines in the world and production of basic products is starting to return to the US with the advent of rising wages in China.

And the debt that America has doesn't mean a shit because our military and reach in trade means that a "FUCK YOU" to us means a "FUCK YOU" to most nations on Earth.

Stupid wanna-be neoliberals

"Durr the mode of production that has been behind USA prosperity has been based on heavy government subsidies of large market players. Oh but we'll whine about the average worker demanding a decent standard of living because they should bear the brunt of market risk and are obviously the major moral hazards in our economy, not the innumerable amount of subsidized industries."

Fucking assholes like you make me want to put a bullet in my head out of being pummeled with such astounding stupidity.

Also lol actually existing Capitalism actually discouraging monopolies as opposed to capital monopolies utilizing their reach to perpetuate themselves.

"Minimal government intervention" is blatant code for "Fuck society and the mass of individuals.".

>> No.6084395


>> No.6084400
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>> No.6084455
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>And the debt that America has doesn't mean a shit because our military and reach in trade means that a "FUCK YOU" to us means a "FUCK YOU" to most nations on Earth.
toplel. another wild retard appears

>> No.6084457

By having self-esteem

>> No.6084469


The kid rips into Einstein? He's okay in my book.

I really hope he tries to prove the whole Primer Fields theory, or the electric universe. If he's coming up with more bullshit that leads science down the wrong road then he can eat a dick, too.

>> No.6084471

>a great deal of /sci/entists and others have had the intellectual capacity to achieve the things that he did at such a young age

citation pls

>> No.6084523
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>Jacob Barnett official website
Not impresse.

>> No.6085633

His mother wrote a book?

>> No.6086849

Link pls?

>> No.6087502

It's "Seppuku" or "Harakiri".
Sudoku is a puzzle game.

>> No.6087519

So what did that kid done?

>> No.6087584

[autism intensifies]

>> No.6087597
File: 925 KB, 260x156, 1375294678568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the joke

>> No.6088340

He is the world's youngest astrophysicist.

>> No.6088350

this made my day

>> No.6088356

Sure, among farmers.

Among astrophysicists, he's a obedient Christian fagabilly.

>> No.6089392

He has published papers.

>> No.6089755

I do wonder if this kid is the next Stephen Wolfram

>> No.6089767

>post jacob barnett
>any thread I want
>300k replies starting

>> No.6089946

>Fucking assholes like you make me want to put a bullet in my head out of being pummeled with such astounding stupidity.
So you want us to continue? Is this bait?

polite sage because this thread is cancer.
ivisitd scathold

>> No.6090388

He's the next John von Neumann.

>> No.6091643

Announcing your sage is against the rules.

>> No.6092563

Sage is not a downvote and when you call the thread "cancer" your sage surely isn't "polite".

>> No.6093554

I like him more than Einstein.

>> No.6094628

Why did he stop posting on twitter?

>> No.6095923

Because he has research to do.

>> No.6097175

What is he researching?

>> No.6097386


yeah, so do I

>> No.6098152

>He has contributed fuck all yet
He has a master's degree at the age of 15 and he has published research papers in theoretical physics.

>how is he this egotistical?
It's not egoistical when you are superior.

>> No.6098163

He's a government tool just like the rest of the scientists that plague Earth. I hope he has a major accident for misleading other children with his cyborg mentally wisdom.

>> No.6098187

>All this hype about him
>He ends up in Astrophysics


Know what building I work in? The Physics & Astronomy building. Astronomy isn't physics, it's for plebs.

If he was truly a genius, he'd be in mathematics. Not hiding in the least rigorous field in physics (arguably not even fully in physics since at least half of astrophysics is astronomy).

>> No.6098196

go home barnett

>> No.6098204

>Know what building I work in? The Physics & Astronomy building

Since when does changing out the trash make you an expert? Contemporary astronomy is physics. Astronomy hasn't been "people standing around looking through a telescope" in almost 100 years. Just because every undergrad intro astronomy courses are half-observational doesn't mean a phD program is.

>> No.6098226

How is he so sure Einstein was wrong

>> No.6098233

I bet this kid will never contribute anything significant to science. High IQ is one thing. Creativity is another. Jackpot is when a person has both of these..

>> No.6098243

Not that guy, buy astrophysics is bull honky.

Seriously, the number and scale of assumptions is so astronomical (no pun intended), that you can't get any real results within +/- 100 deviations i.e. nothing remotely conclusive.

As far as I can see, the only use astronomy/astrophysics has is in trying to find alien life (very unlikely anyway) or a new planet to move to when we inevitably destroy this one beyond liberal savior.

>> No.6098253

>Seriously, the number and scale of assumptions is so astronomical (no pun intended), that you can't get any real results within +/- 100 deviations i.e. nothing remotely conclusive.

Since the number of assumptions is so large you shouldn't have any trouble giving five real-world examples. And I seriously hope you don't quote Inside the Wormhole or something.

>> No.6098262

So much jealousy here.

One thing this thread has taught me is if you show a bunch of autists someone more autistic than them they get really mad.

>> No.6098511

also fellow hoosier here. Actually IU hoosier, nobody gives a fuck about being called hoosier, we actually like it.

>> No.6099042

I am not him.

>> No.6099043

Fuck off, bumpspammer.

>> No.6099158

It's nice that other people are geniuses.

I'll contribute, probably to a lesser extent, but I will.

I'm also selfish enough, strong enough, and thrifty enough to take advantage of shit that might one day give me access to abilites like Terry-boy, and it might be my time then, should I choose to make it so.

In the mean time, I'll study, waste time, masturbate, and keep myself to myself and brag about muh dick, because coupled with a 138 IQ, I guess life hasn't thrown me anything too bad.

So I ain't mad, I'm happy for him, I'm happy for me.

>> No.6099177

Something only an autist would feel the need to reply to.

>> No.6099431

Jacob is living cancer. Think we can slip some cyanide into his drink?

>> No.6099442

so much jelly

>> No.6099471

But didn't Euclid basically use integration techniques in an intuitive way ? Integration theory is a generalization and a formalization of what Euclid did. That's two tremendously important steps, but that doesn't change the fact Euclid (and some others) could handle the intuitions behind integration to some extent. So there's some deal of continuity (if you allow me this joke) between the Ancient Greeks' way of doing mathematics and ours. Also, more rigor and more specific methods of resolution call for more discipline, attention to detail and commitment to an ethic of proof. So I'd say while math education doesn't makes you smarter, it certainly trains your intelligence in a very powerful way.

>> No.6099485

Interesting debate. But maybe you're both too focused one aspect of intelligence. The ability to choose a good formalism, to go one steps further in abstraction, or to give yourself the proper definitions so as to go deeper into a problem is no less important than the ability to come up with an intuitive solution of a problem.

>> No.6099653

He's a kid afterall. I'm pretty sure that you're a jerk too when 13

>> No.6099662

>>When my theories are fully realized, I will be the most famous Indianan #boygenius
this is fucking hilarious.
and obviously a troll

>> No.6099674


>> No.6099690

To be fair he's probably already int the top ten most famous Indianans. Americans have a short memory and he was just in the news.

>> No.6099735

>Implying consent isn't a human construct.

>> No.6099742

Damn, that's a big cat.

>> No.6099746

Obvious samefagging detected

>> No.6099747


Okay that's over the fucking line. He may be a kid, but everyone's turning him into a little turd.

>> No.6099759

Perhaps you aren't fully up to speed on what "rationalization" means. In this context, we use it to mean that a claim has been successfully rationalized. This did not happen, because numerous flaws were pointed out in the claim and he either ignored or shitreplied to each one without a semblance of logical, analytical thought.

This isn't a case of "well, I have my opinions, you have yours, and both are equally valid." If you cannot defend your beliefs then they are useless at best and disastrous to human welfare at worst. This guy tends more towards the latter.
>muh feelings
>muh god exists
>let's justify and promote public policy in direct opposition to fair and just treatment because muh feelings and muh god exists

>> No.6099769

Paper. One paper. He didn't even first author.

>> No.6099772

because muh religion

>> No.6099794

So I just checked this out and he's actually autistic. Like severely autistic? I can't imagine he has any "theories" that will make him more popular. Unless he figures out the equation of the universe...

Which is U=S+T

>> No.6100325

I'm not that guy you're referring to, but I'm Christian as well. I don't see intelligent design and BB/evolution as incompatible, just examples of really intelligent design. Maybe it's because I can't fathom everything the universe had to do to spawn me fell into place, and you can argue if that's a good reason or not, but I do believe God exists.

>> No.6100336

>I really think he is the one spamming 4chan with these threads.

that's deep

>> No.6101220


Check bottom of page

>> No.6101253

is this your personal microblog or what? who cares what you belive in? It's irrelevant.

>> No.6101258

someone ask him what will happen if you heat the star.

>> No.6102298

>lone behold
had me in stitches

>> No.6102437

I hope one day he will tackle the huge unsolved problem of relativistic astrothermodynamics.

>> No.6102441

>I really think he is the one spamming 4chan with these threads.
You're the spamming 4chan with these threads retard.

>> No.6102465

He seems like a pretty cool guy, people appreciate his achievements more when they speak for themselves.

>> No.6102478

No, you are his mother.

>> No.6102516
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