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6071910 No.6071910 [Reply] [Original]

Discussing Occam's Razor (It's a philosophy thing)
so what do you think? is the best explanation/ solution the one that rely's on the least assumptions? in which situations/areas of the world is this true?
since were on the topic of philosophy how is it relevant in today's society and what applications does it have?

>> No.6071914

Not /sci/, fuck off with high school philosophy.

>> No.6071922

Occam´s Razor is actually a huge part of science.

>> No.6071924


Correlation =/= Causation

>> No.6071925

AGW denier detected

>> No.6071928


there is a correlation between the softness of asphalt and the occurence of diarrhea in babies.
Do you think this is a causal relationship?

>> No.6071933

Occam's Razor is a good rule of thumb, but it's hardly a law. Assume simple explanations, test them, then come up with more complex ones if your first hypothesis didn't hold.

But trying to "prove" anything with Occam's Razor is nonsensical.

>> No.6071934

When there's a correlation, there has to be a causation. Denying this simple law would mean denying AGW. Remember the cute polar bears and the dramatic music Al Gore played when showing you all the correlation graphics. Do you really want to deny that humans are responsible for climate change?

>> No.6071940

Car type x colour red vs Car type y colour blue

Blue car wins race

Car type y colour blue is faster

Occams razor :

Blue is faster

>> No.6071945


Philosophy grad here.

Occam's razor doesn't say that the simplest explanation is always the best, it warns against multiplying entities beyond necessity; which is not the same thing.

Essentially, parsimony is a theoretical virtue, so prefer the theory which explains the available phenomena while making the fewest assumptions.

>> No.6071946
File: 35 KB, 353x234, get out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Philosophy grad here.

>> No.6071948

some one seems like they no what theyre talking about, out of curiosity would you recommend going to uni for a philosophy degree?

>> No.6071951


From a personal development perspective, absolutely, nothing better.

From a career development perspective, absolutely not. A STEM subject opens all the same doors to you and then some.

Unless you want to enter academia, obviously.

>> No.6071953

Philosophy question: If I cannot know nuthin, how can I know that I cannot know nuthin?

>> No.6071955


more please. In a new thread if needed

>> No.6071959


>> No.6071962


Just gonna resolve those double negatives before I answer:

'If I must know something, how can I know that I must know something?'

Or in other words: the problem of knowledge. If the condition for knowing something is that I know that I know something, how can I know anything?

Answer: you don't have to know that you know something to know it. Reject that condition on knowledge and the problem disappears.

I should say that I haven't done epistemology since second year, but that sounds about right.

>> No.6071967

Why don't you at least read the first paragraph of the wikipedia article before posting?
>It states that a̲m̲o̲n̲g̲ ̲c̲o̲m̲p̲e̲t̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲h̲y̲p̲o̲t̲h̲e̲s̲e̲s̲, the hypothesis with the fewest assumptions should be selected.

>> No.6071988

>When there's a correlation, there has to be a causation.

how do I into science?

>> No.6071992

>When there's a correlation, there has to be a causation
Maybe I'm wrong but the reasoning of average people is :
A correlates with B
so A=>B (or B=>A)

without taking account a chain of exterior events that explain the link (like A=>C, C=>B, so from a !!!practical!!! point of view, C is a more logical 'cause' than A)

Not sure if I'm clear

>> No.6072028


I mean A causes C and C causes B is still a fairly strong causal relation.

C causes both A and B; or C causes A and D causes B (and both C and D happen to obtain) might be better.

>> No.6072169


>there has to be causation

Even when nobody can find it?

That's faith, my lad.

>> No.6072376

>Occam's Razor

It's more of a heuristic than an accepted truth, really.

>> No.6072394


Not him, but isn't the causation in that case found?
I mean, we consume more, more production, more CO2, less trees etc

>> No.6072396

When I breathe, I produce CO2 too. Does that mean I am responsible for climate change?

>> No.6072399


You know that was a troll, right?

>> No.6073460

Trolling does not belong outside of /b/.

>> No.6073481


>> No.6074543

I don't want to be responsible for climate change.